Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 210: The powerful Langya country!

   "I have entered Kaiyang County. This should be the location of Hedong Nine Towns on the map. I don't know if I am late."

   Datang Cavalry General Xue Wanche obeyed Zhao Gongzi's orders and led three thousand Qingzhou light cavalry troops to the south to support Langya. Because the Beihai Kingdom is far from the south of Langya Kingdom, even the light cavalry will take a long time to advance.

  The place where Langya requested his support was Hedong Nine Towns, where there were the Langya Army of Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan, and Song Jiang’s Eastern Navy.

   "Hold Song Jiang at all costs! Since we have suffered some small losses, they can't leave so easily!"

   Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan command the Langya army, which is less than 10,000 people, and do their utmost to stop Song Jiang’s army of the East China Sea in order to hold it down!

   Both parties who saw the saw in Hedong Nine Towns knew about the battles in Xiacheng and Langya City in Hexi. Xia Liang, Li Xiuning, Li Li, Sun Liuwan, Sun Kang, and Wu Dun joined forces to defeat more than 100,000 enemies with inferior forces and fire attacks.

   The siege of Xiacheng and Langya City was lifted, and Langya's defenders launched a full counterattack in their own territory!

In the nine towns of Hedong, Xueyue, Zangba, and Sun Guan are still at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, and it is difficult to defeat Song Jiang with a strategy. However, they learned that Xia Liang was destroying Hexi’s enemies and planned to bring Li Xiuning, Sun Liuwan and Sun Kang. After Wu Dun generals conquered the nine towns of Hedong, they decided to drag Song Jiang’s army of the East China Sea to the nine towns of Hedong!

  The army of the East China Sea ransacked five of the nine towns in Hedong. If you want to leave like this, then you are very wrong!

The lord of the East China Sea and Song Jiang wanted to escape to Licheng of the East China Sea as soon as possible, but they were dragged by Xueyue and Zang Ba’s infantry archers, while the Taishan thief general Sun Guan led a small number of light cavalry to continuously raid the flanks, making the East China Sea Army’s The marching speed is greatly affected.

   If you lead the light cavalry to flee Langya, the lord of the East China Sea can easily escape.

   But that would mean that they would abandon the 30,000 infantry and archers.

   They were reluctant to send 30,000 professional soldiers to Langya Country. This was the soldier they had finally recruited.

   Most of the soldiers and horses that Cao Bao lost were soldiers recruited from the East China Sea and the Xiapi Kingdom. If the soldiers and horses lost by their lords were added, the East China Sea would not have enough professional soldiers to stop Langya from going south.

   "They are like tarsal maggots, they are simply lingering!"

   The lords of the East China Sea are a little desperate. It is easy for them to push the nine towns of Hedong, but it is difficult for them to fight back. If it is not done well, the whole army of Langya will be wiped out!

   Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan regained their strength and bit the East China Sea army under Song Jiang as the master.

   On the other side of the horizon, a large group of soldiers and horses arrived, flying the banner of Xiacheng!

   The soldiers and horses that Xiacheng won in Hexi have arrived!

   Xia Liang personally conquered Hedong as a civil servant, commanded Sun Kang and Wu Dun to lead a team of cavalry to intercept and interfere, while Li Xiuning personally led the main infantry into the battlefield, intending to confront Song Jiang’s Eastern Navy with Zangba’s army!

   The army of the East China Sea realized that the situation was not good, Song Jiang ordered to abandon the heavy trucks and retreat lightly, intending to save as many soldiers and horses as possible for the lords of the East China Sea.


   Xue Wanche Kongwu's powerful arm reined in the reins, he led three thousand Qingzhou cavalry to the south, and rushed to the battlefield in time!

   There are four armies on the battlefield now!

   Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan’s remnants still have about 8,000 to 9,000 remaining soldiers.

   Xia Liang, Li Xiuning, and Sun Kang’s Hexi soldiers and horses numbered about 30,000.

   The Qingzhou cavalry reinforcements led by Xue Wanche had three thousand horses.

   Song Jiang led the Allied Forces of the East China Sea, leaving 34,000 people.

The    Langya Nation camp has the advantage in strength for the first time!

   The people of Langya country had long known that Chu Tian had reached an agreement with Zhao Gongzi, and asked Zhao Gongzi to send a cavalry south to relieve the siege.

   The cavalry led by Datang Cavalry General Xue Wanche was not something Song Jiang could resist.

   Xia Liang is here to wave a flag, signalling Xue Wanche’s cavalry to drag Song Jiang, to wipe out Song Jiang’s army of the East China Sea in the nine towns of Hedong!

   Xue Wanche understood, holding a horse in his hand: "All the soldiers obey orders and destroy the enemy!"

   Three thousand Qingzhou cavalry followed the fierce general Xue Wanche, and launched a hunt for the army of the East China Sea!

   Song Jiang tried his best to maintain the formation, but the army of the East China Sea was shaken on three sides. It was already unable to maintain order, and was assaulted by the Qingzhou cavalry, and it was chaotic!

At the same time, the princess of Binh Duong Li Xiuning's army was overwhelmed. She used the second incentive effect to make the morale of the Langya infantry and archer under her command quickly climb, and with the highest morale, she entered the East China Sea army and attacked. enemy!

  The heroic soldiers of Langya Kingdom stepped forward and succeeded, rushing into the enemy's line, invincible!

   High morale means the best fighting state. In contrast, the morale of the East China Sea State Army collapsed and was completely defeated!

   "I have endured so many days, I can finally kill you!"

   Sun Guan used a spear to rush to kill in the East China Sea army. The army of the East China Sea is busy fleeing, and will no longer fight back, so Sun Guan slaughter unscrupulously, invincible!

  Even third-rate generals such as Sun Kang and Wu Dun can make great achievements under the premise that their own army suppresses the opponent!

   "Our navy battalion must not fall behind, reap heads and gain military exploits!"

  Sun Liuwan defeated the Xuzhou lord general Cao Bao who fled from the wilderness, so his confidence doubled. At this time, he dared to take the initiative to lead the naval battalion to attack the enemy line and chase the remnants.

   The navy battalion can still defeat soldiers when they are on land.

Compared with the second and third line generals who stayed behind in Langya, Xue Wanche was Zhao Gongzi's first line general. He held Ma Li and attacked the East China Sea army. With his thick arms, Kong Wu was powerful, and he moved his horses and killed 20 or 30 East China Sea countries in a row. Soldier, be brave!


   The lords of the East China Sea saw that the army was defeated and were unable to control the situation, so they made up their minds to abandon the army and fled back to the East China Sea with only the most important cavalry units.

   The master general Song Jiang saw that the masters had all escaped, and it would not be helpful to continue to command. He also learned how to abandon the army and fled.

   It is almost impossible for everyone in Langya Kingdom to capture the East China Sea army alive, because there are too many East China Sea army. Tens of thousands of people fled in different directions, and some of the defeated soldiers would still escape back to the East China Sea and rejoin the army of the East China Sea lord.

   Even so, everyone in Langya Country still killed seven or eight thousand and captured tens of thousands!

   The East China Sea lost more than 20,000 soldiers and horses in Hedong Nine Towns!

  The army swept the battlefield.

   So far, all the main enemy forces in Langya Kingdom have been eliminated!

   The Xuzhou Army, Pengcheng Army, and Taishan Army on the periphery of Xiacheng, the Xiapi Army on the periphery of Langya City, and the Eastern Navy in Hedong Nine Towns were all defeated by Langya's second and third line troops.

   "Thank you, General Xue and your lord Zhao Gongzi for sending troops to rescue."

   Xia Liang met with Xue Wanche, the cavalry general who came from Qingzhou, and the opponent was reinforcements sent by Zhao Gongzi. Without this cavalry, the East China Sea might not have lost such a huge loss.

   Xue Wanche said nonchalantly: "The soldiers of the East China Sea are too weak, and the leader of them estimates that they are not very capable people, and they have nothing to say. If the little girl does not order, I will lead the cavalry back to the North Sea country."

   "Please wait a moment, the general is coming from a long way, it is better to help us capture the city of East China Sea, and then return to the North Sea country, representing the lord's mansion, we will have many rewards. We need a cavalry."

"This one……"

   "I will contact your host and he will agree."


   Xue Wanche was not shocked by the fact that Xia Liang left him to help out, but after Langya Nation went to attack the city of East China Sea after clearing out the enemy troops in the territory?

   "They brought the flames of war to Langya, and we must give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye."

   Langya Kingdom and Beihai Kingdom's coalition forces have about 40,000 people. Under the command of Xia Liang, they cleaned the battlefields of the nine towns of Hedong, and then immediately marched to Licheng in the East China Sea!

   The Allied Forces of the East China Sea set out from Licheng and attacked the nine towns of Hedong. Xialiang did the opposite, and wanted to remove the bridgehead that threatened Langya.

   A few days later, the allied forces of Langya Nation and Beihai Nation entered the East Sea Nation, and the soldiers came to the city of Li.

  The lord of Lee City was shocked and asked for help from other lord of the East China Sea, but there were very few responders.

   There is no other reason. The lords of the East China Sea have suffered heavy losses because of their participation in the Allied Forces of the East China Sea, or they dare not send troops because of their weak strength and fear of Langya.

   In the summer, Xue Wanche led the cavalry to help out on one side to prevent the city defenders from counterattacking, and Li Xiuning was ordered to coordinate the infantry archers to attack Lee City.

  The lord of Licheng also suffered heavy losses in the territory of Langya. Seeing that there were no defenders inside and no reinforcements outside, after being attacked, he led his troops to abandon the city and escape.

   The next day, Xia Liang led a large army into Licheng and announced the occupation of Licheng, changing the lord of the Licheng stele to Chutian.

   For a time, the East China Sea and even the entire Xuzhou are boiling. The second and third line troops of Langya not only destroyed all the troops that attacked Langya, but also counterattacked and attacked an important city in the East China Sea!

  Lee City is not a city built by the player lord himself, but a county seat of the East China Sea. Controlling Li City is almost equivalent to controlling a county!

   When everyone thought that Langya was taking advantage and the counterattack had ended, Xia Liang continued to use his force and attacked Zhuqi County near Licheng!

   I wish the lord of the county would not be reconciled to being occupied, so he bit his head and went out to fight, and was directly destroyed by Li Xiuning!

   Xia Liang ordered the execution of the captured lord of Zhuqi County and occupied Zhuqi County.

   Just when everyone thought that Langya's revenge should be enough to end, Xia Liang continued to use his force to break Ganyu County and kill its lord!

   Now the whole Xuzhou was completely alarmed!

   In the 13 counties of the East China Sea, in less than ten days, three were overrun and occupied by Langya!

   These three counties are close to the Kaiyang and Xihai counties of Langya, so Xia Liang relentlessly occupied and suppressed the three counties of the East China Sea for the purpose of protecting Langya!

   For a time, she was crowned by the lord of Xuzhou with the titles of "butcher", "devil head", "Langya Country Xiao Chuo", because several player lords died under her hand, because she killed tens of thousands of allied forces!

   When Langya Kingdom showed great force and the momentum of invading the East China Sea, all the lords could not hold back.

   If this continues, the entire East China Sea will be annexed by Langya!

   Tao Qian hurriedly dispatched a total of 120,000 soldiers and horses from the four counties to gather around Tanxian, threatening Kaiyang County again.

   Xia Liang is very calm now. She took advantage of the situation to capture the three counties of the East China Sea not entirely out of revenge.

   These three counties are bridgeheads for attacking Donghai Guoqu County (Lianyungang) and even Guangling County.

   Only when she learned that Tao Qian was ready to attack Kaiyang County again at all costs, she announced a truce and returned to Kaiyang County.

   The two sides returned to the situation where Xiacheng and Tancheng fought against each other before the war, and their swords were drawn.

   Tao Qian gathered 120,000 people, known as 500,000.

   Xia Liang gathered forty thousand people, known as one million.

   Isn't it just a big fanfare, who won't?

   Tao Qian couldn't figure out how many troops Xiacheng had. There will definitely not be a million army anyway. Unless all the men of Langya country are soldiers, one million troops can be assembled.

   However, as long as the millions of army formed by La Zhuangding defeat its forward, the whole army will basically be defeated, which is of little significance.

   Xuzhou Mi, Chen, Cao, Wang and other families saw that the two sides planned to bring the war to the East China Sea, and might even sweep the entire Xuzhou, so they hurried to persuade them.

  Mi Zhu’s hometown is in Qu County in the East China Sea, and his foundation is basically in the local area. The military front of Langya has threatened Qu County. Mi Zhu does not want his family property to be destroyed because of the war.

   Mi Zhu, who had never seen Chu Tian, ​​came to Xiacheng, but Xia Liang, who was guarding his home, took the lead in summoning Mi Zhu.

  Mi Zhu saw this young girl who personally commanded and defeated hundreds of thousands of coalition forces, swallowing the three counties of the East China Sea in the south, and even a giant businessman like him was afraid.

   Unexpectedly, the summer cool decent behavior, humbly entertaining Chutian's gold master, not murderous, so Mi Zhu feels a little relieved. He also thought that the butchers and demon heads in different populations must be very cruel.

   "Tao Qian wants a truce, yes."


   Mi Zhu thought it would be difficult to calm Xia Liang's anger. Mi Zhu was surprised by how easily she ceased the war.

   "However, he must take out two hundred thousand taels of silver and one hundred thousand units of grain as a pension for the soldiers of Langya country."

"Too much……"

"Mr. Mi Zhu, our country Langya killed and wounded tens of thousands of soldiers because of this battle. Nine cities and towns were destroyed to varying degrees~www.readwn.com~ dozens of villages were burned down and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. I want to resettle. They. Do you think this compensation is too much? Or, Tao Qian wants me to take down Tanxian before he is willing to compensate us for our losses?"

   "This is easy to say, easy to say..."

  Mi Zhu, as a businessman, knew that the cool lion opened his mouth in summer in order to have a bargaining chip, so the two sides bargained, and finally demanded Tao Qian compensation for one hundred thousand taels of silver and fifty thousand units of grain. The two sides temporarily truce. Some of the silver is still borne by the Mi family.

   Xia Xia Liang knows that the forces in her hand are not enough, she tries to be as strong as possible, in fact, to cover up the weakness of Langya country.

   Even if she wants to go to war, the current war potential has been exhausted.

   Chutian at Hulaoguan originally planned to use Chenliu County’s teleportation array to go to the North Sea State. After the territory of the North Sea State Zhao Gongzi was supplied, he would return to Langya State to defeat the enemy.

   However, when he was about to leave, news came that Langya had defeated the coalition forces and aggressively attacked the three counties of the East China Sea.

  Even Chutian was stunned, did he really leave behind the second and third line defensive troops? How did it feel stronger than the main force he led...

   Unknowingly, the three counties were expanded, and Chutian's power extended from Langya to the East China Sea.

   Although I didn't believe it, this matter was true. Chu Tian announced to the assembled main force: "We don't need to go back for the time being, because the enemy has broken."

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