Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 674: Basin And Light PokéMon

After running far away, Fang Jie felt the fluctuations coming from behind.

"The power of Death, the power of light, and some other powers, seems to be fighting."

Fang Jie relaxed, the place where he just fought was where he was attacked. Although the feeling is not so precise, it is basically certain, which is enough.

In an instant Fang Jie thought of the reason, probably because he did it himself to attract some people.

There are always some people who are very curious and want to see it. The local natives probably felt this kind of fighting and wanted to go over to investigate, but they started fighting in such a place.

In a sudden battle, it is not clear who will win in the end.

But now that it's done, the aura over there will be even more chaotic. Unless you can leave behind images of yourself doing it before, it will be even more impossible for people to find out that you did it yourself.

"If you are targeted by the gods, it is your own business, not mine."

Fang Jie said secretly in his heart, and then speeded up. He didn't dare to say the name of the god casually, because once he said it, it was easy to be touched by the god, which would be troublesome.

Especially this kind of new god, the believers are not well-known and not very famous. Once they sense it, they are likely to guess something.

Fang Jie doesn't know what power the gods have, but it's always right to be careful.

Fang Hao took Fang Jie to speed up and left the area not long after.

"Lord Lord, look at the terrain over there, it seems to be very good." Fang Hao pointed to a plateau in the distance. No, this is not a plateau, the texture looks like a mountain.

But this is not an ordinary mountain, but a crater with a basin inside.

The whole looks like a super-large Meteorite pit. However, this Meteorite pit protrudes toward the ground, not the kind that sinks directly.

The interior is low and surrounded by natural walls, making it a good place.

With a little modification, it can be a very good defensive place.

While perceiving, Fang Jie released his improved Death crow to watch from the air, which was more intuitive.

"It seems that this spell also needs to find a replacement. The Death Crow is a spell with the dark attribute. I can't evolve it to the legendary level for the time being, or I don't know if it will pollute Germination. I'll change it another day."

Fang Jie sighed while using it, and did not waste any time to observe.

Inside that huge special basin, a large number of trees grow, and it can be said that it is a small forest.

In this kind of place, there is no problem with being self-sufficient. There is only one exit in the entire basin.

There are large springs inside, spewing water to a small elevation, where a waterfall is formed. The water flow of the waterfall forms three distinct rivers in the basin, covering almost the entire basin.

It is because of the relationship of these three rivers that the ecology inside can be kept so prosperous.

However, Fang Jie can also see some artificial traces, which should not be completely like this.

Eventually the three rivers meet at the end and flow out near the exit. Half of the exit is the river, and the other half is the gate, which makes the attack even more difficult.

There are some wooden houses like the Primal tribe, inhabited by a species that Fang Jie is very familiar with.

"Isn't this a light Pokémon, I didn't expect that the first creature I encountered in this world was this kind of thing."

Fang Jie is very familiar with Light Pokémon. When he attacked Jinsha Island, the species there was Light Pokémon. Pokémon alone is a single-minded mind, which also left a deep impression on Fang Jie.

These guys hardly think about other things. As long as they think they are evil, they will find a way to clean them up.

Even if they die, no matter how much they pay, they will never compromise. This kind of personality makes them not very popular among Pokémon. But equally, Pokémon never thought they would give up justice, and believed in them very much.

Another point is the styling, and the styling of these light Pokémons is really cool.

Both men and women look like works of art. Especially those women, Fang Jie couldn't bear to start. It's just a pity that those light Pokémons were really Mikey's roots.

It is said that after being sent to the black country of Entei, these guys and the black flame Pokémon have no less conflicts.

"I don't know what the native light Pokémon in this world is like. Forget it, we'll talk about it after we kill it. If you can surrender, you can accept it. If it's still the same, you can destroy it."

It's not a species anyway, and it's not a creature of a world.

It's a pity, but for your own safety, let these light Pokémon die.

All in all, Fang Jie took a fancy to this place, and the local light Pokémon has no strength to guard it, that's all. Fang Jie didn't do anything else, just released the undead he was carrying.

Although not full of one million, most of what Fang Jie brought were not fissioned.

Even some Charon dragons are the same, and Fang Jie launches Undead Fission as soon as they come out. The number of these undead swelled rapidly in an instant, and it didn't take long to overwhelm the sky.

"Go, block the mouth of the valley, intercept some in the air, and take the basin as quickly as possible."

Fang Jie gave an order and all the undead moved.

And those light Pokémon also found something wrong. Although they didn't know why so many undead suddenly appeared outside, they also knew that it was dangerous today. By the time they passed the news, the undead had already arrived at the door.

Poison Bone Soaring Dragon opened Toxic Realm, and instantly countless light Pokémon were poisoned, and they began to treat them one after another.

"There are so many mages, all of them are light Attribute mages."

Fang Jie drooled while watching, this type of mage has too few own territories. In fact, not only himself, but the entire undead system lacks this.

Although they themselves are not very useful, after all, they themselves are restrained by the Light Attribute.

"What's going on, why are there so many undead suddenly, everyone is on guard, fighting to the death."

As soon as the leader of the Pokémon light saw a large number of undead in the air, his face became solemn. These undead are all at the gold level, and even the weakest ones can't even see a silver level.

And the leader is of the legendary level. How come there are so many? This number is completely beyond their ability to fight. Today, we can only fight to the death. We must buy time for the old and young of the tribe to escape, and the leader makes a decision in an instant.

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