Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 181: Port and inspection agency

"Xue Rengui reported that Xihai County’s specialty products include Grade A sea fish and Grade S sea salt. In addition to building salt farms, sea salt can also be used to pickle fish. In addition, shipyards can be built at the mouth of local rivers to produce trade products. Ocean-going merchant ships. Opposite Xihai County is the land in the southern part of Korea."

   Xia Liang, who is in charge of the economy, a long time ago encouraged Chutian to occupy a port to mine sea salt and develop foreign trade as soon as possible.

   Shipping trade was very prosperous during the Song and Yuan dynasties, and even became an important source of finance for the Southern Song court.

   Shipping does not seem to be of much use now, but in the later stage, whether it is used to transport food and army, or to attack Korea and Dongying, powerful navy is needed.

  Chutian can train a horse infantry with a high level in one year, but giving him one year may not be able to form a navy with combat effectiveness.

  If the navy is attacking Goryeo across the Yellow Sea, the navy will need at least five or six years of preparation time.

  Chu Tian had already prepared: "You buy drawings from the merchants for the salt drying plant, shipyard, dock, and navy camp, and send them to Xihai County to arrange for local officials to build them."

   "Do you need your subordinates to personally go to Xihai County to preside over the construction?"

   "No, you can stay in the Lord's Mansion, otherwise it is not convenient for me to use other people."

   Chutian arranged for a group of officials to take over Xihai County.

   "How many levels do you need for the salt farm, shipyard, wharf, and navy camp?"

   "The highest-grade drawings that can be purchased are used in the salt-bath. As for the shipyard, wharf, and navy camp, level four is sufficient."

   For the navy, Chu Tian knows very little.

The fourth-class shipyard can produce wooden boats (first-class civil ships), sentry boats (second-class warships), walking boats (third-class warships), stern (fourth-class warships), small sand boats (14 meters long and 2.7 meters wide) , A single-masted hard-sail sailboat, used for coastal shipping along the river), a medium-sized sandboat (17-21 meters long, 4.18-4.28 meters wide, and a double-masted hard sail sailboat), which can basically meet the current needs.

   The fourth-level naval battalion can recruit most general naval arms. Unless it is a special naval division, a higher naval battalion is needed.

   High-level naval battalions can not only recruit high-level arms, but also recruit more soldiers at a time. Level 1 barracks can recruit 100 soldiers at a time, and level 4 barracks can recruit 500 soldiers at a time.

   Wharf can increase the probability of ships on the route entering the port for replenishment, and at the same time has a bonus to the port.

   Chutian made a plan to turn Xihai County into a port city.

   As for Xu Sheng, Chutian still stayed in Liangshan Town to develop the Yihe navy. The goal of the Yihe navy was to besiege Xiapi city south and control the Yihe River basin.

   Although the Yi River ships cannot be transported to the Yellow Sea, the trained sailors, boatmen, and navy soldiers can be sent to Xihai County.

   Small and medium-sized wooden boats are not important, only sailors, soldiers, and boatsmiths are important. Chutian can use timber from the coastal hills to build ships.

   "The government monopolizes Haiyan in Xihai County, and the shipyard mainly produces cargo ships."

  Chutian considered that there is no naval battle capability yet, and the port in Xihai County is mainly for trade. In the future, it may even consider selling and buying goods from Yangzhou, Gaoli, and Dongying.

   Xia Liang reminded: "Lord Lord, you should set up a special salt and iron officer to control the salt and iron in each county."

Chutian did ignore it. Since it decided to monopolize salt and iron, it is natural to have a special official to manage it: "Each county has a salt official and an iron official, and two other salt and iron inspectors are set up to prevent the salt and iron officials from using their power for personal gain. ."

   Chutian had to establish a monitoring mechanism.

   Governing seven counties with a population of 2 million, Chutian has thousands of officials. If there is no supervision, corruption will easily occur.

   Xia Liang suggested: "It is better to take this opportunity to establish a monitoring system, and Fang Xuanling, who assesses the performance of officials, is responsible. Random inspections of officials will be conducted from time to time."

   Chu Tian benefited a lot from her words.

   At present, the official performance appraisal system of Langya State officials is a small exam every year and a big exam in three years.

   This is a regular assessment.

   The irregular assessments proposed by Xia Liang and Fang Xuanling's regular assessments are carried out simultaneously, which will effectively reduce corruption.

Chu Tian thought about it: "You serve as the supervisory history, and you are responsible for establishing a 30-person supervisory agency to conduct surprise inspections of officials from various ministries from time to time. The supervisory agency is divided into two departments, the northern part has a temporary quota of 24 people, and the southern part temporarily A quota of 6 people will monitor the north."


   "The two assessment methods should be separated."


   Summer Ryo thinks of a lot of things in his hands, so he left to deal with.

   Chutian added: "The supervisory agency is only responsible to me."

   He wants to firmly control the supervisory agency in his own hands.

   This is why he asked Xia Liang's authority to separate from Fang Xuanling's authority.

   Fang Xuanling conducts regular performance appraisals on Baiguan officials, which is a self-examination of the officials.

   The supervisory agency is in the hands of Chutian, whoever Chutian wants to check is to check whoever he wants. This is an external monitoring.

   At the same time, there is a self-inspection agency within the supervision agency.

   Supervisory agencies have existed since ancient times to ensure the loyalty of officials and prevent corruption and bribery.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chutian established Langya's most basic supervision agency.

   At present, the officials of Langya Kingdom have been baptized by the flames of war, and for the time being, they dare not mess around, so I won’t say anything in the future.

   Chutian asked Xue Rengui's army to be called back, leaving Yinli to recruit 2000 troops to garrison there.

   Xue Rengui also participated in the crusade against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, so he could not stay in Xihai County.

   Xihai County did not dare to rebel, otherwise it would be attacked by Chutian with six counties at any time.

   Chutian always stationed elite troops in Xiacheng. The strength of the small county ranged from 2000 to 5000, lacking the power to rebel.

   Xia Liang recruited 30 officials and established a supervisory agency. Every month, one or two teams of supervisors were sent to each county to conduct secret investigations, which made officials in each county frightened.

   The ultimate person in charge of the supervision agency is Chutian. As long as Chutian wants to convict, the supervision agency will always find a reason.

Li Di, the captain of Diannong, came to report after the summer is cool: "The deported Taishan thief has been assigned to the river plains in the three counties of Kaiyang, Yangdu, and Juxian. It is expected that all resettlement will be completed before the vernal equinox. There were 100,873 Taishan bandits. In the other half of the year, there were 21,312 captive bandits, the remnants of the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army, and their families, who were mainly resettled in Hedong Nine Towns."

  Chu Tian also did not expect that the number of Taishan thieves plus ordinary bandits was so large that these people would become an important labor force and source of troops for Langya Kingdom.

   He estimated that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army provided more labor than the Taishan thief.

   Li Li continued to report: "Because Langya is relatively calm, the population of Beihai and other places has flowed into Langya as many as 20,000 households. There are even refugees from Yanzhou and Jizhou."

   "Among the refugees who have not been bandits, they moved to Xiacheng and arranged for them to reclaim wasteland and carry out farming."

  Chutian is anxious for more people to enter his territory.

   This time, his crusade against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is to grab people and cattle.

   The Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou looted all places, and Chutian went to rob them, justifiably looting the population of Qingzhou to Xuzhou.

  Chutian re-examined the resources. Level 4 iron ore resources were found in the Mengshan area of ​​Yangdu County, and level 4 copper ore resources were found in the Wulianshan area of ​​Ju County.

   The fourth-level natural resources are already very objective. As for the high-level natural resources, only special places are available.

   For example, the North Sea Fishing Ground is a level 10 marine fish resource, and the Potosí Silver Mine is a level 10 silver resource.

   The Jiaodong gold mine in Qingzhou is also highly graded, and the famous Anshan Iron Mine is also.

  Chutian established five-level mining farms in two places. Each mining farm invested about 2,000 to 3,000 miners to continuously provide Chutian with copper and iron resources.

   The importance of copper needless to say, copper coins are the most basic unit of circulation in "Lord" and are also hard currency. Although Chu Tian discussed with the officials, it was more of silver taels, but the low-level civilians still used copper coins.

   Chutian cannot issue banknotes. Banknotes are worthless in troubled times and will only lead to inflation.

  Iron ore resources involve the production of weapons, farm tools, and armor.

In addition to the fourth-level iron ore, the fourth-level copper mine, and the third-level gold mine, there are some scattered natural resources in Chutian's territory. As long as there are resources, Chutian will build mining farms and increase the number of mines. Resource output.

   Fang Xuanling hurried in: "Master, no, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has appeared at the junction of Langya Kingdom and Beihai Kingdom!"

"It seems that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army intends to actively defend and burn the flames of war to our country of Langya. Zhou Yafu, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan guard the first line of defense and do not give the Qingzhou Yellow Turban an opportunity. The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army wants to put pressure on the border. No matter what they are doing, we will dispatch troops in March according to the original plan. Then Hua Mulan will lead a cavalry to the border to monitor the movement of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, and they must not be too arrogant."

   Chutian did not panic because of the actions of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. Three generals defended Langya’s first line of defense, and the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was unable to break through.

   The counties and Dongbu County in the northern part of Langya country were attacked by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, and the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army entered Langya Kingdom. The mountains and plains are full of yellow scarfs and flags, endless!

   Wu Sangui, who took refuge in Dorgon, rode a war horse, and led three thousand yellow turban cavalry and 50,000 yellow turban infantry as the vanguard to enter the kingdom of Langya.

   His knowledge of the terrain and roads of Langya country made him reused by Guanhai and Dorgon.

   The lords of the counties and Tobu counties faced the mighty Yellow Turban army, unable to resist, and were easily destroyed by Wu Sangui.

   The county magistrates found that the entire city was full of Yellow Turban soldiers, and his scalp numb.

   There were too many Yellow Turbans, just like locusts, wherever they went, even the bark was eaten, the spring water was drunk, and all the villages blocking the Yellow Turbans were destroyed.

   "My lord county magistrate, there are only 5,000 Han soldiers in our city, and there are at least 50,000 or 60,000 people outside the city. How do we hold this?"

  The generals of the counties saw the locust army below, with sweat on their palms.

  The Yellow Turban Army has a large number of people, and their leader doesn't care about the lives of these cannon fodder at all, and uses the human sea tactics every time they attack the city.

   The level of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is not low, because the Qingzhou Provincial Governor and Beihai Xiang always gave heads to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, resulting in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army's combat effectiveness far better than the Yellow Turban Army in other states.

   The counties are still under the control of the Han court, and the county magistrates of Zhucheng guard the counties.

   "Immediately recruit Xiangyong to defend the city and ask for help from Langya State Prime Minister! There are strangers in the city, they may be able to contact Langya State Prime Minister!"

   Zhucheng Ling hurriedly recruited the residents of the city to defend the city, and thousands of courageous and free players had to come to the city wall to stand firmly.

   Once the city is captured by the Yellow Turban Army, all their property and food will be looted. Therefore, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army must not be allowed to break through the city!

   The number of counties captured by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou is no less than 15!

   Chutian was the official appointed Minister of the State of Langya by the imperial court and his nominal superior. It was reasonable to ask Chutian for help when counties were attacked.

   "The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has begun to attack the city!"

   Some defenders screamed, and saw that hundreds of ladders were lifted out of the phalanx of fifty thousand yellow turban infantry, and there were elite yellow turbans in the rear to supervise the battle to maintain morale!

   Because of the addition of Dorgon and Wu Sangui, the Yellow Turban Army is undergoing transformation. They have special attack teams, supervising teams, gangs, and transportation teams.

   The only constant is that Dorgon and Wu Sangui still use them as cannon fodder and use the human sea tactics to attack the city.

   "Prepare fire bolts and kerosene, and you must not let them climb the wall!"

   The county magistrates are anxious and use the Fire Arrow team.

   Villages and towns are easy to attack, but as long as the county is well defended, it can block the Yellow Turbans for a period of time.


   The desolate horns echoed on the battlefield, and the yellow banners spread out. As the first batch of siege troops, the Yellow Turban Army rushed to Zhucheng like a tide!

   Wu Sangui held the reins of the war horse and squinted his eyes to observe the bridgehead in the north of Langya Country.

   captured Zhucheng, and further south, it was Juxian, which made him fall into the sand.

Zhucheng is not in Chutian’s sphere of influence, because Zhucheng is too close to the sphere of influence of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. If you occupy Zhucheng, you will face pressure from the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army ~ www.readwn.com~ Thousands of Yellow Turban Army attack Zhucheng , The rockets of the defenders of the city wall were all fired, and the flames of fire burned the ladder of the Yellow Turban Army, and black smoke billowed.

   The Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou fell into madness, and the defenders who defended Zhucheng also fell into madness.

  The Yellow Turban Army will burn, kill and loot. For their own property and lives, the defenders of the cities must guard the walls! The city wall is the only barrier to stop the crowd!

  The fire arrows of the defenders played an important role. Many of the ladders set up were on fire, and the Yellow Turban army's attack speed slowed down, but the Yellow Turban army began to use a lot of manpower to dig tunnels in order to destroy the foundation of the city wall.

   "Does Langya have a response? We can't keep it going like this!"

   The county magistrates are on the verge of collapse at any time in the face of the continuous assault by the Yellow Turban Army.

   "Someone has already contacted the Prime Minister of Langya, and the Prime Minister of Langya has sent a light cavalry to march 1,200 li, and they will be there in eight days!"

"So fast?"

   The county magistrates were overjoyed upon hearing the news. Forcibly marching 1,200 miles on the 8th, such an advancement speed is simply terrifying.

   The defenders of the counties learned that there were reinforcements, their morale was greatly boosted, and their determination to defend firmly.

   Two black war eagles hovered in the air, and Hua Mulan led the cavalry to travel day and night, and was ordered to delay Wu Sangui's entry into Kou Langya.

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