Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 163: Achievement completed, 1 county chief

   "Damn Wu Sangui!"

   When Chutian led his troops to Yangdu County, the granary in Yangdu was still black and smoke.

   Yangdu County was in a mess. Many large families and civilians were ransacked, and shops and houses were burned down.

   At least 3,000 people died in Yangdu County because of Wu Sangui's fire and looting.

  The warehouse in Yangdu County was also looted by Wu Sangui, leaving no gold or silver for Chu Tian.

   The granary was burned, Zhou Yafu organized soldiers to put out the fire, and only 30% of the food was recovered.

   An anger burned in Chu Tian's chest.

   He defeated Wu Sangui, but Wu Sangui caused a lot of losses to Chutian.

   "We must kill Wu Sangui in the future."

   Chutian hated Wu Sangui, then came to the lord's mansion in Yangdu County and occupied the damaged city.

  [Territory]: Yangducheng

  【Lord】: None

   [affiliation]: Langya Country, Xuzhou, Eastern Han District

  【Specialty】: Premium **** (B-grade specialty), turtle (D-grade specialty)...

  [Population]: 117587/500000


  [Public Security]: 14

   [Prosperity of the city]: 32112/100000

  【Administrative efficiency】:11/100

  【Agricultural efficiency】:31/100

   [Economic efficiency]: 12/100

  【Cultural efficiency】:17/100

  【City defense fortifications】: Intermediate rammed earth-clad brick city walls, medium towers, intermediate stone arrow towers, low-level horse noodles, ten Yasha...


  Because of being sabotaged by Wu Sangui's military troops, the statistics of Yangducheng dropped very sharply.

   Yangdu City originally had a population of 200,000. Due to war and fleeing, only 110,000 people remained. The efficiency of public security, public support, and the city was extremely low.

   "It will take at least one or two years for Yangdu City to recover after the people who fled back."

   Fang Xuanling sighed.

   "Inquire about Wu Sangui's whereabouts immediately."

   Chutian asked the free players of the guild.

   After the official occupation of Yangdu City, Chutian stepped forward to appease the people in the city, and public sentiment and public order were restored.

   People's minds and public security are still easy to solve. The damage Wu Sangui caused to the city will take a long time to recover.

   Occupying the county seat does not mean that he can control the entire county. He has to divide his forces to pacify the various villages and towns, and let them fall under the wind.

   Chutian is already very struggling just to digest the two counties. The area of ​​these two counties is not small, and there are many small and medium lords.

   The complete annexation of two counties, the implementation of the Xiacheng ruling system in the two counties, the reorganization of the army, the comfort of the people, and the reclamation of farmland require a lot of time and energy.

   At present, the Chutian forces have reached the limit of expansion. If it keeps expanding, the front will be stretched and there will be insufficient troops to control such a huge territory.

   As Chutian successively conquered the two counties of Langya City and Yangdu City, Langya Kingdom became a sensation.

   There are only 13 county towns in the entire Langya country, and one lord of Chutian occupied two!

   "We seem to have failed, and immediately stop marching towards Xiacheng."

   "To retreat, Chu Zimou has vacated his excess troops. He even Po Changxun, Wu Dun, and Qi Xiaobai, we are not his opponents at all."

  The 20,000 coalition forces of the lords of the East China Sea and the Xiapi Kingdom are advancing towards Xiacheng. Knowing that Chutian has already pacified Dingyangdu County, it will be very dangerous to continue marching towards Xiacheng. So the 20,000 coalition forces began to withdraw from the sphere of influence of Kaiyang County.

   The Anti-Chutian Alliance stopped encircling and suppressing Chutian, and it survived in name only.

   Chutian also stopped expanding, like a python that needs to digest quietly after swallowing its prey. This relieved the nearby lords.

   During the war that occupied the two counties, the territorial prosperity of Mingguan, the lord of eastern Liaoning, once surpassed Chutian, becoming the first in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   However, as Chutian occupied Yangdu County, Chutian’s total territory ranked first.

   He is currently the only lord who controls two county towns in the Eastern Han District.

   Chutian now has three cities, the large city Langya City, the medium city Yangdu City, and the small city Xiacheng.

   There is also Xueyue Town that will be upgraded to a small city.

   "Unexpectedly, he defeated the coalition forces so quickly."

   Mingguan was first in the Eastern Han District for only a few days, but was squeezed down by Chutian again. He was quite emotional about this.

   The coalition composed of 27 lords of the three counties and the Taishan thief was so powerful that it seemed to be going to kill Chu Tian in one go, but was defeated one by one under Chu Tian's rapid offensive.

  The most eye-catching is the battle between Hua Mulan and Xue Rengui who broke the 30,000 Taishan Army of Changyu, the 15,000 Taishan Army of Wu Dun in the summer, and the battle between Xu Sheng and Chutian in Battle Soul Town.

   A series of victories let other lords know that the first lord is worthy of the name, and even the civil servants guarding Xiacheng can win more with less.

  Nanzheng County, in the middle of Han Dynasty, the peasant army is like a tide, wave after wave hit Nanzheng city.

   Hundreds of ladders hooked the city wall, and countless peasant army ants attached.

   Nanzheng City is the governing place of Hanzhong County, which is equivalent to Langya City in Langya Kingdom.

  Occupy Nanzheng City and you can dominate Hanzhong.

   The Hanzhong prefect faced an endless peasant army. After being besieged for a full month and suffered heavy casualties, the Hanzhong prefect finally despaired and fled from Nanzheng City with the remaining Han army to Mianyang County.

   One hundred thousand peasant army enters Nanzheng County!

   The yellow flag, which symbolizes the forces of the Yellow Turban Army, shields the air!

   Although the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was annihilated by the Han court, there were still peasant uprisings everywhere, and the alien lords who obtained the drawings of the Yellow Turban barracks could also call themselves the Yellow Turban Army.

   Chutian once thought about taking the peasant army route.

   But choosing to take the route of the peasant army means to be an enemy of all the princes.

   Therefore, there are definitely not many lords who have the courage to initiate the Yellow Turban uprising.

   Some Liangzhou lords would rather join the Xiliang rebel army than become the Yellow Turban army.

   "When the autumn comes on September 8, I will kill the flowers after they bloom. The fragrance of the sky will flow through Chang'an, and the city will be full of golden armor!"

The leader of    advocated that Dao enter Nanzheng under the embrace of the yellow turban. He saw the yellow scarf all over the city, and he was full of pride.

   His strength is enough to give him a chance to sweep the entire Hanzhong.

   Hanzhong is Liu Bang’s Longxing land, and he can also start from Hanzhong.

   "The Yellow Turban Army has captured the prefecture of Hanzhong County!"

   "The prefect of Hanzhong asked the governor of Yizhou for help, and the governor of Yizhou sent Sichuan and Shu soldiers to enter Hanzhong to suppress this Yellow Turban army!"

   "It's really an eventful season."

   First, Chu Tian strongly occupied the land of the two counties of Langya Kingdom, and then the Yellow Turban Army swept across Hanzhong, and the entire Eastern Han Dynasty was in chaos.

   Chutian has not fully controlled the two counties.

   "Zhou Yafu, you led a team of soldiers and horses to attack the unsurvived villages and towns in Bayangdu County."

   Chutian handed over 5000 people to Zhou Yafu.

  Yangdu County's biggest forces, Changxun and Qi Xiaobai, were destroyed by him, and the remaining lords could not resist Zhou Yafu's 5000 people.

   Zhou Yafu played steadily. It was not easy to win or lose, so Chu Tian was relieved when Zhou Yafu went out.

   Xue Rengui returned to Chutian as the captain of the guard after the battle ended.

   He has accumulated a lot of experience in this battle and his attributes have improved.

   "Bring Zang Ba and Sun Guan here."

   Chutian defeated the coalition forces, and both the Taishan thief Changxi and Wu Dun were defeated. On the day of the battle between Chu Tian and Xu Sheng, Chu Tian also made people special to bring Chang Yan and Wu Dun to the battlefield, and witnessed Xue Rengui's heavy cavalry breaking through the battlefield.

   Chutian believed that Zang Ba and Sun Guan should have realized his strength.

   "The two counties of Kaiyang and Yangdu have now fallen into my hands. If you are willing to surrender, I can forgive you and take you as your benefit in the future."

   Chutian believes that Zang Ba and Sun Guan should have at least 70+ commanders, which is worthy of use.

   After Cao Cao subdued the two, Zang Ba and Sun Guan not only did not betray Cao Cao, but helped Cao Cao deal with Yuan Shao and Sun Quan.

   They are also one of the few Taishan thief generals that Chutian intends to use.

   As for some other Taishan thieves, the estimated ability is only about 60.

   Zang Ba remained silent, and Sun Guan looked at Zang Ba anxiously, as if looking at Zang Ba's head.

   Sun Guan witnessed Chu Tian's destruction of Xu Sheng's army, and he was actually afraid of Chu Tian.

   Zangba said: "I don't want to surrender."

   Chutian frowned.

   It is really troublesome to subdue the generals of the Three Kingdoms.

   Fang Xuanling was a little unhappy when she saw Chu Tian, ​​knowing that the lord's patience was being consumed by Zang Ba and Sun Guan, so she whispered in Chu Tian's ear.

   Chutian listened to Fang Xuanling's suggestion, and only then calmed down a little: "Come on, take Zang Ba down."

   The guards took Zang Ba away, leaving only Sun Guan.

   Sun Guan saw that Chu Tian left him alone, and insisted: "Big brother will not surrender, and I will not surrender."

"Zang Ba is your leader. I know that only if he surrenders will you surrender. Zang Ba has always been loyal. Once he surrenders, he will definitely work for me. With your skills, you can at least be a prefect or general. Do nothing? You also have a brother Sun Kang who still supports the army. If he learns of your death, how would he feel?"

   Chutian used his three-inch tongue to persuade Sun Guan to descend.

   Sun Guan couldn't help but shake after hearing what Chu Tian said.

   He is also a second- and third-rate fierce general. He hasn't made a name for himself. If he can survive, he will never find his own way.

   "I'll give you one month, you persuade Zang Ba to work for me. I promise that if you make a contribution in the future, at least the general or general or prefect."

   Chutian did not conceal his ambition, and Xu Yi was a high official.

   Every civil servant has its own weaknesses, either focusing on fame or fortune, or focusing on filial piety, as long as the opponent is accurate, the opponent will choose to surrender.

   Fang Xuanling had secretly observed Zang Ba and Sun Guan during this period, thinking that they paid attention to fame and loyalty.

   Zangba and Sun Guan should be unwilling to bear the reputation of Taishan thief for a lifetime. If they promised their senior officials, they would probably tend to surrender.

   No one wants to see his descendants as thieves in the future.

   There is also the loyalty between the Taishan thieves, which can also be used.

   Chutian asked his guards to take Sun Guan down. He believed that Sun Guan would change Zang Ba's mind.

   "Sue Yue, please come in and see me."

   Chutian found Xueyue again.

  Only when the 12 towns of Xueyue were annexed, could Chutian formally unify Kaiyang County.

   "You should keep all your promises, right?"

   Xueyue knew that Chutian was going to deprive her of her lord status, and she would no longer be the lord of Xueyue Town from now on, and she would become a free player completely.

   Chutian cheered and said, "I never break my word."

   "Ding! Lord Xueyue is willing to offer all the territories under his control, do you accept it?"


   The process of annexing Xueyue forces is very simple, as long as Xueyue agrees.

   In theory, as long as you grab the opponent's monarch and force the opponent to cede territory, the opponent's territory is yours. In fact, it is not that simple. If the competent ministers in the other party's territory, after the monarch is captured, they may rebel and stand on their own at any time.

   Chutian checked all his territory.

   At present, Chutian has three cities, 41 towns, and more than 200 villages, with a total population of 870,000.

"The population of the two counties in the district has reached 870,000. No, there are still some villages and towns in Yangdu County that are not occupied. Together, the two counties should have a population of 1 million. Among them, Kaiyang County has a population of 600,000, and Yangdu County has a population of 600,000. The county has a population of 400,000."

   Chutian suddenly changed from a lord with a population of 200,000 to a lord with a population of one million.

   In "Lord", the population and distribution are quite different from the history.

   The population of the two counties is already very exaggerated, enough to feed tens of thousands of soldiers.

   A prefect may have 100,000 soldiers.

   A state shepherd may be like in the novel, with a thousand members and a million soldiers.

   Langya Kingdom is equivalent to a county, and Langya state is equivalent to the prefect.

   Chutian's goal is to become the state minister of Langya.

"I will send the civilians who migrated from War Soul Town to Xueyue Town, completely abolish War Soul Town, and then upgrade Xueyue Town to Xueyue City. I appoint you as the City Lord of Xueyue City. Unless there is a serious fault, I will only move. derogatory."

   Chutian was generous to the lord who took the initiative to offer the city.

   In other words, Xueyue's lowest treatment is also the lord of a city, and there will be opportunities to be promoted to the county magistrate or prefect in the future. Unless Xueyue makes a mistake, she will only move upward.

   This is Chutian's treatment of veterans and meritorious officials.

   "It seems good to be a city lord. You don't have to worry about fighting with other lords in the future, as long as you appease one of the people."

   Xueyue expressed satisfaction with this arrangement.

   The lord has great power, but he has to continue to fight in all directions, and defeat in the battle can be fatal.

   The city lord basically doesn’t have to worry too much, he’s enough to worry about food and clothing, and he may be able to form a local family in the future.

   A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the sub-achievements of the "Chaotic Times" series, the B-level achievement task "The Chief of a County" (control a county within two years), your personal attributes have been improved, and you have obtained the seventh-level cultural building-the large Confucian Temple Build a drawing!"

   While Chutian was talking to Xueyue~www.readwn.com~, he inadvertently completed an achievement.

   Reward personal attributes?

   Chutian has never seen such a special reward.

   He quickly checked his personal attributes and found that his poor attributes had improved.

   [Name]: Chu Tian

  [Level]: 45[Experience]: 57121/150000

   [Commander]: 56 [Strength]: 45 [Intelligence]: 51 [Politics]: 60

   [Features]: Dahan Army Soul, Tian Khan

   [Special Arms]: Archer Battalion

   Chu Tian was stunned, his level hadn't increased either, all the four-dimensional attributes had increased!

   The vast majority of players are not as good as historical generals even at full level. Unless they can obtain special rewards, they will be able to compete with historical generals.

   The rewards for the achievements of the "Chaotic Times" series can enhance the personal attributes of the lord... In other words, do you have the opportunity to become a tetraathlon monarch like Li Shimin?

   Chutian took a look at the second achievement in the series of achievements in the "Troubled Times"-the A-level achievement "Prefect of a County", which controls the land of a county (country) within five years.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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