Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 206: If Zimou is not dead, I have no peace

   "Wang Yanzhang and Li Hu, the generals of the alien lord Xu Fengnian, broke the Yuzhou provincial governor Kong Ni, beheaded six thousand Yuzhou army, Kong Ni hurried away!"

   "The foreign lord, the old Qin's tribe, will stab the Guangling prefect Zhang Chao under the horse, kill Guangling soldiers and behead three thousand!"

   "Zhonglang General Xu Rong defeated Chen Liu's prefect Zhang Miao, Zhang Miao was killed in the rebellion army, Chen Liu's soldiers and horses were killed and injured at least 5,000!"

   "Qing Duwei Huaxiong beheaded three thousand!"

  The generals and lords of the Dong Zhuo camp who took the initiative to attack from various directions returned, and many troops won a victory, which made the princes of Kanto fear.

   Dong Zhuo's gloomy expression finally eased.

   "Langya Xiang and Fubo General Chu Zi murdered Qi Duwei Hu Zhen, and his tribe, Li Guang, carried Hu Zhen to the head, and challenged him in Hulao!"

   "Chu Zi seeks to slay my Xiliang cavalry at the first level of 800, with thousands of prisoners, Megatron Heluo!"

When Dong Zhuo learned of the victory of the various armies, he suddenly heard that the captain Hu Zhen was killed. In addition, Hu Zhen led the elite Xiliang cavalry, not the recruits of the weak princes. The loss of about two thousand has made Dong Zhuo quite Distressed.

   "If Zimo is not dead, I have no peace!"

   Dong Zhuo's important ministries were beheaded by Chu Tian, ​​feeling a bit scared.

   On the battlefield of Guangzong County, Chutian’s general Zhou Yafu, the interim commander of the Han army, turned the tide, and was Dong Zhuo’s lifesaver, which impressed Dong Zhuo.

   Now Chutian has become Dong Zhuo's enemy, and Dong Zhuo Zhuo is frightened.

  The three generals of Chutian defeated Lu Bu at Hulaoguan and killed the captain Hu Zhen, which became a confidant of Dong Zhuo.

   Dong Zhuo is really helpless with Chutian.

   Li Guang called in Hulao Pass. After Lu Bu was injured, no one could be.

  Mr. Wang Tieqiang could play against Li Guang, but in Chutian, Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun played, and no one dared to assist Wang Tieqiang in the battle.

   Dong Zhuo can also make the Xiliang Iron Cavalry play. Unfortunately, outside the Guan is the coalition of the Kanto princes. Dong Zhuo is reluctant to use the Western Liang Iron Cavalry as his hole card to avoid being exhausted by the Kanto princes. He will not be able to control Guanzhong and Xiliang.

   "Li Ru, Chu Zi is as fierce as a tiger and cunning as a fox. I feel uneasy. What should I do?"

   Dong Zhuo faced Chutian's threat, but he had no choice but to ask Li Ru, a military adviser.

Li Ru replied: "Chu Zimou came to the battle not to help the Han family, and most of them did not want to be an enemy of the lord. Yuan Shao canonized him as General Fubo and wooed him to join the Kwantung Allied Forces. As today the son is in the hands of the lord, the lord Why not canonize Chu Zimou and other princes in the name of the emperor, so that he can turn against Yuan Shao and become enemies, so that the lord can profit from it."

"Why is Feng Chu Zimou's official position? He is now Langya Xiang, General Fubo, and then Xuzhou Governor, Xuzhou Mu, or Siping, Si'an, Sizhen, Sizheng... He is young, What qualifications do you have to become a state shepherd and governor?"

   Dong Zhuo thought carefully, Chu Tian seemed to be a great official in frontiers, or a general with a miscellaneous title, almost impossible to be named.

Li Ru said: "This statement is not correct. There are officials but no soldiers, and the title is also false. If you can use the official position to make Chu Zi seek to retreat, or make the princes kill each other, the Kwantung heroes will not attack and destroy themselves, so the lord is profitable. Care about the virtual title?"


   Dong Zhuojing Li Ru reminded that he realized that the emperor is in his own hands, and he can use the emperor to canonize official positions, so that the princes will have internal conflicts. Once the princes are in conflict and are overwhelmed by themselves, they are naturally unable to attack him.

  Another military teacher Jia Xu said: "The lord can designate Cao Cao as Yanzhou provincial governor, Yuan Shao as Jizhou governor, Yuan Shu as Yuzhou governor, Sun Jian as Jingzhou governor, Tao Qian as Xuzhou pastor..."

   "There are already people in Yanzhou, Jizhou, and Yuzhou, why should they be canonized again?"

"There is no two days. If Cao Cao and Liu Dai are both Yanzhou provincial governors, they will definitely have a gap. Yuan Shao is Jizhou provincial governor, and Han Fu will be separated from him. Yuan Shu is greedy. If it is Yuzhou provincial governor, he must try to kill another Yuzhou provincial governor. Ni. Sun Jian is the governor of Jingzhou, and Liu Biao fears him and may cause trouble for him in Changsha. Tao Qian is the animal husbandry of Xuzhou and has the power to control the military and political power of Xuzhou, so he will not allow Langya to expand his power."

   Jia Xu offered a divorce plan, which made Dong Zhuo very satisfied.

   Dong Zhuo intends to reappoint a group of governors, so that they conflict with the current governors.

   Li Ru said: "Lord, it is not too late to move the capital to Chang'an. The morale of our army is still declining."

   "From now on, all the population and property of Luoyang will be moved to Chang'an. Also excavate the imperial tombs, obtain property, and reward the whole army!"

  Even though Hu Zhen, the captain of the riding captain, was killed, Dong Zhuo largely defeated the army of the princes in Hulao, and the princes of all quarters withdrew ten miles back to prevent another attack by Dong Zhuo's army.

During the    period, Dong Zhuo sent envoys to announce the appointment of the governor to some Kanto princes.

   "Dong Zhuo country thief, I am the general of Han, how can I be appointed by him!"

   Sun Jian was very angry with him and drove away the envoys sent by Dong Zhuo, not accepting such an attractive position as the governor of Jingzhou.

   The players who supported Sun Jian originally intended to persuade Sun Jian to accept the official position of Jingzhou Governor for the time being so that he could attack Xiangyang in the future, but since Sun Jian insisted, they were of no avail.

   Cao Cao also did not accept the official post of Yanzhou Governor appointed by Dong Zhuo, but continued to be the prefect of the East County, and still regarded Liu Dai as Yanzhou Governor.

   Cao Cao is also a sensible person, knowing that the governor who has no military support is not as good as the prefect who has real power. At present, Cao Cao has annexed Zhang Miao's Chen Liujun soldiers and horses, and his strength has surpassed that of Yanzhou governor Liu Dai. He is the uncrowned Yanzhou governor.

   Yuan Shao hesitated for a long time facing the position of Jizhou provincial governor, but finally refused.

   Among the princes under Hulao Pass, only Nanyang prefect Yuan Shu accepted the appointment as the new Yuzhou governor. This made the original Yuzhou provincial governor Kong Ni deeply dissatisfied.

   Yuan Shu seems to want to covet his Yuzhou.

   The Kanto princes remained in the alliance on the whole, but the seeds of infighting were planted because of this incident.

   Even if Cao Cao rejected the appointment of Yanzhou Governor, Liu Dai had some scruples about Cao Cao, and it is hard to say whether Zhang Miao really died in the hands of Xiliang cavalry.

   Jizhou governor Han Fu also has fear of Yuan Shao. It is said that Yuan Shao and the alien lords of Jizhou are close.

   In addition to the Kwantung princes under Hulao Pass, there is also Tao Qian, a prince who did not participate in the Kwantung Allied Forces. He was named Xuzhou Mu and was in charge of the military and political power of Xuzhou. Tao Qian also sent envoys to Luoyang to use the teleportation array to meet the Emperor of Han.

   "Yuan Shu was incompetent and greedy, and even privately accepted Dong Zhuo's canonization of Yuzhou governor's position. Now he and Kong Ni are like water and fire, and it is estimated that they will soon merge."

   Chutian learned of Yuan Shu's decision, and knew that Yuan Shu could not do anything. Compared with Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others, Yuan Shu is far behind.

   Tao Qian accepted Dong Zhuo's canonization and became Xuzhou pastoral affairs, and Chu Tian cared more.

   Dong Zhuo wanted to use Tao Qian to contain him.

   "If you canonize me as Xuzhou Mu, I guess I will retreat."

   Chutian didn't canonize Dong Zhuo, but rather canonized Tao Qian. If he bears the title of Xuzhou Mu, then he can openly start the unification of Xuzhou, declare war on Donghai Kingdom, Xiapi Kingdom, Pengcheng Kingdom, and Guangling County, and gain greater support from the Xuzhou family.

   Chutian believes that Dong Zhuo has not been afraid of being beaten by him. He must be afraid of Dong Zhuo before he can grant you a larger official position, request to retire, and may even marry you.

   Chutian also learned that Diao Chan seemed to be missing after Luoyang fell, and did not reach Dong Zhuo.

   Many princes were afraid of being beaten by the Xiliang Army. They were waiting for the morale of the Xiliang Army to continue to decline, so instead of attacking Hulao Pass, they started fortifying and drinking and having fun.

   Chutian secretly contacted Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Mingguan, Prince Yan and other capable vassals, intending to attack Heluo. Yuan Shao and others were indifferent, but Chu Tian still wanted to regain Luoyang, and they might get more combat exploits.

Suddenly, the prefect Mingguan of Liaodong received the news and took the initiative to find Chu Tian: "Chu Zimou, although we will be opponents in the future, I have to remind you that Langya country is being attacked by Xuzhou Mu Taoqian and the lords of Xuzhou and Yanzhou. And the siege of the forces. This time the coalition has claimed a total of 500,000 troops and aims to capture Xiacheng. Langya City is under siege, and you can no longer return to Langya directly."

  Because Chutian was in Hulao Pass at this time, Chutian could not contact the rear in time, but the well-informed Mingguan took the lead to remind Chutian.

   Chutian's face changed slightly.

   He rarely suffered a big loss. This time Langya Kingdom was calculated by Tao Qian and it was considered a big loss.

   He did not expect that the weak Tao Qian would have such a strong side. However, Tao Qian seems to have attacked Cao Cao in history, and then he was severely beaten by Cao Cao.

   "This news is a favor I owe you. I believe that Langya country can hold it."

   Chutian remained calm and could not show panic in front of other princes.

   According to the information provided by Mingguan, the main city of Langya Kingdom has not been lost. This is enough.

   After Cao Cao was attacked by Lu Bu and Zhang Miao in Yanzhou, there are only three cities left to come back, so can Chutian.

   An important choice is placed in front of Chu Tian, ​​whether he should return to the teacher immediately, and how to return to the teacher.

   Since Tao Qian planned an attack on Langya country behind the scenes, he must have a self-confident countermeasure. Encircling Langya City, making Langya City’s teleportation ineffective, preventing Chu Tian from returning directly to Langya Kingdom, this was Tao Qian’s first and most important step.

   There are five counties in Xuzhou, four of which are in the hands of Tao Qian, and Chu Tian cannot use these four teleportation formations to return to his teacher. The lord of Taishan County to the west is also an enemy of Chu Tian. Then only the teleportation array of the North Sea country can be used.

   "Young Master Zhao and I have fought side by side, and he controls the Beihai Kingdom's teleportation formation, if he can allow me to use the Beihai Kingdom's teleportation formation..."

   Chutian found a way back to Langya.

   Langya country’s teleportation array failed, and at the same time brought another problem. Except for the food provided by Jizhou Governor Han Fu, Chutian could not get other supplies, especially the most important material-arrows.

   "Tao Qian, don't let me catch you in the future."

   Chutian hated Tao Qian who stabbed a knife in the back.

   "I can lend you a batch of arrows, and you can return it later."

   The prince Yan, the prefect of western Liaoning, learned that Chutian's territory had been attacked and offered to provide Chutian with supplies.

   "Although our Western Regions Protectorate is poor in materials, if you have any missing materials, you can definitely help."

   Huo An of the Western Regions Protector House also intends to make friends with Chu Tian.

   Chutian just asked for a batch of bows and arrows as supplies, and temporarily owed it. He believed that Langya Congress would hold on. Langya also had 30,000 Xuzhou army and 10,000 Qingzhou army, plus a group of Taishan thief generals and Xu Sheng, Tao Qian wanted to swallow Langya country, it was not that simple.

   Then Chutian tried to contact Zhao Gongzi of Beihai Country to see if he could ask Zhao Gongzi for reinforcements.

   Chutian does not have to go back in person, as long as he manages to relieve Langya country. Tao Qian joined together, but Chu Tian also knew a group of lords.

   If you want to go back, Chutian will have to arrive at the nearby county city, then arrive at Beihai Country, and then return from Beihai Country to Langya Country. It is estimated that it will take a month, which may not be too late.

Upon learning that Langya Nation was attacked by the coalition forces, the player Xia Liang entrusted to report to Chu Tian arrived at Hulao Pass: "At present, the cities are holding on, and there is no tendency to fall. Miss Xia said that she will definitely defend, please Lord Lord, don’t worry, act according to your plan."

   Chutian feels a little relieved.

   Langya Country, Hedong Nine Towns area, here was once the land conquered by Zhou Yafu, five of them have been captured by the 40,000 coalition forces of the East China Sea.

   Xueyue joined forces with Zang Ba and Sun Guan and led 12,000 soldiers and horses from the northern and central parts of Langya State to station in the nine towns of Hedong, intending to defeat the Allied Forces of the East China Sea and then to break the siege of Xiacheng.

   Xia City has not been in danger of falling within ten days and a half month, and Langya City is no different.

   The strong city walls and the two years of Chutian's management, and the defender Xu Sheng, how could it be so easily broken.

   Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan’s tactics were to defeat the Allied Forces of the East China Sea, and then to lift the siege of Langya City and welcome the return of the main force of Chu Tian.

   There is no problem with this tactic, provided that they can defeat the Allied Forces of the East China Sea.

  The 40,000 coalition forces of the East China Sea were not so good to deal with~www.readwn.com~ The soldiers and horses of both sides saw the nine towns of Hedong, destroying the somewhat improved nine towns of Hedong.

   "Chairman, we have already heard the news that the commander of the East China Sea Alliance is Shishi general, Song Jiang Song Gongming of Liangshan, and he has a certain bonus to the troops."

   Xueyue successfully inquired about the intelligence of the opponent's general.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive in battle.

   "It turns out that the opponent's leader is Song Jiang, no wonder it's a little hard to fight."

   Xueyue is in trouble.

   Song Jiang is not very good for the generals of the whole history. He is just a leader of the peasant uprising army. If Chu Tianzai could even suppress Song Jiang with the effect of "great wise teacher".

   But Song Jiang has 40,000 troops of the East China Sea, while Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan have only 12,000. The comparison of forces is enough to affect the outcome.

   Zangba and Sun Guan are not even first-class commanders. If he is a first-rate commander, he can win on the premise that his troops are at a disadvantage.

  Sun Guan suggested: "Should we first solve the siege of Langya City and welcome the Lord's return?"

   Xueyue shook his head: "Now there are 30,000 enemy troops from the Lower Pi Kingdom outside Langya City. When we go to rescue the siege, we will not succeed. On the contrary, we will be attacked by Song Jiang and 40,000 from the rear, and the entire army will be wiped out."

   Zangba and Sun Guan were helpless in the face of such a situation.

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