Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 370: Youzhou War (Part 1)

Latest website: Ji County, Youzhou, four legions arrived on the battlefield one after another, forming three camps. Liu Bei chose to stand in the same camp as Yuan Shao, in the south of the battlefield, Huma in the northwest, and Mingguan in the northeast.

With more than 800,000 professional soldiers, the elite army of the princes of the three states in Hebei chose to fight in Jixian County. Whoever wins Youzhou may become the largest prince in Hebei and have the qualifications to cross the Yellow River and compete in the Central Plains!

"If you lose this time, it will be difficult to get another chance to enter the customs."

Mingguan led a group of fierce generals to the front to observe the remaining legions.

A large number of cavalry such as Li Jiajun, Guanning Iron Cavalry, Murong Xianbei Dragon City Iron Cavalry, and low-rank Liaodong Cavalry entered the pass, and Tianxiong Army, late Ming Qin army, Liaodong heavy infantry and other infantry and crossbowmen were displayed. A large number of Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes were attracted by Yao Guangxiao and Fan Wencheng to participate in the battle for Youzhou.

"The lord handed over one hundred thousand cavalry to me, so that he could defeat the enemy!"

When Chang Yuchun encounters a strong enemy, he is even more courageous, and asks Mingguan 100,000 cavalry to go to break Huma and Yuan Shao.

"General Chang does not have to worry, Liu Bei and Yuan Shao join forces. We can join forces with Huma and take the lead in destroying Liu Bei and Yuan Shao."

Looking to the south of Mingguan, all the main forces of Liu Bei and Yuan Shao in the south belong to the local vassals supported by foreigners. And he and Huma are completely alien forces.

The north and south sides each have 400,000 yuan, and they will meet in Ji County.

The Yanqi Guild, which supports Mingguan, will continuously send information from all parties to the Mingguan camp. At the same time, his subordinate Murongba uses the cavalry camp at Mingguan to recruit Dragon City cavalry and disdain the south.

Huma is stationed in the northwest of Jixian County. There are generals Lianpo, Zhao She, Zhao Kuo, and Zhou Dewei, as well as the prefectural wolf cavalry, Tielin army, and Zhao Bian cavalry stationed and patrolled around the camp. There are countless low-level arms.

There can only be one hegemon in Hebei, and these great princes must fight to the death.

Whoever can win the Youzhou War can basically declare the dominance of Hebei!

"Mingguan takes most of Youzhou, and I take Jizhou. I will definitely win this battle."

Lian Po, one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, followed Huma. Although Lian Po was at the bottom of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period, he was still a rare commander in command and made great achievements for Huma to control and state.

Over the Youzhou battlefield, the Yanque was silent and killed.

The vanguards of all parties have already fought against each other, and there are hundreds of dead, regardless of the outcome.

Vanguards exist only to test each other, and the real battle depends on the main forces of both sides. In order to prepare for the Youzhou War, all parties sent scouts to each other to infiltrate each other and explore the strength of each other.

Zhou Dewei rode a war horse, followed Huma, and said to Huma: "Our main force is assembled in Youzhou, I am afraid that Bingzhou is prone to variables."

"I use Li Muzhi's deputy general Sima Shang to guard Jingxing County, to seek Guo Chongtao to guard the pot pass, and Lin Xiang to guard Taiyuan. There is no need to worry.

When Huma competes for Youzhou, he is ready to stay home.

During the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, Yuan Shao proclaimed himself a general of chariots and horses, and led Jizhou Mu at the same time. At this time, he had great ambitions and had the ambition to sweep Liuhe and unify the world.

Although Tian Feng and Jushou did not advocate that Yuan Shao should go north so quickly to compete with the Bingzhou and Liaodong princes who had a large number of elite cavalry, but since Yuan Shao decided to go north to fight for supremacy, they could only do their best to assist Yuan Shao and win.

In fact, if the opponent is Gongsun Zan who is easy to get in the game, maybe he can be shot back with Jizhou strong crossbow, but now Yuan Shao’s opponents are surviving alien princes, each prince more or less has a think tank, such as Ming Guan's think tank, black-clothed prime minister Yao Guangxiao, probably has more computational skills than Tian Feng and Jushou.

"In this battle, Binzhou and Liaodong have a large number of heavy cavalry. Our chance of winning is only 30%."

"In Youzhou, our army focuses on steps, how can we defeat the enemy?"

After Tian Feng and Jushou knew the information of both sides almost completely, they concluded that the odds of winning were only 30%.

Yuan Shao's army is dominated by infantry and Jizhou crossbowmen. Jizhou Qiangbow and Youzhou Tuqi are tied together, but Mingguan and Huma have many heavy infantry and heavy cavalry.

The Liaodong iron mine at Mingguan allows Mingguan to be equipped with a large number of heavy armored troops. Huma's Bingzhou produces coal and iron ore, and can also create tie armor and horse armor for heavy cavalry.

Even if it is the same Zhajia, the quality and type of Zhajia are different.

"Two gentlemen."

Zhao Long came to see Tian Feng and Jushou with his armour and sword.

Tian Feng and Jushou are already very familiar with Yuan Shao's number one general, Zhao Long, and it is also Zhao Long who instigated Yuan Shao to enter Youzhou and participate in the battle for Youzhou.

"Huma and Mingguan are coming fiercely with 400,000 steps. This battle is fierce and lucky. Liu Xuande may not be able to participate in the war with all his strength. Why do you encourage the lord to come to the battle?"

Tian Feng was deeply disturbed by the fact that Zhao Long stood together with Guo Tu and the prosecutors.

He always thought that Zhao Long and him were good friends, and would stand with him, advocating to regenerate energy, wait for Huma and Mingguan to lose both, and then seize Youzhou.

Jushou also has quite a criticism: "If we spy on Youzhou in northern Hebei, Huma and Mingguan will win Youzhou, we must fight against each other. I can wait to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Why do you advocate marching? Don’t give us a good explanation today. After a while, we will renounce this grace."

"Don't doubt the two gentlemen. The gentleman only knows what's inside the pass, but doesn't know what's outside the pass. Therefore, the two gentlemen's conspiracy may be biased. This is not the fault of the two gentlemen."

Zhao Long’s words surprised both Tian Feng and Jushou. Zhao Long's implication is that both Tian Feng and Jushou's strategies are deviated: "Do you have a strategy to win?"

Zhao Long couldn't say no, and told Tian Feng and Jushou his strategy. Tian Feng and Jushou were surprised.

"If it's just as you said, the odds of winning this battle will be much higher. The lord can dominate Hebei."

Tian Feng and Jushou were finally not so worried.

However, Zhao Long looked worried: "But if I make a military exploit for the Lord, I am afraid that my merits will be high and the Lord will be jealous. In case one day comes, please ask the two gentlemen to intercede for me."

Tian Feng and Jushou looked at each other and fell into embarrassment. Yuan Shao can rise without the support of Zhao Long and Zhao Long's guild. The greater the credit Zhao Long has given, the more prepared Yuan Shao will be. For a while, Tian Feng and Jushou didn't know how to answer Zhao Long.

All the birds, good bows are hidden. Sometimes the birds will hide their bows before they are finished.

Yuan Shao used unethical methods to capture Jizhou. It would be too chilling if Zhao Long made military exploits for him, but was harmed by Yuan Shao.

In the end Tian Feng said: "We have been in friendship for a long time. If the lord wants to harm you, we will defend you."

Jushou also said: "That's the case. The world is not determined, how can it harm the principles of loyal ministers. Even if the world is settled, there is definitely no reason to eradicate heroes."

"The two gentlemen have said this, then I will be at ease to assist the lord and win the battle of Youzhou."

Zhao Long said so on the surface, but he didn't trust Yuan Shao much in his heart. Historically, Yuan Shao took Jizhou to Jizhou without being so benevolent. Han Fu didn’t know how he really died. There was also Ju Yi, who took refuge in Yuan Shao, who had his own trilogy to help Yuan Shao defeat Gongsun Zan. Wasn’t Yuan Shao summoned and killed?

Now even if Zhao Long wins for Yuan Shao, it is mostly similar to Ju Yi's end.

Zhao Long relied on the scouts based in Yuan Shao's forces to receive the news in advance.

Tian Feng and Jushou didn't think Yuan Shao would do this.

"Three adults, the lord has a move!"

Zhao Long, Tian Feng, and Jushou went to Yuan Shaojun to discuss with Yuan Shao how to break the enemy.

Liu Bei led Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Chen Xi and others to Yuan Shao's account and formed an alliance with Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao and Liu Bei were mortal enemies, but at this time they joined forces with each other for profit.

Liu Bei, Chen Xi and others looked at Zhao Long, Tian Feng, and Jushou who came in, their eyes blinking. Liu Bei and Chen Xi knew that Zhao Long, Tian Feng, and Jushou had seen Liu Bei's strategy of using Yuan Shao's forces to fight against Huma and Mingguan.

Liu Bei was originally facing the attack of the three forces, but now using Yuan Shao, it has become a decisive battle between the two forces and the two forces. Liu Bei's approach is somewhat similar to uniting Sun Quan to fight against Cao Cao.

Zhao Long also looked at Liu Bei and the others, knowing that Liu Bei would not be content. Liu Bei has not really surrendered in this cooperation. The two sides are more cooperative.

Yuan Shao sits in the main seat, and he is more or less powerful. Yuan Shao could unite Hebei in history, possess Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Qingzhou, and command the army to go south to Guandu. He was not entirely mediocre. At least Yuan Shao's methods are much better than Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shao said: "Youzhou decisive battle, with our troops as the Chinese army, ambush the strong crossbowmen, Liu Xuande attacked his left wing, Zhao Zilong attacked his right wing, what is your intention?"

Many generals, including Liu Bei's generals, looked around everyone.

Yuan Shao's army is dominated by infantry, while Liu Bei and Zhao Long have many cavalry. As two wings, it seems acceptable.

Zhao Long said: "Our army should set up camp and stand firm and wait for Mingguan and Huma to attack."

"Don't be timid, play, you can win!"

In Liu Bei's camp, Guan Yu advocated the battle to join the state and Liaodong.

Chen Xi, an alien soldier, stared at Zhao Long, trying to guess from Zhao Long's expression what he was doing.

The southern and northern princes each had an army of 400,000, hoarding a large amount of food and grass, so Zhao Long's suggestion was to defend?

Liu Bei is not a mortal, he has many generals in his hands. Seeing Zhao Long put forward the tactics to stick to, he doesn't believe that Zhao Long would choose such a tactic without being sure.

Yuan Shao was dissatisfied with Zhao Long's tactics after he came to Youzhou: "Why?"

Zhao Long said: "Mingguan has future troubles. The Lord of Korea broke out, and Mingguan dared to leave Liaodong and fight for Youzhou. Unfortunately, he was delayed for a long time by Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan. As far as my spies in Korea know, Kaijing, the ruler of southern Goryeo kingdom, has fallen and retreated to Jeonju. Once Goryeo is unified, Mingguan will have endless troubles. Therefore, Mingguan must want to fight quickly. Our army will hold fast and Mingguan will not be able to attack. Surely he will return to Liaodong and interfere in the reunification of Korea. The time left for Mingguan is less than one or two months. If Mingguan retreats, only Huma will be left. If you join forces from Youzhou and Jizhou, you can quickly win! "

Zhao Long's words alarmed those present.

Especially the local civil servants and generals, they have limited knowledge of other civilizations, and rarely take the reactions of other civilizations into consideration.

But Zhao Long stared at Korea.

Goryeo is a chess piece that holds Mingguan. Once Zhao Long bet that Mingguan could not be defeated for a long time, he would return to Liaodong and interfere in the Kingdom of Korea.

"Zhao Long's plan is very reasonable."

The trial made people get a map. He also had contacts with Zhao Long. As the first general of Yuan Shao's forces, Zhao Long had contacts with Yuan Shao's men. Although the trial match often confronts Tian Feng and Ju Shou, the relationship force is alive and dead at this time. After deliberation, the review found that Zhao Long's strategy was very reasonable.

Goryeo was unified, and the backyard of Mingguan caught fire.

Just wait, you can win!

"Zhao Long is reasonable."

Generals such as Zhang Yun, Ju Yi, and Gao Lan were also moved. They secretly had personal relationships with Zhao Long, and Zhao Long's strategy was simple and effective, and they all agreed.

"Such the best."

Liu Bei did not want his troops to participate in the Youzhou War and suffered heavy losses, and agreed to Zhao Long's proposal.

Taking into account the threat to Liaodong caused by the reunification of Korea, Chen Xi, a foreign military adviser, finally concluded that, like Zhao Long, Mingguan would have to return to his army to deal with Korea. The Choi dynasty established by Choi Jae-sun, the first lord of Korea, threatened Mingguan too much. The population of Korea is not less than that of Liaodong, and the local latitude is lower than that of Liaodong, and there are many grain producing areas.

Yuan Shao saw that everyone fell to Zhao Long. Although Zhao Long pointed out a way for him to win, he was unhappy.

Zhao Long has a lot of fiefs within his power, and there are no less than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. The more battle achievements Zhao Long accumulates, the easier it is to become the master.

"The lord, please be stationed in the camp, relying on Ji County to protect yourself, and wait for Mingguan to retreat."

In front of the enemy, many counsellors did not dispute their interests for the time being, and took the lead in defeating the threat from the north.

Everyone unanimously supported Zhao Long’s decision. Although Yuan Shao was unhappy, his inner thoughts could not be expressed on the surface, so he reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "Then follow the words of the prefect Weijun, stationed in the camp, supported each other, and waited for the time to come. , Another decisive battle."


All the civil servants and generals left, but Yuan Shao's mood fell to the bottom. Zhao Long's right to speak is getting heavier and heavier. If he can't handle it well, Yuan Shao is the second Han Fu who was squeezed away from Jizhou.

"Military teacher~www.readwn.com~ That Zhao Long is not a simple character."

After Liu Bei left Yuan Shao's camp, he said to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi also has some understanding of Zhao Long: "Zhao Long can grow himself under Yuan Shao's influence, and he is a hero in itself. Don't look at Yuan Shao now owns the entire Jizhou, in fact, Zhao State, Changshan State, Zhongshan State, and Wei Jun. , Are all under Zhao Long's control. If I expected it well, Zhao Long has the idea of ​​replacing it, just like Yuan Shao's story of expelling Han Fu that day."

"I wonder if we will have a chance?"

"If Zhao Long miscalculates and Jizhou people's heart is turbulent, this is a good opportunity for the lord to replace him."

When Zhao Long was calculating Yuan Shao, Chen Xi was also trying to calculate Zhao Long.

No matter how Yuan Shao coordinated the relationship with Zhao Long, the contradictions accumulated in Jizhou will explode sooner or later. It may not be Liu Bei's time when the time comes.

The various forces are in intrigue with each other, and the undercurrents of Youzhou and Jizhou are surging.

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