Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 344: SSS level, Hanwu!

"Even if Yu Wen is captured, he will not betray me."

Cao Cao got up with the support of many advisers and military generals. He faced a formidable opponent with a territory five times that of his opponent. The Kingdom of Jibei was occupied by the army of Xuzhou, and the generals were taken prisoner. Cao Cao's territory was reduced by one third.

If it were not for Cao Ren, Cheng Yu and others to defend the city, Cao Cao would be homeless when he returned to Yanzhou.

"Gongda, Chu Zimou is threatening, and 200,000 troops attacked Yanzhou. What should we do?"

Cao Cao asked Xun You for help. Xun You is Cao Cao's highest think tank, and perhaps only Xun You can save him.

Xun You said: "Please contact the pastoral and prefects of Yuzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou immediately. Chu Zimou has 200,000 troops in Yanzhou, and the maximum force remaining in Xuzhou will not exceed 200,000, most of which are lack of combat. Experienced recruits can achieve results."

"Chu Zimou gave me more than a dozen women, but secretly took away my Jibei Kingdom. It is really a good calculation. This is the only way now!"

In addition to encircling Wei and saving Zhao, Cao Cao had no other choice in the face of the absolute power gap. Cao Cao even thought that Chu Tian had premeditated, otherwise how could he send him a Hun woman.

Cao Cao's subordinates went to various states and counties to try to obtain the support of other state shepherds or prefects. If Cao Cao is eliminated, no one can stop Chu Zi from seeking to dominate the Central Plains.

Cao Cao is still fighting the trapped beast.

Chu Tian returned to Xuzhou and learned that the 200,000 army was carrying out a devastating blitzkrieg against Yanzhou. Le Yi and Zhou Cang led the defensive regiment with 40,000 troops from Dongping, Li Guang and Du Ruhui led the Taishan defensive regiment with 30,000 soldiers and horses from Taishan County to the Yanzhou Jibei Kingdom, and Li Xiuning led the Women's Army, the Invincible Corps and 10,000 recruits about 20,000. The remaining soldiers responded. The ultimate result of the battle was the destruction of Jibei, and Cao Cao's general was arrested alive.

On the East Jun front, Gong Ziwen took Pang Juan as the main general and Guo Jia as the army division. He commanded 60,000 Yanzhou soldiers and horses. He also marched towards Puyang with Xu Rong’s 10,000 cavalry and tens of thousands of reserve teams in an attempt to attack Cao Cao’s most important stronghold.

After the generals such as Le Yi, Zhou Cang, Li Guang, Du Ruhui, and Li Xiuning occupied Jibei, they joined Gongziwen, Pang Juan, and Xu Rong against Dongjun.

This is probably everything that happened in Xuzhou after Chu Tian left Xuzhou. Cao Ren, Cheng Yu and other defensive subordinates slightly blocked the offensive of the Xuzhou army for Cao Cao, otherwise Cao Cao would be like a tree without roots, water without a source, and homeless.

The generals that Chutian took away contributed to the Battle of Mobei. After the Battle of Yanzhou is over, it is estimated that they will be promoted to the civil and military generals who have made great achievements.

The current situation is that even if Chutian does not want to start a war, it is impossible. Xuzhou from top to bottom, because of continuous victory, the wind of martial arts is permeating, and all civil servants and generals are eager to start war.

Chu Tian took over from Xia Liang to take charge of Xuzhou's soldiers and horses and the war, so that she could rest and recuperate, because the child might be born in the next two to three months.

It is not so easy to destroy Cao Cao. On the surface, this was a battle between him and Cao Cao. In fact, Chu Tian was destined to deal with the joint efforts of many princes.

The surrounding princes were unwilling to sit back and watch Cao Cao's demise, otherwise they would be the next one.

"Please be careful that the prefect Runan said Tang. I suspect that he not only has Qin Qiong, but also the lucky general Cheng Yaojin. He deliberately asked Cheng Yaojin to use horses as a weapon to avoid being easily recognized. He still has A civil servant, suspected to be Wei Zheng, the famous Tang dynasty, ruled Runan for him. Runan has accumulated strength in the dark. He has strong soldiers and strong horses. There may be other generals with pseudonyms."

"In order to guard against the soldiers and horses of Yuzhou, I have transferred the soldiers from the White Robe Corps, the Five Northern Army Academy, and the Servant Corps who did not participate in the Battle of Mobei to Peiguo."

Before Xia Liang gave up his military power, he once again reminded Chu Tian to guard against the princes of Yuzhou about Tang.

Tang is a very low-key person and has always been attached to Yuan Shu, but there are a group of civil servants under his command, waiting for opportunities. It is said that Tang did not participate in the Battle of Pengcheng, but instead replaced Yuan Shu after the defeat of the battle and rapidly expanded the territory.

During the Battle of Mobei, Tang's generals began to attack Yingchuan County where Yuan Shu was entrenched. Yuan Shu was rebelled by his subordinates. After repeated defeats, he was helpless and compromised with Shuotang and surrendered most of Yingchuan County. Now speaking of Tang, the power is greater than Cao Cao, occupying the four battles in the Central Plains.

The more such a low-key opponent, the more terrifying. The former Yuzhou was torn apart, so all the princes, including Chu Tian, ​​didn't care much. What threat can Yuan Shu occupy in Yuzhou? But Tang Jiu's strategy of occupying the magpie's nest surprised all the princes at his patience.

If it weren't for Chu Tian's power to expand too fast, it might be Tang and Cao Cao who are fighting to the death in the Central Plains.

"I will deal with him carefully, and you will take a good rest."

After Chu Tian took over from Xia Liang, let her rest in the lord's mansion without contact with internal affairs and conquests.

Chu Tian brought many cavalry generals back from the Battle of Mobei, and these generals were enough to take over the current situation. And now the situation is very good.

The reward for the third epic battle was finally settled because Chu Tian and Cao Cao were stuck in Mobei for a long time.

Almost at the same time, all the princes who participated in the Battle of Mobei received a notice of reward settlement!

"Ding! You have obtained the SSS-level feature'Han Wu' of Han Wu Emperor Liu Che. Your feature is full, please choose to give up an existing feature, or give up the'Han Wu' feature, or give this feature to a subordinate. "

"Ding! You get the special arms of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the eighth-tier heavy cavalry Tiger Ben Army, with a limit of 3,000. You can use this battle point to directly redeem it."

"Ding! You get three random hero recruitment orders, there is a high probability that a hero of the king level or above will appear, and a hero of the Han Dynasty will appear with a high probability."

"Ding! You got a ninth-level special building-Taixue construction drawing."

Chu Tian received five rewards one after another, which belonged to the first ranked princes.

Han Wu is one of the characteristics of Han Wu Emperor.

[Name]: Hanwu

【Order】:SSS grade

[Origin]: Ping Tian Xia, to expand the frontier, but the Emperor Qin, Han Wu, the characteristics of the monarch / the halo of the whole army

[Effect]: The wind of martial arts-on the battlefield, all attributes of the Han civilization arms +8%, the foreign army is prone to fear (if the opponent has similar characteristics, they cancel each other); expand the frontier-conquer the foreign territory and carry out the army At the time, the influence of Han culture was +20%; the militant soldiers-when the war was too frequent, the people's sentiment decreased by +30%; and the talent was roughly-the loyalty of the civil servants, generals, and disciples of the Han Dynasty increased, and it was not easy to betray.

Chu Tian saw the effect of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which was equivalent to the superposition of four characteristics, and one of them was a negative characteristic. But when Chu Tian thought about it carefully, he knew why "Hanwu" was an SSS-level characteristic.

The A-level feature "Great Han Army Soul" can only bring the effect of all attributes +3% to the Han civilization arms, while the "Han Wu" is just the aura of the whole army, which has an 8% effect!

The effect of "Han Wu" on the frontier side can also speed up the assimilation of different races. If one is committed to external expansion and to farm the occupied land, "Hanwu" will be a **** characteristic.

The third positive feature of "Han Wu" is to strengthen the control of the heroes of the Han Dynasty and make them more loyal. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this characteristic was perfect...Xun Yu, who were loyal to the Han Dynasty, would not have any dislike for Chu Tian, ​​because he inherited the characteristics of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

And the current Dahan loyal ministers Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande...

"Han Wu" belongs to an extremely special characteristic. As an SSS-level characteristic, it has negative effects. When wars are waged frequently, people's sentiment will decline rapidly.

However, Chu Tian didn't care much about the negative effects of military violence.

The effects can cancel each other out. At this time, some civil servants who carried "people's sentiment is not easy to decline" and "people's sentiment recovery speed increased" played an important role!

In the past, Chu Tian didn't care much about the abilities of these civil servants, but when Chu Tian wanted to be "relentless", he did have a group of civil servants to clean up the mess he caused. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Quartet, but also lost a group of civil servants in the aftermath.

In general, he has Li Li (the characteristic of "Ping Ling method", people's sentiment is not easy to decline, and the loss caused by famine is greatly reduced), Fang Xuanling (the characteristic of "Zhen Guan first assistant", people's sentiment is not easy to decline, and the probability of auspicious appearance increases), Du Ruhui (Characteristics of "sageness", people's sentiment, public security is not easy to decline) and other civil servants, the negative effects of the "poverty military" feature is actually not great.

Of course, without these ministers of the interior, the danger brought about by military violence would be considerable. Chu Tian still remembered that in the early stage of the development of his power, he had encountered a considerable financial crisis. When Chutian owned Xuzhou, he was relatively less struggling.

Followed by the special arms of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the eighth-tier heavy cavalry Tiger Ben Army!

The Tiger Ben Army, like Yu Lin Qi, is one of the Imperial Guards in the Western Han Dynasty. The predecessor of the Tiger Cardiac Army was the Qimen Lang, and his status was higher than that of the Yulin Cavalry. In "The Lord", he belonged to the heavy cavalry, and he was also a Tier 8 heavy cavalry, and the Yulin Cavalry belonged to the light cavalry.

There were five Northern Army schools in Chutian. Among them, the Tun Cavalry Camp was also heavy cavalry. In addition to the Tiger Ben Army, there were two battalions of heavy cavalry in Chutian. , Because it is a heavy-armored unit, it comes out separately as a Tier 7 arms) and Hu Ben Army (a Tier 8 cavalry).

In addition to the two battalions of heavy cavalry, there are also two battalions of light cavalry, one infantry battalion and one archer battalion. For Chu Tian, ​​who is taking the route of the cavalry commander, the role of the infantry battalion and the shooting battalion is only to hold down the position. The four cavalry battalions that really showed their strength in his hands were the Huben Army, Tunqi Camp, Changshui Camp, and Yueqi Camp, with a total of 12,000 cavalry at most!

With 12,000 high-ranking light cavalry and heavy cavalry, coupled with the powerful destructive power brought to the cavalry by the "Blue Wolf and White Deer" and "Fenglang Juxu", it is hard for Chu Tian to imagine how terrifying it would be.

But where to recruit Tier 8 Tigers...

The most advanced cavalry battalion in Xuzhou has only seven battalions, while the Tiger Ben Army needs eight tier cavalry battalions. Not only that, as a Tier 8 heavy cavalry, the Huben Army needs extremely amazing equipment, horses, and troops.

It seems that you can directly use your military exploits to exchange a batch of Han Wudi cavalry...

Chutian still has 110,000 battle exploits unused.

Fighting exploits is an indirect reward. Different from ranking rewards, rewards for military exploits can be freely selected, even if they are redeemed for the drawings of the eighth-level cavalry battalion.

Before using his military exploits, Chu Tian planned to consume three special recruitment orders obtained in the Battle of Mobei. These three special recruits give a high probability of appearing king-level and above heroes, and a high probability of appearing Han Dynasty heroes. High probability means not necessarily.

He had three opportunities to recruit Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, or other civilian military commanders of the Han Dynasty, or even other military commanders of other dynasties.

"I shouldn't be so unlucky..."

When Chu Tian found out that it was luck this time, he had to gamble, to be precise, three. If you are lucky, you may recruit Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Han Xin. With bad luck, you may not be able to recruit three unknown generals.

Chu Tian seldom panicked when he thought that there was no absolute certainty in obtaining Wei Qing and Huo Qubing this time.

However, Chu Tian had more opportunities than other princes.

"Ding! You consume a random hero recruitment order, and you get the allegiance of the platinum-level general, Gongsun Ao."

Gongsun Ao?

Isn't this the battle of Mobei, Wei Qing's captain? It was this person who notified Chu Tian and Cao Cao to see Wei Qing.

Gongsun Ao was not a good general, and was often defeated by the Xiongnu because he was a close friend with Wei Qing. Therefore, Gongsun Ao followed Wei Qing in battle. Similar to the relationship between Mi Fang and Chu Tian.

Seeing Gongsun Ao appearing in front of him, Chu Weather did not fight, a precious random hero recruitment order unexpectedly recruited a Mi Fang type general.

Gongsun Ao is bold and bold: "The last general, Gongsun Ao, is willing to go through the waters and fires for Ming Gong, and will not hesitate. Where the soldiers are going, the strong enemy looks invincible!"

"General Gongsun is really a fierce general. With the help of General Gongsun, he is even more powerful..."

Chutian praised it against his will.

Anyway, he was a platinum-level general, one level higher than Mi Fang.

What he wanted was Wei Qing or Huo Qubing, not Wei Qing's good brother.

Chu Tian was not in the mood to talk to Gongsun Ao, he had to use the remaining two opportunities to recruit an imperial Han Dynasty hero.

So he used the second recruitment order.

"Ding! You have the allegiance of Sang Hongyang, a civil minister of the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the Minister of Finance of the Han Dynasty~www.readwn.com~Sang Hongyang? The Minister of Finance during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?

With the second recruitment order, Chu Tian still did not get Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. He was a little crazy, too late to say hello to Sang Hongyang and used the third recruitment order!

He didn't even look at the panels of Gongsun Ao and Sang Hongyang.

In fact, imperial civil servants are quite rare, equivalent to the most important courtier of an emperor. Sang Hongyang can get a lot of money for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

But the poor Sanghong Yang was ignored by Chutian. He was also an imperial hero, but his status in Chu Tian's heart was lower than Wei Huo.

If he loses this opportunity, he will miss the double walls of the Han Empire!

"Ding! You have the allegiance of the imperial cavalry commander and general Wei Qing."

Chu Tian's scalp was numb, and the second recruitment order was finally useless. This time it was the imperial cavalry commander, Wei Qing, one of the two walls of the Han Empire!

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