Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 348: Cheng Yaojin and Mi Fang

In Donglai County on the Jiaodong Peninsula, a group of special talents, miners, and foreigners who have mastered exploration skills came here to explore gold mines under the order of Xuzhou Mu.

Donglai County is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. It is not well-known in the Eastern Han Dynasty. All the players know about Donglai Taishi Ci. But since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the gold mines in Donglai County have occupied a pivotal position.

The native talents of the Eastern Han Dynasty did not know the location of the gold mines in Donglai County, so Chutian arranged strangers who knew about geology and minerals to assist the miners in finding the gold mines in Jiaodong.

"Lord" is not necessarily the same as the real world, and Chutian is not sure that he can send an exploration team to find the Jiaodong gold mine in Donglai County.

The prospecting team explored in Dongnae County for several months, conducting exploration according to the location in the impression of the stranger.

Under the command of Zheng Zhilong, the Fubo Army completely pacified Donglai County.

He stationed in Huang County, the capital of Donglai County, to suppress possible rebellions, and to suppress bandits and water bandits in Donglai County.

"General, the prospecting team found a gold mine in Qucheng County. This is a secret letter from the prospecting team, requesting it be transferred to Lord Xiacheng's mansion!"

"The prospecting team has finally gained something. I hope that the Lord's Mansion will not be disappointed."

Zheng Zhilong immediately informed the Lord's Mansion.

There is more than one gold mine in Jiaodong. For Chutian forces, although the Jiaodong gold mine is not the most important source of finance, if it can mine gold on a large scale, Chutian can raise tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

The current image of Langya is Zhang Hong. He received a report from Jiaodong, which was then forwarded to Xia Liang for decision. From the beginning, Chu Tian ordered Xia Liang to urge the opening of the Jiaodong gold mine.

The gold resources discovered this time are not trivial.

"Linglong Gold Mine, Level 8 Gold Mine Resources?!"

Even in the summer when the horizon is high, I was surprised to learn that Jiaodong has eight-level gold resources! Gold and silver resources, the highest level ten, eight level gold resources, enough to mine for a long time!

"Immediately levy two thousand refugees and five hundred miners in Donglai County to mine the Linglong gold mine. If the output in the first year is sufficient, additional labor will be sent later."

Xia Xia Liang knew that the more miners he sent, the better. Gold mining has marginal benefits, and the more miners, the lower the unit output may be. At the same time, it is necessary to send a group of miners to trial mining, and then increase the number of miners as appropriate.

The first gold mine was discovered in Dongnae County, and the exploration team soon began searching for a second gold mine. The Jiaodong Peninsula became the treasury of Chutian forces. After the Jiaodong gold mine was mined, Chutian had gold to buy fine horses used by high-ranking cavalry.

In Beihai National Opera County, the main general Zhou Yafu was besieged by Zhao Gongzi generals Xue Wanche and Dorgon, but he didn't care much. He stayed firmly in the city, sent a cavalry to harass Young Master Zhao’s Liang Dao, and recruited Zheng Zhilong, currently stationed in Donglai County, to lead the Fubo Army to support him.

The population of the villages and towns near Juxian County were all moved to Juxian County by Zhou Yafu ahead of schedule. The population of Juxian County increased to one million.

Zhao Gongzi's army was unable to collect grain and grass from the Juxian area, and could only transport grain from Linzi, Qi State. During the grain transport, they were invaded by cavalry sent by Zhou Yafu from time to time, and were quite embarrassed.

"Tian Dan and Tian Ji attacked Taishan County. If you go back to defend Mount Tai, I can put pressure on East County alone."

Leyi sent Li Guang, Du Ruhui, and Li Xiuning to rescue Taishan along the way, only to attack East County with himself and his guard Zhou Cang.

For Le Yi-level commanders, even without friendly troops, they can advance and retreat calmly.

Li Guang and Du Ruhui's Taishan Army, Li Xiuning's Women's Army and Invincible Army quickly returned to Taishan to resist the offensive from Qingzhou Governor Tian Qi. Because the Invincible Legion was temporarily in Li Xiuning's hands, Chu Tian sent Yang Ye to Mount Tai.

Cao Cao's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao worked somewhat. Zhou Yafu and Zheng Zhilong were dragged into Beihai State, and Li Guang, Du Ruhui, Li Xiuning, and Yang Ye were forced to return to Mount Tai. The pressure on East County has been greatly reduced.

Xiaopei, Wu Anguo, Mi Fang and other third-rate generals stationed here during Chutian's battle to Mobei, and were required to protect themselves from Gucheng and not fight.

The Five Northern Army, the White Robe Corps, and the Servant Corps were sent by Xia Liang to garrison Xiaopei ahead of time. With the abilities of Wu Anguo, Mi Fang and others, commanding a group of high-ranking troops was simply violent, so they were ordered to defend instead of attack.

Mi Fang criticized this, thinking that her talents had not been used. But Xia Liang had a higher official position than him, and he was the person Chu Tian trusted the most. Mi Fang did not dare to protest.

He and Wu Anguo were sitting on Xiaopei’s city wall and drinking, and slammed Fang Qiu: "Xiao Pei has at least 40,000 elite divisions. If I command this soldier to attack west, Yuzhou is within easy reach, and the lord can be the king. Why? Still on the defensive?"

Wu Anguo and Mi Fang clinked glasses: "Big brother is right. I heard that Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin are powerful generals in the world, but with the force of the big brother, one person can capture two alive. If they dare to come to Xiaopei to make a battle, it will Please show your eldest brother's strength and catch a warrior alive with one hand, so that the world knows that eldest brother is still above Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin!"

Mi Fang said: "If they dare to come, they will definitely teach them to come back and forth!"

"Two generals, there are enemy troops outside the city! Talk to the tribe of Tang for the Runan prefect!"

When Mi Fang and Wu Anguo boasted, the wall defenders rushed to report.

The Pioneer Army of Runan Prefect has arrived!

Mi Fang was frightened, the wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground, and the wine splashed all over the floor. He just brags to his younger brother Wu Anguo, but he didn't expect the enemy to come just as he said.

Wu Anguo asked Mi Fang suspiciously, "Big brother, what's wrong? Could it be..."

"The enemy generals can't wait to come and die, it's really beyond my expectation. I think they will lose their troops this time!"

Mi Fang could not show weakness in front of Wu Anguo. He raised his head and stood tall, and went to the city wall with Wu Anguo to observe the army from Yuzhou.

Fifty thousand vanguard troops from Yuzhou came to the city, showing off their might. Among them, 20,000 are elite soldiers, including elite cavalry, and a large number of infantry and crossbowmen. They are well equipped and shocking.

Since following Chu Tian, ​​Mi Fang has seen countless high-level arms. The 20,000 elite soldiers in front of him were obviously not ordinary corps.

Although this corps is inferior to the elites such as the Five Academy of the North Army and Baima Yicong, it wins in a large number. Said that Tang used 20,000 elite soldiers at a time.

Mi Fang had the infantry battalions, shooting battalions, and tun cavalry battalions of the North Army's five schools, as well as the White Robe Corps, the Servant Corps, the East China Sea Defense Corps, and the Xiaopei City Defense Corps, but he was timid.

These elite legions are in Mi Fang's hands, and they might not be the opponents of the Yuzhou army under the city.

"The enemy general is out!"

Xiao Pei's defenders shouted.

Mi Fang and Wu Anguo looked at the Yuzhou military commander who was calling in the city. This person is rough-looking, dragging a Xuanhuaxe, and wants to fight the defender single-handedly.

Yuzhou's 50,000 vanguard army camped calmly under the city. It was obvious that the opponent's commander was someone else. The person who came out to call the formation was just a general, not a commander.

"Brother, this person seems to have some strength, let me go down with Wu Anguo, the North Sea Hammer, and kill him with one hammer."

Seeing that the opponent had a general coming to provoke him, Wu Anguo couldn't help but wanted to go out of the city to challenge. It is not common for military commanders to fight head-on-head, but it is not uncommon. If they can beheaded, the morale of the enemy will be greatly reduced.

Mi Fang always had a bad feeling when he saw the generals under the city using big axes as weapons.

He had a good relationship with Wu Anguo, and was unwilling to let Wu Anguo go to take risks, so he sent a lieutenant to fight.

The city gate opened, and a general holding a red tassel spear galloped out to meet the general with axe.

This is a military commander selected from the martial arts. The military strength reached 73, and the commander ability was only 47, so Mi Fang was arranged to serve as a guard.

Mi Fang's abilities are mediocre, but his position in Chutian's power is not low, because the Mi family has provided tremendous help to Chutian's early development and taking control of Xuzhou. So sometimes Chu Tian would give preferential treatment to the brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang.

Mi Fang's guard went out of the city to confront the general with the axe, and asked: "Who are you? Don't you know that Xiao Pei has Xuzhou Wushuang General Mi Fangmi defending, and he dares to come and die? Without our general's action, I can make an action. !"

"Xuzhou Wushuang General..."

Cheng Yaojin dragged Xuanhua's axe and couldn't help but secretly defend himself. The opponent's background is so big, that General Mi must be brave. You need to be careful in this battle, otherwise you might be cut by the opponent in one round.

His lord said that Tang and Qin Qiong went to Qiao County, Yuzhou, and there was another person who commanded the 50,000 Yuzhou pioneer army.

Saying that Tang knew what Mi Fang was, he didn't care about Mi Fang's force, so he didn't mention Mi Fang with Cheng Yaojin.

As a result, Cheng Yaojin was like a big enemy.

If Mi Fang is Xuzhou Wushuang general, then he can serve as a general guarding Mi Fang, and his strength might be higher.

Cheng Yaojin held the Eight Diagrams Xuanhua Axe, rode a war horse and wandered around, carefully dealing with Mi Fang's guards, but for a moment he dared not start.

When Mi Fang's guard saw Cheng Yaojin's timidity, he thought that Cheng Yaojin couldn't be better, so he was overjoyed, and took the initiative to attack with a horse, and the red spear stabbed Cheng Yaojin!

"This time, my life is at stake!"

Cheng Yaojin bit his scalp and stepped forward to fight Mi Fang's guard.

In Cheng Yaojin's view, Mi Fang's guard force is at least 97 or 98.

The two fought, Mi Fang's guard gun was like a dragon, flying sand and stone!

With a bang, the spear was cleaved by the giant axe, and Cheng Yaojin slashed Mi Fang's guard under the horse!

The Yuzhou Army and Xuzhou Army were silent.

Even if Cheng Yaojin was stunned, General Xuzhou Wushuang's guards couldn't hold up even a round...

"Brother, the enemy general seems to have a good force. I am not his opponent. Maybe only the big brother can capture him."

Wu Anguo saw Cheng Yaojin easily beheaded, and he immediately knew that he was not Cheng Yaojin's opponent.

Mi Fang's face was even worse than crying at this time, and he kicked an iron plate this time. Mi Fang discussed with the guard in private, and most of them couldn't beat the guard. Even the guards with force 73 were cut by Cheng Yaojin, how could he confront Cheng Yaojin with a military commander with force less than 70?

In order to maintain a tall image in front of her little brother, Mi Fang coughed lightly: "Wu Anguo, the lord always told me that those who are good at speaking should attack the city with a hundred thousand soldiers, not the courage of a man. This is The lord’s test on me. What if the general under the city can kill a hundred people? Can he take down Xiaopei, who is defending me?"

After listening to Mi Fang's explanation, Wu Anguo seemed to be the same. This is probably why Mi Fang can become a general, and Wu Anguo is just a captain.

Cheng Yaojin killed a general in Xuzhou and found that the so-called Xuzhou Wushuang General was just an empty shelf, so he was confident and called to Xiaopei's guard: "The Warrior General in the city, he has the ability to come down and make gestures!"

"Come up if you have the ability!"

"You have the ability to come down!"

"you come up!"

"you come down!"


Mi Fang yelled tired, so he asked a soldier with a louder voice to stand on the wall to talk to Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin's mouth was dry, and no longer entangled with Mi Fang, he returned to the camp.

The commander-in-chief of Yuzhou is ordering craftsmen to build siege equipment and prepare to attack Xiaopei. Seeing Cheng Yaojin return to camp, he said: "When General Cheng arrives at Xiaopei, he will kill the enemy and make his first contribution. He must be promoted to Zhonglang. will."

Cheng Zhijie was indignant: "That guy hid on the city wall like a tortoise. He didn't dare to go out of the city to fight, and he claimed to be the unparalleled general of Xuzhou. I really shame such a title!"

"Mi Fang is just a beaming clown, not to be afraid. He can't stick to it. Most of them are instructed. With his talents, defending the city is the most appropriate choice."

The Yuzhou commander once heard his lord say that Tang mentioned Mi Fang's commanding talents and thought it was third-rate or fourth-rate. As for how Mi Fang served as a general in the mighty Xuzhou forces, Tang also thought it was incredible.

"Xiao Pei is under siege, Xuzhou Mu will definitely not sit idly by. When the time comes, General Cheng can be defeated and lead the enemy to attack the camp. I will set up crossbowmen behind the camp. Defeat the enemy."

The Yuzhou commander calculated that Chutian would abandon Cao Cao and save Xiaopei first, and he already had a countermeasure.

The reason why he sent Cheng Yaojin to lure the enemy was because Cheng Yaojin was the opposite of the hapless Li Guang. He was a lucky general and the probability of death was very low.

Cheng Yaojin agreed with one bite: "Wrap it on me!"

Mi Fang witnessed Yuzhou's 50,000 pioneer army making every effort to build siege equipment and set up battalions~www.readwn.com~ in a hurry. The opponent’s commander is well-arranged, and it is effortless to organize 50,000 soldiers and horses, and various engineering equipment is quickly formed under the efforts of craftsmen. It was dangerous this time.

Mi Fang is not completely unaware of self-knowledge. He usually brags and is harmless. He really fought a war. He has not defeated any generals alone.

If it weren't for Xia Liang to arrange for the North Army's fifth school, the White Robe Corps, and the Servant Corps to be stationed in Xiaopei in advance, Xiaopei might fall immediately. Although the high-level arms of the Northern Army's Five Schools and the White Robe Corps only have the bonus of Mi Fang, they are elite after all, and with the advantage of defending the city, they can still block them for a while.

"Don't panic everyone, I heard that the lord has already returned to Xiacheng. He heard that we Xiaopei are surrounded, and he will definitely come to support, why should we panic?"

Mi Fang patrolled the entire army, still maintaining arrogance, and his words were eloquent. Xiao Pei's defending army was confident when he saw the master, and his morale skyrocketed.

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