Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 184: Xue Li and Zhao Yun

In another battlefield in Jinan, the cavalry commanders Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan broke 80,000 Qingzhou Yellow Turbans. The ferocious East County cavalry drove the Yellow Turbans to the Yellow River and drowned tens of thousands of people. The rest of the Yellow Turbans had no way to escape. All surrender.

   "Yanzhou provincial governor was defeated and defended in Dongpingling County, besieged by the 200,000 Yellow Turban Army! Ask the East County Prefect to lead troops to rescue!"

  East County Governor Cao Cao was sweeping the battlefield. He frowned when he heard the news of Liu Dai's defeat.

   The number of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou was too much, and he led his troops to defeat the 80,000 Yellow Turban Army.

   The Yellow Turban Army can be defeated one after another, but the number of officers and soldiers is only 270,000, which cannot afford too many defeats. Liu Dai, the Yanzhou governor, had 50,000 Yanzhou army, and the whole army was wiped out in almost one battle.

   Cao Cao pondered: "I suggest Master Governor to guard the fortified city and keep the walls clear. When I defeat the 80,000 Yellow Turbans in the northern part of Jinan, how can he take the initiative to attack? Let's go to Dongping Tomb to relieve the siege."

   At the urging of Cao Cao, Li Dian and the foreign army division were responsible for driving the captured Yellow Turban army to the East County to enrich the population. Almost the same strategy as Chu Tian, ​​Cao Cao with a long-term vision is also plundering Qingzhou's labor force.

   As for the elite soldiers of East County, under the command of Cao Cao, they joined forces with Zhang Miao and Bao Xin to rescue the governor Liu Dai.

   Dongping Mausoleum, the general of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou carried the head of the Han generals, flaunting his might under the city. Several military generals under Liu Dai's command were beheaded by his cavalry. They were terrified as a tiger and kept behind closed doors.

   Liu Dai was extremely frightened: "Who is the name of the Yellow Turban generals under the city?"

   Liu Dai's Han Jiang shook his head and swallowed panic: "I don't know."

   In the hilly area of ​​Anqiu County, Cao Leopard and Mi Fang were assaulted by Dorgon cavalry, and fifty thousand Xuzhou Army was intercepted by the waist!

  The yellow turban cavalry rushed back and forth, the Xuzhou army was defeated and fled everywhere!

   "Damn, I was in an ambush!"

   Mi Fang was pale in the chaos, his troops were completely chaotic, and they lost contact with Cao Bao's troops, and the two sides fought separately.

  Dorgun recruited 200,000 Yellow Turbans to block Cao Bao and Mi Fang in hilly areas to encircle and suppress 50,000 Xuzhou Army.

   Mi Fang used the hilly terrain to flee, only followed by more than a thousand Xuzhou soldiers.

  Dorgun's cavalry was extremely fierce, and did not give Mi Fang and Cao Bao a chance to react.

  The Yellow Turban army encircled and suppressed the officers and soldiers. Mi Fang could not escape and could only rely on the strangers around him.

   There are tens of thousands of servants and doormen in the Mi family, and it is not surprising that some capable players are recruited by the Mi family.

   Mi Fang, who was besieged by the Yellow Turban Army, turned to Chutian for help with the help of the system of foreign doormen.

   "Five thousand Xuzhou Army was annihilated..."

   When Chutian heard the news, he rubbed his temples with a headache. Not long ago, he reminded Mi Fangduo to send scouts to the cavalry, but in a blink of an eye, the fifty thousand Xuzhou army was gone.

   Fang Xuanling suggested: "After all, the Xuzhou Army is better than the Yellow Turban Army. Even if it is surrounded, it will not be wiped out immediately by the Yellow Turban Army. The lord can go to support, and perhaps rescue some of the Xuzhou Army."

   "It can only be so."

   Chutian gave up the marching route to recover Gaomi, Jimo, and Donglai, and went to rescue Mi Fang instead.

   The Mi family gave Chu Tian a lot of support. If Mi Fang died in battle, Chu Tian could not explain to Mi Zhu, and he might lose the support of the Mi family.

   Although Mi Fang's defeat has nothing to do with Chu Tian, ​​it is difficult to say whether Mi Zhu would treat the matter rationally after the death of his relatives.

   So Chutian led the army to leave from Tobu County to support Mi Fang.

   "Xue Rengui, you lead the Datang Archers as the vanguard. If you encounter an enemy army, you should not fight."

   Chutian sent Xue Rengui to explore the way this time.

   "I will do it at the end!"

   Xue Rengui led two hundred Datang archers as the vanguard.

   Xue Rengui’s cavalry is a Tier VI cavalry. The ordinary Yellow Turban cavalry is not the opponent of the Datang cavalry. Unless he falls in the middle, Xue Rengui can completely retreat.

   Two days later, Xue Rengui could already see a small group of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, indicating that the main force of the Yellow Turban Army is not far away.

   As long as the number of the Yellow Turban Army is less than two thousand, Xue Rengui dared to attack it with two hundred Great Tang archers. Even in order to avoid running out of arrows, the Tang archers directly drew out Tang swords for close combat.

   The Yellow Turban Army on the opposite side quickly collapsed after being assaulted by the archers.

   Xue Rengui advanced for two more days. On the way, his cavalry beheaded more than 400, unstoppable.

  The hills of Anqiu County are full of Yellow Turban troops recruited by Dorgon. Even Dorgon cannot control such a large number of Yellow Turbans, so they indulge in loitering and looting in the nearby hills.

  The closer to the place where Mi Fang was besieged, the denser the Yellow Turban army was. With only a thousand people around, Mi Fang could not break through.

   Xue Rengui can already see thousands of Yellow Turban army groups from time to time. In order to rescue Mi Fang as soon as possible, Xue Rengui did not deliberately kill all the Yellow Turban army.

   "General, there is a group of soldiers and horses in front of them being besieged by thousands of Yellow Turbans!"

   A Datang archer sent to the forefront to investigate came back to report to Xue Rengui.

   "Are they surrounded by soldiers and horses of Xuzhou? How many people are there?"

   "There are about three hundred cavalry!"

   "Everyone come with me!"

   Xue Rengui heard that some officers and soldiers were besieged, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, and went to support with the Datang Archers.

   Although ten thousand people, if only to save people, it is not to be afraid!

   Chutian changed the marching route in order to rescue Mi Fang and some of the trapped Xuzhou army.

   The Xuzhou Army was a regular officer, but the commander was not good enough, which led to the assault and siege by Dorgon.

   But fifty thousand Xuzhou soldiers are not so easy to eat, coupled with the complex hilly terrain effectively reduced the power of the Dorgon cavalry, Xuzhou army is still insisting.

  In the front, more than three hundred cavalry soldiers were surrounded by 10,000 Yellow Turbans. One of the silver armored generals was holding a red spear and stabbed the yellow turban archer to death. The blood stained his white robe!

   His armor was damaged and he had three arrows stuck in him, but he was still galloping in the 10,000 Yellow Turban Army, seven in and seven out!

   "He killed hundreds of our brothers alone, and he will kill them!"

   The Yellow Turban generals who commanded this Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army roared again and again.

   He surrounded the opponent's 300 cavalry with more than 10,000 troops, but was attacked by the opponent seven times in a row. Only the opponent's commander cut more than a hundred yellow turbans in the seven assaults.

   The two sides fought for nearly half a day, but he just couldn't destroy the opposing cavalry.

   If it weren't for the narrow terrain nearby, maybe it would really make this silver armored teenager escape.

   "His stamina has been exhausted, and soon he will die in the chaos! The reserve team, come forward and attack!"

   The Yellow Turban general also had some strategies. Not only did he block the exit of the nearby hills, but he also divided his troops into five batches, engaged in a wheel fight, and consumed the opponent's physical strength.

   Even if he is a fierce general, he will hate him in the face of continuous force.

   The silver armored captain is indeed exhausted. After his physical strength is exhausted, various attributes will rapidly decline, including force.

   Even so, he still picked two or three Yellow Turban cavalry under the horse!

  The Yellow Turban general saw the opponent so brave, and thought of Dorgon’s instructions: "Our Lord Qu Shuai is eager for talents. If we join the Yellow Turban Army, we will establish the country in the future, and we will definitely be a general!"

   The silver armor captain did not answer, and hated the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. It is impossible to join the Yellow Turban Army, only to continue to kill!

"kill him!"

   The yellow turban generals failed to recruit and turned into anger. They threw the yellow turban squad into siege.

  The Yellow Turban Chief is a Tier 3 infantry, holding a long knife in his hand, and is considered an elite in the Yellow Turban Army. After they joined the battle, the pressure on the silver armored general and the 300 cavalry led by him increased sharply.

   The yellow turban chopped the horse with a long knife, and Ryu took away the cavalry on the horse.

   One after another, the cavalry fell down, and two more arrows were added to the armor of the young general.

   "Heaven doesn't want me to take revenge!"

   The silver armor captain gritted his teeth. He felt a loss of physical strength, and the speed of spear assassination could not keep up with the speed of his mind.

   Suddenly, there was a commotion from behind the Yellow Turban Army.

   A well-equipped cavalry with a tall horse attacked the rear of the Yellow Turban Army. A round of arrows came, and dozens of Yellow Turban soldiers fell in response!

  The elite Tier 6 cavalry launched a charge, and the first level rolled down!

   Xue Rengui directly killed the Yellow Turban General's banner, and he was full of energy and planned to take the first rank among the army of enemy generals!

   At this time, most of the Yellow Turban army went to besiege the little general Yinjia and his cavalry, and the number of soldiers next to the Yellow Turban general was only a hundred!

   Xue Rengui came galloping with the cavalry, killing the soldiers of the Yellow Turban generals, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands, raising it high!

   The unknown Yellow Turban general looked desperately at Fang Tian's halberd cut. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't react at all.

   Xue Rengui used the arm strength of both hands and a blow of waist strength to pull the mountain and river and split the yellow turban leader and the armor!

   Fang Tian's painting halberd was used as a big sword by him!

   The Yellow Turban generals were killed in a surprise attack. The morale of his more than 10,000 Yellow Turbans fell sharply. They collapsed under the shooting of the Datang Archers and fled.

   The young general Yin Jia saw the reinforcement generals dressed in white, bravely crowning the three armies, and thought of a contest in his heart. But intense pain came from all over his body, making it difficult for him to compete with that fierce general.

   Xue Rengui’s cavalry fought with the Yellow Turban Army. The battle lasted for three hours, beheading more than 600, but the rest of the Yellow Turban Army completely disintegrated and fled, and then stopped.

   Xue Rengui and the young general Yinjia met for the first time and looked at each other.

   The armor of the silver armor captain has many cracks, five arrows in his body survives, and the silver armor and cloak are still stained with blood.

   will be a fierce player.

   Xue Rengui saw that the opponent was badly wounded and could still enter the Yellow Turban army seven times, knowing that the opponent's force was not low.

   If you can recruit this person for the master, you can not only recommend it, you can also compete with it.

   And for some reason, Xue Rengui seemed to get along with each other.

   This is probably the harmony of nature.

   "Under Xue Li, whose word is Rengui, dare to ask you whether you are Cao Bao or Mi Fang's general?"

   Xue Rengui glanced at the cavalry led by the silver armor young general, it seemed that it was not the Xuzhou cavalry.

  The young general Yin Jia replied: "Zhao Yun, Zilong, not Cao Bao or Mi Fang's subordinate."

   Xue Rengui thought that the opponent would be a military commander in Xuzhou, but it does not appear to be: "The cavalry led by Brother Zhao..."

   "Qingzhou cavalry."

   "So that's the case. Then Brother Zhao is a minister of Bei Haixiang?"

   Zhao Yun shook his head, planning to lead the cavalry to leave: "I will repay this kindness in the future, but I have more important things to do."

   "You are seriously injured, why not come to our Langya Army, we have a doctor, can heal Brother Zhao!"

   Xue Rengui saw that Zhao Yun was leaving and tried to keep Zhao Yun behind.

   Xue Rengui knows that Chu Tian likes fierce generals the most, and this person is a fierce general.

   Although Xue Rengui didn't know who the other party was, it was absolutely right to try to stay.

   Zhao Yun still shook his head, and then left with the two hundred surviving cavalry.

   "What a weird person."

   Xue Rengui led the cavalry on another path and continued to rescue Mi Fang.

  Since the other party is unwilling to go back to camp with him, he doesn't have to be strong, otherwise it will only cause the other party to resent.

   "By the way, report this to the lord."

   Xue Rengui marched forward for half a day, reporting the information and incidents about Zhao Yun to Chu Tian.


   After receiving Xue Rengui's report, Chutian was stunned.

   Zhao Yun unexpectedly appeared in Qingzhou, and there was a team of Qingzhou cavalry following?

   Chutian's first reaction, is this really Zhao Yun?

   Zhao Yun's popularity in the East Han District is too high. There are many players whose names are Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are no one thousand and eight hundred players who claim to be Zhao Yun, such as the top ten lord "Shijiazhuang Zhao Zilong".

  According to Xue Rengui's description, the opponent can lead three hundred cavalry soldiers in seven in seven out of tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans, so nine out of ten are the real Zhao Yun.

   Zhao Yun might be abducted from Jizhou to Qingzhou by the player.

   The creativity of players should never be underestimated. Under the premise that everyone knows that Zhao Yun is in Changshan, it is not impossible for a lord to go to Changshan to ask Zhao Yun to come out in advance. After all, even Xiliang Ma Teng was controlled by the lords of Longxi.

   "How can Xue Rengui let him go easily, even if he is tied up, he must be tied back!"

   Chutian regrets this.

   Xue Rengui reported that it was too late. Chu Tian sent someone to chase at this time, but it was too late. Zhao Yun led the cavalry ~www.readwn.com~ and disappeared after a day or two.

   Xue Rengui has fewer routines. If Chu Tian or Fang Xuanling were present, he would definitely try to keep Zhao Yun. As long as he stays, there will always be a way to subdue him.

   Chu Tian, ​​who missed Zhao Yun's hand, was depressed and couldn't sleep well for two consecutive days.

   "Military officer, what's the matter with the lord?"

   Hua Mulan found that Chu Tian had been mentally exhausted recently, so she asked the military teacher Fang Xuanling.

   Fang Xuanling replied: "Mostly, I can't ask."

   "I can't ask for it?"

   Fang Xuanling sometimes only talks half way, but Hua Mulan falls into a misunderstanding.

   Fang Xuanling describes the desire for talent, but Hua Mulan understands the love of men and women.

   So Hua Mulan fell into depression and couldn't sleep at night recently.

The road near    was blocked by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. Mi Fang, who was hiding in the depths of the hills, was waiting for Chutian’s reinforcements, eager to see through. Following Mi Fang were more than a thousand remnants, and he gathered hundreds of Xuzhou soldiers, currently there are two thousand.

   "Reinforcements are coming!"

   When Mi Fang frowned, a soldier saw the banner of Xiacheng.

   Mi Fang and two thousand Xuzhou soldiers could not help but get up, they can finally leave this ghost place.

   Chu Tian led an army to join Mi Fang.

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