Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 189: Yellow Turban End

  The battle on the Weihe Plain lasted from early morning until the day was thinning on the west. The shouts of killing were shaking, and the two sides were inextricably separated.

   Zhou Yafu continued to attack the Yellow Turban army on the opposite side. Hua Mulan and Xue Wanche led the cavalry to rush into the formation from time to time, beheading at least several hundred in each attack, but they were still unable to break through the enemy formation.

   Chutian encountered an unprecedented hard fight.

   The front Dorgon has one hundred thousand yellow turban elites. These 100,000 yellow turbans have gained experience by defeating Kong Rong and the Han army from all over the Beihai country. The average level is 50, which is not an ordinary peasant.

   In addition to the one hundred thousand yellow turban elites fighting head-on, there are at least 200,000 fragile yellow turban refugees in the Weihe area from time to time attacking the flanks and rear of the Qingxu coalition forces, causing Chutian to divide his forces to fight.

   "Master, each soldier in General Xu Sheng's army has only three arrows left. If you don't break the formation, I'm afraid you will have to fight melee against the 100,000 Yellow Turbans trying to cross the river!"

   "Order him to defend Weihe firmly."

   Chutian's tone is cold.

   The opposite Dorgon selected 10,000 Yellow Turban cavalry and attacked Zhou Yafu and Taishici's flanks from time to time, which seriously delayed the speed of Zhou Yafu and Taishici's infantry breaking through the formation.

   All this is to blame Kong Rong and other officials of the Han court in the North Sea country for giving experience to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, otherwise the average level of the Yellow Turban Army would not be so high.

   The peasant army that has experienced many battles is very scary. They will become stronger and stronger, and they will even become veterans of the hundred battles.

   plus a famous general, Dorgon, made this battle extremely difficult.

   Chutian was under tremendous pressure here, and Dorgon was under even more pressure. He tried his best to maintain the formation, and the morale of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was extremely low. Affected by the characteristics of Chutian's "great and wise and good teacher", some of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou have already surrendered. In the beginning, only a few dozen Yellow Turbans surrendered. Later, the surrendered Yellow Turbans turned into hundreds or thousands.

   "Keep on fighting, I will definitely fail. All the cavalry will follow me and prepare to retreat!"

  Dorgun persisted for most of the day, and found that other Yellow Turban generals could not break through the flank of the Qingxu coalition army, and could only abandon the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army and only take away the most elite Yellow Turban cavalry.

   "Xue Rengui, you lead the archers and heavy cavalry to fight!"

   It was almost the time when Chutian saw him, and if he didn't break the formation, when the sky got late, he was afraid of change.

   Xue Rengui was ordered to immediately lead the cavalry into the battle!

   "Order Hua Mulan to attack!"

   "Let Xue Wanche break through!"

   Almost at the same time, Chu Tian and Zhao Gongzi dispatched all the cavalry generals, intending to do their best to defeat Dorgon!

   Nearly 10,000 cavalrymen of the Qingxu coalition army came out, rolling horseshoes!

   Zhou Yafu and Tai Shici have exhausted the arrows and morale of the other Yellow Turbans. When the cavalry came into battle, the victory was divided!

  The 100,000 Yellow Turban Army was beaten to only 80,000 left. Xue Rengui led the heavy cavalry to carry out an assault, clenched with iron hooves, and pierced the Yellow Turban army!

   Hua Mulan then drove straight in with the light cavalry, tearing open the gap in the Yellow Turban army's phalanx!

   The cavalry could not directly attack the Yellow Turban army's long spear formation. Only after Zhou Yafu and Tai Shici consumed the opponent's arrows and destroyed the opponent's formation, the cavalry could drive straight ahead!

   "Retreat, go to Jimo!"

  Dorgon couldn't do anything about it. Without the Eight Banners cavalry in his hand, he was unable to return to the sky, so he took the Yellow Turban cavalry across the river and fled the battlefield.

  On a hillside on the opposite bank of the Weihe River, a young general in silver armor led more than one hundred Qingzhou cavalrymen, looking down on the cavalrymen of Dorgon crossing the river.

   He took more than a hundred cavalry and rushed down from the hillside, and went forward, assaulting Dorgon who was crossing the river!

  Dorgun’s cavalry was half-crossing, unable to adjust the formation, suddenly a group of cavalry was fighting desperately, and suddenly they turned their backs!

"you again?!"

   Dorgon caught a glimpse of a silver armored young general who was killed, and couldn't help but panic. He knew how high Zhao Yun's force was. Once Zhao Yun was close to him, he was not Zhao Yun's opponent.

"kill him!"

   The terrified Dorgon ordered the Yellow Turban cavalry to kill Zhao Yun, and he led a team of cavalry to escape.

   Zhao Yun picked more than a dozen Yellow Turban cavalry and pursued Dorgon. This was one of the few opportunities he could kill Dorgon!

   There were Yellow Turban cavalry everywhere, and the Qingzhou cavalry led by Zhao Yun was eroded, and the number became less and less. In the end, only 30 cavalry followed Zhao Yun.

   Dorgon took advantage of Zhao Yun's delay, and had already left.

   The Battle of Weihe did not end until late at night. Chu Tian and Gongzi Zhao jointly captured Duchang County and merged into the city to defend.

   Regarding the question of the ownership of Duchang County, Chutian made a compromise and let Zhao Gongzi own Duchang County. As a price, Zhao Gongzi turned a blind eye to Chutian's recruitment of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou and brought it back to Langya.

   It is useless for Chutian to get Duchang County, because this is an enclave in Beihai Country.

   Once he and Zhao Gongzi clashed, Duchang County would be surrounded by Zhao Gongzi's forces, and Chutian’s reinforcements would not be able to survive.

   It's better to be a Shunshui favor to Young Master Zhao in exchange for the opportunity to continue plundering Qingzhou's population.

   In this battle, the two lords joined forces to cut the Yellow Turban Army more than 20,000, and a large number of the Yellow Turban Army are willing to return, but Chutian and they need to rest and surrender the Yellow Turban Army the next day.

  "Cao Cao fought with the Yellow Turban generals for the second time in Zouping County, Jinan. Day and night, they fought the Yellow Turbans for three days, and the Yellow Turbans were defeated! The main force of the Yellow Turbans of Jinan was basically suppressed, and Cao Cao's troops are about to enter Le'an Country!"

   "The surviving lords of Jinan, Le'anguo, Qi, and Pingyuan County responded to the imperial court's call to divide their troops to annihilate the nearby small Yellow Turban Army. At least one million people in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army were divided up!"

   When Chutian achieved a decisive victory, the Yanzhou army led by Cao Cao pacified Jinan and drove the Yellow Turban army from Jinan to Le'an.

   The lord of Qingzhou began to counterattack, realizing the importance of plundering the population, and began to follow suit by force landing the Yellow Turban Army, and then let them farm for themselves.

   Among them, Cao Cao and Chutian were the two who robbed the most, and they wanted to take all the population of Qingzhou back to their own territory.

   The princes and lords of the crusade army have unwritten rules and do not grab each other's prisoners, otherwise the crusade army will fight against each other because of the uneven distribution of the spoils.

   As Cao Cao and Chutian won in Jinan and Beihai respectively, the two main forces of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army were defeated, and the lords of each road participated in the division of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. The end of the Yellow Turban Army has come.

  Actually, it has been proved that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army develops too fast, but it will be jealous of all princes and lords. The princes and lords could not sit back and watch the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army sweep the three states.

   When the princes and lords of Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou joined forces, the large-scale Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army had to be suppressed due to its unstable foundation.

   Unless the Yellow Turban Army successfully becomes a feudal force, it will be difficult to confront the officers and soldiers.

   During the period of stationing in Duchang County, there was a small-scale conflict within the Qingxu coalition forces.

   Cao Bao’s Xuzhou soldiers wanted to rob the city, but they were beheaded by Zhao Gongzi’s general Xue Wanche. Xue Wanche was so angry that he even wanted to kill Cao Bao.

   After Duchang County was regained, it became the territory of Young Master Zhao. It is impossible for Xue Wanche to allow the Xuzhou Army to plunder in the territory of his lord.

  The fierce and vicious Xue Wanche chased Cao Leopard in the city with a knife. Cao Leopard, who has always been pampered, has seen such a scene, and hurried to Chutian's temporary residence for refuge.

   Chutian had to act as the state minister of Langya to mediate the conflict between the Qingzhou Army and the Xuzhou Army.

   Cao Baoli was the first to lose in this matter.

   Looting must also pay attention to the basic law.

  The Yellow Turbans captured can take them away, but they cannot plunder the residents in the territory of their allies, even if many of them are the Yellow Turbans.

   Because of Chu Tian, ​​Xue Wanche let go of Cao Leopard, but he was still angry.

   The end of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has arrived, and conflicts between the Qingzhou Army and the Xuzhou Army have begun.

   Chu Tian had been mentally prepared, and sooner or later he and Zhao Gongzi would part ways.

   It is impossible for him to stay in Beihai country forever. Beihai country is the sphere of influence of Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong.

   However, Chutian had to take as many people as possible before he left.

   The next day, Chu Tian took advantage of the characteristics of a great wise teacher to personally recruit the Yellow Turban Army near Duchang County. With a population of 100,000, he moved to Langya with his family.

   Young Master Zhao also robbed the Yellow Turbans as much as possible and placed them in Duchang County.

   The more people Chutian grabs, the smaller the population of Beihai Country.

   Young Master Zhao realized that he was not as fast as Chutian.

   When Chutian grabbed 100,000 people, he only grabbed 50,000 people.

   If it weren't for the tens of thousands of people in Duchang County who belonged to him, Zhao Gongzi would have collapsed.

   The population of Beihai Country was robbed by Chutian, so even if he occupied such a large territory, it would be useless.

   "We marched towards Jimo, gathered the Yellow Turbans along the way, and encircled Jimo City."

   Chutian and Zhao Gongzi divided up about 200,000 Yellow Turban Army in Duchang County, and the rest of the Yellow Turban Army collapsed, so they attacked Dorgon’s last stronghold, Jimo, eastward.

   Along the way, Zhao Gongzi was busy regaining the lost land of Beihai State, while Chutian was busy looting the population.

   Thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers took refuge in Chutian, and Chutian took them in and sent them to Langya.

   "Master, we are taking in so many refugees, I am afraid that there will be insufficient food."

   When Chutian's army approached Jimo, Fang Xuanling reminded Chutian of a serious problem.

   Langya may not have enough food to allow Chutian to plunder more people.

   "How many people have we robbed?"

   "Six hundred thousand and three thousand people."

Six hundred thousand!

   Chutian never thought that he would steal the population of one or two counties, which is equivalent to abruptly moving one or two counties of Beihai State back to Langya State.

   Langya country suddenly influxed 600,000 people, and the food pressure will increase sharply.

   "Just enough."

   Chutian worried that Langya Congress would fall into a food crisis and stopped the forced landing of the Yellow Turban Army.

   Even so, the Yellow Turbans who line up every day to cling to Chu Tian are still in an endless stream.

   It seems not good to be welcomed by the Yellow Turban...

   Among the 600,000 people, most are old and young women, children and bony refugees, and only one third are young and strong.

  The record of suppressing the Yellow Turban Army is generally good, because there are not many elites who really have combat effectiveness.

   Qing Xu coalition forces marched east all the way and surrounded Jimo City.

   Once Jimo City is broken, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army will basically be declared dead.

   Kong Rong didn't think that he would have the day to regain the North Sea country. He rode his horse to persuade the Yellow Turban army who was standing still at Jimo to persuade Dorgon with benevolence and morality.

   But what responded to him was a mess of arrows, and Kong Rong fled.

"There are a group of professional soldiers recruited by Dorgon in Jimo City. He originally planned to use Jimo as a base to select the elite of the Yellow Turban army, transfer to professional soldiers, and establish a feudal kingdom. There are currently about 15,000 professional soldiers in Jimo. Fortunately, the court has advanced. Suppress the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, otherwise once let him establish a feudal kingdom, with 200,000 soldiers, the threat is greater than a million Yellow Turban Army."

   Gongzi Zhao introduced the situation of Jimo to Chutian. In addition to the 15,000 professional soldiers, there are 100,000 young and strong Yellow Turbans in the city. These are the back roads left by Dorgon. When they are defeated, they can retreat to Jimo and wait for a change.

   Chutian observes the fortified Jimo city. Jimo City has a moat and a majestic wall, and Dorgon deliberately turned it into a fortress, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

   Chutian even doubted whether all his troops were exhausted and whether he could capture Jimo City.

  The cavalry is basically useless, and only the infantry can rely on.

  Dorgun is very cunning, hoarding food and grass in Jimo, and expelling old, young, sick and disabled from Jimo city in advance, leaving only professional soldiers and the Yellow Turban army young and strong, in order to reduce the consumption of food and grass.

   As long as there are soldiers and food, and then use the military camps in the city to transfer the Yellow Turban young men into professional soldiers in batches, he will have 100,000 professional soldiers, and there may not be no chance of comeback.

  Dorgun is more difficult than Wu Sangui.

   Wu Sangui often deflated under Chutian. And Dorgon can only be suppressed if Chu Tian and Zhao Gongzi work together.

"During the Warring States Period, the Yan general Le Yi broke the ranks, and Qi defended Tian Dan to Jimo, and Le Yi was unable to capture it for five years. Later, Tian Dan used a divorce strategy to change the generals of Yan State, and then used the Fire Bull formation to defeat the Yan army and kill him. General Yan rode a robbery, and won more than seventy cities in Qi Kingdom."

   Chutian faced the majestic Jimo City, unable to raise the desire to attack.

  Even if Chutian had a hundred thousand soldiers in his hands, he would break his blood when attacking Jimo.

   "We can only be siege."

   Young Master Zhao discussed with Chu Tian, ​​and finally decided to focus on siege.

  Dorgun is a battle between trapped beasts, and the Qingxu coalition forces dug trenches outside the city, set up arrow towers and city walls, and surrounded the three layers of Jimo city and the outside.

   "I have asked the rear to recruit more soldiers and courage to completely reinforce the fortifications outside the city. Dorgon wants to be a tortoise, then I will let him never come out."

   Young Master Zhao successively regained several counties and owns half of the North Sea country. He can use more courage and troops.

   At this time, Chu Tian had the idea of ​​retreating.

   His goal of looting the population has been achieved, and Dorgon is blocked by Young Master Zhao in Jimo, which is not a big threat.

   Chu Tian and Fang Xuanling predict that the siege of Jimo may take up to a year or even several years to end.

   The North Sea State is not Chutian’s sphere of influence, and it does not belong to Chutian to shoot Jimo~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, Cao Cao defeated the Yellow Turban Army again in Le'anguo.

   However, Cao Cao's East County soldiers and horses suffered heavy casualties under the fierce counterattack of the Yellow Turban Army, unable to continue the crusade and announced their withdrawal.

   The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was maimed, and the 270,000 crusade army was only a little over 100,000 left, and the mighty Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was suppressed.

   The most beneficiaries are the Qingzhou lord who took the opportunity to expand their territory, and Chu Tian and Cao Cao who plundered a large number of people from Qingzhou.

   Chutian proposed to Zhao Gongzi the idea of ​​retreating the army: "Jimo will be encircled by you. I guess it will be difficult to overcome within a year and a half."

   "I will continue to surround Jimo until the food is exhausted."

   Young Master Zhao has troubles, but Jimo is a nail of Beihai Country, and he has to pull it out.

   Chutian can leave, but he wants to continue fighting with Dorgon.

   Chutian officially announced his resignation and handed over the hard work of besieging Jimo City to Young Master Zhao.

   He didn't want to delay his development in Beihai country for several years.

   On the way back to the division, the leaderless Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army followed the great virtuous teacher Chutian, violently and blocking the official road.

   Chu Tian didn't want to accept so many Yellow Turbans. As a result, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army relied on Chu Tian and couldn't drive away. So when Chu Tian returned to Langya from Jimo, he received another 200,000 Yellow Turban refugees.

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