Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 117 Both Sides Are Their Own People

"It seems that they have recognized the existence of our mercenary force for the time being, so next, how many troops should be hired." Fang Jie frowned.

If it weren't for the mission entrusted by the kingdom, he really didn't want to suffer in a place like the desert.

The ability of the lord really gives some poor or lazy people the best means of development.

Qin Lan nodded, this was something Fang Jie had already decided, and he just followed.

Part of the troops had actually been mobilized back from the desert. There must be a certain amount of troops to protect the hometown. There are too many methods in this world. Who knows if someone will directly attack their territory.

As long as there are some problems in name, then many things will become constraints.

"That's it, let's talk with them. Get things done here as soon as possible, there are still a lot of things to do." Fang Jie rubbed his brows, if it wasn't for the sudden arrival of the Lansha Empire, he would not have stayed. in this desert area.

Qin Lan directly rejected it, after all, living things and undead are different. It doesn't matter how many undead there are or how much is lost. But the loss of creatures is too much, and their clan will have all kinds of problems.

"If you want to convince them completely, then I have to offer some special rewards. For example, corpses, the corpses obtained during the battle are ours, and they have to provide us with more corpses, and there must be certain standards."

Qin Lan thought for a while, then drew a stroke: "One hundred thousand, the scale of one hundred thousand is not bad. Although the undead are relatively fragile, the number is already quite large. We can say that this is the first time we have cooperated, and both parties must exercise restraint."

"It's a lot easier to operate with our people on both sides."

Even if I have nothing to do, I am much more comfortable in other places than here.

Although Fang Jie doesn't seem to care, Qin Lan can feel that many of his subordinates have been a little restless recently. Because I want to climb up, I have some thoughts one by one.

After waiting for the decision, Moral directly hired the upper limit of troops, and then set the position.

"The troops here can't listen to Jia Siwei, but you can tell him the information, so if he can't get enough credit, it can only prove his strength."

"Can we take away only the corpses of the enemy? The corpses of the soldiers on their side are not allowed, but this is normal. If we don't want any corpses on our side, I'm afraid those soldiers will rebel."

Fang Jie doesn't know about these intrigues. Seeing that Qin Lan has already thought about it with himself, he should study how to do it. "Go back and tell Jasmine the news and let him figure it out for himself."

"With the troops we can provide now, even if we hire three million, there is no problem. Relying on the natural danger of the desert as a barrier, I believe that the Blue Sand Empire will not be our opponent if it wants to pay a huge price."

Not to mention the development of the territory, it really needs a person like Jia Siwei. Even if he didn't need it, Qin Lan wanted to support a few stronger opponents, otherwise he would be a little too abrupt.

This scale is enough to make the Blue Sand Empire very vigilant.

Negotiations are going very fast, and Moral wants to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"I didn't think about it clearly, so what do you think?"

Qin Lan is their actual leader, but not in name after all.

Fang Jie nodded and suddenly reacted. No, why does it seem like Qin Lan is making up his mind from start to finish.

Fang Jie has given Jia Siwei a lot of bronze-level stone puppets. This kind of investment is definitely not available for other people.

The troops Moral hired were indeed used to attack the New Moon Kingdom. But Fang Jie didn't expect this position.

Qin Lan also nodded: "Yeah, solve it as soon as possible, my skin has gotten worse these days." Qin Lan didn't know what Fang Jie was thinking, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy.

As long as there is no powerful force, I believe that the Lansha Empire will not take them too seriously.

Fang Jie didn't find it strange, but seeing where the mercenaries were going to fight, Fang Jie laughed.

Indeed, even the bronze rank army has to be hidden, so there are probably not many silver rank here.

"Okay, these things will not be discussed for the time being. Let's go to Origin Town immediately. I have to get these new troops ready first, and then start to develop on the seaside. To develop the sea, these things can only be prepared first."

Qin Lan thought for a while, then continued: "In addition, various other things are also needed. Is it mercenary power? It's normal to want all kinds of things. Generally, mercenaries have their own shipping channels."

This also does not rule out the situation that Jasmine does not have the ability to lead troops.

But then Fang Jie let it go. He is not the kind of person who is jealous of talents. What he values ​​more is his own strength. As for the territory, as long as the troops are in their own hands, there is no need to worry about any problems.

Fang Jie glanced at it, isn't the skin very good, what's wrong, why can't I see it.

"In addition, the upper limit of power is tentatively set at the black iron level, and there can be several bronze-level commanders. This will let them know how much we are hiding, but it will also lower their guessing limit."

Qin Lan also nodded: "With Jia Siwei's ability, under normal circumstances there will be no problems."

No matter how big the surrounding area is, Fang Jie thinks very clearly.

Because I have no clue at all, I don't know what to do at all.

I don't seem to have much use other than making a decision, and I really don't look like a lord.

"I didn't expect it. It's actually this place. It seems that they don't plan to attack, but they think the same as the New Moon Kingdom. This is interesting."

Seemingly noticing Fang Jie's eyes, Qin Lan's expression changed slightly, and then seeing Fang Jie turn his head to leave, Qin Lan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, he is really a guy who doesn't understand the style.

"No, three million is too much. Even for the Lansha Empire, this size is definitely not a small number."

Because the location of the attack was the area where Jasmine was going to attack. Both sides thought of getting together, but after the employment, it seems that Moral's side is stronger.

This statement is quite good, so that the other party can't grasp anything.

Qin Lan obviously saw it too. Although Jia Siwei always wanted to climb up, Qin Lan knew it, but he didn't want to stop him.

"That's right, so be it, what is needed, and what is accepted in return."

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