Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 168: Taishan Thief, Yellow Turban and Dorgon

   In the schoolyard of Xiacheng, Hua Mulan and Zang Ba singled out, each holding a long spear, and snow falling in the air.

   Chutian personally watched the battle, Li Guang and Xue Rengui stood behind him. In addition, there is Taishan thief Sun Guan.

   Zangba always thought that he was attacked by Mulan, and then he became a prisoner. If he fought head-on, he could not lose.

   "Fight as fast as possible."


   Hua Mulan took the lead in launching an offensive, the red gun trembling, a bright red in the snow, stabbing Zang Ba!

So fast!

   Zangba gritted his teeth and tried to pick the spear of the flowering magnolia.

   The two people's marksmanship is fast, the flexible gun barrel makes a whistling sound, and the spear is like a pear blossom in Hua Mulan's hand, piercing, thorn, tart, attack, wrap, and circle, Zangba can only passively defend.

   "Zang Ba's force is not high, why does the lord insist on wanting him to surrender?"

   Li Guang always carried a long bow. He didn't understand Chu Tian's insistence on getting the allegiance of Zang Ba and Sun Guan.

   Chu Tian rolled his eyes, now Li Guang’s strength has reached 95, but not all generals have the same high strength as Li Guang.

   With Li Guang's force, it is normal to look down on Zang Ba.

   But the more good generals, the better naturally.

  The extra generals can guard the city and serve as prefect or county magistrate.

   Chu Tian was distracted for a while, Hua Mulan had already defeated Zang Ba.

   The order Chutian gave her was a quick fight, so this time Hua Mulan didn't give her to the opponent like Mi Fang, and directly defeated Zang Ba.

   Zangba’s red spear was picked up, his face was pale, and he didn’t expect that he would still lose in a confrontation with Hua Mulan.

   "Now, are you convinced?"

   Chutian persuaded Zangba for the third time.

   Liu Bei visits the thatched cottage three times, and Zhuge Liang is invited. Chutian asked Mount Tai to use it three times.

   Zangba finally understood the gap this time, and was dejected: "It's because of my lack of strength that I lost the battle. I Zangba is willing to surrender."

   Sun Guan saw that Zang Ba was finally willing to surrender to Chu Tian, ​​so he hurried to pay homage together: "Sun Guan is willing to follow the eldest brother and be loyal to the lord."

   Chutian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Finally won two Taishan thief generals.

   Zangba and Sun Guan contributed a lot to Cao Cao's extermination of Hebei Yuan Shao, from the official to the prefect and the governor.

   [Name]: Zang Ba

   [Talent]: Diamond general (infantry)

  [Level]: 80

   [Identity]: Wei State Xuzhou Governor, General Zhendong

  【Loyalty】: 75

   [Commander]: 78 [Strength]: 80 [Intelligence]: 52 [Politics]: 61 [Charm]: 80

   [Phaseality]: Chivalrous

   [Feature 1]: Fight hard (A-level feature, army attack power +7%, morale +7%, morale of the enemy troops under attack -7%)

   [Feature 2]: Assault (Class B feature, infantry force marching speed +7%)

  【Special Arms】: Taishan Thief (ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 3)

   Zangba’s abilities are quite satisfactory. The Taishan thief of the special unit cannot be recruited. It is better for Zangba to command the ordinary infantry.

   There are many cavalry and archer generals under Chu Tian, ​​but the infantry with the largest number lacks generals.

   At present, the only infantry general who can be used is Zhou Yafu.

   No matter how powerful Zhou Yafu is, he is only alone. Chu Tian ordered him to station in Yangdu County, so there would be no other infantry generals to use.

   Zangba just made up for this vacancy.

   Then there is Sun Guan who is one grade worse than Zangba.

   [Name]: Sun Guan

   [Talent]: Platinum rank generals (infantry)

  [Level]: 80

   [Identity]: Wei State Xuzhou Governor, General Zhenwei

  【Loyalty】: 75

   [Commander]: 72 [Strength]: 75 [Intelligence]: 51 [Politics]: 39 [Charm]: 56

   [Phaseality]: Chivalrous

   [Feature 1]: Pioneer (B-level feature, when acting as a vanguard, troops attack and defense +2, morale +5%)

   [Feature 2]: Give up your life (B-level feature, when impacting the enemy's formation, your own attack power +7, enemy morale decline +5%)

  【Special Arms】: Taishan Thief

   Unexpectedly, the initial loyalty of the two Taishan thieves was still relatively high, while Sun Guan’s loyalty depended on Zang Ba.

   For the two Taishan thieves, Chutian does not plan to directly activate them, and will observe for a while.

   So Chutian arranged: "You will follow Xue Rengui to fight against the bandits during this time."

   Zangba and Sun Guan heard Chu Tian's arrangement for them, and they knew it was a nomination.

   If you want to join the forces of Xiacheng, you must first serve Xiacheng.

   Fight hard to get Chutian's approval.

   "The younger brother Sun Kang, who has 20,000 soldiers and horses, is stationed in Dong'an County. In the end, he can go and persuade his brother to come and surrender alone."

  Sun Guan offered Chu Tian a tempting suggestion at this time.

   If you can recruit other Taishan thieves through Zang Ba and Sun Guan, half of the counties in Langya Kingdom will fall into Chutian's hands.

   You don’t need a single soldier to conquer the Tarzan...

   This suggestion is very tempting.

   But not without shortcomings.

Fang Xuanling whispered to Chu Tian: "Lord, please listen to the next words. If Taishan thief is defeated, Taishan thief will be at the disposal of the lord. If they are directly surrendered, they are willing to give up the soldiers and the county. If you are unwilling, you can't get rid of it. It's just surrender in name, and it will leave you with trouble.

   Chutian deeply agrees.

   In history, Cao Cao conquered Zang Ba and then persuaded all Taishan thieves to be brought down.

   But the Taishan thief only surrendered in name and still entrenched in Qingzhou and Xuzhou.

   Later, there were two incidents including the Changhui Rebellion and the Taishan thief after Cao Cao's death.

   What Chutian wants is to completely control all counties and counties, and to let all Taishan thief act according to his instructions, not just let them surrender in name.

   After making up his mind, Chu Tian said to Sun Guan: "Can you persuade Sun Kang to disband all Taishan thieves, surrender all the territory, and come to Xiacheng alone?"

   "This...the end will not be sure..."

   Sun Guan did not expect that Chu Tian had such a big appetite, and he directly asked Sun Kang to surrender all his troops and power.

   Even if he is Sun Kang's brother, it is hard to say that he can let his brother come and surrender.

   These group of Taishan thief leaders each occupy the county seat, which is equivalent to a land emperor. It is too difficult for them to suddenly give up this status.

   Zangba and Sun Guan lost their territory, and they were willing to surrender.

   "If you are not sure, then there is no need to try, and soon my army will wipe them out. At that time, life and death will be unpredictable."

   Chutian put aside his ruthless words, shocking Zang Ba and Sun Guan.

   Chutian's sphere of influence is in the area of ​​Langya country, and a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, let alone Langya country has more than one tiger.

  The Taishan thief of Langya country also includes Sun Kang, Yin Li, Wu Dun, and Langya Xiang Xiaojian and Wu Sangui of Juxian County. In addition, there are hundreds of lords.

   "You two can send letters to them. If they are willing to give up their soldiers and horses, hand over the county town to be controlled by the officials of Xiacheng, and move to Xiacheng from then on. You will still have the opportunity to use it again. Otherwise, you will destroy the city and you will die."


   Zangba and Sun Guan found themselves following a ruthless man.

   Chutian does not accept surrender in name. Only the bandits who surrender the territory and soldiers are considered good subordinates.

   "No, Zang Ba and Sun Guan were subdued? Is the entire Taishan thief force going to be included?"

   "The lords of Qingzhou, Xuzhou or Yanzhou must have subdued them."

   "Don't guess, it must be that I just want to farm well, that is, he captured Langya City where Zangba was entrenched."

   The names of Zang Ba and Sun Guan appeared on the hero list in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which shocked many lords, especially the lords of Langya Kingdom know what this means.

   Zangba and Sun Guan were captured by Chu Tian, ​​most of it was Chu Tian surrendering them.

   Suddenly Chutian was on the cusp of the storm again. The Taishan thief, like the Baibo Army and the Black Mountain Army, were well-known thief forces in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Conquering any force would replace them and become a stronger force.

   "Why didn't Xuzhou governor Tao Qian send troops to attack Xiacheng? If he sent troops, he would arrive along the Yi River in half a month. I was his subordinate then."

   Zangba is puzzled.

   During the anti-Chutian alliance, Tao Qian, the biggest power in Xuzhou, remained indifferent, and sat and watched the small forces in northern Xuzhou fight inwardly.

   Zangba is nominally Tao Qian's canonized captain.

   However, Zang Ba and Sun Guan, who had just merged into Xiacheng, quickly understood what was going on—he saw the Mi family carrying a few wooden boxes and went directly to the Lord’s Mansion to visit Chutian.

  Zangba understands why Tao Qian did not send troops. The aristocratic families in Xuzhou seemed to support Chu Tian to replace him as a separatist force stationed in Langya.

"I defeated the 100,000 Yellow Turban Army of the Yellow Turban Army Zhang Kai for Tao Qian, and guarded the northern gateway for him. Do these families think that I can't resist the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou? Has the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou reached an unstoppable level? Beihai Xiangkong What is Rong doing? Even the Yellow Turbans can't beat it. What's the use of reading those **** sage books!"

   Zangba muttered.

   Although he is the leader of the Taishan thief, there are some differences.

   Zangba and others helped Tao Qian suppress the Yellow Turban Army, nominally Tao Qian's subordinates.

   Now he is forced to become Chu Tian's subordinate.

   Chutian was in the lord's mansion at this time, and he heard that the Mi family had sent someone to come and immediately regarded him as a guest.

  Mi's family has repeatedly sponsored and is the big benefactor of Chutian. Chu Tian even had a good friendship with Mi Fang.

   "I heard that Lord Kaiyang Wei was besieged by various alien lords recently, and the soldiers and horses were overwhelmed. The master sent someone to send money, food and horses. Please accept Mr. Kaiyang Wei. This is the list."

The steward of   Mi's family presented a list.

   As expected, it is funding again. For such funding, the more the better.

   "Thirty thousand taels of silver, 20,000 units of grain, thousands of horses..."

   Chu Tian looked through the list, his expression gradually a little bit wrong.

   Compared with the previous funding of the Mi family, it is not too little, but too much!

   Although he said that the more funding, the better, Chu Tian also knew that short-handedness would make people feel weak. With such funding, Chu Tian suspected that the Mi family wanted to fund his war.

   It's just that the Mi family is a business family, why do they want Chutian to start a war?

   "Your master has a lot of things for the army, I don't know what to ask for?"

   Even though he knew that the Mi family had something to ask for, but the Mi family gave too much, it was impossible to return it, and it was impossible to return it to death.

   The steward of Mi's family saw Chu Tian Shangdao, so he said: "This batch of money, food and war horses is actually a little bit of the heart of each family."

   "Oh? Every family wants something?"

   Chutian was not moved, but his heart was shocked.

   Tao Qian is a good governor of Xuzhou, but he is from Yangzhou, and it is the local family who controls Xuzhou.

   It’s just that these aristocratic families pass through the Mi family, what do they want him to do?

   "Do you know the horror of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou recently, hundreds of thousands of troops have swept across Qingzhou?"

   "It's true."

   In Chutian's impression, he heard Xia Liang mention this, but he didn't care much.

   First of all, this is the Yellow Turban Army operating in Qingzhou. The lords and princes of Qingzhou tried to suppress it.

  Secondly, Chu Tian could not wait for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army to come to Langya and let him capture a group of laborers.

   Chutian thought of Guan Hai, the general of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. The Beihai Xiang Kong Rong was famous and was repeatedly defeated by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army: "Could the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army want to go south to Xuzhou?"

  Mi's housekeeper replied: "It's true."

   Chutian here has already understood the intentions of the Mi family and other Xuzhou families that are related to the Mi family.

   The Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army general Zhang Kai was defeated by the Taishan thief Zangba and later killed by Mulan, so the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army failed.

   In contrast, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army next door was incompetent because of the incompetence of the prefects such as Kong Rong.

   In order to protect themselves, the aristocratic family in Xuzhou raised a batch of military supplies and wanted Chu Tian to replace Zang Ba to help them guard the door.

   What makes Chutian a little puzzled is that Kong Rong had already recruited Tai Shici, but he was defeated by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, and even the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was about to reach Xuzhou.

   The Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou went south to attack Xuzhou, and the first county to be affected would be Langya.

   Even if Chutian didn't want to help the aristocratic family guard the gate, for his own turf, he still had to stop the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army from going south.

   Therefore, Chu Tian accepted the funding with a clear conscience.

   "The governor has 100,000 soldiers under his command~www.readwn.com~ and even the fierce generals Cao Bao and Mi Fang, even if the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army goes south, it is not enough to be afraid."

   Chutian believes that Tao Qian, with the help of the family, is still capable of blocking the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   "No. Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is invincible and devastated, I am afraid Qingzhou has lost control."

  Mi's housekeeper looks worried.

   Chutian knows that the Eastern Han District is chaotic now.

   Don't look at everything in the Langya country where he is located. It's because he can suppress various lords.

In fact, the rebels of Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang were huge. The leaders of Hanzhong advocated launching the Yellow Turban Uprising, which engulfed Hanzhong. The Wuhuan tribe rebellion in Youzhou has alarmed the two princes Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei. The prefect of southern Changsha Sun Jian is suppressing the local area. Peasant uprising...

   Now the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is also making a lot of noise.

The manager of the Mi family continued: "Qu Shuai Guanhai of the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou is brave and good at fighting, and a member of the generals led the cavalry. He is invincible. Even the Beihai Han Army was defeated. The Kong Rong general Tai Shici was also defeated by the opponent. Please also open Yang Wei. Your lord beware."

   "Is there another general?"

   Chu Tian has not heard of any other powerful characters in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army besides Guan Hai.

   "Exactly, that person's name is Dorgon, and I don't know where it came from."

"How could it be him……"

   Chutian has a headache, which lord must have recruited Dorgon.

   Dorgon, the regent of the Qing Dynasty, defeated the Ming Army and the King Li Zicheng, under his command the Eight Banners Army (Zhengbaiqi), but he was a more ruthless figure than Wu Sangui.


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