Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 149: Feature reward

   "Ding! The battle of Anshicheng was won by the Eastern Han Civilization, and all Eastern Han players gained twice as much military merit in this battle."

   "All Eastern Han players and lords will be reported to leave the battlefield in five hours. Please count the trophies in time."

   Chutian didn't pay much attention to the system's announcement. He was checking the ten high-quality Turkic horses rewarded by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin.

   [Name]: Superior Turkic Warhorse (Diamond Class)

  [Load]: A[Speed]: A

   [Endurance]: S [Impact force]: B

   [grain and grass]: 10 units/year

   [Description]: One of the first-class war horses dedicated to Tian Khan by the Western Turks, suitable for light cavalry.

   Chutian saw Liangzhou Malaysia in the horse market in Luoyang. This is a high-quality Turkic horse with the same value as Liangzhou Malaysia. It is estimated that the price is more than 50 gold.

   Li Shimin generously rewarded him with 10 good horses, equivalent to 500 taels of gold.

   Turkic war horses suitable for light cavalry are not necessarily available in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Fang Xuanling circled the Turkic horse a few times: "This horse has thick bones, high and broad, eyes like a hanging mirror, head like a brick on the side, and legs like a deer but round..."

   "Ahem, sergeant, you can be more straightforward."

   When Chutian heard Fang Xuanling's description, his head grew big.

   Fang Xuanling concluded: "This is a good horse."


   Unlike Xiliang horses, Turkic horses are suitable for light cavalry, not heavy cavalry.

   "You have one horse each."

   Chutian generously donated the horse to his military commanders.

   Such a good horse is simply a violent thing for ordinary light cavalry, but it is just right for generals, and it can be used to escape at critical moments.

   The equipment and horses of Xiacheng generals were also replaced in this national war. For example, Hua Mulan now owns two Tang knives, a horse 槊, and a first-class Turkic war horse. The total equipment of the whole body is worth a hundred gold.

   will be teleported out of the battlefield in five hours. All lords and players are counting the loot.

   Fang Xuanling was responsible for counting all the gains of Xiacheng soldiers: “A total of 147 Koguryo heavy cavalry, 311 light cavalry, 712 infantry and archer were captured, more than 500 horses of various kinds, hundreds of armors and shields.”

   "How much is the loss?"

   "The Xiliu Battalion lost 221 people, the Shooting Battalion lost 144 people, the light cavalry lost 271 people, and the rest were injured."

   "Such a loss is too great."

   Chutian found that Xiliuying, who was good at defense, had lost two hundred people. The Archery Battalion lost relatively little because it hid behind to shoot arrows. However, Li Guang, the chief general of the shooting sound camp, was too lucky. He was shot by Yang Wanchun's cold arrow and suffered minor injuries.

   Chu Tian also had a headache for Li Guang’s luck.

   After the entire national war, he won a total of 23,522 military merits. After doubling, he gained about 47,000 military merits.

   "I have 34,000 military merits."

  Prince Yan has gained a lot of military merits because of his military commander Di Qing.

   "I only have 16,000 military merits."

  Tian Qi of Pingyuan County is a little worried. His Jizhou crossbowmen have not shot many enemies. If it were not for the victory of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he would only have 8,000 military merits.

   Chutian glanced at the leaderboard, he ranked first.

   The second place is Lao Qin, with 42,000 military merits. His military commanders Mengwu and Meng Tian won military merits in battle, as well as the construction of earthen mountains. Because the Tushan Mountain collapsed and destroyed the city wall, not only did he not be blamed by Li Shimin, but instead he gained a lot of military merits and also a few Turkic horses. For such a result, Lao Qin was also helpless. Part of the reason for the collapse of the earth mountain was a calculation error.

   The third place is a small soldier at the border in the late Ming Dynasty, who won 38,000 military merits. His cavalry gained a lot of military exploits when attacking the reinforcements of Goguryeo, especially his Liaodong cavalry, who cut thousands of Goguryeo soldiers under the leadership of Li Chengliang, and the Mingguan army also fought hard when attacking the city.

  The fourth place is the lord of Liangzhou Xu Fengnian, who won 37,000 military merits. The Xiliang cavalry is no weaker than the Liaodong cavalry. He also has Li Shimin's great ancestor Li Hu as the commander of the Xiliang cavalry.

the fifth place……

  Prince Yan was ranked seventh, which Chu Tian did not expect.

   "I can only bring two thousand peasant army... If I can bring twenty thousand peasant army, my ranking would not be so low."

   Hanzhong leader advocated Dao as one of the top ten army commanders, but only ranked nineteenth. His yellow turban is long, the army is not strong, and he lacks cavalry. He adopts the tactics of winning by quantity. In the first national war, he could not exert any advantage.

   "The first place is farming again, he is in Xuzhou, I am in Qingzhou. If he can survive, there will be a battle in the future."

   Young Master Zhao from Qingzhou was ranked ninth. Seeing that the first place was Chutian whose territory was in Xuzhou, I was worried.

   To the north of Langya is the Beihai Kingdom. If you say it’s not near, you say it’s not far.

   After the national war is over, returning to their respective territories, the lords will conflict and merge due to territorial and interest issues.

   Langya Kingdom Chutian will acquire a characteristic of Li Shimin, which is really a painful thing for Zhao Gongzi who is located in Beihai Kingdom. His enemy may be very powerful in the future.

   "Goryeo Stick will never dare to be arrogant anymore!"

   The lord of Jiuyuan County of Bingzhou, Dahu, touched his bald head, and was overjoyed after winning the national war.

   The lords present couldn't help nodding their heads.

   The lords of the Goryeo Kingdom have always been defiant, thinking that the entire universe belongs to them. This national war let them know what is called the Kingdom of Heaven.

   "Gong Ziwen, your territory is in East County, and Cao Cao is also in East County. You may be in trouble next."

   Before leaving, Chutian met the temporary men of the Second Army.

   These people may become allies in the future.

Gongziwen didn’t care very much: “I have the famous general of Wei State, Pang Juan. As long as I recruit Wei Wuzuo, I may not be able to compete with Cao Cao. If I can defeat Cao Cao, I might be famous in one battle. If I lose, I will go to Xuzhou. Take refuge in you."


   Chutian is only joking as Gongziwen.

   Gongzi Wen's Pang Juan can be regarded as a famous general. The most enviable thing is not Pang Juan himself, but Pang Juan's unit-Wei Wuzu, one of the top infantrymen in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and also above the Xiliu Camp.

   "Western Liaoning is close to Eastern Liaoning and controls the West Liaoning Corridor. It is the site of the Four World Wars, and there are attacks from the Xianbei tribe on the prairie. Can your Di Qing stop these pressures?"

   "You should pay attention to your plain. Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, and Han Fu may all compete in Jizhou and Qingzhou."

  All the lords knew that after the first national war, all the lords would devote themselves to expanding their territories.

   The progress of the Eastern Han District in "Lord" has been accelerated due to player intervention, and changes have taken place-Cao Cao has become the prefect of Shangdong County. Cao Operation was the first vassal in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and his development determined the pattern of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   If Cao Cao is allowed to start recruiting and expanding his territory now, it is estimated that the entire Eastern Han District will be in chaos.

  Anshicheng is still full of smoke, and it has nothing to do with the lords of Chutian.

   Chutian and his party were ashamed because of the end of the war.

   Mingguan brought two generals to find Chu Tian: "I lost to you and Lao Qin this time because you completed some of the tasks assigned by the Tang army. You may not have as many of me as you really kill the enemy."

   Chutian looked at the generals behind Mingguan, the two generals were murderous, and they knew they were the Titans at a glance: "Completing the task has more contributions than simply killing the enemy. Should your subordinates be Shishi generals?"

  Mingguan does not seem to intend to conceal: "Li Chengliang and Zu Dashou. They will be the nails that prevent the Lord of Goryeo from entering Liaodong. With them, I will drive the Lord of Goryeo who tried to enter Liaodong to feed the fish in the river."

   "So it was them."

   Chutian is quite familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, and these two people are quite famous.

   Qi Jiguang in the southeast, Li Chengliang in the northeast. When Li Chengliang was in Liaodong, the Jurchen and Mongolian tribes did not dare to breathe.

   "I have completely defeated all the small and medium lords in Xiangping County. I will soon sweep the entire Xiangping County, and even conquer Xiangping County, can you keep up with me?"

   Mingguan is somewhat provocative.

   After the first national war, the lords are not allies. Even if they fight, there will be no moral constraints.


   Chutian was also thinking about attacking Langya City, which was exactly the same as Mingguan’s strategy of cleaning up the small and medium lords and besieging the county.

   "You really have confidence in yourself, really envy you, Kaiyang County, Xuzhou, there is not much pressure there."

   "Liaodong has the advantage of producing horses."

  Chutian and Mingguan compete against each other.

   However, their territory is separated by the sea, and there will be no direct conflict of interest in the short term. At most, they have been overwhelmed in some activities, and they are a little unhappy.

   Tang Jun reorganized the formation, knowing that the lord of the Eastern Han District was about to leave. The black-cloud-like mysterious cavalry stopped, and the sharp horses pointed towards the sky.

   Seeing Jia Guanglin's Datang Legion, the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty couldn't help but boil with enthusiasm.

   Someone of them may be able to form an army of hundreds of thousands, just like Li Shimin's army in front of them!

   "We should prepare to leave."

   Chutian once again confirmed that everyone had returned to the team and that all the spoils had been brought.

   Thousands of Goguryeo captives are also trophies.

   These captives may become the cannon fodder of Xiacheng, or they may become coolies of Xiacheng and contribute to Xiacheng.

   National War Reward, which has not been liquidated yet.

   By convention, Chutian should have the characteristics of Li Shimin.

   As for the characteristics of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, no one knows. Because no one can recruit Li Shimin.

   Li Shimin has at least four or five characteristics, which are basically positive characteristics.

   Chutian wondered if his commander had negative characteristics, maybe he would get it.

   Li Shimin’s black spot lies in the change of Xuanwumen, fighting for the crown prince, and forcing his father, Emperor Li Yuan, to abdicate.

   If a negative characteristic of "father kindness and filial piety" is obtained, Chu Tian would probably cry without tears.

   A soldier in white clothes appeared among the Tang army and witnessed the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty leaving.

   Chutian was quite sure that he was Xue Rengui, but he never had a chance to solicit. Moreover, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream to recruit Xue Rengui in the Tang army.

   The lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty wanted to recruit a fierce general like Xue Rengui, he still had to rely on the hero recruitment order.

   Five hours later, all the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty were told to leave the battlefield.

"This time I lost to me and I just want to farm well. He already has the characteristics of Lu Zhi or Huangfusong, and now he has the characteristics of Li Shimin. He may become the most powerful lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty. And in me, Not a single feature."

   Mingguan returned to Liaodong County, a little unwilling.

   "Ding! You get the characteristic of the Tang Dynasty General Ashina Sheer, ‘long drive straight into’."

   Mingguan heard the notice and couldn't believe it.

   He did not expect that the third place in the national war would also have the opportunity to obtain the characteristics of a famous general.

   Mingguan got the characteristics of the Turkic prince Ashina Sher, and hurriedly checked. This is an A-level feature, cavalry marching speed +5%, forced marching speed +10%, morale is not easy to drop during forced marching.

   "Although it is an A-level feature, if used properly, it is no less than an S-level feature!"

   Only Mingguan who often uses cavalry tactics knows the practicality of the feature "long drive straight into". Although this feature has nothing to do with attack and defense, it affects the cavalry's advancing speed.

   He personally led the cavalry on long-distance raids, which would be more advantageous.

   Second Lao Qin also gained a characteristic, from the characteristic of Tang Army general Li Ji-the SS-level characteristic "Hundred Battles", the commander value will increase with the accumulation of combat experience (the more difficult it is to improve as you get later).

   "Li Ji began to fight on the battlefield when he was in the Wagang Army, and later followed Li Shimin to fight in the north and south, until he destroyed Goguryeo, he can indeed be said to have experienced many battles."

  赳赳 Lao Qin was very satisfied with the "Hundred Battles" feature. "Hundred Battles" does not directly add bonuses to the army, but it can increase the commander value of the lord, and in the future can personally command more troops.

   After all the battles, even ordinary people have the opportunity to become famous.

   "Chu Zimou, what characteristics did he gain?"

   After the second and third Lao Qin and Mingguan each obtained the characteristics of a military commander, they couldn't help wondering what characteristics Chutian had acquired.

   Ashinasheer, Li Ji and other Tang dynasty generals have very practical and powerful characteristics, and Li Shimin’s characteristics should be even more impressive.

   Chutian returned to the square in Xiacheng and took away 2,000 people when he went out. When he returned, there were only more than 1,300 people left~www.readwn.com~ and thousands of Goguryeo prisoners.

   "Lord Lord!"

   The civilians of Xiacheng have long been here waiting for the lord to triumph.

   When Chutian led his troops back, the scene was in chaos, and there were many players watching the excitement. The first lord of the Battle of Anshicheng in the Eastern Han District, Chutian, who had frightened countless lords of Korea, finally returned to Xiacheng!

   Chutian did not see Xia Liang and Liu Sandao who came to greet him, only Li Li was a civil official.

   "Where did they go?"

   Chutian asked directly.

   Li Di was a clever courtier. When the Lord asked publicly, he knew whose whereabouts Chutian was asking.

   "The lord did not know that the lord Qi Xiaobai of Yangdu County took advantage of your departure and attacked Xueyue Town again. Miss Xia and General Liu had to go north for reinforcements."

   "Fuzzy, how could they be Qi Xiaobai's opponent."

   When Chu Tian just came back, he learned the news and couldn't help shaking his head. Qi Xiaobai has an epic military commander. Xia Liang, who has no experience in leading troops, and gold-ranked general general Liu Sandao are not necessarily opponents. And almost all of Xia Cheng's main force was taken away by Chu Tian.

   At this moment, Chutian received a reminder to settle the national war reward.

   "Ding! In the settlement of national war rewards, you have obtained Li Shimin's monarch characteristic-‘Tian Khan’."

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