Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 633 Exploring The Alien Plane

When Fang Jie arrived at that special canyon in the south, it was three days later.

Besides, Fang Jie doesn't believe that the other party can fight against him. A full 400 times the ability of violent soldiers, unless the production speed and resources of the other party can exceed hundreds of times here, how can they keep up with themselves.

The opponent's sword hit the bone of the skeleton, and the bone shattered on the spot like a fragile biscuit.

The valley in front looks similar to an ordinary valley, but Fang Jie knows that this valley is much bigger than before.

As a result, after the direct talks collapsed, the two sides began to fight continuously.

"Then what do we do now, they don't want to negotiate with us at all."

It's not that Fang Jie needs time to hurry, but that it takes time to mobilize troops and investigate premise. As a lord, Fang Jie can't just run around, although he has a very solid control over the territory.

Almost at the same time, the cold air and flames erupted at the same time, the skeleton was frozen on the spot, but the flames were destroyed inside.

The plane on the opposite side is rich in resources and a large number of people gathered together, which actually made them gradually gain momentum.

Seeing that pomp, Fang Jie felt a little uncomfortable, but it didn't make him feel too uncomfortable.

There are some things they can still detect, that is, the people on the opposite side are basically white, mixed with some black people, but there is no yellow person.

Fang Jie, while not a staunch racist, doesn't like these aliens either. When there are yellow people everywhere in the world, and there is no one on the opposite side, it can only prove that they must be rejected by them.

For more specific intelligence information, Fang Jie does not understand, nor does the opposite party.

But there are times when he has to set an example.

There are many people who have developed on the opposite side, and various gold-level arms are everywhere, not all of them belong to one organization.

Nowadays, the valley passage can only accommodate people of the gold level, so the highest level of troops that come over is the gold level.

A few demigods in the territory can feel it more clearly.

As for how much it can be reduced, it is not something Fang Jie can guess.

Other people's attacks also have these special abilities, and some even carry more abilities. These abilities are superimposed, not to mention instant kills at the same level, but they also occupy a huge advantage.

After talking, they also know that the opposite is from an alliance, which should be an alliance of the people of the earth.

Or just call directly, anyway, the attitude is very arrogant.

It is also impossible for the opposite plane to have too powerful resources, otherwise that plane would not allow them to develop.

Either the troops sent by him were killed, or the troops sent from the opposite side were killed by himself. In short, this side is limited to the valley, and the opposite side is also limited to a valley.

Fang Jie looked at the information, and after these three days, some situations on the opposite side have also been explored. The first is that passage. It takes nearly a day to pass through this passage.

"Is this the place? I didn't expect the development of the opposite side to be quite good."

Fang Jie shook his head: "I don't know, if it's a territorial talent ability, it's too messy, it just means that we may not know what the essence is. It's more like the ability of a statue or some special equipment."

"Fortunately, only some human troops have this ability. Will this be a territorial talent ability?"

Therefore, it means that there is still a certain distance from the opposite side. Of course, this is also because the channel itself is relatively small.

Among the materials in the discussion area, there are a lot of records and information about these channels.

"The hearts of people who are not my race will be different, so don't worry too much." Fang Jie said indifferently.

According to the information, the people on my side are below the same level, and they have almost no resistance to the opponent's attack. The skeleton that just passed, faced a human attack from the other side, and was instantly killed.

"Wait, after all, it's a matter of other planes. When this channel expands, we'll send someone over to knock them down." Fang Jie didn't care much.

Fang Jie knew that this was because the power of nature was too powerful. Even if the force is not aggressive, Fang Jie can still feel the pressure. Others whose strength is too low can't feel it.

Qin Lan looked at the information. After Fang Jie's undead passed, he also saw a variety of troops on the opposite side. Although most of them were humans, there were also some other troops, such as undead troops.

Fang Jie can't figure it out either, but he can only guess now.

Even at the level of gold, the opponent can still have more than one enemy.

After all, it wasn't long before the earthlings came to the hunting grounds of the heavens.

It was filled with white clouds and mist, and it looked like a dangerous situation. But in this white cloud, there is a strong spatial fluctuation. With Fang Jie's current strength and the budding state of the law, it can be clearly felt.

No matter how rich a region is, it is incredible that it can develop to this level in such a short period of time.

"Looking at this information, I am afraid that the other side has mastered a lot of special weapon strengthening abilities."

"The opposite should also be people from the past of our earth. They have united to develop a huge alliance. It seems that the strength is very strong, and they all have the intention to attack our side."

It is impossible for the other party to answer, and there is no way for him to find out more.

Fang Jie is now certain that this channel is not thought to be manufactured, but naturally formed by accident. Although there are not many natural passages that cross different planes, they are definitely not uncommon.

It's just that when Fang Jie wanted to communicate with the other side, the other side made a direct statement, as if they thought they were stronger and put forward conditions for Fang Jie to join them unconditionally, and they had to obey their rules and regulations.

Usually, the more resource-rich the plane, the more powerful the race is, and the race is difficult to develop later.

Fang Jie nodded: "Indeed, it is impossible to grow to this extent without some means."

That volatility brought Fang Jie a huge sense of crisis, as if facing a tiger.

Different from Fang Jie's side, because the resources are not so rich, and Fang Jie's own development is too fast. As a result, the others did not develop at all, and were either swallowed or destroyed by Fang Jie.

For example, if you want to go to the Southern Territory, those acting lords in the Southern Territory cannot remain indifferent. Fortunately, all this is managed by the cabinet, but Fang Jie does not need to arrange it himself.

Because it is a natural channel that has just been formed, this channel is still expanding. As the channel continues to expand, the time that can pass will also continue to decrease.

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