Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 376: Hide from the sky

Latest website: "There is an ambush here, you can break it."

Fang Xuanling temporarily served as a military division in the ban, and found the suspected soldiers set by Sun Bin.

When Yu Jin commanded the army to attack the ambush, there was indeed an ambush. The two sides fought and killed more than a thousand people.

"The military master is really a god, even Sun Bin's strategy can be easily seen through."


Fang Xuanling looked at the war eagle in the air, using the war eagle to investigate, coupled with Fang Xuanling's judgment of the terrain, he could easily find the enemy in ambush.

If the other party ambushes tens of thousands of people, it is impossible to be silent. If the number of people in ambush is small, no results can be achieved.

Hua Mulan's scout cavalry responded to the rear of the Forbidden Army. The presence of the Iron Eagle scout saw through most of the ambushes and began to focus on the main army of Tian Ji, Tian Dan, and Sun Bin.

Under careful investigation, the six legions carried a large number of trucks to attack the Dongping Tomb, forcing Sun Bin to focus on the Dongping Tomb.

"The ambush soldiers seem to be getting more and more difficult. Not only are they unable to succeed, but they have been repeatedly discovered, losing three thousand soldiers. Our soldiers and horses are not many. If this continues, our soldiers and horses will all be exhausted."

Tian Ji wanted to use ambush to prevent Xuzhou Mu's army from approaching the Dongping Mausoleum. After Sun Bin's deployment, the enemy saw through. As a result, Tian Ji's mentality gradually became unstable.

Unlike the 120,000 army sent by Xuzhou Mu, he has only 60,000 army. Xuzhou Mu can afford to lose, but he cannot afford to lose. A loss of three thousand troops is equivalent to a loss of one twentieth of the troops.

Tian Dan pondered: "Since Xuzhou Mu's arrival, the ambush soldiers have been repeatedly seen through. Moreover, his legion is even more powerful, and the deputy commander Le Yi commanded the army, and the army cooperated with each other to force me to wait for a decisive battle with him. We will fail."

Tian Dan is one of the top defenders, but he is unwilling to defend the dangerous city. If there is only one lone city south of the Yellow River, it will be difficult for any famous general to defend, and it is only a matter of time before it falls.

After Chu Tian entered Jinan with his advisers and the Guards Corps, the situation became worse for Tian Ji and Tian Dan Corps. They have less and less room for counterattack.

Unless necessary, they are unwilling to face a decisive battle with Xuzhou Mu. The opposing generals lineup is extremely luxurious. If a head-on decisive battle, just a Le Yi legion is enough for them to feel uncomfortable. Le Yi hasn't officially played against Sun Bin yet. Not to mention that Chu Tian brought the most elite guards.

"Xuzhou Mu has a few counselors who can insight into most of the strategies..."

Sun Bin was aware of the existence of counselors such as Fang Xuanling and Xun You. He wanted to calculate Fang Xuanling and Xun You, and it was more difficult than calculating Yujin, Xu Rong and others.

"Military division, military division."

After Sun Bin became a military commander, Tian Ji relied heavily on Sun Bin and placed all his hopes on Sun Bin at this time.

The governor of Qingzhou, Tian Qi, handed all the main forces to the three generals Tian Ji, Tian Dan, and Sun Bin, in order to fight for it. If the opponent is not Xuzhou Mu and his 120,000 army, but a group of ordinary generals, Sun Bin can easily defend Jinan.

Sun Bin looked into the air, and there was a black eagle hovering in the air: "Perhaps they not only have counsellors, but also special eyes and ears. Our every move is under their surveillance."

Tian Ji and Tian Shanjing reminded Sun Bin, and they all looked at the Black Eagle.

Among them, Tian Dan reacted faster: "Could it be that our ambush soldiers have been noticed by them? No wonder the ambush will fail again and again."

After careful consideration, Sun Bin took the risk and put forward a plan: "You can hide from the sky and cross the sea, use the long snake formation to surprise Licheng and ambush its reinforcements."


Chu Tian urged the Sixth Army, and the troops that Sun Bin sent to ambush or lure the enemy were seen through. Chu Tian used steady tactics, constantly consuming Sun Bin's forces.

His strength is twice that of Sun Bin, and if it continues to be consumed, he will only win. Chutian's army has approached Dongpingling.

"The opponent's main force is still in the Dongpingling area, with about 50,000 to 60,000 people."

Hua Mulan's war eagle has been monitoring the opponent's army.

"The enemy's tactics may be against the city with their backs. Has Sun Bin been forced by our army to the point where he has to fight?"

Chu Tian considered that the opponent was a fortune, once possessing terrifying characteristics, he might be defeated, so he couldn't help being cautious.

Before the arrival of Chu Tian, ​​Sun Bin had the upper hand. When Chu Tian arrived, most of Sun Bin's tactics failed. However, Sun Bin's threat had not been completely eliminated. Sun Bin was trying to comeback with a small amount of force.

"Increase investigation efforts to prevent sneak attacks on Sun Bin."

There were war eagles and iron eagle scouts to investigate the cavalry, Chu Tian was still uneasy, so Hua Mulan sent more scouts.

Xun You said: "The farther you go into the enemy's territory, the more food and grass you need to consume. It is very important to protect the food road. Please send the Iron Wall and Invincible Army to follow up."


Since Xun You took the initiative to put forward a proposal, he might have a premonition, and Chu Tian listened to it.

Cao Ren's Iron Wall Legion, Yang Ye and Zhang Liao's Invincible Legion, guarded the trucks in the rear.

The Forbidden Army regiment is always at the forefront. When his regiment approaches the Dongping Mausoleum, you can already see the towering walls of the Dongping Mausoleum, as well as the sharp defenders on the walls.

Tian Ji and Tian Dan set up battalions outside the city with 50,000 to 60,000 troops to resist the enemy with the defenders in the city. Sun Bin set up banners widely in the Yingzhai to show the large number of people.

"According to the information provided by the Iron Eagle Scout, the camp is the main enemy force, and the number of people has never been reduced. It seems that they have given up the use of ambushes, and instead use the strong danger of the camp to be horns with the city."

Since Yu Jin and Li Dian have defeated many ambushes recently, their confidence has recovered.

"The number has never decreased..."

Yu Jin's words reminded Fang Xuanling, who followed to observe the enemy camp, and he was keenly aware of what was wrong.

Fang Xuanling observed the opponent's camp for half a day.

Li Dian asked, "Military officer, is there something wrong with the opponent's camp?"

"General Li said it was right, there are indeed suspicious things, this may be the other party's trick to hide from the sky."

"Crossing the sea without hiding?"

"If what I expected is not bad, there is already a large number of cavalry or horse-riding infantry going around behind us."

When Yu Jin and Li Dian heard Fang Xuanling's conjecture, they were sweating. If Sun Bin sent a cavalry to break the rear, then the rear army would be very dangerous!

"The Iron Eagle Scout was deceived!"

"After all, the iron eagle scout uses only domesticated livestock, and its intelligence and the information it can provide is extremely limited. If the opponent is Sun Bin, it is not difficult to hide from the sky. Immediately notify the lord and support the rear."

The cavalry in the Forbidden Army immediately galloped out of the camp.

A force of 15,000 people came out day and night, and attacked the Licheng occupied by the Le Yi Army not long ago!

Licheng was attacked for the second time and was quickly broken by surprise. The defenders and defenders were defeated and fled outside the city.

Licheng is controlled by Tian Ji's army again!

"Tian Dan sticks to the camp, they can't conquer it for a while. To keep the food road unblocked, they will definitely return to Licheng, and we can set up ambush on the way.

Sun Bin used the long snake formation to drive, and after breaking through the city, he used the technique of ambush to wait for Chu Tian to return to his division.

Licheng was breached, and the ruined soldiers brought the news to Chu Tian, ​​who had arrived at Dongping Mausoleum.

"Isn't the iron eagle scout reporting to Tian Ji, Tian Dan and others the main force in Dongpingling?"

Chu Tian invited Hua Mulan to reconfirm the accuracy of the intelligence.

"Dongping Mausoleum does have 20,000 defenders, and the camp has about 60,000..." Hua Mulan thought of other possibilities, and slightly changed her color. "Perhaps, the other party used straws or spread banners and recruited a large number of suspicious soldiers such as Xiangyong. The judgment was wrong."

It is indeed possible.

The war eagle of the iron eagle scout can only provide rough information, and the intelligence of the war eagle is far less than that of ordinary scout cavalry. If Sun Bin discovers that Chu Tian is using the war eagle as an important investigative method, he will use the tactics, and he may also cross the sea.

The Chutian Army is now caught between Dongping Mausoleum and Licheng, struggling to advance and retreat.

"Sun Bin is really difficult to deal with, and he can fight back at such a disadvantage. To attack Dongpingling, or to return to Licheng?"

Chu Tian handed this important decision to Xun You.

Without Xun You's reminder, Chu Tian also knew that when he returned to Licheng, Sun Bin would definitely wait for work and take the opportunity to fight back. In Dongpingling, there may be a guard field list. Once the field list is delayed for ten days and a half, their rations will be exhausted.

Xun You said: "If you don't save Licheng or attack Dongping Tombs, General Le Yi can attack the surrounding counties and get supplies. Grain and grass are forcibly collected from these counties, and you can promise to repay them later."

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, Le Yi Legion’s attacking speed was too fast, and it was not necessary to use Licheng as a supply point. As long as Le Yi attacked the city fast enough to capture the city near Dongping Mausoleum, he could obtain it from the enemy’s territory. forage!

Without Le Yi and Le Jin's offensive army, Chu Tian's current situation is very passive, and Licheng would be a place that cannot be saved. However, Chutian has a legion that is good at siege, breaking through the opponent's city, and the supplies obtained are enough!

Under the premise of Sun Bin's lack of troops, Sun Bin is the passive party. Sun Bin should not be allowed to lead his nose. Instead, he should take the initiative to attack and bring pressure to Sun Bin.

"Le Yi, Le Jin, you two will go to attack Tai County as a granary."

Chutian immediately sent an offensive army to a county near Dongpingling, forcibly confiscating grain and grass, promising to repay it later.

The Leyi Army Corps was in Tai County, and it was trapped in less than three days!

In order to pacify Jinan, Lejin ordered grain and grass, and almost ransacked the entire county.

Wherever the Leyi Legion went, the villages and towns were broken, and Chutian's army was not bothered by the lack of food and grass for the time being.

At the same time, Chu Tian forcibly conquered Xiangyong nearby, prepared siege equipment, and launched a rapid attack on Dongping Tomb.

Sun Bin's plan to wait for Chutian to return to Licheng to be shattered, Xuzhou Muchuzimou and his army are very difficult: "Because of the enemy's food, in this way, they have almost no flaws."

Sun Bin was in a passive position. The Leyi Legion had a very strong siege ability and could easily break a county seat without worrying about food shortages.

The powerful siege ability of Le Yi and Le Jin was beyond Sun Bin's expectations.

Now it seems that the two key cities of Dongpingling and Licheng are in the hands of Tian Ji, Tian Dan, Sun Bin and others, but it still cannot change the fate of Dongpingling's impending fall.

Tian Ji asked Sun Bin: "Military teacher, what about now?"

"Going is the best plan."


Hearing what Sun Bin said, Tian Ji actually wanted to take the initiative to withdraw troops this time.

From beginning to end, they did not dare to fight Xuzhou Mu head-on. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and if she does not have enough troops, to fight Xuzhou Mu head-on, that is her own death.

"Cross the Yellow River north to the plains. If our army is annihilated, even the plain county north of the Yellow River will be unable to defend."

Sun Bin judged the situation and finally thought that Jinan could not be defended, so he was notified to Tian Dan and withdrew from Jinan.

"Forgive the fluorescence of the rot grass, how can the luminous moon of Tianxin be reached?"

Tian Dan received Sun Bin's order to abandon the Kingdom of Jinan, so he dispatched suspicious soldiers and led the army to cross the Yellow River north.

Sun Bin had already prepared a retreat for the defenders of Jinan.

Tian Dan retreated overnight. The next day Dongpingling was already an empty city, and the camp outside Dongpingling became an empty camp.

"Report, Dongpingling defenders fled in large numbers!"

Chu Tian thought that there would be an uphill battle in Jinan, but he didn't expect that Sun Bin saw that the situation was not good, and in order to preserve his strength, he would withdraw from the south of the Yellow River.

In this way, although Jinan Kingdom and Le Anguo are within easy reach, they also missed the opportunity to eliminate Tian Qi's main force. Sun Bin brought tens of thousands of veterans to the north, and he could go south at any time, which would be a threat in the future.

"Fast, invincible, and investigative armies, go chase and kill the enemy!"

It was impossible for Chu Tian to allow Dongpingling's defenders to cross the Yellow River easily and immediately dispatched light cavalry to chase him down.


Three cavalry regiments pursued Tian Dan who led the Dongpingling defenders to retreat! The black cavalry is like a hunting dog, all the way north!

"Lord, please let us the North Army's five schools and three generals lead the Yueqi Camp and Changshui Camp to chase down the enemy!"

Mi Fang, Wu Anguo and Lu Kuang formed a combination of the five schools and three generals of the Northern Army, and asked to lead two battalions of light cavalry to participate in the pursuit.

Chu Tian glanced at the map: "Jan of Arc, you follow them and chase from another direction. There seems to be a ferry crossing there."

Joan has become accustomed to resignation: "Yes."

Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, and Lu Kuang were eager to try, but they led the elite Yueqi Camp and Changshui Camp cavalry!

Sun Bin was preparing ships at the ferry crossing of the Yellow River, and Dongping Mausoleum was still some distance away from the Yellow River.

In the north of Jinan is Jishui~www.readwn.com~ The Yellow River is to the north of Jishui.

Sun Bin had already asked people to set up a pontoon bridge in Jishui, and Tian Dan led the army through Jishui, causing people to burn the pontoon bridge.

The pontoon is burning and Tian Dan feels complicated. As a famous general, he had to flee without a fight, and he had to burn the pontoon to block chasing soldiers.

Once the pontoon bridge was destroyed, Xuzhou Mu's cavalry was beyond the reach.

The army of Chu Tian entered the Dongping Mausoleum, and the generals Yu Jin and Cao Ren admired Chu Tian even more. When Chu Tian personally conquered Jinan, the fortune-telling Sun Bin fled in anticipation of the wind and did not dare to fight.

Chu Tian didn't feel how much advantage he was taking. Because he found that Sun Bin had taken one step and made three steps, he had already moved half of the population of Dongpingling in advance.

Chu Tian was checking the details of Dongping Tomb and suddenly received a notification from the system.

"Ding! The third national war event will start in August of the sixth year of the lord’s calendar. Please check the content of the event preview. This national war covers all civilizations. The princes of each civilization with a population of more than one million, including NPC princes, Can participate."

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