Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 255: Kill the Mughal Lord

   A lord from the Mughal Empire in India is leading a 10,000 army wandering on the plain. His goal is the city that has been occupied by Chutian.

   The lord of the Mughal Empire did not realize that the city defended by NPC soldiers had been captured by Chutian, and now the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty was defending.

   He still marched towards the city.

   Chutian thought of a good idea to deal with the lord of the Mughal Empire.

   He made people sweep the battlefield yesterday, took down the dragon flag symbolizing the Eastern Han Dynasty, disguised as a weak NPC defender, and waited for the lord of the Mughal Empire to attack.

  The average level of the NPC army in the battlefield of the National Warfare is only 30, which is not enough to see in front of the lord, so many lords will choose to attack the city.

   "This is probably called waiting for the rabbit."

   Chutian sat at the head of the city, waiting unhurriedly for the lord of the Mughal Empire to come and attack.

   Chutian also realized that Goryeo and Dongying were not necessarily powerful enemies of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The greatest enemy of the Eastern Han Dynasty may be India's Asan. They have a large population, not inferior to the Eastern Han Dynasty, with hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn.

  If they can defeat Asan's spirit in the national war, they would not dare to be so arrogant, jumping up and down.

   "The master's trick is too cruel."

   Fang Xuanling learned that Chutian had brought a chair and sat leisurely on the city front waiting for India's Asan to give away the head, and she couldn't help thinking that Chutian's tactics were insidious.

  Imagine that the Mughal empire, who originally thought that the city would be easy to break, suddenly hit the copper wall and iron wall formed by the Chutian Legion, that kind of despair...

   Xue Rengui told: "Master, the army of the Mughal Empire has arrived under the city!"

   Chutian looked down at the dense enemy army below.

   Ten thousand Mughal Empire Legions are deployed under the city. Among them, the most elite are the Rajput cavalry and a group of infantry and archers. Many soldiers wear turbans on their heads.

   It is true that this is a strong Mughal empire lord.

   But Chu Tian judged that he was not the most powerful lord of the Mughal Empire.

   "Why didn't the elephant soldiers of the Mughal Empire appear?"

   Chutian regretted not seeing the elephant soldiers, but the elephant soldiers had no effect in the siege.

   The lord of the Mughal Empire placed a strong offensive formation, obviously confident of his own military strength, and wanted to take the city with one effort.

   The lord’s judgment is correct, provided that the defenders of this city have not changed.


  The soldiers guarding the city have been replaced by a sound shooting battalion. The longbowmen of the Archery Camp prepared a large number of arrows.

Shooting battalion received a large number of bonuses. Li Guang’s SS-level characteristic parachutist, bow and crossbow damage +15%, damage to foreign races +10%; Le Yi’s entire army halo, five nations, attack power +10%; Chu Heaven's all-army halo Dahan's army soul, all attributes +3%.

   Shooting Sound Camp also has the "Han Soul" feature, which will damage foreign races +10%.

   Therefore, the attack power of the Shooting Camp is +13%, and the damage to the crossbow of the alien race is increased by 35%. The damage is extremely amazing.

   The alien army encounters the shooting battalion of the North Army’s fifth school, plus a series of bonuses from famous generals, will face the baptism of arrows.

   It is estimated that the English longbowmen, who are granted bonus by Black Prince Edward, will be willing to fall in front of the shooting camps bonus by Li Guang, Le Yi, and Chutian.

   As a parachutist, Li Guang finally used his abilities to the fullest during the national war!

"Li Guang’s Foreign War is really strong. Compared with the Civil War, they are like two different heroes. They are indeed the parachutists who made the Xiongnu dare not take the border. Even Li Guang’s Foreign War is so fierce, so Wei Qing and Huo Qubing should have How powerful?"

   Chutian knew that Zhou Yafu and Li Guang were not the top generals in the Han Dynasty.

  The top military commanders should be Han Xin, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing.

   Li Guang is already so powerful that Chu Tian can ignore Li Guang’s negative characteristics.

   As long as Li Guang fights with Chu Tian, ​​his bad luck will not be so bad.

   The aura of the whole army is even more good.

   Le Yi is already a core general for Chu Tian.

   "Lord of the Mughal Empire in India, let me see your strength."

   Chutian has limited knowledge of the strength of the Mughal Empire, which is a great empire established by the Turkic Mongols in India.

   "I don't know why, I feel a little uneasy..."

   The lord of the Mughal Empire and his army are more or less suppressed by the "Khan of Heaven" characteristics, and their combat power and morale are affected.

Nevertheless, after the military craftsman made the ladder, the lord of the Mughal Empire chose to attack the city. The infantry armed with a scimitar, battle axe, saber, and buckler carried the ladder, trying to take this seemingly easy The city fell.

   "Let the arrow!"

   The long archers of the archery battalion on the city wall fired arrows, and a dense rain of arrows broke through the air, shooting at the Mughal army that hit the wall!

   One after another Mughal soldiers fell on the way, unless they were heavy-armored soldiers, they were shot by the oak compound bows of the Shooting Camp, and they died nine deaths!

  The rain of arrows poured down from round to round. Mughal infantry and archers were killed and injured. In less than ten minutes, hundreds of people were killed in action!

   Mughal soldiers stormed the city with heavy losses. Some soldiers escaped the arrow rain, holding scimitars and round shields, climbing the ladder.

   The Goryeo soldiers who surrendered to Chutian served as auxiliary soldiers and smashed the Mughal soldiers down with rocks.

   After hard work, Mughal soldiers came to the city, and they swept away the Mughal soldiers with a square stroke!

  Mughal soldiers were horrified to find that they fell from the six-meter-high city wall and fell into mud!

   Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun specially killed the Mughal soldiers on the wall.

   Huaxiong is carrying a big knife, one knife is enough to cut a Mughal infantry in the middle, the scene is very shocking!

   The narrow terrain of the city wall allowed them to use their force, and a few Mughal soldiers could not break through.

   Li Xiuning led a team of women's army with Chu Tian as a guard.

   The two sides fought for about half an hour, and the siege party suffered thousands of casualties!

   "Order Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun to go down to the city to command the cavalry and prepare to chase and kill the Mughal lords. Then the wall will be guarded by Li Xiuning and Huaxiong."

   Chutian estimated that the time was about the same.


   Li Xiuning, as Li Shimin’s sister, is also a fierce person.

   She was holding two Tang knives, one to block the weapons of the Mughal soldiers, and the other Tang knives to pierce the enemy's abdomen!

   Kill the enemy without mercy!

   The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself!

   The Mughal Empire lord under the city had collapsed mentality and ordered a retreat.

   He brought ten thousand people to the battle, and in half an hour he lost one-tenth of his troops, but the city showed no signs of faltering.

   If he continues to fight, it is estimated that his 10,000 army will be wiped out in half a day.

   Just as the Mughal Empire army retreated, the city gate opened, and the ready-to-go Hua Mulan, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun rushed out and marched into the Mughal Empire army!

   The Mughal army was shaken because of its failure to attack the city. With three cavalry generals out, the army collapsed completely and was attacked by Hua Mulan, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun!

   Hua Mulan raised the sharp Tang knife with his right hand high, and the Mughal soldiers who turned and fled were like lambs to be slaughtered.

   Xue Rengui’s Datang Archers fought with the Indian Rajput cavalry. Under the leadership of Xue Rengui, the Datang Archers destroyed the dead, and Xue Rengui took the lead and championed the three armies!

   None of the oncoming Rajput cavalry was Xue Rengui's opponent, Fang Tian killed him with a halberd!

   A Mughal rider came to challenge, was drunk by Xue Rengui and picked him under the horse!

   The Mughal army was terrified, and the Rajput cavalry collapsed in morale and turned and fled.

   Xue Rengui chased and killed troops in the rear, rushing from left to right, and beating a hundred people in one battle!

   The only thing that can prevent him from killing the enemy is the upper limit of his and the horse's physical strength!

   The lord of the Mughal Empire saw a white-robed general chasing him behind him, his soul was scattered, and he abandoned his army and fled!

   Mulan’s light cavalry is faster than Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun’s cavalry.

   When Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun attacked the swaying Mughal Empire army, Hua Mulan used the power of the iron eagle to scout the cavalry to make a roundabout attack!

   If you take a bird’s eye view from the air, you can clearly find that Mulan’s cavalry has detoured from the flanks to the rear of the Mughal army, and it happened to meet the Mughal lord and his Rajput cavalry!

   Hua Mulan’s Iron Eagle scouts are often used for reconnaissance, but at least they are Tier 6 light cavalry, and they are not inferior to ordinary light cavalry when confronted with each other!

Hua Mulan has a 25% offensive and defensive bonus, plus the auras of Chutian and Le Yi. The Iron Eagle scout can have an additional 38% attack bonus and 28% defense bonus to make up for its combat effectiveness as a scout cavalry. Insufficient defects!

   The Iron Eagle scout easily cuts into the demoralized Rajput cavalry!

  Rajput cavalry is not weak in combat effectiveness, but they encounter more powerful Eastern cavalry!

   Hua Mulan caught a glimpse of the other party's lion flag, knowing that the army might be a big figure in the other side, so she went all the way and went straight to the lion flag!

  The Rajput cavalry along the way were all killed by Hua Mulan and her cavalry. Hua Mulan was like no one!

"Do not!"

   The lord of the Mughal Empire saw that dozens of cavalry riding black horses had breached in front of him, his face was distorted with horror.

   Hua Mulan’s Tang knife pierced forward, and the sharp Tang knife pierced the armor of the Mughal lord!

   "This armor cost 100 taels of gold..."

   The lord of the Mughal Empire found that his chain mail had no effect in front of Hua Mulan's Tang Sword, because it was a king-level general who stabbed him to death!

   Hua Mulan’s Tang Sword also got stuck, but there were two Tang Swords on her waist, and she immediately pulled out the second Tang Sword and continued to kill the enemy!

   The lord of the Mughal Empire fell from a horse and never looked down.

   He just wants to take down the first city, this national war is too difficult...

   The opposing lord was killed by Hua Mulan, and the Mughal Empire completely collapsed. The Chutian Legion captured more than 3,000, and the other Mughal soldiers fled everywhere.

   Chutian once again came forward to persuade the surrender of more than three thousand Mughal soldiers.

After the Lord of    was killed, it was easier for Chutian as the Tian Khan to subdue the alien race. More than 3,000 Mughal soldiers all surrendered and became the servants of the Chutian Army.

   Fang Xuanling made a detailed inventory: “At present, there are 1026 soldiers from Korea and 3,425 from Mughal soldiers. Among them, there are 1121 soldiers from the fifth-tier Rajput cavalry.”

   Unknowingly, Chutian's servant army reached four thousand people.

   is still a little far from Chutian's goal.

   Chutian intends to capture tens of thousands of servants and return to the Eastern Han District as cannon fodder to attack Cao Cao.

   As long as the servants are prohibited from multiplying in the Eastern Han Dynasty, they will continue to be used as cannon fodder until they are killed in battle.

   This is the fate of the servant army.

   Goguryeo heavy cavalry has been used up to now, almost all of them are exhausted.

   "How do I feel that capturing prisoners is more efficient than recruiting soldiers directly..."

   Chu Tian pondered, at this rate, maybe in two months he could piece together the Eight-Power Allied Forces and sweep the nearby area.

   After this battle, Chutian's total points reached 781, ranking fifth in the world.

   The lord who was in front of Chutian probably experienced more fierce battles.

   Chutian severely inflicted a lord of Goryeo and annihilated a lord of the Mughal Empire, ranking fifth.

   But if you compare the battle damage ratio, Chu Tian’s loss is smaller than that of the leader in front, and he still has four thousand servants, the more he fights, the more troops...

   Hua Mulan used the straight blade of the Tang Sword to assassinate the lord of the Mughal Empire. Other lords of the Mughal Empire knew that a lord of his own civilization had died in battle, and she was shocked!

   They can see that a large lord with a population of 2 million in their own civilized area disappears from the rankings, and his territory collapses!

   Many high lords, like Chutian, lack a legal heir. Once he is killed, his territory will be divided by his subordinates or surrounding enemies!

   Fang Xuanling's worry is not unreasonable.

   For a big power, it is reliable to have inherited talents. Otherwise, the lord will be out of war, and unexpected events will occur, and the huge power will immediately collapse.

   So Fang Xuanling would rather risk being punished to solve this problem.

Kshatriya, the largest lord of the Mughal Empire, also discovered that a great lord was killed: "Who killed our Mughal lord in India? If I let Kshatriya meet him, I will trample it into flesh ~www.readwn.com~ Revenge for it."

   Kshatriya has joined another Mughal Empire lord, and the heavy elephant destroys the Arab camel cavalry on the opposite side.

   "Kshatriya-sama, an Eastern Han army was found ahead!"

   "Wait for us to destroy the lord of the Arab Empire, and meet him again."

   When Chutian was in the national war, Xia Liang brought people to the prison in Xiapi City and saw Zhang Zhao, a civil minister in custody.

   Zhang Zhao was one of the best civil servants in the Eastern Wu, equivalent to Xun Yu to Cao Wei and Zhuge Liang to Shu Han.

Xia Liang personally recruited Zhang Zhao for Chu Tian: "It has been a long time since Mr. Zibu, a great talent, if he were to bury him in jail, it would be a pity. It would be better to be loyal to Master Xuzhou Mu. The adults went to crusade against the foreign race and waited for him to come back. Mr. is engaged."

   Zhang Zhao didn't have a lot of favor with the Chutian forces that captured Pengcheng: "Master Xuzhou Mu didn't come in person, but sent a female classmate. Does he look down on Zhang Zibu?"

   "Zibu, she is not an ordinary female class..."

   Langya person Zhao Yu and Donghai person Wang Lang followed to the prison. They were threatened by Xia Liang and persuaded Zhang Zhao to be sent down.

   Many families had contacts in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Zhao Yu and Wang Lang were friends of Zhang Zhao.

   Xia Liang smiled slightly, but Zhang Zhao was sweating: "I believe Mr. Zibu will be happy to play for Master Xuzhou Mu, won't you?"

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