Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 131: Change of small and medium lords

  Langya Country Yangdu County Zhanhun Town, Qi Xiaobai, who has Wu Sangui as his subordinate, is not eligible to participate in the national war.

   His power was defeated by the guild of Chutian and Xueyue, and he was recuperating, and he did not even have enough resources to upgrade the third-tier town to a city.

   After the battle in the northern part of Kaiyang County, he finally gathered five thousand taels of silver to feed the Taishan thief Changhe.

   Qi Xiaobai learned that the Luoyang Conference was over, and clenched his fists: "If it weren't for farming, my Battle Soul Town could be upgraded to Battle Soul City! I also want to fight on behalf of the Eastern Han Dynasty. But he ruined my future!"

  The battle spirit guild forces are huddled in the southern part of Yangdu County, with limited development space, he dare not attack and open Yang County.

   "Why bother the lord, there is no way out of the sky."

   Wu Sangui learned of Qi Xiaobai's troubles and immediately made suggestions.

   Qi Xiaobai is already somewhat dependent on Wu Sangui now. As for the other lords of the guild, after Qi Xiaobai's cemetery for compensation, as Qi Xiaobai's prestige has dropped significantly, the lords of the guild have actually not listened to his orders much.

   "The lord can use these three months to unify Yangdu County, annex allies, and then send his troops south to attack Xiacheng."

   Wu Sangui proposed.

   "I just want to farm well, and his territory is protected. Besides, I can't do things with a knife behind my back, so I will become a sinner through the ages."

   Qi Xiaobai still has a distinction.

Wu Sangui continued to admonish: "No, soldiers, deceit, and benevolence will only lead to failure. Since the lord cannot attack the protected Xiacheng, why not attack Xueyue Town? When the lord of Xiacheng loses his troops and returns, you will Sitting on thirty towns, you can take down Xiacheng in one go."

   Qi Xiaobai fell into deep thought. The strategy proposed by Wu Sangui is very clever and feasible.

Annexed the land of other lords of the War Soul Guild, and then attacked Xueyue Town when Chu Tian’s main force was not in Kaiyang County, annexed the land of the Wolf Guild, and finally fought a decisive battle with Chutian who had returned from the national war. The probability of winning is very easy. high.

   Defeated Chutian after the National War, and other players in the Eastern Han District could not say anything.

   There is another extremely advantageous condition.

   Xueyue, the lord of Xueyue Town, participated in the national war as a guild. Her territory was not protected by the system, and the main force of the wolf guild left, just to take advantage of the void.

   Therefore, Wu Sangui's proposal is feasible and can solve the dilemma he faces.

   is just immoral.

   Ming knew that Xueyue took the main force of the Wolf Guild to participate in the national war, stealing home during this period...

   Qi Xiaobai rubbed his temples painfully: "Let me think about it."

   "Lord, please think twice. Maybe this way, you will be able to sit on Yangdu and Kaiyang counties, and then unify Langya country and have the capital of the Central Plains."

  Wu Sangui left after making a statement. He believed Qi Xiaobai would act for him.

   Because no one can refuse the temptation of power and desire.

  Eastern Han District, some small and medium lords have their own concerns.

   The most powerful group of lords go to fight the national war, but the small and medium lords are not eligible to participate in the war.

   For them, this is a good thing.

   The lords who devoured the whales stopped their expansion, and they could get a three-month precious rest period.

  The existence of a national war is not only a clash of different civilizations, but also a protection for small and medium lords. Small and medium lords can develop calmly, and may even accumulate strength, form alliances, and defeat the high lords.

   For the high lords, they hope to get rich rewards in national warfare, and to gain prestige among players-to become a hero in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The hero raises his arms, and many players will come and rush. This is the benefit of prestige.

   Four Worlds and Three Publics are more than just talking about capital, they can bring tangible benefits-talents turn for themselves.

   Chutian left Langya City and returned to Xiacheng.

   Fang Xuanling, Li Li, and Xiacheng Liang came to greet him. Chutian is the core of Xiacheng's power at present. Without heirs, if Chutian is gone, Xiacheng's power will surely fall apart.

   Li Di reported on the harvest: "Farmers are still harvesting crops, and most of the progress has been completed. The harvested grain is handed over to the part of the lord's mansion and then transported into the granary."

   "Can there be any trouble?"

   "It never happened."

   After Chutian comes back, he must consider who to play.

   Zhou Yafu, Li Guang, and Hua Mulan are definitely going to be taken. They are currently one of the few heroes in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   There is also Fang Xuanling. Before, Chu Tian did not deliberately bring Fang Xuanling. Because of small-scale battles, Fang Xuanling can easily win without Fang Xuanling.

   Zhou Yafu went to fight Hedong Nine Towns, and Chu Tian only sent a Liu Sandao reinforcement.

   This time is different. Chutian needs to command 25,000 people. Without a qualified military division, he might be in a hurry.

   Fang Xuanling is logically Li Shimin’s courtier. In history, he was unable to fight with the army because of his old age and frailty. Therefore, when Li Shimin attacked Liaodong, Fang Xuanling was guarding Chang'an.

   Chutian owned Fang Xuan with a different age, young and strong.

   Except for Li Li, other historical heroes were all placed on the list by Chutian.

   This raises another question-who will stay in the territory?

   Within three months of the national war, all players' systems were cut off, and Chutian could not grasp the situation in Xiazhen.

   Those who stay in the territory must be capable and loyal.

   The conservative Zhou Yafu should have been a suitable candidate~www.readwn.com~ but Zhou Yafu cannot be missing for the national war.

   Hua Mulan is good at attack, Zhou Yafu is good at defense, and Li Guangshan is shot. Which one of them is missing will have a great impact on Chu Tian.

   Li Mi's loyalty can be guaranteed, but there seems to be something missing.

  In the end, Chutian decided to let Li Li, Xia Liang Liang, and Liu Sandao stay in Xiacheng together.

   During the National War, Chutian’s territory was protected by the system. If someone attacked his territory, the opponent’s morale and morale would be reduced to a minimum, and the status of the lord would be taken away.

   Chutian is not worried about the territory being attacked, what he is worried about is the changes in the nearby situation.

   Some small and medium lords in the vicinity will take advantage of his absence to make arrangements, or even merge with each other to form a high lord, and someone must help him to monitor the nearby forces.

   Chutian was ready to lose half of his troops.

   He came back from the battlefield of Anshicheng, it will be his weakest time.

   "Military division, this is the list of personnel who will leave for the expedition and stay at the stronghold. You can give your opinion."

   Chutian asked Fang Xuanling's opinion in advance.

Fang Xuanling looked through the list carefully, and nodded slightly: "The lord will leave from time to time in the future. In most cases, Miss Xia may have to stay behind, because she is the only alien under the lord's hand who is in a high position. She can deal with Xia Cheng and the alien. Relationship. But her loyalty is unsure."

   Chutian can’t deny it. Players and historical heroes are very different. They don’t have loyalty.

   "How do military advisers think they should guarantee the loyalty of the opponent?"

   "The fastest way to make a woman loyal is of course to possess her."


   Chu Tian did not expect that Fang Xuanling, who was afraid of his wife, would have such dangerous thoughts. He seriously suspected that Fang Xuanling was a eloquent theoretical school.

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