Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 109: Prestigious

   "Please ask the general about Hedong."

   The pier in Xia Town is moored with three walking boats, thirty sentry boats, and several fishing boats, sending the first batch of soldiers and horses-Zhou Yafu's small willow operations to Hedong.

   Chutian still has to stay in Xiazhen, and assign a general to siege the city.

   Zhou Yafu asked: "What if the villages and towns in Hedong are captured?"

   "Xia Zhen will send officials to take over, so you don't need to pay attention to the next thing."

   "At the end, I will do my best to capture more villages and towns."

   Zhou Yafu led Xiliuying on the expedition. Teams of elite infantry boarded the wooden boat. Some Xiliuying infantry had been equipped with two armors, and some soldiers still had leather or cloth armor.

   Xiliuying will cross the Yihe River to expand the territory of Xiazhen.

   Zhou Yafu personally commanded a walking warship.

   He is not very good at water warfare, so he can barely make do with it.

   Chutian can already imagine the fear of the lords in the east of the Yihe River when they see Tier VI arms.

   In the middle and early stages, Tier 6 arms are almost invincible, and the only thing that can stop them is probably only city walls and crowded tactics.

   Zhou Yafu's fleet left Xiazhen and headed for the village on the opposite bank.

   "Don't you need your subordinates to conquer Hedong?"

   Mulan is eager to try.

   "There is still someone to guard Xiazhen and respond to threats that may come from other counties."

   Chutian didn't send out Hua Mulan as well, so he can only rest assured that he always has a historical general with him.

   The threat from Yangdu County has not been lifted. Had it not been for the Taishan thief Changxun who suddenly supported the War Soul Guild, Chu Tian would definitely annex the territory of the War Soul Guild completely.

   In addition to threats from Yangdu County, there are also threats from Taishan County, Donghai Country, and Xiapi Country.

   Chu Tian knows very little about these places.

   sailed on the mighty Yihe River, the widest part of the river reached three or four kilometers.

   Zhou Yafu tapped his fingers on the edge of the female wall, making a small sound.

   "The first village is Majiaji."

   Before setting off, Chu Tian had collected information on the other side of the river from nearby townspeople, and then drew it into a sketch for Zhou Yafu's use.

   Majiaji is located not far from Xiazhen, also in the south of Kaiyang County, but belongs to the territory of another high lord.

   "According to the description of the villagers from Majiaji to Xiazhen to trade, the village built two arrow towers in the direction of the river under the order of their lord. If Majiaji is attacked, there will be no small losses."

   "You disguised as fishermen and pedestrians and went to attack Majiaji."

   Under Zhou Yafu’s order, more than twenty Xiliuying infantrymen disguised as fishermen and approached Majiaji in a fishing boat in Xia Town.

   Ma Jiaji did not expect that Xia Zhen would suddenly attack him, and unsuspectingly, he was taken over by the Xiliu Camp soldiers who suddenly turned their faces.

   "Surrender and not kill!"

   Xiliuying soldiers quickly occupied the two wooden arrow towers, condescending, and covering Zhou Yafu's large forces to control Majiaji.

   A group of people fled from Majiaji, and the village chief was captured by Xiliu Camp.

   "My lord, our Majiaji and Xiazhen have recently exchanged trades, but we haven't offended Xiazhen. Why do we occupy our village?"

   "Your lord has fornicated the Yellow Turban thief, so the county lieutenant asked me to capture him to Xiazhen."


   The village head of Majiaji quickly understood.

   This is a crime of wanting to add to it.

Chu Tian, ​​the lord of    Xia Town, still bears the title of Kaiyang County Lieutenant on his head, a serious eight hundred officials appointed by the court.

  The county lieutenant is in charge of the public security of Kaiyang County, and he just accuses you of having a relationship with the Yellow Turban Army.

   "Sun Liuwan, your navy camp stayed at Majiaji."

   Zhou Yafu ordered Sun Liuwandai under the command of the navy to control Majiaji and act as a transit point for communication with Xiazhen.

   He wants to occupy the opponent's important villages and towns as quickly as possible before the opponent's lord reacts, forcing the opponent to make concessions, or even surrender.

   Zhou Yafu marched fast, and a fast horse rushed into a nearby town, alarming the lord who owned Majiaji.

   "My lord, an army attacked Majiaji and Guojiazhen from the Yihe River! Majiaji and Guojiazhen were unprepared, they were captured by the opponent without a single soldier!"

   "Water bandits?"

   "I don't know."

   "Come on, immediately summon the soldiers and horses of the nearby town!"

   "But... it may be too late!"

   "How many soldiers are there in our town?"

   "There are less than two hundred people, the main force is sent by you to suppress the bandits."

   "Damn it, why is someone sneaking on my territory at this time! Recruit the courage in the town, stand by the town, and wait for the reinforcements to come back!"

   This unlucky town was in a turbulent situation. Hundreds of Xiangyong were forced to become strong men and came to the city wall to assist in the defense.

The lord    brought two low-rank military commanders up the city along the stone ladder, and found an elite infantry lined up below.

   This infantryman said that there were not too many, and said that there were not too many. There were five hundred men in total. The soldiers held two banners, "Xia" and "Zhou", one was the flag of forces and the other was the flag of generals.

   The halberd-bearing infantry in the front row of Xiliu Camp wore two armors, which was daunting.

   Soldiers have standard iron armors, which means that the forces are strong!

   The soldiers lined up under the town are neatly formed. He compares the infantry in his town, and his face is even paler.

  The soldiers near the city may not be low-level arms, but may be middle-high-level arms.

   Then the commander of this unit is... a historical general?

   Thinking of this possibility, the lord shuddered. Historical factual generals plus high-level arms, how to fight this battle~www.readwn.com~ The mayor asked: "Who is your lord? Or are you the lord?"

   "Our lord is nicknamed...'I just want to farm well'."

   Even the serious Zhou Yafu felt somewhat ashamed when he said Chu Tian's nickname.

   How could my lord have such a strange nickname...

   To the lord on the opposite side, this name was like a bolt from the blue.

Not many people know Chutian's real name, but his name in the game is like a thunder in the East Han District!

  The first epic battle in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Yellow Turban Rebellion", ranked first in the leader list of the Han court!

"Fuck, such a behemoth is by my side! On the side bed, how can I allow others to snore, I'm in trouble this time. His town must have reached level three, and there are historical military generals and high-level troops. I There are only second-level towns, how do you fight this?"

   The lord said to himself, pacing nervously on the wall.

   The generals under his command were puzzled, his lord seemed to be very afraid of Chu Tian.

   "How many towns does your lord have?"

   The lord asked Zhou Yafu anxiously about his opponent's strength.

   Zhou Yafu replied indifferently: "More than ten."

   "Ten...ten...you open the door to welcome this general, and give me a bit..."

   There are only two towns across the river from Xia Town. One was attacked by Zhou Yafu, and only one second-level town remained. He couldn't beat each other, so he chose to surrender without a fight.

   "The lord's reputation is really good among strangers, but the nickname is a little weird..."

   Zhou Yafu discovered that he reported Chutian's nickname. As long as the opponent has no alliance, he will probably surrender after showing his force in Xiliuying.

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