Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 270: Ambush the French Knights

   The Eastern Han Peasant Army is fighting fiercely with the European knights. The Eastern Han Peasant Army was forced to resist. Zhang Dao used his own strength to block the attack of the three European lords and reached the limit.

   Chong King General Liu Zongmin's spear pierced the Teutonic Knight's body armor. The plate armor was sunken, but it was difficult to break through the defense.

   Even so, the Teutonic knight was injured by the impact of the spear, and with a muffled hum, he almost fell from his horse.

  The Teutonic knight swung the knight's sword, but Liu Zongmin blocked it with an iron spear, sporadic sparks splashed.

Opposite    is a hero of the Knights, equivalent to a general of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   A pair of murderous eyes stared at the general from the East through the small cracks in his body armor.

   Liu Zongmin, as a military commander of the Eastern Han Dynasty, had never experienced fighting a knight in plate armor. Facing a knight covered in steel armor, he had no way of starting. The plate-armored knights of the Teutonic Knights are also the first time they have fought an Eastern general, both curious and wanting to kill the enemy in front of them.

   The strength of the two men is similar, but the plate-armored knight hero has a costly full body armor, which is difficult for Liu Zongmin to break. If he has a blunt weapon in his hand, it may be easier.

   "What iron monster is this?!"

   Liu Zongmin and the plate-armored knight heroes fought against each other in a chaotic army, and they fought against each other several times in a row.

  The plate-armored knights of the Teutonic Knights galloped in the Eastern Han peasant army, and the peasant army lacking armor was harvested unilaterally.

   "It seems that I can only give up the army and escape."

   Zhang Dao saw that the peasant army was fighting separately, and his military commanders Liu Zongmin and Zhang Bao were also unable to return to heaven, so they thought of retreating.

   He doesn't feel sorry for the soldiers who died.

  The peasant army he brought from the Eastern Han Dynasty was only 10,000, and the remaining 200,000 troops were all recruits on the battlefield of the national war. Furthermore, Zhang Dao has seen too many such scenes. As soon as he succeeds, he will only become more and more indifferent to the casualties.

   Opposite is a regular knight, and the peasant army lacking armor can hardly give full play to its strengths. Liu Zongmin and Zhang Bao are still fighting hard, but it is of little significance.

   "The enemy will be destroyed soon, and victory belongs to God."

   "A lord who is less than the top three in the Eastern Han Dynasty has to be defeated by us together. If any one of us fights with it alone, can we win?"

   The three lords of England, France, and Germany looked down on the dense battlefield from a high place. There are hundreds of knights around them, who have not yet entered the battle.

   Although the three of them defeated Zhang Dao, they knew that the three lords could join forces to suppress the other lord. Zhang Dao's peasant army can submerge any one of them. This is an advantage in strength.

   Each high lord has its own unique tactics or special arms.

   "But unfortunately, in any case, his legion is already in our pocket, and we divide its population equally."

   "He is still struggling to death."

   Zhang Dao’s Eastern Han peasant army is still consuming the opposing knights.

  In Zhang Dao's opinion, as long as the knights on the opposite side are exhausted, even if all the 200,000 peasant troops are killed!

   He has lost his mind a bit.

   Just as the situation fell towards the European Legion, the flanks of the European Legion were suddenly hit, and the low-level arms on the flanks collapsed, affecting the knights in the middle.

   "What happened?!"

  The three major European lords looked to the side, and saw a cavalry in white horse and white robe appeared, and several red dragon battle flags were hunting and hunting because of the galloping horses!

   This is the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

   "Why are there other Eastern Han regiments nearby? What are the rangers doing?"

   "Reserve, go to support the flank immediately!"

   "Oh, God, luckily we still have a reserve team."

   The three major European lords are not good candidates either. They reserved a reserve team of 8,000 people in advance to prepare for unexpected events.

   Dozens of plate knights led a group of cavalry and low-level infantry to stop the Eastern Han Dynasty reinforcements.

   Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Li Guang drove the light cavalry to arrive, almost at the same time bend their bows and shoot arrows, using their superb riding and shooting to give each other a round of arrows, harvesting the lives of hundreds of low-level troops.

   Thousands of light cavalry then pulled out their sabers and cut into the enemy's unguarded infantry phalanx!

   The horse hoof was raised high, trampling the infantry and archers under the horse hoof!

   Infantrymen and archers who lack time to turn have no resistance in front of the galloping light cavalry. Zhao Yun, who took the lead, stabs the infantry in front of him and easily stabs the enemy to death, breaking seven rows of infantry!

   White Horse Yicong followed closely, shooting arrows on the horse's back to kill the enemy troops along the way.

   Zhao Yun has a white horse righteously from cover, and he is like a broken bamboo in the enemy's position!

   Zhao Yun's offensive was not contained until a dozen knights in plate armor appeared.

   "This is the full-body plate knight the lord said?"

   Zhao Yun was besieged by a plate-armored knight, facing a group of iron cans, the attack was not easy.

  All the vitals of the plate knight are blocked by steel plates.

   More than a dozen plate-armored knights discovered that Zhao Yun was not familiar with their armor, and unscrupulously drew out the knight sword to attack Zhao Yun.

   Zhao Yun yelled, and with all his strength, holding a gun in both hands, he tried to stab one of the knights in the plate armor!

  The knight's sword of the plate-armored knight was hit by a red spear, and the tip of the spear hit his helmet!

   The powerful impact caused the plate knight to have a concussion. No matter whether he was killed or not, Zhao Yun came with another shot!

   A noble knight who used a high price to build a full body plate armor was abruptly killed by Zhao Yun with absolute force!

   Xue Rengui is similar to Zhao Yun. He has stronger armor-piercing ability and an imperial weapon. Fang Tian's painted halberd can stun the plate knight or pierce the plate armor.

   Li Guang used an armor-piercing heavy arrow to shoot through the plate armor at a distance of ten meters!

   The plate knight looked at the heavy arrow submerged in the plate, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

  The indestructible plate-armored knight was quickly wiped out under the attack of three powerful generals.

  The knight's entourage infantry saw their master killed in battle, and their army was shaken and they retreated involuntarily.

   The death of the plate-armored knights made the reinforcements of the Eastern Han Dynasty motivated. The White Horse Yicong, the archers, and the servant cavalry pierced the opponent's flank and approached the Chinese army!

   Xiliang Iron Cavalry is late, and immediately after entering the battlefield tore a hole in another direction. They are Eastern-style armored heavy cavalry. The cost of armor is less than that of full body armor, but they can be made in large quantities!

   Huaxiong’s Xiliang cavalry gallops. As Tier 7 cavalry, they let European lords feel the power of Eastern heavy cavalry for the first time!

   The loose spear civic soldiers looked weak against the heavy cavalry, and the formation was quickly washed down by the iron torrent!

   "The wings are broken!"

   The three European lords witnessed the defeat of the reserve team and fell into panic. They have no troops in their hands to stop the Eastern Han Dynasty reinforcements!

   "Withdraw troops!"

   In order to prevent the entire army from being annihilated, the three lords finally chose to withdraw their troops.

   The knights and entourage withdrew like a tide.

   "I still have reinforcements...? Whose legion is this?"

   Zhang Dao suffered a heavy loss but survived, and when he saw the familiar banner, he was surprised by the accident.

   "Zhang Bao, Liu Zongmin, counterattack me!"

   Zhang Dao ordered a counterattack, and the rest of the Eastern Han peasant army cheered up a bit, chasing and killing the noble knight.

   When the reinforcements defeated the flank, the victory was divided!

   Saint Joan of Arc led the French knights to protect the lord's retreat. The Teutonic Knights suffered heavy losses and left under the leadership of the large group commander.

   Xue Rengui, Li Guang, Zhao Yun, Hua Xiong and others pursued and killed in the rear, and cooperated with Zhang Bao, Liu Zongmin and other rogue generals to completely destroy the European coalition forces of the three lords. At least tens of thousands of European legions were killed in this battle!

  The three major European lords did not expect to win first and then lose, they retreated in a hurry. Soldiers can still be recruited if they die. If the hero is killed or captured, it will be a huge loss to his civilization.

   Saint Joan of Arc, Black Prince Edward, and the head of the Teutonic Knights protected their lord from fleeing. As long as the lord and hero are there, the loss is not great.


   "Zhang Dao and the three European lords have more points than me. The battle between them must be very fierce."

Chu Tian, ​​who was ambushing the European lords in the rear, yawned. He could see that Zhang Dao and the three European lords were the first to fourth on the rankings, indicating that the battle between them was fierce and both sides were killed in large numbers. Of soldiers.

   Chutian didn't rush, he had led more than 10,000 people in ambush on an enemy's retreat, and it was just who was so unlucky, hitting Chutian's ambush circle.

   Generally speaking, every lord pays attention to dispatching scout cavalry for reconnaissance, and the probability of successful ambush is very low.

   But if Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Li Guang, and Zhang Dao’s peasant army defeated the European coalition forces, and the other party hurriedly fled the battlefield and had no time to investigate, then the success rate of the ambush would be greatly increased.

   A war eagle landed on Hua Mulan's arm, and Hua Mulan came to report: "Master, there is a broken army approaching!"

   "Prepare to ambush, wait for the enemy to pass halfway, and cut off!"

   More than ten thousand soldiers and horses lie in ambush in the dense forest.

  The French lord led thousands of elites to flee in the direction of Chutian ambush. He escaped separately from the lords of England and Germany, making it difficult for Xue Rengui and others to separate their troops and pursue them.

   "The Eastern Han cavalry has generals who can easily kill the plate-armored knights. They must be the heroes of the top three lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty, otherwise it cannot be explained!"

   The French lord knows how high the defense power of the knight master in his body armor is. Dozens of knights in full body armor were killed by the opponent's fierce generals not long after they fought, which shows how powerful the opponent is.

   Saint Joan of Arc followed, blood staining the battle flag red.

   As long as the legendary heroes of France are not captured, then all losses are not a problem.

   "I only took 10,000 people to participate in the national war, and I returned to France, and I will soon be able to get supplements!"

   The French lord did not care much about defeat. His real loss was only a few thousand people, and the rewards from the national war could make up for the losses of several thousand people.

  The remnants of the French Legion entered Chutian's ambush circle under his leadership.

   Joan of Arc holding a battle flag and looking around, she suddenly had a premonition of anxiety.

   Not only her, but the entire French Legion was vaguely suppressed by the characteristics of "Khan Khan" and "Ekaterina the Great", and their breathing sounded quickly.

   "It must be my illusion."

   French military commanders and soldiers thought that they were chased by the enemy, leading to the destruction.

   When the French Legion passed halfway, the rain of arrows rose and fell along the parabola, shooting the defeated French soldiers!

   "Assault the enemy!"

   Mulan’s cavalry rushed out and attacked the French Legion from the rear!

   In front is Li Xiuning's Women's Army!

   The Detachment of Women is a high-level infantry, armed with a three-meter-long spear, forming a square formation of long spears like a copper wall and an iron wall, and cooperating with Mulan's cavalry to attack the French Legion!

   French soldiers fell under the arrow rain of the Archer Battalion one after another, facing the intensive rain of arrows, except for the well-armed knights, even the infantry with shields could hardly resist.

   "Protect Lord Lord!"

   Saint Joan of Arc, holding a square shield, and dozens of knights to protect the French lord, braved the rain of arrows to attack Li Xiuning's maiden army.

   The knights also have their own vassal entourages, they follow the saint, rushing into the women's army one after another, trying to make a **** way!

   Because of the influence of Joan, the French soldiers fell into a frenzy and regarded death as home!

   Li Xiuning also inspires his own army, and the two female generals compete with each other to see-saw!

  Le Yi led two thousand heavy infantry and foot knights to support Li Xiuning, trying to block Joan of Arc's army!

   However, the greater the pressure, the more morale of the French soldiers, and dozens of knights have almost penetrated the formation of the Detachment of Women!

   "This is supposed to be the French legion... the fighting will of that small group of knights is really tenacious. I knew I would leave a fierce future against them."

   Chu Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from a high place, could see that the knight led by Joan of Arc was about to cover her lord to break through, and he couldn't help regretting not bringing Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Li Guang and other fierce generals with him, otherwise he could intercept them before.

   When the French knights were about to break through the formation of the Women's Army, Le Yi's heavy infantry arrived and used a spear longer than the Women's Army to stab the knight from the horse!

   Saint Joan of Arc was still fighting desperately in the face of the heavy infantry's flanking attack, with blood splashing on her armor.

   No matter how strong the individual is, it will not help to face the constant flood of enemies.

   "Leave the protection lord!"

   Saint Joan of Arc did her best~www.readwn.com~ personally behind her, to fight for her lord to escape!

   "It's a nice woman. It's a pity that we are enemies."

   Li Xiuning couldn't help but admire the generals like Joan of Arc, just as she appreciated Xia Chuang in Xiacheng.

   But appreciation goes to appreciation. At the beginning, Li Xiuning and Xia Liang belonged to the same camp. Now she and Joan of Arc are rival camps.

   She took down the bow and arrow behind her and aimed at Jeanne, who was fighting hard.

   "Miss Li, the lord asked to capture her alive."

  Le Yi stopped Li Xiuning who tried to shoot Joan of Arc.

   Li Xiuning put down her bow and arrow: "Can you keep her?"

   "Others' infantry may not be possible, my infantry can."

   Behind the Temple of Saint Joan of Arc, Le Yi's heavy infantry rushed forward and cut the horse's legs!

   The horse stumbles, and the hero of France, Joan of Arc, falls off the horse and is captured alive by Le Yi’s infantry!

   The lord of France escaped because of Jean's protection, only a dozen knights were left beside him.

"Do not!"

  Although the French lord escaped, he was hysterical. The most legendary heroine of France was surrounded by soldiers of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The life and death of the heroes are unknown! The general he relied on the most is gone!

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