Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 552 Demigods And Loyal Hearts

In an instant, a death knight appeared on the front wall, beside Fang Hao. m..

"Koster, you are here too." Fang Hao said indifferently without looking back.

"Of course, why don't you come and take a look, after all, everyone is calling at the door." Then Coster locked the tiger man in front of him, which made the tiger man feel even more threatened.

The previous skeleton was obviously a demigod who had completely stabilized itself. This time, a more powerful one came. How could he deal with it. These two demigods alone are enough for the Orc Empire to pay attention.

After all, in the entire orc empire, there are not many strong demigods.

Most of these people are used to deal with the demons in the north, and also to prevent the sneak attack of the elves on the opposite side. There are only two demigods, and it seems that they are not opponents at all, but they can't draw too many people.

This time I came here, and I took some risks. Once the elves seize the opportunity, they will also lose a lot.

"We have no ill intentions. This time, we just came to find out about the situation. Now that we are done, I have to go back. I don't think you want to keep me."

The tiger people are a little fortunate. Fortunately, although they attacked before, they did not kill their legendary powerhouse.

Although some low-level undead were killed, those undead could not be taken seriously.

"Really, but after all, you attacked us and caused us losses." Fang Hao was ready to be tough to the end. Coster, who was on one side, didn't say anything, and just stood by the side.

Two people have not been working together for a day or two. Of course, they know how to deal with certain things.

Besides, Fang Hao is better at these external matters than himself.

"I'll send someone to pay for it later." The tiger man thought for a while, but he finally gave in.

Don't say that you don't want to die here, and it doesn't meet the development needs of the empire. It's better to go back. I believe that bringing this news back is enough to prevent those people from laughing at themselves because of the failure of this operation.

The two people on the opposite side agreed, and the tiger man also turned and left.

At this time, Coster looked in another direction, and took a long time to look back.

"The elf has gone, let's go see the lord. This breakthrough is really different." Fang Hao sighed a little. Although he still maintains the appearance of a skeleton, his life itself has actually changed.

Strictly speaking, demigods belong to a unique special race, which is different from other races originally.

It must be said that they should belong to the Protoss, no matter what the form is, they are essentially the same.

Coster also nodded, no matter what, he must do his own thing well.

At this moment, Fang Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the tiger man leave. How to communicate with the two demigods next, it is really a headache, I am really worried that they will not obey.

Fang Jie took time to open the panel.

Name: Fang Hao (Loyal Heart)

Affiliation: Origin City

Occupation: Skeleton Lord

Talents: Sword Mastery, Skeleton Commander

Rank: Demigod

Law: Death

Divine Power: 1

Strength: 520, Agility: 500, Constitution: 500, Intelligence: 200, Spirit: 200

Death Fight: 1000000/1000000

Magic: Death Qi Sword, Death Servant


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Sp; Skills: Basic Swordsmanship, Parry, Block, Slash Down, Dangerous Strike, Hidden Breath, Suppressive Strike, Death Cyclone, Dou Qi Uplift, Hundred Battles, Sever, Power Burst, Death Qi Haunting, High Speed ​​Recovery

Legion Skills: Infantry Legion Command, Skeleton Square, Siege, Lord Glory

"Very good panel attributes, more than 500 is the attribute of a demigod. But obviously, that kind of performance can never be distinguished by the attribute value. Their performance far exceeds what this value can show."

Fang Jie just glanced at it and quickly understood what the real point was.

The most important thing is probably the newly added features, one is the law, and the other is the divine power value.

As for the skills, there is not much change, but the added magic is different. This is their real ultimate move. Changes in other aspects just add a loyalty to the heart.

Name: Coster (Loyal Heart)

Affiliation: Origin City

Occupation: Death Knight

Talents: Charge, Death Deterrence

Rank: Demigod

Law: Death

Divine Power: 1

Strength: 510, Agility: 520, Constitution: 500, Intelligence: 280, Spirit: 260

Death Fight: 500000/500000

Death Magic: 260000/260000

Magic: Sword of the Dead, Death Coil

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship, Parry, Block, Down Slash, Riding, Charge, Critical Strike, Intermediate Swordsmanship, Shuttle Dart Strike, Homeopathic Slash, Netherworld Slash, Death Strike, Bone Spike, Fear, Wrath of the Undead

Legion Skills: Cavalry Command, Legion Charge, Double Dragon Formation, Cavalry Heavy Pressure

Opening Coster's panel again, Fang Jie felt that this was the same. From the panel, Coster's strength is stronger than Fang Hao, which is the relationship between occupation and race.

Fang Jie's strength is too weak, and he can't feel who is stronger and who is weaker.

In front of him, the two of them seemed to be the vast ocean, and he couldn't see the edge at all.

"I don't know what this loyalty is." Fang Jie felt that this was the most important thing to him.

Loyalty Heart: Subordinates with full loyalty can be obtained after they pass the test and become demigods. Subordinates with a loyal heart will remain loyal to the original master, but their loyalty is not locked. Subordinates with loyal hearts can directly become gods without other conditions, and after becoming gods, they are equivalent to the Holy Spirit.

Looking at it, Fang Jie laughed, and some of the original worries disappeared.

"Sure enough, I know that it is very correct to keep them at full loyalty." Fang Hao once again praised his prudence, because it is only with full loyalty that we can have the label of loyalty.

Although loyalty cannot be locked, they remain loyal to themselves.

That is to say, as long as they don't do anything wicked, they will listen to them even if they are demigods.

Just a few things in the future that need to be taken care of. "It's a pity I don't know how to accept the gods. Is it because my strength is not enough. And what is the Holy Spirit? I also need to collect some information."

Fang Jie doesn't know about these things, but he feels that these things are very important and are related to his future development.

But for now, let's meet the two new subordinates first. After becoming a demigod, you can continue to plan for the next things. It was too aggressive before, and now it needs to be quiet and develop for a while.

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