Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 331: The Battle of Mobei (5)

Chutian won a lot of this battle, including the wife and daughter of King Youxian of the Huns. The Xiongnu cavalry could not be captured and enslaved, and even the "Tian Khan" feature was invalidated in this war of extermination, so Chutian executed the Huns.

   As for the more than ten wives and daughters of King Youxian of the Xiongnu, how should we deal with...

   "These people are pretty, and the lord can take them back to the Eastern Han Dynasty as servants."

   Fang Xuanling still spared no effort to promote Chutian's harem plan, thinking that the more Chutian heirs, the more worry-free Xuzhou's power would be.

   Hua Mulan looked at Fang Xuanling with some irritation. Fang Xuanling suddenly felt that it is not very good to offend the group to pet Mulan, so she said to Chu Tian: "How can a daughter of a barbarous in a small area be worthy of the noble status of the lord."

   Chutian's eyes looked at the wife and daughter of King Youxian of the Huns: "I think I already know how to deal with them."

   The main force of the fifty thousand cavalrymen of the Han army who defeated King Youxian of the Xiongnu, they themselves also damaged thousands of cavalrymen, but the number of the cavalrymen killed was several times that of his own.

   Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi were very grateful to Chutian because Chutian led the team to defeat the main force of the Huns in their eyes. No one is more eager for exploits than them.

  The cavalry of the Han army plundered King Youxian’s livestock and slaughtered thousands of sheep that night. The whole army was rewarded, and Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi, two Han will regard Chutian as their guests. With the support of two Han generals, Chu Tian basically does not have to worry about the attitude of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

   "This is not just Yu Honjin, but the King Youxian."

   Because Chutian captured the wife and daughter of King Youxian of the Huns, he knew that he defeated King Shanyu and Zuoxian, who were not the most powerful Huns. The main force of King Youxian has been maimed by Wei Qing in the Battle of Monan.

   Xiongnu Shanyu assembled at least 200,000 cavalry in Mobei, waiting for work with ease, and the power is stronger than King Youxian.

   "Meng De, I have a group of prisoners, and it is cumbersome to bring it with me, so I might as well give you.

   Chutian was holding a roasted leg of lamb that was tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and presented the prisoner of King Youxian to Cao Cao who was sitting next door. Maybe Cao Cao liked this bite.


   Cao Cao was stunned for a long time. He heard that Chu Tian would give himself the wife and daughter of the Right Hun King, but in the end he did not refuse Chu Tian's kindness.

   Because of joining forces to deal with the Xiongnu, Cao Cao's affection for Chu Tian rose slightly.

   "If we will be loyal to me in the future, we will sweep the barbarians in all directions. The Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, Goryeo, and Dongying will all enter the tribute and offer their daughters every year."

   Chutian spared no room to recruit Cao Cao. Cao Cao, who has been fighting for five years, is still a Hanchen, and maybe he can use it for himself.

   Cao Cao was silent, looking at the crackling fire.

   The Mobei battle had a great influence on him.

   Seeing Cao Cao's silence, Chu Tian checked his own points, which scored 16,373. In addition to killing ordinary Huns light cavalry, he also killed a group of Huns nobles under the court of Youxian King.

   It's a pity that King Uhyun escaped with superb speed, and he couldn't catch up. Otherwise the points can be higher.

   "General Chu, how should we march next?"

   Elderly Li Guang looked at Chu Tian very pleasing to his eyes. Following Chu Tian, ​​he can grasp the main force of the Huns. This is the difference between Qi Luck.

   Li Guang followed Chu Tian, ​​a child of luck, but he was not lucky, but he made a lot of achievements.

"Continue to march towards Mobei and assist the generals in attacking the Hun’s main formation. The Hun’s main formation has 200,000 cavalry and a large number of archers. We will drive cattle and sheep and learn from the Huns to fight. There is no need to worry about food and grass. It is a big victory if you pinch the Huns."

   Chutian proposed to continue marching. Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi thought that this popularity was very good, and they became Chutian supporters.

   Cao Cao and Yuan Shao also followed.

The Han army rested on the spot. Because the captured livestock amounted to more than 100,000, Chu Tian and others would not be troubled by the baggage problem within a month. The rear Han army’s infantry, military vehicles, and baggage units would also catch up during this period. The front army replenished food and weapons and other materials.

   "The Huns lived by water and grass, and came and went freely in the desert. If the Central Plains wanted to conquer the desert, they had to attack lightly like them."

   Although Chutian's territory has not had any conflict with the nomadic tribe, Chutian is already thinking about how to control the desert.

  In the northern part of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the Great Desert, which belongs to the alien civilization area outside the Han Empire, that is, the Mongolian Empire civilization.

   In reality, it is quite difficult to control Mobei, but in "Lord", there is a teleportation array. After Mobei is defeated, the control is less difficult.

   The teleportation array can be used for long-term military stationing and migration to the Mongolian plateau. The disadvantage is that the cost is relatively high.

   chased and killed King Youxian for three hundred miles. Before re-determining his position, the Han army did not advance. After the various legions set up camp and handed over a dozen families of King Youxian to Cao Cao, Chu Tian could only bully Hua Mulan.

   "Chu Zimou has already won 16,000 battle exploits. Did he meet the Huns along the way?"

   The princes on the Weiqing Road have found that Chu Zimou’s military merits have ranked first again. It is obvious that Li Guang’s soldiers and horses have broken out with the Xiongnu.

   Now that the two groups of soldiers and horses are about to arrive in Mobei, the possibility of encountering the main force of the Huns is extremely high.

   "Yuan Shao's military exploits can be ranked first?"

   Army Master Liu Bei, who had an antagonism with Yuan Shao, Chen Xi noticed that Yuan Shao's points ranked third. Obviously, Yuan Shao also got a lot of military exploits because of his misconduct with Chu Zi.

   Guan Yu promised to his eldest brother Liu Bei that he would win the top three before the expedition. Now the first three are taken over by Chu Zimou, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Benchu, all of whom are the princes of Li Guangyi. (Li Guang and Zhao Shiqi are not included in the points ranking)

   Guan Yu found that he was too small to look down upon the princes from all walks of life. There is no shortage of generals at the level of five tigers. Although some generals are not as powerful as the five generals, the cavalry under their command is even stronger than that of the five generals.

   "Guan Yu is too arrogant, this is his flaw. It would be nice to get the top ten in this battle."

  Chen Xi, an alien military division, can become Liu Bei's chief military division, and he is capable of overwhelming ordinary historical strategists. He knew that Liu Bei's forces were in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was really not enough.

   The princes who have the ability to participate in the Battle of Mobei, who are not a million-dollar population, or even a tens of millions of people.

   Wei Qing reorganized the army and learned that Li Guangyi had already fought with the Xiongnu and still marched according to the scheduled plan.

  In Mobei, Yi Zhi Xianyu and his own king Zhao Xin joined forces to gather 200,000 cavalry, ready to fight Wei Qing to the death in Mobei.

   Xin Zhao was originally a Hun aristocrat, but later surrendered to the Han Dynasty and was named a marquise. Later, Xin Zhao was surrounded by the Xiongnu and returned to the Xiongnu. Yizhi singly made him his second king. Because Xin Zhao was familiar with the fighting methods of the Han army, he was also a military division of Yizhi Xianyu, who made suggestions for Yizhi Xianyu.

   far away from Mobei, the Han army's logistical pressure increased, morale and physical strength decreased, and then confronted the Han army in Mobei, this tactic was Xin Zhao's plan.

   Lure the enemy to go deep and carry out a complete annihilation. His tactics are theoretically reasonable, but it is a pity that he met Wei Qing and Huo Qubing level generals.

   Wei Qing's ability has allowed the Han army to maintain a high morale until now.

  East Route Army, Huo Qubing was delayed for some time because he had to join forces with the Prefect Lu Bode Department of Youbeiping County.

   However, the legend of Huo Qubing has just begun.

Hussar General Huo Qubing, who was only 21 years old, summoned his subordinate Li Gan (son of Li Guang), Eagle General Zhao Ponu (captured the King of Loulan), Youbeiping Prefect Lu Bode, and others, and the leader of the rebels Mingguan and Zhe Lao Qin, Huma, Zhao Long, Shuo Tang and others prepared to go deep into Mobei lightly to find the main force of King Zuo Xian.

   As the prince of the Xiongnu, King Zuo Xian had a higher status than King You Xian who was defeated by Wei Qing in the Battle of Monan, and he had more cavalry.

   This time, Huo Qubing intends to go deep into the desert for more than two thousand miles to kill King Zuo Xian!

   Facing the ambitious Hussar general, Mingguan, Huma and other princes had no doubt.

  Because this is the big man Hussar General who can be a wolf in his early twenties!

   In the entire history, few people can achieve such an achievement!

  Huo Qu Bing is young and vigorous, with a sharp edge, but he has the momentum to swallow thousands of miles like a tiger!

  His gaze swept over the princes present, and even the old foxes, such as Lao Qin, who were in their fifty-year old, were in awe.

   At the age of 21, Huo Qubing sealed the wolf as Xu, and the different players may still be in school at the age of 21.

   "This time, we will give up most of our luggage and travel lightly. Everyone will only bring half of the cavalry. It is guaranteed that a cavalry has at least two war horses and one workhorse. If there are more war horses, you can bring more cavalry."

  Different from Chutian's prudent approach of abandoning the heavy squad after discovering the main force of the Huns, Huo Qubing's tactics are more adventurous.

   If you seize the main force of King Zuo Xian, you can make great achievements. If you can’t seize it, you may be wiped out.

   "Lead the life!"

   The princes present were not afraid. Because the object they follow is Huo Qubing, and their respective subordinates are like clouds!

  赳赳 Lao Qin took only five thousand light cavalry in accordance with Huo Qubing's order, and the rest of the soldiers and horses were left behind to protect the heavy squad and then responded.

   When the main force rushed in lightly, the heavy squad was actually moving forward.

   "Lu Bu, Yang Dayan, Meng Tian, ​​and Li Jia, the three of you will follow me, Guo Bang, you guard the food team."

  赳赳 Lao Qin brought Lv Bu's Bianzhou wolf cavalry and Li Chi's flying bear army, both cavalry can attack thousands of miles. Because Meng Tian’s golden cavalry was a heavy cavalry, he was left behind by Old Qin. Meng Tian has the ability to deal with foreign races, so Old Qin must take them with him.

   "Chang Yuchun and Li Chengliang are enough."

  The cavalry generals commonly used in Mingguan are still these two, but regardless of Chang Yuchun or Li Chengliang, the ability to command cavalry is terrible.

   Huma brought two fierce generals Lian Po and Zhou Dewei, Zhao Long brought Shi Long live, Han Qinhu, said Tang brought Qin Qiong, Chen Da...

   If King Zuoxian of the Huns knew what a terrible lineup he was facing, he would be devastated.

  Huo Qubing, Lu Bu, Meng Tian, ​​Chang Yuchun, Li Chengliang, Lian Po, Shi Wansui, Han Qinhu, Qin Qiong...

   This lineup can be ten!

   It can be said that the Battle of Mobei exploded all the famous cavalry generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Even if it is low-key like Tang, it will bring Qin Qiong out.

   A group of famous generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty assembled, Jin Ge and Iron Horse, in front of Huo Qu Bing, they didn't even dare to take a breath.

  Although some of them may not be inferior to Huo Qubing, even though Lian Po is much older than Huo Qubing, and even though Lu Bu and Shi Wansui's force is better than Huo Qubing, the Battle of Mobei is Huo Qubing's home ground!

   "This trip, to the wolf dwelling in Xushan, climb the Hanhai!"

  Huo Qubing is full of pride, all princes and celebrities are infected, scrambling to follow!

   25,000 of the Han army and 35,000 cavalry of the remaining princes, a total of 60,000 elites, abandon the heavy team, carry dry food, go deep into the desert, and track the main force of the Huns!

   Mobei, Yi Zhi slid in his footsteps. The defeated King Youxian was familiar with the roads in the desert, and fled to Shan Yu’s camp hurriedly. Xiang Yi Zhi, slan Yu and Wang Zhao Xin cried out about being defeated by the Han army's partial division.

   Yi Zhi was stunned. He was almost completely certain that the leader of the divisional division was not Wei Qing, because Wei Qing was on the front, approaching him.

   Now it is only the partial division of Wei Qing, who has defeated King Youxian.

   Yizhi Xianyu is hesitating whether to continue the decisive battle with Wei Qing in Mobei, or should he escape to the Xiongnu Dragon City?

   Even the Xiongnu Dragon City is not safe.

  Because Wei Qing and Huo Qubing attacked the Xiongnu Dragon City, even if they hid in the Dragon City, they would be destroyed by two Han generals.

   The Dragon City of the Xiongnu is not as strong as the city of the Central Plains, and its defense measures are weak, so it can be easily captured.

   "What shall we do?"

   Yizhi squinted at Xin Zhao, who had served for the Han Empire for a period of time and was familiar with the fighting methods of the Han army.

   "Wei Qing's troops are out of the desert, and the soldiers are exhausted. They will fight Wei Qing as soon as possible. Use the mobility of the cavalry to defeat them one by one. Don't hesitate. Otherwise, if the two Han forces are encircled and attacked, our army will be defeated!"

Xin Zhao knew that the tactics of the Han army's division of troops and advancing side by side were also flawed~www.readwn.com~ that was easy to be defeated by each, so he encouraged Yi Zhixian to take the lead in defeating Weiqing's cavalry, and then moved to Li Guang's cavalry to obtain Mobeizhi The victory of the war.

   Yizhi obliquely obeyed Zhao Xin's suggestion, gathered 200,000 cavalry, divided the troops between Zhao Xin and Youxian Wang, as the flanks, to meet Wei Qing.

   The Xiongnu took advantage of the terrain and chose to fight in the Gobi area where Wei Qing was subordinate.

   No matter how high the morale of the Han army is, marching in the Gobi and the desert will consume a lot of physical strength. Then, it will be the time to win!

   Two hundred thousand Xiongnu cavalry waited at ease and began to deploy.

   A war eagle hovered over the 200,000 Huns cavalry, giving a bird’s eye view of the Huns’ camp, stretching for dozens of miles, endless.

   Weiqing’s cavalry came from the front, less than eighty miles away from Shanyu and the main Huns.

   Historically, Wei Qing was not easy to fight.

   The information of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was wrong before the war. The Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty heard that the Xiongnu Shanyu had arrived in the east, so he sent Huo Qubing out of the county to deal with the Xiongnu Shanyu, and handed the heroic cavalry of the Han Empire to the commander-in-chief of Huo Qubing.

   But the Xiongnu Shanyu didn't actually go east to meet with King Zuo Xian. He stayed to the west. As a result, Wei Qing became the elite of Wei Qing to deal with Xiongnu Shanyu and Shanyu. However, Wei Qing stubbornly defeated the Xiongnu Shanyu, and because of this, he suffered a great loss in this battle, and none of his subordinates had any lords.

   To some extent, Wei Qing and Li Guang had bad luck in this battle. Li Guang got lost, and Wei Qing was scammed by the wrong intelligence of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

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