Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 160 This Is Called A Win Win Situation

"It's a pity, I wanted to get some military exploits, but now there's nothing left. Those damn traitors will never let them go." Thinking of those who escaped, Ermino looked resentful.

Jia Siwei was very happy. All the people he hired back then ran away, but this guy was still gloating.

Now you see, those people are not credible at all. It's ridiculous, thinking that noble status can control them.

When faced with life and death, if killing the nobles can make him survive, Jia Siwei is sure that those guys will do it without hesitation. After that, greatness means being wanted, that's all.

"This matter can't be counted like this, otherwise we won't have any credit at all."

Justin said indignantly: "If only we could find a market, I could get in touch with people and buy a lot of puppets."

Therefore, although there is no market to contact here, Jia Siwei still shouted out.

"What? You said that you can get a puppet, which is great. If you can get a puppet, it will definitely be a great achievement."

"Really? But there must be a market." Jia Siwei said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, the market is handed over to me, and the price can be opened anywhere, but it can't be too high."

Although he said it boldly, Ermino also knew his own situation. If the price is too high, you don't have that many chips in your hands. When the troops are insufficient, the results can be imagined.

"Don't worry about materials and prices, as long as we can keep winning, we can get a steady stream of resources."

Suddenly, a voice from outside rang. The tent was opened, and more people came.

Duojia was fortunate for a while at this time, but fortunately, he felt that he had accepted a favor, so he should come and see it and thank him. The result was hearing such a wonderful plan. Otherwise, if you can't catch up, you will lose the opportunity.

"Thank you two. I promise that as long as there are enough resources, I can get enough puppets. Even if the price is enough, I can even buy iron puppets."

Iron golem? Hearing this, the eyes of the two of them lit up. This is the combat power of the silver level.

At this level of combat power, even the family behind them would not dare to despise them. If you have a team of iron golems, you can get enough attention if you return to the family.

Among the nobles on the border side, very few of their families have gold-level powerhouses.

It can be said that under normal circumstances, the combat power of the silver level is the limit.

"Is this true? If it is true, then you have a bright future in the future."

Duojia also said: "This time your credit is very big, but because of the overall failure, they wanted to be held accountable. You can guarantee to buy a puppet, but I can help you operate it and convert your credit. ."

"I can help too," Ermino said quickly after realizing it.

Jia Siwei also breathed a sigh of relief. He had been guiding him from the beginning, but Ermino was like a fool and didn't expect this at all. If it wasn't for the aristocratic status, why did he exert so much power.

At that time, you will benefit from your efforts in vain, whether you are an idiot or a fool.

Or be smarter, although not a local, but know what you want. In fact, this is not just what Jasmine wants, no big businessman does not want to get aristocratic status.

"Then I'll trouble the two of you. Next, buy the puppets. The two of you will just collect the money. I'm only responsible for buying them."

This means that two people can make an offer at will, and how much they can earn from it is yours. It is a win-win cooperation if you invest in a peach and return it with a li. As for the others, the loss has nothing to do with them.

"By the way, I heard some people slander me before. I don't do business with them."

Those people, Jia Siwei, don't want to pull a hand. If they are allowed to come up, their brains may be troubled by themselves one day. As for attracting them to cooperate, that is no need to think about it.

The guy who has broken his mind, some things will not be considered at all.

"Don't worry, I get it." Hearing this, the two knew that Jia Siwei wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge. That's a good thing, too, and Dorja would have liked Jasmine to do it.

In this way, Jia Siwei can offend some people, and he can take the opportunity to win over himself.

Otherwise, the initiative is occupied by a businessman, which is not good. A businessman is a businessman, and he is a businessman even if he acquires aristocratic status. I am afraid that it will be several generations before they will truly admit that they have entered the circle of the aristocracy.

With the operation of these two people, the above action is very fast.

It is true that Jia Siwei saved a lot of noble children. Originally, they did not look down on Jia Siwei. After all, it was right for the commoners to save the nobles. But now, if they have the opportunity to make their descendants make meritorious deeds, it will be different.

Even if it is a nobility, it is impossible for all descendants to have nobility titles. This is a good opportunity.

So in less than two days, Jia Siwei's award came down.

"Lord, I didn't expect it to be so low. It is really very difficult for the commoners to enter the aristocracy." Jia Siwei sighed, and it was much more difficult than he thought to enter the aristocracy.

The lowest status is the knight, and there are five canonized under his subordinates, but in the eyes of many people, the knight is not a noble.

And lords cannot be hereditary. Many nobles do not have children who inherit the title, and they will get a lord title when they reach adulthood. Their descendants would then become ordinary knights, descending from generation to generation.

Only hereditary nobles can guarantee that their titles will not be downgraded, at least not generally.

But becoming a lord opened the door to aristocracy after all. Next, it's up to you to see how you perform. With so many people accepting their own favors and speaking for themselves, it is much easier to improve their status.

"Really, we have given such a little credit. Our credit is very large. Judging by the nobility law, at least one third-class baron can take our credit."

"Shut up, we were originally civilians. If I could continue to cooperate with them this time and give them a chance, do you think they would give us such a position." Jia Siwei said seriously.

He has already figured out that if he can't continue to cooperate, no matter how great his credit is, at most one knight's position will be lost. Then reward a little material to offset your credit.

The empire cannot allow the poor to advance too easily, they want to control the number of nobles.

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