Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 329: The Battle of Mobei (3)

The central part of the Mongolian Plateau is Yanran Mountain, and the south reaches Yin Mountain. Between Yanran Mountain and Yin Mountain is a large area of ​​Gobi and desert. Fifty thousand cavalry, tens of thousands of infantry and food transporters marched towards Yanran Mountain in mighty force.

  The more you go to Mobei, the greater the logistical pressure. When food is in short supply, it means that the army must be withdrawn.

   "The Mongol Empire was born on this plateau. If it is not necessary, there are not many empires willing to attack this bitterly cold land. So batch after batch of nomadic tribes have risen from here, going south from time to time, causing endless disasters."

   Chutian rides a Turkic horse. The Turkic horse adapts to the climate of the Mongolian Plateau and will not be inadequate.

  The ancient Central Plains regime had little interest in the Mongolian Plateau, because the Gobi and desert north of Yinshan Mountain were difficult to cultivate, and the cost of controlling and digesting Mobei was extremely high. The Central Plains regime only controls Monan.

   Chutian is thinking about ways to control Mobei.

   If you build a large city on the shore of Lake Baikal, set up a teleportation array, and rotate soldiers and horses every ten years, you may be able to control Mobei. Once an accident occurs in Mobei, the army in the pass can use the teleportation array to quickly go to Mobei to suppress the rebellion.

   For Chu Tian, ​​who is still south of the Yellow River, pushing Mobei across the main world seems a bit far away. The northern part of the Mongolian Plateau is the Siberian Plateau. The sphere of influence of the Grand Duchy of Moscow should be only a few lords of the Grand Duchy of Moscow active in the Siberian Plateau.

   The Grand Duchy of Moscow... Chu Tian thought of a lord of the Grand Duchy of Moscow he knew, like Linna.

   The war eagle soars in the air, falling among the iron eagle scouts from time to time.

   The iron eagle scouts the cavalry to investigate the surroundings, trace the whereabouts of the Huns, and report from time to time: "No Huns were found."

   "It seems that the main Huns have retreated from Monan to Mobei."

   Chutian knew that after the Battle of Monan was over, in order to avoid the edge of the Han army, the Huns chose to fight in Mobei and fight the Han army. There are indeed very few Huns in Monan.

   Li Guang, the chief general of the Han army, was a little confused and almost went in the wrong direction, but with Chu Tian's correction, the Han army basically marched in the right direction.

   "The Han army is here again!"

   "They are really lingering."

   The Hun Youxian King grabbed the reins of the horse, and tens of thousands of Huns cavalry were panicked when they heard that the Han army had arrived.

   The main force of the Huns has retreated to Mobei, in order to increase the logistics pressure of the Han army, and then increase the winning rate in the decisive battle in Mobei.

   "The last time Wei Qing captured more than 10,000 men and women, and hundreds of thousands of livestock, this hatred must be avenged!"

   "Wang, there seems to be no cavalry of Wei Qing in this path."

   "But I feel an equally disturbing breath..." King Youxian closed his eyes and felt a faint suppression. "It is indeed a little different from the oppression that Wei Qing brings. Why is this?"

   A black war eagle hovered in the air.

   There are Xiongnu archers who want to shoot with their bows in arms, but the height of the eagle is beyond the range of the bow and arrow.

   The Hun King Youxian looked at the war eagle in the air and glanced twice more: "You stay and continue to monitor this path of soldiers and horses."

   A big Huns replied: "Yes."

   Youxian king commanded his cavalry to join the Xiongnu Shanyu, leaving only three thousand Huns to monitor the whereabouts of Li Guang's army.

   The King Youxian’s Wang Ting was destroyed by Wei Qing in the last Battle of Monan, and his influence dropped drastically. Part of his force was distributed to his own king Zhao Xin. He now has only tens of thousands of cavalry.

   Therefore, King Youxian was afraid and hated Wei Qing.

   The main force of the Xiongnu was concentrated in the headquarters of Shan Yu and the court of Zuo Xian.

  "A hundred miles ahead, a large number of Huns and horses were found!"

After    Iron Eagle scouts detected the Huns cavalry, they immediately reported to Chu Tian.

   "How many people are there?"

   "There may be tens of thousands."

   "Tens of thousands ride..."

   Chutian, Fang Xuanling, and Lu Su learned of this information, their expressions solemn.

   In the Battle of Mobei, the attributes of the Huns cavalry were strengthened by 20%, and they started at Tier 3. If they were not careful, they would be wiped out in the Mongolian plateau.

   "Send scouts to investigate a hundred miles forward. Do not approach the Huns cavalry. Use the war eagle to conduct reconnaissance at a distance of ten miles."

   Chutian possesses the most adept at investigative units, and even the Xiongnu who dare to approach him cannot avoid the warhawk's sight.

  If tens of thousands of cavalry appeared, it means that Chutian and their marching route are correct.

   "It may be the Xiongnu Shanyu, it may be the second king, and it may be the Youxian king, and the possibility of other Huns is unlikely. If it is the Xiongnu Shanyu, with 10,000 of us, we might lose the battle."

Chu Tian considered that the Xiongnu Shanyu had the elite 7th-order light cavalry "Shanyu Guards", with an average level of 80. He was a warrior who fought against the Han Empire for many years. With his cavalry alone, he encountered the Xiongnu Shanyu. Can please.

   The 10,000 cavalry brought by Chutian were both recruits and veterans. Xue Rengui's Tier 6 Datang Archers had an average level of 57, and Chen Qingzhi's two thousand white-robed cavalry had an average level of 23.

   The average level reflects the number and severity of battles experienced by a unit. The level can affect the combat effectiveness of the troops. There is a huge gap between the Hundred Wars Division and the newly recruited soldiers.

   The White-robed Army was a cavalry who had just been recruited, but Chu Tian still brought the White-robed Army to the Battle of Mobei, because the huge bonus that Chen Qingzhi brought to the White-robed Army could bridge the level gap.

  The question now is whether or not to gamble, and how to gamble.

   "There are tens of thousands of cavalry on the opposite side, so you have to bring Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Li Guang, and Zhao Shiqi to beat them."

   In order to prevent the entire army from being annihilated, Chutian chose to bring his teammates to encircle and suppress the Huns.

   "Report, the Huns marched northward, leaving only a small number of cavalry behind the palace, the number is about two to five thousand!"

   Chu Tian was about to notify Cao Cao and others, but the Tie Ying scout came with news.

   Fang Xuanling speculated: "Obviously the Huns are still unwilling to fight a decisive battle with our soldiers and horses. The remaining Huns cavalry is just for the purpose of monitoring us."

   "If there are only a few thousand Huns cavalry, we can defeat them. Tonight we will leave the camp to attack this Huns cavalry. After we leave the camp, we will notify Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Li Guang, Zhao Shiqi and others to go north to catch up."

After a brief discussion with Fang Xuanling and Lu Su, Chu Tian planned to eat the Huns behind the palace by himself, and then chase the main Huns who fled northward without stopping. At the same time, he informed Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Li Guang, Zhao Shiqi and other legions to follow on.

   Whether Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will support themselves, Chutian is not sure. What he can be sure of is that if Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi know that the main force of the Huns is in front, they will definitely support Chu Tian.

   Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi are too eager to win the battle.

   During Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty worshiped conquest by force, military exploits were the easiest way to obtain princes besides blood, so the trend of martial arts was rampant. The Xiongnu attacked, and the frontier generals attacked. The Xiongnu did not come, and they wanted to find an excuse to beat them.

   With the help of Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi’s Han cavalry, Chu Tian didn’t have to worry about being surrounded by the Huns and annihilated.

   That night, in the Han army camp, Chu Tian ordered all the light cavalry to bring dry food, lightly outfit, and start chasing down the right sage of the Huns. At the same time, he left a small number of iron eagles to scout the cavalry, and later notified the rest of his teammates.

   The Xiongnu's troops behind the palace are the source of points, and Chu Tian wants to win them all, so he won't be divided between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. He eats meat, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao drink soup.

   The Chutian Legion suddenly pulled out of camp and marched northward, and the legion, which was all light cavalry, marched extremely fast.

   Cao Cao was in the camp, spreading out the map, but he heard a hustle and bustle in the camp next door.

   Cao Cao didn't care much at first, but he thought for a while and it seemed that something was wrong.

   "Wen Yuan, what's the noise outside?"

   Cao Cao recruited Zhang Liao and asked about the off-book changes.

   Zhang Liao replied: "The soldiers and horses of Xuzhou Mu's camp were mobilized, and the final general went to check and found that Xuzhou Mu's cavalry was out of the camp and heading north."

   "The night is coming, now leave the camp?"

Cao Cao’s strategy was second only to the first group of counsellors in the Three Kingdoms. He was pacing restlessly in the camp, and suddenly felt shocked: "It seems that Chu Zimou has discovered the traces of the Huns cavalry. He wants to take advantage of the battle alone. , Summon soldiers and horses immediately!"

   Cao Cao's army was mobilized immediately, and Xia Houyuan personally urged the troops that had already been camped to assemble.

   Generally speaking, the detection range of the Han regiment is only ten miles, and the detection range of the front and back may be farther, but Cao Cao could not detect that there would be thousands of Huns cavalry in the front.

   When Cao Cao successfully assembled the cavalry, the Chutian Army had already moved north.

   Not only that, but after Cao Cao assembled, he fell into confusion. Here is the desert, and at this moment can only rely on the night to march. Chu Tian knew where the main force of the Huns was, but Cao Cao didn't.

   After Cao Cao’s army began to gather troops, Yuan Shao’s army officers Xu You and Jushou also realized that Chutian sent troops alone to enjoy his military exploits, so they persuaded Yuan Shao to summon troops and horses in time to prepare for battle.

   After Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi departed from the Chutian Army, they received reports from the Iron Eagle scouts that there were Xiongnu soldiers and horses ahead, and the rebel general Chu Zimou had already gone north to chase them.

   Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi heard that the main force of the Huns was hundreds of miles away in the north. They were overjoyed. Li Guang’s gray beard trembled and he finally had the opportunity to fight the main force of the Huns.

   The Iron Eagle scout also informed Cao Cao and Yuan Shao of this news.

   Cao Cao realized that he had fallen behind Chutian, and couldn't help wondering why Chutian could learn the intelligence of the north. The terrain here is quite strange.

   "I hope it can be divided into a little bit of combat merit."

  Even if Chu Tian took the lead, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao still wanted to go north to chase the Xiongnu cavalry. Without military exploits, the battle of Mobei came for nothing.

   Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi’s 20,000 Han cavalry began to march northward. Under Li Guang's command, there is a frontier cavalry, a Tier 5 light cavalry, with an average level of 70, a division of hundreds of battles. With the help of Li Guang’s archers, Chu Tian could attack the Huns with confidence.

   Hundred miles north of the Han army camp, the Huns camp was blazing with a bonfire, and the Huns cavalry fell asleep peacefully.

   It is hard for them to imagine that the Han army will carry out hundreds of miles of raids in places that are almost completely unfamiliar to them, not to mention that it is still cold at night.

   "Shan Yu is already waiting for work in Mobei. Since the king once served for the Han Dynasty, he knew nothing about the truth and fiction of the Han army. This time the Han army went deep into the desert. Once we lose the battle, we chase thousands of miles and they will wipe out the entire army."

   "We must take back the Yinshan Mountains and the fertile river cover."

  The Huns cavalry gathered around the bonfire to watch the night mentioned the war between the two sides and resented the loss of Hetao and Yinshan.

   Suddenly, the familiar sound of horseshoes sounded, and in the darkness, a cavalry slammed from the south!

   Hearing the sound of horse hooves from the south, the Huns cavalry remained unchanged. Their king has withdrawn to the north, intending to fight a decisive battle with the Han army in Mobei. At this time, the cavalry from the south cannot be the Huns.

   "Han Army! It's the Han Army!"

   The Xiongnu cavalry quickly awakened their companions and wanted to rise up to resist.

   A round of arrow rain fell through the air, and dozens of Huns cavalry outside were shot and killed by the arrow rain!

   A large number of cavalry drove straight in, and their horses stepped on the Xiongnu camp!

   Yang Wudi held a long spear and used the Yang family's spear technique to rush from left to right in the enemy camp. The Xiongnu cavalry was shot in the head by the long spear and killed instantly.

   Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun marched forward and defeated the Huns!

Zhao Yun used the gentian shining silver spear (the exclusive weapon of the imperial class, the only one) built for him by the legendary blacksmith Mo Xie, which was unstoppable among the Huns. The cavalry screamed. Zhao Yun arrived afterwards and stabbed him to death with a spear!

   Yue Cavalry and Changshui Camp cavalry drew the ring-headed sword, slashed the Huns cavalry, and the Huns died in battle.

   The cavalry wrecked, causing the flames of the fire to splash, and the fire gradually spread in the humble camp of the Huns, eventually forming a sea of ​​flames!

   The Huns cavalry saw that the situation was not good, and began to flee northward in a hurry.

   "Draw your sword!"

   Hua Mulan led a thousand iron eagle scouts, had already rounded to the back of this Huns cavalry ~www.readwn.com~ a thousand iron eagle scouts pulled out the Tang Sword, the bright blade pointed straight ahead.

   Thousands of Huns cavalry who escaped were harvested by Iron Eagle scouts, but only more than 300 cavalry escaped.

   Chutian watched the battle with Chen Qingzhi, Fang Xuanling, and Lu Su from the rear.

   Long-distance raids are already commonplace for Chutian, and the effect is as good as ever.

   Chutian can see that his points are constantly increasing.

   If you encounter tens of thousands of Huns cavalry, Chu Tian alone may have to avoid the edge, but since there are only thousands of Huns cavalry, the difficulty is reduced ten times. Send a fierce general under his command to attack directly.

   "There are thousands of cavalry on the other side, and someone will always escape. The main Huns will soon know that we have caught up. They can only march quickly and get supplies by plundering the Huns, all in one go!"

   Before discovering the main force of the Xiongnu, Chutian relied on the Han army's heavy squad for supplies.

   Although it is taken from the enemy and used for the enemy, it is also when there is an enemy. If you do not encounter an enemy in the Gobi and the desert, you will march rashly, and you will probably run out of food.

   At this time, discovering the main force of the Xiongnu, Chu Tian could not rely on the Han army's heavy corps. Because the Huns also want to eat, their main force often takes a large number of livestock to **** their livestock and get supplies!

   The Chutian cavalry severely damaged the Huns who were monitoring the Han army. The Huns were killed and wounded eight to nine, but only a few escaped. After cleaning the battlefield, Chutian obtained many Hun war horses, and immediately chased the Hun Youxian King to the north without stopping.

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