Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 559: Refuse Their Unreasonable Requests

Looking at the documents that had already arrived in his hands, Fang Jie said, "Have they been arranged for them?"

It is said that most of the demigods of the Orc Empire also used this method to make breakthroughs. Just because it is too dangerous and their technical abilities are weak, this method cannot be used very often.

Anyway, the next step is just bullshitting. As long as the Orc Empire doesn't dare to fight with itself, it is absolutely impossible to threaten itself.

Fang Jie nodded slightly: "Yes, but we must guard against them. Well, their heirs will go to the demigod palace group to study, so that people on both sides of us can feel at ease."

They come from a big family, and they have a special kind of arrogance.

Fang Jie himself was a little disappointed, whether he wanted to bring it was one thing, whether he could or not was another.

Another important point is that Fang Jie needs someone to brainwash their offspring.

It takes time to make the formation, and Fang Jie can only wait for this time.

Not to mention that they still have nostalgia for the Orc Empire, they think they belong to the Orc Empire, and that this territory controlled by the undead is not as good as the Orc Empire. There are even some people who look down on themselves, the human lord, in their hearts.

These are normal, Fang Jie is familiar with this mentality.

The manufacture of these formations requires a lot of materials, but I am different from the orc empire. Although the development time is short and the territory is small, there are definitely a lot of various materials collected by myself.

Fang Hao didn't object this time, because he couldn't follow. Originally, Fang Hao wanted to enter Fang Jie's kingdom of the dead, but suddenly found that the strength of the two was too different, or for some other reason.

Fang Jie has released a lot of inheritances, but none of them are really suitable for them.

Exploration found some worlds, and some specific information was sent back.

sp; But in terms of desperate efforts, it is the strength of the undead. If it weren't for the task of the gods, only the lord could take it, Fang Jie would definitely let his undead go to test it.

And Fang Jie also needs to try it out to see if this method is really no problem at all.

Although the people of that family have become his subordinates, their loyalty is not high.

In terms of development, he is much stronger than those big five and three rough orcs.

Fang Hao nodded: "It has been arranged, their family will become the acting lord of the island, and I will arrange for five legends to stay permanently, which can be regarded as a kind of protection."

The test of one's own undead is a test, it is not the task of the gods, that is not the same thing.

Then Fang Jie opened the thing and saw the complete secret method inside. The secret method is very simple, it is to find an unknown plane that has not been targeted by the hunting grounds of the heavens, and then construct its coordinates.

After this period of investigation, Fang Jie also found that what those werewolves said was basically true.

If the orcs can plan this big, they really aren't orcs. Some orcs can arrange it, but I believe their higher-ups will not agree, because it is too inconsistent with their thinking.

On this day, Anya suddenly came to find Fang Jie: "Master, the Orc Empire sent a document accusing us of taking in their traitors, hoping we can return them."

According to their own calculations, if no other means are used, the loyalty of these people to themselves can reach 60 points and it has come to an end. After all, the two sides are a cooperative relationship, and they do not really respect themselves.

Although the specifics are somewhat unclear, it can basically rule out the possibility that the orcs are calculating themselves.

Next to the coordinates, a special formation is set up to draw on the origin of the world with the help of the power of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

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In this case, like a thief, he can secretly steal part of his power.

"Your safety trumps everything." Fang Hao insisted, and Fang Jie agreed after thinking about it. However, the subsequent experiments forced Fang Jie to give up.

Otherwise, the Orc Empire wouldn't have only such a few demigod-level powerhouses.

Arranging the heirs in the past, on the one hand, can be used as hostages and can threaten their family.

After all, there are not many people in their family, and it is impossible to regard these descendants as useless. .

Anyway, Fang Hao can't enter the realm of the dead. If he can't enter it, Fang Jie can't take it with him.

But soon Fang Jie cleared up his mood. In the past few days, Fang Jie went to the temple every day. After all, exploration missions were not always available. The gods issued exploration tasks to their subordinates, and then let them explore.

"Answer them, these people are our proxy lords, they have not made mistakes in our territory, so we reject their unreasonable demands." Yes, the orcs want those werewolves.

Devouring the world like this is good for the gods. Fang Jie even doubted whether this practice of absorbing the origin of the world was passed down from those gods, and it was only a certain simplification.

Going there to study, you can revise the inheritance and eventually become something suitable for them. This gave them a chance to make a comeback, and it would be strange if they were not grateful.

"You arrange for someone to manufacture these array bases. Make more. We can't use them only once." Fang Jie thought for a while, and immediately began to arrange.

The third day is to study, their family has no inheritance.

With such a step-by-step transformation, all kinds of problems will disappear.

In this way, all the backlashes will go to the hunting grounds of the heavens, but the hunting grounds of the heavens do not care about this backlash at all. Originally, the hunting grounds of the heavens devoured other worlds by force.

And this part of the power has not been marked by the hunting grounds of the heavens before, so that it can be obtained safely.

Fang Jie looked at the report, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Therefore, it must be transformed from their next generation. When his loyalty is high and his strength is strong, he will naturally be able to take over all the rights of the family when he returns home.

"Forget it, it's God's will, you should stay."

"No, you stay and protect the territory, it's enough for me to bring some legends there."

On the other hand, it is also a kind of protection. After all, if you study there, you will be protected by a demigod. Even if the orcs want to attack them, they must consider whether they will be retaliated by the Southern Territory.

On the contrary, this kind of battle will make those werewolves even more determined to themselves. Although it is useless, but who makes himself happy, the price is at most some local battles.

"Lord Lord, I will go with you. It will be safer with me."


After that, the gods will take action, occupy it, and then let the heavens hunting ground devour it. This is their usual style.

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