Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 179: Crusade against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Conference

  "The big figures from the three states of Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou will have a meeting in Luoyang. The officers and soldiers of the three states will jointly encircle and suppress the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou!"

  The players in Luoyang all know this shocking news.

   The Eastern Han Dynasty court still has some prestige. The princes who received orders from the Eastern Han Dynasty court at least superficially obey the court's orders. Moreover, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army did seriously threaten the princes of the three states.

   At this time, Chutian finally saw Tao Qian, Liu Dai, Jiao He, Kong Rong and other princes.

   Behind Tao Qian stood the generals Cao Bao and Mi Fang. Mi Fang and Chu Tian were old acquaintances, and the angel of Chu gave a wink.

   Chutian slightly responded to Mi Fang, but he didn't want Tao Qian to know that he had close contacts with Mi's family.

   Tao Qian saw Chutian who had annexed the Taishan thief forces. He was old and coughed from time to time: "The former Langya state minister Xiao Jian is not like a person who will collude with the Yellow Scarf thief."

   Chutian cheeked: "The human heart is separated from the belly, how can Master Cishi know?"

   Tao Qian was so refuted by Chu Tian, ​​for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

   Xiao Jian is dead, there is no evidence of his death.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Yanzhou governor Liu Dai cleared his throat. Xiao Jian had little influence and died. "The most urgent thing is to pacify the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army at the order of the court. Once the spring begins, the three armies will move. , Flat yellow scarf."

   The princes present all acquiesce in the war in the beginning of spring.

   No one wants to go all the way to crusade against the Yellow Turbans.

   Liu Dai said: "As long as we take the initiative to attack, we can end the war before July and bring Qingzhou back to peace."

   Chutian sat in the position, calmly.

   Set out in March and end before July. Want to defeat the mighty Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army in four months?

   Liu Dai took it for granted.

To put it bluntly, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is not inferior to the Jizhou Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Bao, especially after the two famous generals Dorgon and Wu Sangui join the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army will only be better than the Jizhou Yellow Turban Army. More powerful.

"I and the Prime Minister of Jibei, Chen Liu, and the Taishou of East County, attacked Qingzhou from the west, merged with the governor of Qingzhou, and recovered Jinan and other counties as the main force. The governor of Xuzhou and the governor of Langya attacked Qingzhou from the south, and Beihai Reconcile Beihai State and other counties and counties together. Finally, how about meeting Linzi in Qi State?"

   Liu Dai, as a provincial governor, has more or less ability and proposed the tactics of flanking east and west.

  The western soldiers and horses were the main force, composed of Liu Dai, Cao Cao, Bao Xin, Zhang Miao and other Yanzhou forces. They invaded Jinan and joined forces with Qingzhou governor Jiaohe.

   The Eastern Soldiers and Horses acted as a partial division to contain part of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, composed of Tao Qian, Chutian and other Xuzhou Army, attacked the Beihai State, and merged with the North Sea.

   This arrangement was acquiesced by the princes present.

   Then it's how many soldiers and horses each side sent. This is related to the interests of every prince.

  Whoever has the most soldiers and horses will suffer more, and the rear stronghold is easily attacked by other lords.

   Liu Dai, as the commander-in-chief in the crusade against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, said: "I can send 50,000 soldiers from Yanzhou, and Bao Xin, Zhang Miao and others can contribute 30,000."

   Cao Cao also said the troops he can use: "I can use 30,000."

   Cao Cao can already put out 30,000 soldiers and horses?

   Chutian was secretly surprised.

   30,000 soldiers and horses are going to march, and at least 10,000 soldiers and horses must guard the home. Chu Tian used this to estimate the number of Cao Cao's troops.

   From this point of view, Cao Cao's power in the East County has far surpassed many player lords.

   Tao Qian said: "I take Cao Bao as a general and I will send 50,000 soldiers from Xuzhou."

   Next, only Chu Tian was left. All the princes looked at Chu Tian. They wanted to know how much force Chu Tian, ​​a strange prince, could use for the expedition.

   Chutian slowly said, "The Beihai Kingdom and Langya Kingdom are close. If you do your best, you can send 30,000 troops."

   The princes present nodded, Chu Tian can produce such a force, it is already relatively difficult.

   At present, the territories of the various princes have not yet developed, and there are not many troops that can be supported. The crusade against the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou is far away and needs more food.

   Kong Rong, who was defeated by the Qingzhou Army, said: "I still have more than 10,000 Qingzhou soldiers and 50,000 soldiers and horses of the foreign lord Zhao Gongzi."

   Qingzhou Provincial Governor Jiao He has a haggard face: "There are still more than 10,000 defeated generals and tens of thousands of courageous soldiers."

  Chu Tian, ​​Cao Cao and others couldn't help but cast contemptuous eyes. In a state as big as Qingzhou, the governor and Beihai were beaten by the Yellow Turban army to only 20,000 or 30,000.

   Kong Rong had to rely on the alien lord Zhao Gongzi to survive.

   Relying on foreign lords to hold on, this is simply the shame of the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  Chu Tian and Cao Cao did not expect Jiao He and Kong Rong to do anything in this crusade against the Yellow Turban, as long as they continue to hold on to the city and delay the Yellow Turban army.

   are also scholars, the gap between them and Fang Xuanling is too great.

   Chutian even thinks that summer Liang, a female generation, is hundreds of times better than Jiaohe and Kong Rongsheng. At least Xia Liang can defeat more than 10,000 Taishan thief with three thousand recruits.

   "Where is the alien lord Zhao Gongzi of Beihai Country?"

   Liu Dai couldn’t help but look at him when he heard that Kong Rong recommended a foreign lord who could block the Yellow Turban Army in the North Sea.

   After a year and a half of development, there have been a few big lords of foreigners who have come to the fore and have tens of thousands of soldiers. Even the princes of the Three Kingdoms dare not look down on them, such as Chutian.

   The current alien lords are a bit similar to those in the late Han Dynasty. If they can use their power, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

   "I have invited him to Luoyang. Ziyi, you go and tell him to come."

   Kong Rong ordered a fierce commander with a bow behind him to go down.

   The general replied: "Yes!"

   Chutian looked at the military commander behind Kong Rong, who was good at shooting with his ape arm, but Donglai strong general Taishi Ci.

   Tai Shi Ci, Li Guang, and Xue Rengui are all powerful generals who are good at using bows and arrows, and they are also very aggressive in close combat.

   If Kong Rong got such a fierce player earlier, he might not end like this.

   But even if he gets Taishi Ci, he might not use it.

   Chutian had heard the allusion of "Kong Rong let pears" before, but Kong Rong, who lived in troubled times, actually did not have the ability to govern one party. At least Tao Qian, Liu Yan, Liu Biao and others performed much better than him.

   In history, Cao Cao also looked down upon Kong Rong. Later, because Kong Rong often spread public opinion against Cao Cao among the gentry, he eventually killed him.

  The alien lord Zhao Gongzi arrived under the leadership of Tai Shici, and he nodded to Chu Tian.

   Chutian met Zhao Gongzi during the National War. At present, Zhao Gongzi is the ninth lord of the Eastern Han District, so it is not difficult to understand why Zhao Gongzi can help Kong Rong save the last four counties.

   Zhao Gongzi’s current territory consists of four counties, Beihai State-owned Mausoleum, Pingshou, Zhuxu, and Ju, with 50,000 soldiers.

   Gongzi Zhao’s military strength is even more than that of Chutian. Zhao Gongzi was also very helpless. It was not that he wanted to raise so many soldiers, but the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army swept everywhere like locusts, and there was no harvest wherever he went. If he does not try to recruit as many soldiers as possible, his territory will simply not be defended.

   Young Master Zhao was followed by a burly and fierce general with a fierce expression, looking like a general who was at war with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   Chu Tian didn't know what generals Zhao Gongzi had, because before that, Chu Tian didn't have much contact with Zhao Gongzi from Beihai Country in Qingzhou.

   Since it is the generals brought by Zhao Gongzi, it should not be much worse, just like Chu Tian brought Hua Mulan and Xue Rengui, Cao Cao brought Xiahou brothers, and Kong Rong brought Tai Shi Ci.

   Liu Dai asked Zhao Gongzi: "Can Zhao Gongzi help me wait and attack the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army together?"

   Young Master Zhao replied loudly: "Wherever the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army goes, chickens and dogs are not heard and no grass grows. If you can get rid of them, it would be a great blessing for the world!"

   Liu Dai is strong: "Okay! If you can make a war, I can go to the court, maybe the court can canonize you as the prefect!"

   Chutian found that other lords were also seeking official posts as prefects or state ministers.

   Not everyone can get recommendations through the energy of the family like Chutian.

   So far, only Chu Tian, ​​an alien lord, has officially transformed into a prince of the Three Kingdoms.

   The meeting to attack the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army soon ended.

   110,000 Yanzhou Army, 80,000 Xuzhou Army, 80,000 Qingzhou Army, a total of 270,000 troops encircled and suppressed one million Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   Chutian actively participated in the crusade for two reasons. One is that the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou poses a threat to Langya, and it is difficult to stop the army of one million Qingzhou with the power of Chutian. The second is to capture young and strong labor force alive.

   The Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou is, in the final analysis, farmers who have lost their land and confidence. As long as they cultivate the fields and let them be stationed, they can hand in a large amount of grain to Chutian every year. The Qingzhou Yellow Turban can also provide sources of troops. Millions of Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, after removing the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

"The commander of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is Guanhai. This man is infinite and courageous. Guanhai also recruited a second commander, Dorgon. This man is good at leading cavalry raids, witty tricks and making up for Guanhai's Defects. Be careful."

   The alien lord Zhao Gongzi of Qingzhou has fought against Guan Hai and Dorgon, so he is qualified to express his views on the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   At least his performance is remarkable, several times stronger than Kong Rong, Jiao He and his ilk.

   has the ability to become the ninth lord in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhao Gongzi's ability is beyond doubt. He can defend the four counties of Beihai State and gather the refugees of Beihai State under the tactics of Guanhai and Dorgon's sea of ​​people, which can explain the problem.

   Chutian intends to learn from Zhao Gongzi about the reality of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. He didn't want to bring Langya's soldiers and horses into Beihai State, but he was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban Army.

   "Does Dorgon have the Eight Banners Army?"

   Chutian asked the most important question.

   Compared with Dorgon without the Eight Banners Army, the threat is not at the same level.

   Young Master Zhao replied: "If he has recruited the Eight Banners Army, I don't think I can defend the four counties of Beihai State."

   "That's good."

   Chutian breathed a sigh of relief.

   His most worried thing did not happen.

   If Dorgon has thousands of Eight Banners, it will play a role in reversing the battle at a critical moment.

  The cautious Cao Cao asked, "Among the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, what kind of unit is the most elite?"

   Gongzi Zhao pondered: "The third-tier yellow turban is long. But it does not rule out the possibility that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will begin to recruit regular troops."

   Even Tao Qian was moved now: "They are not yellow turbans?"

Zhao Gongzi said: "Things are worse than we thought. Huangjinqu commander Dorgon tried to establish a kingdom in Qingzhou. He began to farm land on a large scale, control the city, and recruit regular soldiers and horses. If he succeeds, then a kingdom will be established in Qingzhou. , He will have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. This is by no means alarmist."

  The governors and prefects realized the seriousness of the problem.

   They still underestimated the strength of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. Especially the Yanzhou governor Liu Dai who proposed to wipe out the Yellow Turban Army within four months.

   What they faced was not the ordinary Yellow Turban army, but the peasant army transformed into a feudal kingdom.

   "After the beginning of spring, it is not advisable to be late, and go out immediately."

   "The West Route Army, with Liu Dai as the main general and Meng De as the lieutenant."

   "East Route Army, who of you is the main general and who is the lieutenant?"

   Liu Dai looked at Tao Qian and Chu Tian.

  The primary and secondary distinctions of Yanzhou have been discussed in private. As for Xuzhou, Chu Tian was under the management of Tao Qian in name, but in fact it was a separate party.

  Tao Qian’s commander Cao Bao stood up: "Naturally, our governor is the chief general!"


   Chutian agreed without saying a word. Since you want to be the main general, then let you be, when you really meet the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, you are afraid that you will not be beaten and fled.

   Cao Bao didn't expect Chu Tian to agree so readily, and this time he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to win the position of the general.

   "I got sick recently, so I can only send a general to fight."

   Tao Qian is not as young as Cao Cao, Chu Tian and others. Cao Cao and Chu Tian can personally conquer the Qingzhou Yellow Turban. Tao Qian can only send two generals.

   The two soldiers Tao Qian intends to send will be Cao Bao and Mi Fang, commanding a total of 50,000 Xuzhou soldiers.

   is really violent.

  Chu Tian heard that fifty thousand Xuzhou soldiers had led Cao Bao and Mi Fang. Isn't this a waste?

Chu Tian sent a general at random, not to mention Xue Rengui, Hua Mulan, Zhou Yafu and others~www.readwn.com~Even Zang Ba and Sun Guan had better abilities than Cao Bao and Mi Fang, otherwise the Xuzhou family would not rely on them. Taishan thief and Chutian guard the northern gateway of Xuzhou.

   Tao Qian does not have a strong general, this is his weakness.

   No matter how strong the troops are, the lack of good generals is of no avail, but to give others the merits.

   On the side of the Yanzhou Army, basically only Cao Cao's 30,000 people have combat effectiveness. In the Qingzhou Army, only Young Master Zhao and Tai Shici had combat effectiveness. Xuzhou Army, only Chutian has combat effectiveness.

   In other words, the 270,000 crusade army, the real threat to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, may only be around 100,000. What they are about to face is the mighty crowded tactics of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, as well as Dorgon and Wu Sangui who may shoot out from the flanks at any time.

   After the Yellow Turban Conference on Crusade against Qingzhou, the lords of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty knew that the 270,000 crusaders would hunt in Qingzhou.

   Finally, after the flames in Xiliang, Youzhou, Hanzhong, and Jizhou, Qingzhou in the east has also begun to become a large battlefield.

   Two hundred and seventy thousand crusade army, known as the army of one million, declared war on the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   Fighting, always exaggerate their strength.

   Beihai Country, Jimo City, Dorgon bought rough information about the crusade from foreigners.

   "A million army? If you enter Qingzhou, there will be no return."

   Dorgon burned the information he had obtained.

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