Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 314: Go to its thief?, and its thief

In Pengchengguo, Wang Lang, the prime minister, was very busy, because thousands of acres of farmland in Pengchengguo had been destroyed by the locust plague.

   "After the locust plague, there was no harvest."

  Wang Lang got off the carriage and came to the village attacked by locusts. He was almost dead and shocking.

   Wang Lang’s discovery of the locust plague has been relatively timely. If this were not the case, more farmland would have been destroyed in Pengcheng Congress, and the locust plague would quickly spread to various states and counties in Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou.

  Mi Fang and Yin Lier will follow Wang Lang. They can't help but feel numb when they see the horror of the locust plague.

   The locust plague is worse than drought and flood.

  A small official reported: "There are rumors among the villagers of Pengcheng that this is an offense by the state shepherd, so the locust plague is a punishment to Pengcheng."

   Mi Fang lifted the little official in his hand, and scolded: "Shit, Zhou Mu, who is wise and martial and famous, how can he offend God!"

   "My lord, this, this is not what the villain said..."

   Mi Fang then put down the little official: "Catch up all the people who spread the rumors, and hit at least 30 boards."

   In Mi Fang's mind, Chu Tian is completely his brother and idol. If it weren't for Chu Tian, ​​Mi Fang would not be an official general.

   In just one year, Mi Fang went from the captain to the school lieutenant, and then to the lieutenant general, and may become an official general in the future. He was grateful to Chutian naturally and tried his best to defend it. It's like someone insulting their idol, how can they stand by.

   "This is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster. The top priority is to extinguish the locust plague as soon as possible and open a warehouse to help the people."

   Wang Lang is not a nerd, he knows that the locust plague has nothing to do with ghosts.

   Pengcheng, people are panicked because of the locust plague.

   For local civilians, the locust plague is a disaster from heaven. For foreign players, most players are irrelevant, because they don't know how much damage the locust plague will bring to agriculture.

   If Xuzhou encounters a large locust plague, the price of food will rise several times, even dozens of times, and it will take many years for Xuzhou to recover.

  The people regard food as the heaven. As the most important material in troubled times, food is more important than gold.

   In order to cope with the natural disasters that might affect the entire Xuzhou in Pengcheng, Chu Tian led Langya Xiang Xialiang, Xia Pixiang Li Di and others to Pengcheng State to try to eliminate the locust plague.

   "Go away from the moth, and its thief, it is harmless to my Tian Zhi. Tian Zu has a god, and he holds the fire."

   Xia Liang read a poem lightly, making Chutian look at him.

   "Where did it come from?"

   "The Book of Songs. The ancestors had countermeasures, and they used fire attacks for insects."

   "What is the principle?"

   Li Di replied from the side: "Locusts are similar to moths. They extinguish fires at night. You can set up a fire at night, dig pits around the fire, burn them while burying them. Although it may not be able to eradicate the locust plague, it can also prevent great hunger."

   Li Di has a lot of experience in agriculture and has experience in controlling locust plagues.

   "Arrange the counties of Pengcheng State to immediately put out locust plagues and use fire attacks. Those who put out more locusts can receive more disaster relief from the government."

   On the basis of fire attack, Chutian implemented the system of "relief by work".

   The more locusts are killed in the affected villages, the more food will be distributed by the government for disaster relief, so that no one will get something for nothing.

   Disaster relief is necessary, otherwise a peasant uprising will occur in the Pengcheng Congress, giving the surrounding powerful enemies a chance to attack Xuzhou.

   Because of the locust plague, almost all the grains in the Pengcheng country’s granary have been used for disaster relief, and this year’s grain harvest will also be affected.

   "The damage caused by a locust plague is probably greater than the damage caused by the last battle..."

   Chutian encountered a large-scale natural disaster for the first time, and it was difficult to help.

Xia Liang added: "Although one locust was caught, a hundred locusts were born in an instant. The villagers should be ordered to find places where the locusts lay eggs and pour herbal juice to kill the eggs. Villages can also be encouraged to raise a large number of locusts. Chickens, ducks, birds and other biological insects are protected. One chicken can eat a hundred locusts in the sun."


  Chutian arranged one by one to control the locust plague, mainly by killing locusts and eradicating their eggs.

   In "Lord", natural disasters are not uncommon, such as locust plagues, droughts, floods and even earthquakes.

   The locust plague that spread to a county was the first time that Chu Tian encountered it.

   "Langya has a large number of special buildings and special talents, which can increase the blessing value of the territory. I used to think that the blessing value has no effect, but now it seems that I underestimated the effect of the blessing value."

   Chutian doesn't pay much attention to this hidden characteristic. In fact, because of the high blessing value of Langya Kingdom, no huge disaster has occurred.

   In contrast, the lords of Pengcheng Kingdom have generally done the construction of Pengcheng Kingdom, and there is a probability of locust plagues.

   "The government offices of each county can properly build some buildings that seem unnecessary, such as the city **** temple and other buildings."

   Chutian weighed the cost of special buildings and the losses caused by the locust plague, and decided to build a group of buildings that can increase the blessing value in each county government office to reduce the probability of natural disasters.

   The losses caused by this locust plague to Pengchengguo can be used to build hundreds of Chenghuang Temples.

   Wang Lang, Mi Fang, Yin Li and others returned from the village and reported the disaster situation to Chutian.

Wang Lang also mentioned to Chutian what Hou Jing did in Pengcheng State: "Pengcheng State organized villagers to dig out the eggs and kill them over the years, but Hou Jing of Shouchun City destroyed many villages and towns before leaving Pengcheng State, resulting in the deserted land. It may also be one of the causes of this locust plague."

   "Hou Jing, I will kill him."

  Chutian had already learned about the burning, killing and looting of Hou Jing’s soldiers in the area of ​​Pengcheng State. The number of civilians affected reached 200,000.

   If Hou Jing’s Rebellion indirectly caused the locust plague, then he would have caused even greater damage to the Chutian forces.

   "Order the army to go south to Pengcheng State to participate in the hunting of locusts, and at the same time guard against the surrounding princes to prevent them from attacking Pengcheng State during the outbreak of the locust plague."

   Chutian is not only worried about the locust plague, but also the princes who are watching him around.

   "The outbreak of the locust plague in Xuzhou is really mixed."

   Cao Cao learned that the locust plague had broken out in Pengcheng State, and he would not dare to act rashly for a while.

   If the locust plague in Pengcheng State cannot be controlled due to the war, once it reaches Yanzhou, Cao Cao will not be better.

   The best situation is that the locust plague only affected Xuzhou. But the locust plague is uncontrollable.

   Xun Yu was responsible for managing internal affairs, worried that the locust plague would spread to Yanzhou, so he discouraged Cao Cao from risking the idea of ​​attacking Pengcheng State. Otherwise, not just tens of thousands of people will die in battle, but hundreds of thousands will die of starvation.

   Cao Cao weighed the pros and cons and finally gave up attacking Xuzhou.

   "The locust plague occurred in Pengcheng State, and the main force of Xuzhou went to Pengcheng State to rescue the disaster. This is a great opportunity for us to attack Guangling County!"

   Shouchun City, Hou Jing heard about the locust plague in Pengcheng, and wanted to take advantage of the fire and attack Guangling County.

   Guo Jia deliberately discouraged: "If you don't want to die, don't provoke Chu Zimou easily."

   "There are only 30,000 ordinary defenders in Guangling, which is very weak. Besides, I just went to looting, and left when I got the benefits. There is no need to worry. Come, bring the military division. I am always worried if the military division is not by my side."

   Hou Jing worried that Guo Jia would try to escape before he left Shouchun, so he took Guo Jia.

   More than 20,000 soldiers in Shouchun City, led by Hou Jing, invaded Guangling County in Xuzhou.

   He needs to plunder a sum of gold and silver to satisfy the soldiers' desires.

   A large number of troops were sent to Pengcheng by Chutian and went to various villages to fight the locust plague.

  The army's original combat mission is to hunt down locusts...

   At night, in the farmland on the outskirts of Pengcheng, a team of dismounted cavalry dig traps, pile up straw and burn them, attract locusts, burn them to death, and then bury them.

   The fierce general Zhao Yun is full of force, and his role in the face of the locust plague is limited. He holds a shovel to cover up the locust's body.

   Tens of thousands of locusts have been exterminated. One can imagine how terrible the locusts' ability to reproduce.

   Saint Joan of Arc also carried a shovel, she worked hard to dig the trap, sweating like rain.

   In order to extinguish the locust plague in Pengcheng country as soon as possible, everyone went to battle personally.

   After Chutian's strength increased, it was effortless to use a shovel.

   "Locusts are the biggest pest in farmland. Not only will they eat all the crops and plants, but they will also kill each other after eating everything they can eat..."

   When Summer Ryo mentioned that locusts were killing each other, he couldn't help feeling a little sick and his face pale.

"what happened to you?"

   Chutian leaned on the shovel, and saw that Xia Liang's face was not so good.

   "It's okay, maybe a little tired."

   "Xuning, you take Miss Xia to rest."

   Chutian worried that something would happen to Xialiang, so Li Xiuning took Xialiang to rest.

  The rest are still hunting locusts in the farmland.

   "In the future, we will establish strict locust control measures in various counties to reduce the frequency of locust plagues."

   It is almost unrealistic to prevent the plague of locusts completely. Even industrial civilization cannot completely avoid it, and can only reduce the scale and frequency of the plagues.

   Otherwise, there will be a plague of locusts every three to five, and the larger the territory of Chutian, the more uncomfortable.

Li Li wiped his sweat with a dry towel: "Peng Chengxiang discovered and controlled the locust plague earlier, and it is expected that the locust plague will not leave Pengcheng State. The Pengcheng State disaster, there are seven other counties for disaster relief, and there will be no famine. ."

   "This may be the benefit of centralization. One party has difficulties and all parties support it."

   Chutian served as the lord for many years, and gradually realized many truths.

The area of ​​the Eastern Han Dynasty was too large, and there were various disasters. The common natural disasters were floods in the south and droughts in the north. There were also locust plagues, snow disasters, earthquakes, and typhoons. Economic instability.

   "Peng Cheng Xiang Wang Lang was very active in this locust plague, and he took credit for his achievements and used it to evaluate his political achievements when he was promoted."

   Chutian saw that Wang Lang's handling was fairly timely, so he praised him.

   Wang Lang was deeply ashamed when he learned that Chutian would commend him. There was a locust plague in Pengcheng State under his administration, and he still felt guilty. Although I know that the plague of locusts did not cause God's anger because of a person's bad morals, after all, the plague of locusts occurred on the land under their control.

   "It's really tiring."

   Wu Anguo directly sat down on the ground, and even stringed up the locusts, grilled them on the fire, and feasted on them.

   Wu Anguo's fierce fierceness caused many civil officials to look at him.

   "Can locusts eat?"

   Mi Fang was sitting next to Wu Anguo, and seeing Wu Anguo chewing and treating locusts as food, she couldn't help being curious.

   "Why can't you eat. Who are you?"

   Wu Anguo met Mi Fang, and they looked very pleasing to each other.

   Mi Fang raised her head and chested up: "In the next Xuzhou Wushuang general and Zhonglang general Mi Fang, the word is right."

   Wu Anguo did not expect Mi Fang to have such a big background, so he said: "I am Beihai Iron Hammer Wu Anguo, and there is no word. Now the 5th Northern Army Academy is the captain."

   Mi Fang said: "You can enter the fifth academy of the Northern Army, which shows that there is a bit of brute force. When the locust plague is over, we will learn martial arts when we have time. Although my martial arts are among the best in Xuzhou, I will let you."

   Wu Anguo heard that Mi Fang's martial arts is one of the best in Xuzhou, and he was immediately frightened: "Your martial arts are strong, maybe even better than Lu Bu at Hulaoguan, I won't be boring."

   Mi Fang and Wu Anguo, one dare to say, the other dare to believe.

  The crowd will set fire to kill locusts at night, exhausted, and rest during the day.

   Chutian stationed in Pengchengguo for ten days, trying his best to suppress the locust plague.

   In the meantime, it was heard that Hou Jing invaded Guangling County~www.readwn.com~ Chu Tian ordered Guangling prefect Chen Deng to defend Guangling and relocate the residents of the countryside to the city, and then he did not care too much.

   Chutian believed that Chen Deng could defend Guangling, and it was almost impossible for Hou Jing's forces to capture Guangling. Fang Xuanling judged that Hou Jing just wanted to take the opportunity to grab the village and food in Guangling.

   Chen Qingzhi heard that Hou Jing attacked Guangling, and asked Chutian to go to Guangling and attacked Hou Jing together with Chen Deng.

   Chutian took the test for a while, and then agreed to Chen Qingzhi's request.

   Pengcheng and Guangling are both governance-level cities. Through the teleportation array, you can reach Guangling immediately. Chen Deng has two or three thousand cavalry under Chen Qingzhi's use.

   After vigorous suppression, the destructive power of the locust plague gradually decreased. There was no news of the locust plague in the surrounding counties, and everyone in Xuzhou was relieved.

   In order to prevent their family’s farmland from being destroyed by locusts, the families of Xuzhou actively supported Chutian to suppress the locust plague.

   Disaster relief grains from various counties and counties were successively transported to Pengcheng and distributed to victims who trapped locusts. The disaster situation has been reduced.

   Xia Liang had only been in the farmland for a period of time in the past ten days, but because of lack of body or feeling sick when seeing locusts, he quit with Li Xiuning early.

   Chutian thought she didn't have enough physical strength to do these heavy tasks, so she didn't have any opinion on her leaving early. After all, everyone has their own strengths.

   Until the eleventh day, Li Lan, a physician who had been following Xia Village, found Chu Tian: "The lord, do you know why Miss Xia is a little weak recently?"


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