Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 268: 3 great European lords

   A city guarded by the lord of the Great Yue Kingdom led by troops was besieged by the Eastern Han army and the servant army.

   "The three are missing one."

   In order to attack this city as soon as possible, Chutian has already been familiar with the road.

   As long as there is a ray of life, they will not stick to it.

   This was the seventh city he attacked.

   Regardless of vying for the first place or continuing to maintain the advantage, he needs to occupy as many cities as possible.

   "The points of Zhang Dao and the other lords have risen too fast."

   Chutian saw the rankings. On the 45th day of the National War, several lords emerged from behind.

   First place, Ekaterina, Lord of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, with 10549 points.

   Second place, the lord of the Eastern Han Empire, I just want to farm well and earn 10365 points.

   Third place, the Eastern Han Empire led the claim, with 9957 points.

   Fourth place, the last Roman of the lord of the Roman Republic, with 9900 points.

   Fifth place, the Lord of the Kingdom of France will never surrender, with 9850 points.

   Sixth place, the lord of the Eastern Han Empire, Lao Qin, with 9158 points.

   Seventh place, the lord of the Eastern Han Empire, a small soldier at the border of the late Ming Dynasty, points 8956.

   Eighth place, Lord Hohenzollern of the Holy Roman Empire, points 8934.

   The ninth place, the commander of the Persian Empire, the undead army, with 8483 points.

   Tenth place, Umayyad, Lord of the Arab Empire, points 8325.


   After the death of Kshatriya, four of the top ten lords were the lords of the Eastern Han Empire.

   The leader of Hanzhong advocated the sudden emergence of Taoism, almost catching up with the first Ekaterina and the second Chutian.

   The lords of the Roman Republic, the lords of the Kingdom of France, and the lords of the Holy Roman Empire have also risen quickly.

"Zhang Dao must have used the tactics of recruiting peasant rebels to quickly expand his army, so the points rise faster in the later stages. As for other lords, it is likely that they killed and captured a large number of prisoners during the battle with Zhang Dao. The peasant rebels in China, so the points have risen quickly."

   Chutian can infer the situation of other lords through the changes in the ranking.

   When Zhang Dao's score increased, his peasant army was massively killed by other lords, which indirectly caused the score of other lords to increase.

   Zhang Dao brought variables to the ranking of the national war.

   If this continues, it may be Zhang Dao or the lord who is fighting Zhang Dao at this time.

   "Unexpectedly, the peasant army can still use it in this way. After the seventh city is captured, it must go south as soon as possible and occupy more cities in order to maintain its position."

   Considering that the leading position is not guaranteed, Chu Tian must speed up the speed of conquering the city.

   Three days after the seventh city was besieged, the lord of Da Yue Kingdom, who was consciously invincible, abandoned the city and fled.

   The Eastern Han Dynasty Army was able to capture this city.

   Next, Chutian sent people to the valley to the south to conduct investigations, preparing to move to the south.

   Out of consideration to prevent the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the north from going south, Chutian still detained Ekaterina as a hostage and asked the other party to throw a rat trap.

   Chutian was able to go south with peace of mind.

   "You have to find a way to escape back."

  Ekaterina received preferential treatment in Chutian’s camp, but she continued to be detained and depressed. She was worried that she would be taken by Chutian to the Eastern Han Dynasty, and she would lose the territory of several million people.

   Instead of being a canary in a cage, it is better to be an eagle on the grassland.


   Ekaterina saw a war eagle fall into the camp, and suddenly realized why her camp was attacked by the Eastern Han Army.

   Hua Mulan was recruited by Chu Tian to investigate the southern part of the valley, and the war eagle fell on her shoulder, which made Ekaterina firm up her judgment.

   When Hua Mulan saw Ekaterina who was still in the camp, she was extremely indifferent and faintly hostile to her.

   Ekaterina has a female instinct, and realizes that Mulan is hostile to her. This hostility is a bit special.

   She thought of a way to force Chu Tian to release her.

   "Unexpectedly, your lord is quite strong, not as strong and capable as his appearance."

   Ekaterina said something intentionally or unintentionally.

   Hua Mulan frowned, resisting the urge to pull out the Tang Dao, and came to Chutian's tent.

   "You send the Iron Eagle to scout the cavalry for a hundred miles south, and I want all the information in the southern part of the valley."

   Chutian used iron eagle scout cavalry suitable for investigation.

   "At the end... at the end will obey."

   Hua Mulan has a strange expression.

   probably thought that Chu Tian was mixed up with the wave girl.

   "Are you tired? Do you need another person to take over the task of investigation?"

   Chutian noticed something wrong with Hua Mulan.

   "The task will be completed successfully at the end."

   Mulan leaves.

   After Chutian decided to expand south, Zhao Long and Huma resigned, and they planned to attack east.

   All four cities belong to Chutian. In order to compensate them, Chutian divided tens of thousands of recruited low-level soldiers to them, allowing them to expand eastward.

   Zhao Long does not have a city, Huma has a city. They know that they will continue to follow Chutian. Chutian will basically occupy all the cities, so they can only part ways and stand on their own.

   The two of them teamed up to expand eastward, which is also a good thing for Chutian.

   To the west is the forest, to the north is the Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow that was forced to become allies, and to the east is the active expansion of Zhao Long and Huma. Chutian can expand to the south without hesitation.

   A large number of iron eagle scout cavalry were dispatched to the southern valley, and the cavalry quickly crossed the valley for reconnaissance.

   In the plain outside the southern valley, the leaders of the Eastern Han Empire advocated the emergence of Taoism, occupying five cities, and there are 250,000 troops!

  Because there is no need to consider construction issues, Zhang Dao can be a soldier.

   As for food, Zhang Dao didn't think about it at all. The food in the city on the battlefield of the national war just can sustain until the end of the national war.

   This is enough.

   After the end of the national war, he returned to Hanzhong with this group of peasant soldiers. The food supply was not a problem because he had already started farming in Hanzhong.

  The peasant army still had to transform into a feudal regime in the later period, in order to last.

   "Lord, the lord of Europe will attack again!"

   Zhang Dao is preparing to continue to expand, increasing the number of soldiers and horses to 300,000, and he is finally targeted as the third currently ranked.

   Zhang Dao's peasant uprising army's tactics were too overbearing, causing anxiety among the surrounding lords.

   He had fought against several lords of France and the Holy Roman Empire before, and he won a lot of military exploits by the other side.

   This time, he was attacked by three powerful European lords.

   Zhang Dao held an army of 250,000, facing the siege of three powerful lords, he didn't care.

"Now there are only 45 days before the start of the national war. They can't recruit high-level arms to supplement their losses, because the recruitment cycle of high-level arms is generally more than two months. In other words, they actually bring less than 30,000 elites. After many days of fighting, the elite may drop to 1-2 million. I have 250,000 people, and they can be exhausted by using human tactics. They regard my army as points, and they want to destroy me. How can they be so easily Did you succeed?"

   Zhang Dao sensed the other's purpose.

   The three major lords in Europe regard him as a threat and a way to earn points.

   If the 250,000 peasant army can be wiped out, they may be able to squeeze into the top three or even become the first.

   "Have you reached out to Lao Qin?"

   Although he had confidence in his 250,000 peasant army, Zhang Dao took the initiative to contact Old Qin, the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the same area.

   One of the two sides is the lord of Hanzhong and the other is the lord of Guanzhong. They are quite familiar, so Zhang Dao wants to find Lao Qin to join hands against these European lords.

   There is currently no deep hatred between the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the European lords, this is just a battle under the rules of national warfare.

   Chutian also defeated a Spanish lord.

   "Lao Qin refused our request for help."

   "Isn't it said that the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty had the same enemies during the Great War?!"

   Zhang Dao was moved. He did not expect that Lao Qin, who presided over the first national war, would refuse his request for help, who was also the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "It's not that I don't want to save you, but that I am also in trouble here."

  赳赳 Lao Qin looked at the Roman Legion under the Binglin City, the eagle flag of the Roman Legion blocked the air.

   He had given up the idea of ​​fighting against the Roman Legion, but the Roman Legion still got him in trouble.

   He faced a Roman legion of tens of thousands.

   At that time, Rome and the Qin and Han dynasties were the civilizations that dominated the West and the East respectively. Therefore, Lao Qin was extremely cautious when fighting against the Roman legions and was unable to divide his forces to support Zhang Dao, who was also the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "Did the Roman legion and several European knight lords have reached an agreement to come and delay me on purpose?"

  赳赳 Lao Qin judged that there was a connection between the knight lord and the Roman lord based on their performance.

   It is difficult for a single European civilization to contend with the Eastern Han Dynasty, but if the whole of Europe acts together, it is difficult to say the outcome.

   The most important thing is that the most powerful lords in Europe are all in this area, but Chu Tian, ​​the first lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is missing.

  赳赳 What Lao Qin didn't expect was that Chutian's power was in the north of them, but the two sides were separated by a valley and did not know each other's existence.

   "Let me lead the bizhou wolf ride to fight, kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

   Lu Bu faced the Roman Legion without fear.

   "If I have Baiqi and Wang Jian, of course I will confront them head-on, but this time I will focus on defense."

  赳赳 Lao Qin didn't fight because of Lu Bu's instigation.

   The civilization of the Roman Empire is a great empire spanning three continents. Many outstanding commanders and generals have been born, and they will suffer a big loss if you underestimate them.

   and the old Qin is facing the first lord of Rome, as well as the imperial commander-in-chief of Scipio.

   Lu Bu is the courage of a man after all, and was suppressed by Cao Cao.

  赳赳 Old Qin faced an enemy that might be even more terrifying than Cao Cao.

  Three European lords are marching towards the city where Zhang Dao is.

   The noble knights of France have sophisticated armor, and among them, there are knights with precious full body armor.

   A large number of entourages and heavy corps as auxiliary troops.

   Cheap spearman as cannon fodder.

   Crossbowmen and Longbowmen are long-range troops.

   It is the master knight who is really the main force in the battle.

   Saint Joan of Arc is the core of this French aristocratic knight army. She can turn corruption into magic and bring huge bonuses to the whole army.

   "The lord with a large number of peasant army must be the leader of the Eastern Han Empire."

   The French lord "Never surrender" heard a little bit about the lord who set off the peasant uprising in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Before the start of the national war, they collected additional intelligence on the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Basically, the identity of the opponent can be judged through the opponent's tactics and military characteristics.

  Because the Eastern Han Dynasty gave birth to the world’s first lord, coupled with the strength of the Eastern Han civilization itself, there are lords with names and surnames in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and European lords will pay attention to prevent them from being defeated during national wars.

"His army is large, but it is just a group of farmers. Once Joan of Arc's power and noble knights are used, it will be completely defeated. In fact, I don't need to join forces with the lords of England and Germany. They might instead rob them. The walking part should belong to my points..."

  Lord of France can see the power of Joan of Arc, so he has full confidence in the heroes and noble knights of France.

   This time, he teamed up with two lords, the lord of England "God will bless you", and he owns the English Longbowman, one of the most powerful bow arms in the world. Lord Hohenzollern of the Holy Roman Empire, he has the ability to recruit knights of the Teutonic Order.

   The three lords are all first-class high lords in Europe, equivalent to the top five lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Three people join forces and it is easy to deal with an Eastern Han lord.

   And their tacit understanding is better than the alliance of South Asia, Southeast Asia, Korea, and Dongying.

   "The arrogant Gaul chicken will also find us to join hands. Is he afraid of the more than 200,000 peasant army? It is his honor for the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty to be surrounded by our three civilized knights."

  The Teutonic Knights are about thirty kilometers away from the French noble knights.

  The mixed army of English knights and longbowmen was 30 kilometers away from them, and the three army groups showed a tendency to encircle.

   A black war eagle hovered above the English Legion, with a sharp eagle eye bird's eye view of the rugged plain and the English Legion marching on the plain.

   This English Legion uses St. George's Cross as a battle flag~www.readwn.com~The commander is the black prince Edward.

   He noticed the war eagle soaring in the air and stared at the war eagle for three full minutes.

   "Edward, is about to fight the Legion in the East. So are you nervous?"

   The Lord of England "God will bless you" sees his hero lost in his mind, thinking that the black prince Edward is nervous.

   "Lord, there is a problem with that eagle. It seems to be watching our marching route."

   Black Prince Edward, as a legendary hero in England, is aware of danger.

  The war eagle raised by Hua Mulan can hide most people, but there are still some legendary heroes who perceive the unusualness of the war eagle.


   The Lord of England looked into the sky, and there was an eagle hovering?

   "Maybe it's just vultures. It's not surprising that they will peck at the dead soldiers. It should be fortunate that it is not the crow that brought misfortune, otherwise it would be really disturbing."

   The common sense of the English lord influenced his judgment.

   Who can think of someone who has the ability to rely on eagles to detect.

   The black war eagle hovered in the air for a period of time before leaving to the north.

   Black Prince Edward frowned, and he seemed to have an ominous premonition.

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