Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 364: The first confrontation with Lao Qin

The latest website: "That is the Guanzhong Army of Old Qin."

Chutian guarded the Tiger Prison Pass, looking down at the cavalry regiment with clear armor.

As the second lord, Lao Qin operated in Guanzhong. He was second only to Chutian in power. He had many soldiers and horses and a large number of elite cavalry.

Generals such as Meng Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Yang Dayan, and Li Xin are on display, and Lao Qin is riding a horse behind the gate, turning his neck to look at the Chilong Banner on the city.

Chu Tian took the lead to take Cao Cao, and old Qin Bai took a trip.

Old Qin frowned.

He asked him to build a new city on the ruins of Luoyang to prepare for the future attack on Guandong. As a result, Hulaoguan was taken away by Cao Cao and dedicated to Chu Zimou.

In the future, if you want to enter the Kwantung area, you will either leave Yingchuan or cross the Yellow River and attack Kwantung from the north side of the Yellow River.

"Cao Cao's refuge in Chu Zimou worries me and makes me worried."

Facing the towering Xiongguan, Old Qin sighed with excitement.

Hulao Pass was the number one pass in the world at this time. Ten princes used 200,000 troops to defeat Dong Zhuo. On the premise that Dong Zhuo decided to abandon Hulao Pass, Hulao Pass was captured.

As long as Chutian deploys twenty to thirty thousand elite soldiers, and Lao Qin has one hundred thousand troops, he may not be able to seize Hulao Pass.

He had promised Cao Cao the official positions of General Chaqi and Yanzhou Mu, but he did not expect that Cao Cao was still unmoved, thinking that Chu Zimou was more worthy of refuge.

"Chu Zimou, please come down and meet!"

Old Qin sent people to call the battle.

"We have nothing to talk about."

After Chu Tian recruited Cao Cao, he showed little interest in confronting Old Qin. As a result, he needs time to digest the entire Yanzhou and comfort the people. Yanzhou has been fighting for many years and its population has plummeted. Secondly, Chutian brought only 30,000 cavalry, and the Guanzhong Army had at least 100,000. They went out to fight with Lao Qin, and they were thankless. The generals of Cao Cao just surrendered, except for Zhang Liao, the generals of Cao Cao could not be fully trusted.

Facing Chutian’s tortoise tactics, Old Qin Kong had a group of cavalry and an army of 100,000, and there was nothing he could do.

"Although Chu Zimou occupies Hulao Pass and separates Xingyang, its rapid expansion of its territory must take time to digest. Cao Mengde's military commander has not yet convinced him, and he needs time to win the hearts of the people. According to his subordinates, Chu Zimou will be within two to three years. , There is no time to divide the troops. The lord can take Liangzhou and Binzhou."

Facing the situation occupied by Chu Zimou at Hulao Pass, Jia Xu still encouraged Old Qin to march to Liangzhou and Bingzhou, and judged that Chu Zimou would not march into Guanzhong within two or three years. Old Qin had to speed up his attack on Liangzhou. Zhou, Bashu, Bingzhou and other places.

"This is the only solution for the present."

Old Qin unwillingly glanced at Hulaoguan, he had to order the class teacher.

"If Chu Zimou dared to leave the customs, I will kill it for Ming Gong!"

Lu Bu was carrying Fang Tian's halberd, and he was immediately shut down, hating Xuzhou Muchuzi's heart. Bingzhou generals such as Gao Shun, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng followed Lu Bu.

Lu Bu still remembered the fact that Chu Zimou instigated Li Guang to shoot him when Hulao was locked up, which discredited him.

"You can capture Hanoi as soon as possible. I want to own Hedong and Hanoi counties north of the Yellow River as a stepping stone for the offensive to merge the state."

Lao Qin ignored Lu Bu and instead gave orders to Meng Tian, ​​who was in charge of the Guanzhong Army's attack on Hedong and Hanoi.

Lv Bu could not enter the core layer of Lao Qin, but no one dared to take in Lu Bu, only Lao Qin dared to use him.

Meng Tian asked the Hanoi prefect Zhang Yang to fetch the first level and hand it over to Lao Qin: "According to the lord's order, send people to bribe the Zhang Yang general Yang Chou, Yang Chou kills Zhang Yang, and come to join our army. The rest of the Hanoi county lord because of this. Because the property is in Hanoi County, I am willing to serve as the lord."

"Except for Hulao, Xingyang, Xinzheng and other places, most of Henan Yin was captured by us, and almost all of the seven prefectures in Sili fell into our hands. To govern Heluo, the East Union said Tang, the North Union Huma, attacked Liangzhou, and entered Hanzhong. ..."

Old Qin led the Guanzhong Legion to leave. Chu Tian watched the army leave and did not pursue it. This would be a terrible opponent, and it would be easy to get caught in pursuit. Now that he is in the upper hand, there is no need to fight Old Qin here.

Cao Cao saw that Lao Qin's army was advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, and there was no opportunity to take advantage of it, and said with emotion: "This person is very difficult to deal with."

Chu Tian glanced at Cao Cao with his left light. It was not like a person who wanted to serve Cao Song without asking the world.

At present, the Chutian forces have the ability to suppress Cao Cao only Chu Tian, ​​who has suppressed Cao Cao for a long time. Wei Qing, Le Yi, and Zhou Yafu can actually suppress Cao Cao, especially the general Wei Qing.

Operation Cao was the commander-in-chief with the most combat experience in the army in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He started fighting as a captain during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. He defeated Dong Zhuo, suppressed the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou, defeated Lu Bu, the Battle of Xuzhou, eliminated Yuan Shu, forced a landing in Zhangxiu, the Battle of Guandu, and pacified the war. Hebei, the battle of Wuhuan, the battle of Chibi, the battle of Guanzhong, the battle of Hanzhong...

Although Cao Cao also failed, he personally commanded the army and fought too many battles. In addition, Cao Cao likes waves. There will always be failures. Cao Cao is still the first person in the Three Kingdoms army.

[Name]: Cao Cao

[Talent]: Imperial Commander (three series of bow riding)

[Level]: 80

[Identity]: Emperor Wei Wu

[Age]: 35

【Loyalty】: 70

[Commander]: 96 [Strength]: 78 [Intelligence]: 94 [Politics]: 96

[Charm]: 95

[Phase]: Calm

[Favorite degree]: 84

[Feature 1]: Wei Wuzhiqiang (SSS-level exclusive feature, aura of the whole army. When commanding the army, the ability of the king and below the king is slightly increased, the attack power of the whole army is +10%, and the morale of the army is reduced- 10%, the enemy's morale decline rate +10%, the enemy is easy to fear. Wei Wujun orders, Cao Cao's troops and horse attributes additional +10%, formation maintenance +10%. A troop can only be used for up to three whole army auras. )

[Characteristic 2]: Traitor in troubled times (S-level characteristic, when in troubled times, ambition rises. In field battle, troop attack power +18%)

[Characteristic 3]: A minister who governs the world (S-level characteristic, when he is governing the world, his ambition is greatly reduced. When serving as a minister, personal administrative efficiency +20%, when farming, grain output +10%)

[Special Arms]: Tiger and Leopard Cavalry (Tier 6/7 Cavalry, upper limit of 7,000 lightly equipped Leopard Cavalry, 3,000 heavy mounted Tiger Cavalry)

Chu Tian just glanced at Cao Cao's abilities. It was shocking. It was worthy of being the princes who swept the entire Central Plains, Hebei, and Guanzhong. They were powerful, regardless of whether they were a general or a king.

Cao Cao would have great ambitions in troubled times, and he would settle down when he ruled the world. This gave Chu Tian a headache and felt relieved. As long as he calmed the world, Cao Cao would become a civil servant.

Cao Cao is also a rare three-system commander. Like Le Yi and Wei Qing, he is one of the standard candidates for army commander. The characteristics of "Wei Wuzhiqiang" can enhance the abilities of the king-level and below the generals, which is equivalent to strengthening the five good generals in disguise.

What is even more unexpected is that Cao Cao's favorability for him is 84.

In the past two years, Cao Cao has been suppressed by Chutian spare no effort, and his favorability has increased. This is really strange... No wonder Cao Cao didn't want to go to the prison after occupying Hulao Pass.

Chu Tian arranged for Wei Qing and Gongsun Ao's Yu Lin to ride at Hulaoguan, Xingyang, and Xinzheng, and then announced the class teacher to go to Puyang. Cao Ren, Man Chong, Cheng Yu and others could have been stationed in the Hulao Pass area, but these generals just surrendered and they could not be allowed to hold the important Hulao Pass area. Only in the future, another candidate will be sent to guard the tiger prison.

Yanzhou was initially set, and the hearts of the people were floating, and Chu Tian personally went to Puyang to comfort everyone.

Now Yanzhou is in chaos. The people in Yuzhou said that Tang took the opportunity to occupy half of Chenliu, and the local county magistrate did not resist, and whoever came and surrendered.

The north of Chenliu was occupied by Chu Tian, ​​and the south was occupied by Tang, and the two sides faced off.

Chutian dispatched Pang Juan's army of soldiers to station in the Fengqiu area of ​​Chenliu County, echoing Wei Qing's Yulin army, to guard against threats from Guanzhong and Yuzhou.

The area around Chenliu and Hulao is the junction of various forces. A large number of soldiers and horses must be hoarded, which can alleviate the threats from various forces, but also can in turn threaten the major forces.

In You Beiping County, more than two hundred thousand troops swept You Beiping. Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan were left with the last city.

The Liaodong Army in Mingguan was like a wolf and a tiger, attacking the city one after another. Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan were not opponents in the face of the fierce offensive of the Liaodong Army.

In order to resist Mingguan, Prince Yan missed opportunities such as national warfare, and his accumulation could not be compared with Mingguan.

Mingguan has obtained iron ore from Anshan and other places, horse-producing areas in Liaodong and Liaoxi, conquering Wuhuan and Xianbei in the east, and rushing to attack Youbeiping.

"Chu Zimou acquired Yanzhou, and now he almost owns the land of three states. Major things can be accomplished. If we want to seal the marquis, we can sell our lives for them, what do you think?"

Prince Yan's power was about to fall, and he began to lobby Gongsun Zan.

He knew that Gongsun Zan hated his mortal enemy Mingguan and would not easily surrender to Mingguan.

Gongsun Zan himself is also a powerful cavalry general, with a special arm of the white horse Yi Cong, if he can abduct Gongsun Zan to Monan and start a new stove, the success rate will undoubtedly be higher.

"Liu Xuande is my classmate, why not take refuge in Liu Xuande? Why go to a bitter cold place like Monan?"

Although Gongsun Zan was jealous of his former classmate Liu Bei as Youzhou Mu, once there was no way to retire, Gongsun Zan's priority was still Liu Bei, just like Liu Bei was desperate and would consider taking refuge in Gongsun Zan.

"Otherwise. Liu Beizheng was divided up by Hu Ma, Zhao Long, Yuan Shao and others. Although he was about Yu and Zhang Fei's bravery, he was unable to defend Youzhou with his two fists and four hands. Sooner or later he would perish. The eldest brother will join Liu Bei and will meet sooner or later. Become a prisoner."

"We went to Monan to build a fortress, seize the horse-producing area, and use the teleportation array to continuously import good horses into the Guan. We can obtain a large amount of gold and silver. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Isn't it easier to be the overlord of the grassland than under the fence? "

"With your eldest brother's talents, it is not impossible to form a white horse Yicong in Monan, to create a powerful king in Monan."

After the prince Yan and Gongsun Zan bowed to each other, they felt siblings and were familiar with Gongsun Zan's weakness. Gongsun Zan was quickly persuaded by him.

Gongsun Zan couldn't help worrying about going to the unfamiliar Monan: "Monan is so big, where should we go?"

Prince Yan had already prepared: "Chu Zimou has bought a Monan lord, and the Monan lord has a medium-sized city. As long as we conquer the surrounding tribes and drive the tribe population to the city, we will do our best to this medium-sized city. If you upgrade to a large city, you can set up a teleportation array to communicate directly with Langya City. Although the cost of the teleportation array is high, it is not worth mentioning compared to the price of a war horse."

"Then everything is according to what Brother Xian said, you can't stay in Beiping County anymore."

Gongsun Zan was terrified of the Mingguan Army from Liaodong and chose to follow Prince Yan to establish power in Monan.

The cavalry generals of Mingguan Pass in Liaodong, Chang Yuchun, Murongba, Li Chengliang, Zhu Neng, and Gongsun Zan could not beat all of them. They could only fight back and forth with Zu Dashou.

In the last city of You Beiping, 20,000 cavalry soldiers abandoned this city, carrying all the property they raided, and fled northward, planning to leave the Great Wall and drive directly to Monan.

There is no clear definition of Monan, which is about the vast grasslands, Gobi and deserts north of Bingzhou and Youzhou.

Chu Tian used his prestige in the player community to surrender a lord developing in Monan, and arranged for Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan to take over the power.

There are many Eastern Han lords in Monan. When these lords establish a village, the village will have an initial population of 100. Therefore, Monan has enough population to form a large city. The strategic significance of a large city is to set up a teleportation array, and transfer important materials and even troops to Monan.

"Report! Prince Yan, the prefect of western Liaoning, and Gongsun Zan, prefect of right Beiping, abandoned the city and fled to the north!"

Mingguan, who led a 200,000 army commander, drove straight into Youzhou and received information that his old enemies, Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan, had fled northward, and was shocked for a while.

If Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan went to Jixian to seek refuge in Liu Bei, Mingguan could understand. Even if Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan used the teleportation array to escape to Xuzhou, Mingguan could understand.

But why did Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan escape to Monan outside the pass?

"Does the military division have any ideas?"

Mingguan looked at the black prime minister Yao Guangxiao.

Yao Guangxiao shook his head: "Subordinates don't know."

"It's a weird thing."

For a while at Mingguan, it was difficult to think of Chutian's idea to fight horses~www.readwn.com~ to send Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan to run Monan. At the same time, it is also to prepare for the future conquest of Monan. Monan was also part of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

As for Mobei, because of historical issues, it belongs to the civilization of the Mongolian Empire.

The two places in Monan and Mobei sounded a little desperate, but since Chutian participated in the battle of Mobei, Chutian wandered around Mobei and no longer had any fear of Mobei.

Chu Tian believes that in the world of "Lord", with the existence of the teleportation array, it is completely possible to achieve strong control over Monan and Mobei, and firmly control them in the hands of the Central Plains regime.

The teleportation array means that troops can be sent to counter the rebellion in the first place.

Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan abandoned the city and fled. Mingguan effortlessly occupied Youbeiping County in Youzhou, continued westward, attacked Yuyang County, and swallowed whales in Youzhou.

"Chu Zimou actually occupied Hulao Pass."

Mingguan and Old Qin conspired in the battle of Mobei, and soon received notice from Old Qin in the city, and Old Qin urged him to occupy Hebei as soon as possible.

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