Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 153: Lords who attacked counties

   "Ding! The first national war is over, and the expansion restrictions on NPC power and princes are lifted."

   All the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty received the system prompts, and the protection period of the lords ended, and the entire Eastern Han Dynasty was in an uproar.

   The local power of the Eastern Han Dynasty began to expand, and the situation became more chaotic!

   Liaodong County, Xiangping County, a large number of Xiangyong entered the cavalry camp for training.

   Cavalry battalion can still recruit low-level cavalry during its expansion and upgrade.

  Lord Mingguan crossed his arms and looked calm as he watched the teams of Xiangyong entering the cavalry camp. After he returned, he immediately exchanged his military merit for the construction drawings of the seventh-level cavalry battalion.

"The Guanning cavalry is very expensive, and the recruitment conditions are also very demanding, but if there is a group of heavy cavalry, my military will be stronger. Chu Zimou, I will lay down a county seat faster than you. First Xiangping County, then Liaodong Once you become the prefect of Liaodong, I will be a prince along the way. At that time, I will participate in the crusade against Dong Zhuo as a prince."

   Mingguan has some resentment towards Chutian. After the national war, the civil war in the Eastern Han Dynasty was even worse than the foreign war.

The    department recommended Li Chengliang Xiangmingguan: "Lord, we have many cavalry, not suitable for attacking a fortified city. Only by trying to draw out the soldiers and horses of Xiangping County magistrate Gongsun Zhao, we can capture Xiangping City."

   "You don't need to worry about this matter. The Yanqi Guild will help us take down Xiangping City. You only need to be responsible for training Youzhou Cavalry and Guanning Iron Cavalry. Liaodong will be our Longxing Land."

   In Xiangping County, a team of horse dealers drove hundreds of horses into the city for trade. The headed horse merchant looks burly and powerful, with a horn bow behind his back...

   "Han generals Huangfusong and Dong Zhuo are at war with Beigong Boyu and Han Sui. If Beigong Boyu and Han Sui are defeated, we will be in danger without a stronghold."

   "Dong Zhuo has recruited Li Ru, Huaxiong, Jia Xu, Guo Bang, Li Jiao and other subordinates, and a large number of players support him. We are not Dong Zhuo's opponent at all."

   Liangzhou, the main military account of Ma Teng forces, a group of Longxi lords gathered.

   Ma Teng, under the support of the player lord, openly betrayed the court and attacked the city. In a sense, it can be said to be the largest player power in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  The reason why he thinks so is that Ma Teng is just a puppet raised by the lord of Longxi.

   There are a total of more than forty Longxi lords who formed a council to make joint decisions.

   If defeated by the court, the player lord can also throw the charge of betraying the court to Ma Teng, and then return to the court.

   The situation at this time is not very good for Ma Teng's forces. Another group of Xiliang rebels Beigong Boyu and Han Sui were being defeated by Huangfusong and Dong Zhuo, and they dared not commit Chang'an again.

   Ma Teng saw the arguing lord below, his eyes changed.


   A player lord brought his generals to quiet down the noisy Longxi lords.

   Xu Fengnian led Li Hu into the camp, he was the real leader of the Longxi Lord.

"Dong Zhuo has always been ambitious. As long as we send someone to make a good relationship, he will say that we are willing to serve him as the leader of the Liangzhou Army. He will certainly accept him in secret and stop attacking us. He is even willing to ally with us and advance and retreat together. ?"

   As soon as Xu Fengnian's words fell, the high lords of Longxi took it seriously. They almost forgot that Dong Zhuo and them could be allies, not necessarily enemies.

   But there is still the lord of Longxi worrying: "Where is Huangfu Song? He is the last **** of war in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the greatest hero in destroying the Yellow Turban Army. There is also the Five Northern Army Academy led by Huangfu Song, which are all high-level arms!"

"Each person gave three hundred taels of silver and went to bribe the Shi Changshi. Shi Changshi had grievances with Huangfu Song. For a small amount of money, they can be replaced. It is best to transfer Sun Jian. Sun Jian is not obedient to be Changsha. The prefect, I just want to come to Xiliang to fight against the rebels."


   "The leader is wise!"

   The lords of Longxi thought about a problem that could be solved with money, then it was not a problem.

   Seeing that the alien lord looked at Xu Fengnian's head, Ma Teng's face became more and more gloomy.

   He realized that he had become a puppet of alien lords.

   The three heads of cobblers are the same as Zhuge Liang. The power of dozens of alien lords is very powerful, and they actively invite Ma Teng out of the mountain, coveting Ma Jiajun instead of making Ma Teng their lord.

   "After solving the threats of Huangfusong and Dong Zhuo, what should we do next?"

   "Fight against Didao, the governor of Longxi County."

  Yizhou Hanzhong County, fifty thousand Yellow Turban Army, Chuangwang Liukou Army, and Five Dou Midao believers stood under the city with feverish eyes and looked at the leader on the wall.

  Zhang Dao is surrounded by three historical military generals, one of which is the historical military general he won in the national war award.

   "I, Zhang Dao, is the second great wise teacher, the orthodox celestial master of the Five Dou Mi Dao! The Han is the fire morality, I am the local morality! The heaven is dead, and the yellow heaven shall stand!"

   "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand!"

   Fifty thousand refugees armed with simple weapons, raised their arms and shouted.

   Zhang Dao has accumulated enough power. For him who wins by quantity, the loss in the national war is almost negligible.

   He turned all the townsmen in the territory into a peasant army and launched a peasant uprising.

   No lord can own an army of 50,000 people on his own, because no one can pay tens of thousands of taels of silver each month, or even one hundred thousand taels of silver. However, Zhang Dao's peasant army does not have to worry about the issue of military pay, as long as they feed them.

   "Attack Nanzheng County!"

   Under the leadership of Zhang Dao, the Yellow Turban Army spread to Hanzhong County and began to march towards Nanzheng County.

   The Hanzhong prefect immediately deployed troops to suppress, and the forward was broken by Liu Zongmin’s army!

   The lords who have experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the first national war baptism have grown in strength, have rich combat experience, and have the ability to attack the county. Some lords can unite, and they can also attack and raise the weak prefect and governor.

  The crusade against Dong Zhuo has not yet begun, and the lords have already targeted the county magistrate and the prefect to expand.

   Chutian accelerated plans to occupy Langya City.

   The summer city is calm.

   At present, there is no war.

   But one thing made a sensation in Xiacheng-a new rural school was built in Xiacheng, named "Du Fu Thatched Cottage"!

   "No way, how did you get such a name? Is it possible that Du Fu is a reality?"

   "If it was a school set up by another lord, it might be fake, but the lord of Xiacheng might actually recruit Du Fu."

   For a time, Du Fu was stopped by guards in the cottage.

   "Our city lord has invited Du Fu to be the teacher. Anyone who wants to discuss poetry with Mr. Du Fu only needs to pay 500 yuan."

   The guard explained the price to strangers under Chutian's instruction.

   is really the poet Du Fu! For only 500 yuan, you can meet the legendary poet Du Fu, and you can also talk about Tang poetry with him!

   But Du Fu was actually sold out by Chu Tian...

   "I just want to farm well. It turns out that the hero of the war in other countries is the poetic saint Du Fu. Then who has recruited Xue Rengui, the number one hero in the Eastern Han Dynasty?"

   "You can see Du Fu for 500 dollars, and you can still accept it."

   Several wealthy players are really willing to withdraw 500 copper coins just to see Du Fu.

   I saw someone leading by example, and more players were willing to pay.

   They don't think that the No. 1 lord in the Eastern Han District will deceive them with a fake Du Fu for a mere 500 coins.

   About 50 people were put in. Du Fu Academy earned 25,000 copper coins, which is equivalent to 25 taels of silver.

   [Name]: Du Fu

  [Level]: 30

   [Description]: Great Tang Poetry Saint.

   "It's really Du Fu!"

   "Can you recite "Stonesman" to us? There is also "The Thatched House is Broken by the Autumn Wind"."

   Players who entered the cottage can see Du Fu's simplest information, and confirm that this is the genuine Du Fu, and he can't help being a little fanatical.

   Du Fu is a celebrity in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and he is more famous than most generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Du Fu never thought that he was so popular, and for a while, he didn't know how to respond.

   "Unexpectedly, Du Fu's income was much higher than the Lefang and Brothel..."

   With Du Fu's reputation, Du Fu's Thatched Cottage earned more than 100 taels of silver on the first day.

   is clearly a cultural building, it has been turned into an economic building abruptly.

   If Du Fu's Tang poetry handwriting is auctioned off in the future, it will not be a problem to earn a few hundred taels of silver per month.

   The speed of passing messages between players is very fast. The entire Eastern Han Dynasty knows that Chutian has a special talent, Du Fu.

   When many lords heard this news, they were astonished. They heard for the first time that there were poets.

   "If anyone knows where Li Bai is, you can tell me."

   Chutian wondered if any lord recruited Li Bai. If Li Bai is recruited, he is willing to spend gold and silver to buy Li Bai and complete the achievement task "Li Du's Poems in Ten Thousand Mouths".

"There are players in Luoyang claiming that Huangfusong and Sun Jian were impeached by the ten permanent attendants, and the crusade against the Xiliang rebels was unsuccessful, and they were dismissed by the court. The court worshiped Zhang Wen as the chariot general and Dong Zhuo as the captive general, and continued to crusade against the Xiliang rebels. ."

   "The Xiliang rebels, Ma Teng, took the opportunity to attack Didao, the governor of Longxi County!"

   "The Yellow Turban Uprising broke out in Hanzhong County, echoing with the Xiliang rebels!"

   "Heishan Army in Jizhou, Baibo Army in Bingzhou, and Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou continue to revolt!"

   "Youzhou Zhang Chun and Zhang Qibing rebelled and joined forces with Wuhuan tribe leader Qiu Liju to attack Liaoxi counties!"

   "Changsha Pirate District Star claimed to be a general, and hundreds of thousands of people attacked the city! Sun Jian, at the instigation of players, asked to go south to crusade against Changsha Pirates!


   During the time when Chutian came back, the entire East Han District became more and more chaotic. There were rebellions in every state and county, and there were player lords who fought hard.

   The princes' desire for expansion in the late Eastern Han Dynasty gradually strengthened.

   Some lords that Chutian knew were in crisis. Chutian specifically asked the lord of Liaoxi, Prince Yan, about the situation there.

   "The Wuhuan tribe's rebellion will indeed affect my development, but Gongsun Zan is ready to suppress them."

   Prince Yan is still the same as before, and the answer is simple.

   "The lord, the lord of Xueyue Town, Xueyue has a request."

   "Let her come in and meet me."

   Soon Xueyue, who had fought side by side during the national war, came in. This time she only wore a Tang knife around her waist.

   Many players who participated in the national war have changed into Datang-made equipment.

   Chutian asked Xueyue to come to Xiacheng for the sake of Langya City.

  Because this is a conspiracy, only Chu Tian, ​​Fang Xuanling, Xia Tian Liang, and Xue Yue sit in the side room. Among them, Xia Liang is responsible for preparing tea for everyone.

   "The princes began to devote themselves to expansion. I am worried that the Taishan thief will invade the counties. Therefore, we must occupy Langya City and destroy it before the Taishan thief unites."

   "There are still some strangers who seek refuge in Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, and Tao Qian may also devote himself to controlling various counties."

   "Our speed must be fast."

   Chutian put a question in front of everyone.

   Whether it is Taishan thief or Xuzhou governor, there is a desire to expand at this time.

   Taishan thief wanted to occupy the state and county, Tao Qian wanted to control the Taishan thief, and firmly controlled the five prefectures of Xuzhou in his hands, because currently Tao Qian could only control the Xiapi Kingdom and the East China Sea.

   Xueyue asked, "When will the siege start?"

   "Starting operations in seven days, can the Wolf Walk Guild be ready to assist me?"


   "If the Wolves Guild can help me obtain Langya City and merge with me in the future, I can give special treatment to every alien who participated in this operation. There is also the merger of Xueyue Town and Xiacheng..."

   Chutian looked at Xueyue.

   There can only be one force in Kaiyang County.

   At present, Chutian and Xueyue occupy the southern and northern parts of Kaiyang County respectively. There is no room for two tigers, and they either go to war or merge.

"I have 7 towns in the north of Kaiyang County and 5 towns in the south of Yangdu County, a total of 12 towns. I can choose to merge into your power. But there are a group of mayors and village chiefs under my command. You need Properly handle the relationship with them."

   "Yes. After Xueyue Town is upgraded to a city, you will become the city lord."

  Chu Tian gave preferential treatment to the Xueyue forces that merged into Xiacheng.

  You can get 12 towns without a bloodbath, which will save Chutian a lot of trouble.

   Otherwise, if Xueyue and Qi Xiaobai joined forces, even Chutian would feel tricky.

   "You can recruit low-level arms with all your strength, and you'd better organize 10,000 horses to stop Qi Xiaobai from going south. He might encourage the Taishan thief to help Zangba."


   "After the capture of Langya City~www.readwn.com~, immediately go north to attack the Taishan thief, Chang豨."

   As soon as Chutian's words fell, Xueyue finally moved.

   She couldn't believe it: "You...you want to fight two counties at the same time?"

   "Langya has 13 counties. Only by occupying two counties can you gain the advantage until the entire Langya country is annexed."

"I understand."

   Xueyue still can’t believe it. If everything goes well, it would be rare to capture Langya City, but Chutian’s goal is to occupy two counties this year!

   "Becoming the prefect of a county or the governor of a state is eligible to become a vassal during the crusade against Dong Zhuo, so it is urgent."

   Chutian intends to participate in the battle against Dong Zhuo as a prince.

   As for whether to contribute to the crusade against Dong Zhuo, it depends on Chu Tian's thinking.

   During the crusade against Dong Zhuo, most of the princes were fishing, and they didn't have to work hard.

   "Then I... my subordinates will go back and make preparations, and we will get up as scheduled in seven days."

   After Xueyue confirmed Chutian's plan, she returned to Xueyue Town to prepare for the attack on Langya City.

   Fang Xuanling checked Chu Tian's deployment again, and thought that there was no problem, Chu Tian heaved a sigh of relief.

   He has occupied all the villages and towns in Kaiyang County, completely surrounded Langya City, and beat the big city with a small city. This is an adventure.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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