The Soviet side looked at the list of drawings, which also had many classifications: equipment drawings, architectural drawings, others.

He first looked at everything and found that all kinds of things were very good, and then briefly browsed through the skills, drawings, props, pets, and Cailian area, and saw a lot of things.

But these things that the Soviet side saw were all within the range that he could exchange, and items above 10,000 prestige did not appear at all.

After casually browsing, the Soviet side began to carefully examine the equipment drawings.

Equipment drawings are divided into: weapons, helmets, armor, hand guards, pants, boots, belts, capes, rings, necklaces.

Su Fang mainly looked at the four types of drawings such as belts, cloaks, rings, and necklaces.

Moreover, the Soviet side only needs to buy white quality drawings, because he can fuse the quality of these drawings into a higher level.

The exchange price of these four drawings requires a minimum of five hundred prestige points.

Drawings such as weapons and armor can be redeemed for a minimum of 100 reputations.

However, the four drawings of belts, cloaks, rings, and necklaces are relatively rare and precious, and the price is four times higher than that of weapons and armor.

Moreover, in the entire Lord Continent, no one has burst out these types of drawings, which is enough to see how precious these drawings are.

These four drawings must be purchased, because this kind of drawings can bring great help to the Soviet side and improve the overall strength of the territory.

The improvement of a person’s strength does not have much effect, and the improvement of the entire territory is the real improvement.

The Soviet side carefully looked at these drawings and selected four drawings with good shapes.

[Item: Holy Spirit Belt Drawing].

【Quality: White】

[Introduction: Need to consume silk 1, silk 10].

【Prestige price: 500】

[Item: Xuanhuang cloak drawing].

【Quality: White】

【Introduction: Need to consume fine cloth 5, silk thread 10】

【Prestige price: 500】

【Item: Triumph ring drawing】

【Quality: White】

[Introduction: Need to consume bronze ore 5].

【Prestige price: 500】

【Item: Guardian necklace drawing】

【Quality: White】

【Introduction: Need to consume platinum ore 10】

【Prestige price: 500】

[Prestige-500, redeem the white quality “Holy Spirit Belt” drawing! ] 】

[Prestige-500, exchange for white quality “Xuanhuang Cloak” drawings! ] 】

[Prestige-500, redeem the white quality “Triumph Ring” drawing! ] 】

[Prestige-500, redeem the white quality “Guardian Necklace” drawing! ] 】

After the exchange, the Soviet side used other drawings and began to integrate the quality of these four drawings into green quality.

After the integration was completed, Su Fang asked Zhang Shiyi to learn to build.

It’s not that the Soviet side doesn’t want to fuse higher, but if the fusion is higher, it will not only consume more time, but also need more materials, and the output of such equipment will be greatly reduced.

What the Soviet side wants is mass production, so the green quality is enough, and when there are enough equipment in the future, the Soviet side can integrate and improve these drawings to create higher quality equipment.

The Soviet side opened the drawings of the weapon type, which was subdivided into dozens of equipment types of drawings, and the Soviet side carefully looked for whether there were any drawings of the kind of crossbow and arrow that could be fired continuously.

If that thing could be built, it would definitely be a machine gun on the battlefield.

The idea of the Soviet side is good, but there is no such thing, but there is a drawing of a crossbow arrow capable of firing three arrows in a row, and the quality is still blue.

[Item: Crossbow drawing].

【Quality: Blue】

[Introduction: Need to consume solid wood 5, gold mine 1, animal tendon 1].

【Prestige price: 3000】

The price of this drawing is also not cheap, three thousand prestige value.

Although it was different from what was expected, this drawing was also very good, and it could definitely increase the lethality of the army, and the Soviet side still exchanged it.

[Prestige-3000, redeem blue quality “Crossbow Drawings”! ] 】

These are all equipment drawings, and the Soviet side then looked at the architectural drawings to see if there were any more special.

He only looks at architectural drawings of white quality.

Common drawings are available, ranging from a minimum of fifty prestige to a thousand.

Buildings such as [Water Well] and [Watchtower] only need fifty prestige, and Su Fang found that someone began to buy and build it, and received the Heavenly Dao reward.

There are still smart people, but all this has nothing to do with the Soviet side, he has taken all the rewards he should take.

After the Soviet side saw one of the drawings, it was very interesting, this is a [thatched house] drawing, only fifty prestige, this drawing is indeed good, the price is not expensive, the Su side bought four, but it only cost two hundred prestige.

The Soviet side looked at the drawings that he had never seen, all of them were worth five hundred to a thousand prestige, and these drawings were only of white quality.

A white quality [tile house] building is worth five hundred prestige, but the Soviet side has [courtyards], so naturally this kind of building will not be needed.

The Soviet side even saw the white [Courtyard] drawings, which actually required a thousand prestige.

Su Fang found out how awesome his fusion talent was, and he was able to fuse into such a building.

What the Soviet side wanted to buy the most was a drawing of a [city wall] of a thousand prestige.

But Su Fang felt that as long as his [fence] continued to fuse, he would definitely be able to mutate into [City Wall], so he had no intention of buying.

The Su side continued to look at the other drawings, and suddenly, the Su side saw a [talent market] drawing and looked at the specific information of this building.

【Item: Talent Market Drawings】

【Quality: White】

[Introduction: You need to consume 100 gold coins and 100 wood. 】

[Note: A certain number of people are randomly refreshed every day, men and women randomly. 】

【Prestige price: 1000】

This architectural drawing is very good, can provide the territory with a steady stream of population, and there may even be a variety of talented people.

Anyway, the Soviet side was able to fuse it into a more advanced building, so the Soviet side bought it without hesitation.

[Prestige-1000, exchange for white quality “Talent Market Drawings”! ] 】

Su Fang continued to look at the remaining drawings to see if there were any good drawings, and sure enough, he found several drawings that surprised him.

They are [Iron Mine Field Drawings], [Timber Field Drawings], [Soil Area Drawings], and [Stone Field Drawings].

These are all resource drawings, and the price is also a thousand prestige sheets, but the Soviet side now has a place to mine these resources, and it does not need to be built, so it is not bothered.

The other drawings, Su Fang also looked at them, and did not find the drawings that moved his heart, he felt that many buildings could be fused and mutated, so he did not buy them.

Su Fang looked at those props later, there are indeed many types, there are various magic scrolls, there are also career certificates, white career certificates are at least five hundred reputation, but these professions are only the most common: warrior, archer two professions.

There are also other types of class scrolls, one for a thousand reputations, such as: shield warrior, magician, priest, warlock, lancer, etc.

There are also stronger class scrolls such as: Knight, Summoner, Elemental, Holy Warrior…

These class scrolls require a minimum of five thousand reputation, and they are also of white quality, which was all seen by Su Fang when browsing before, and after his current reputation is not enough, these class scrolls are not visible.

Su Fang also saw the two props of the mission scroll and the hero summoning token, but the white task scroll, Su Fang did not have much interest, and the green one could not even be displayed, because his current reputation was no longer enough to see that kind of scroll.

PS: Kneel for a monthly pass and ask for flowers!!!

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