Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 391: Expedition of the Han Empire (Part 2)

Latest website: Five hundred thousand troops gather, banners cover the air, hundreds of famous generals of the Han Empire are commanding five hundred thousand troops! Under this group of famous generals, there are also thousands of middle and low-level generals or officers, expedition to the main western city!

Chu Tian took all the elites, leaving 50,000 low-level soldiers to guard the city.

Chutian's own army has more than 20,000 high-level arms, more than 2,000 Korean servants, and 30,000 low-level arms as cannon fodder and squadrons.

Among the 500,000 expeditionary forces of the Han Empire, there are 300,000 elite and 200,000 low-level arms. The significance of the existence of low-level arms is to transport grain, siege cannon fodder, build fortifications, and seduce the front and rear of the horse.

There were thousands of physicians and military craftsmen in the expeditionary army. Chu Tian also brought Zu Chongzhi and the guide car to make sure that the direction of the expedition was correct. Otherwise, 500,000 expeditionary forces will penetrate the hinterland of other civilizations, and it is estimated that other civilizations will explode directly.

Not many civilizations can withstand the 500,000 expeditionary forces of the Han Empire.

Chu Tian has a map in his hand, which is a rough map provided by the system. In theory, as long as there is no wrong direction, 500,000 expeditionary forces can arrive in the western main city in time and without error.

Human wisdom is sometimes infinite. In the era of great navigation, the map is simpler than this, but navigators just use theory and experience to explore a navigation route between the eastern and western hemispheres.

"If you encounter a city of other civilizations, if it is a hostile civilization, you can directly capture it. If it is a strong neutral civilization, let them ceding the city to us as a supply station for us to enter the main western city. We use a'friendly' approach. Solve the problem. If it is a weak and neutral civilization, it will directly destroy them."

Chu Tian discussed with the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty to establish a supply line between the current territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the main western city, which needed to capture the cities along the way.

These cities may belong to different civilizations. To deal with different civilizations, Chutian and their strategies are also different.

Fight the enemy directly; powerful neutral civilizations, greet them in advance to avoid them; weak neutral civilizations, anyway, will be bullied by powerful civilizations, so you can fight directly.

Joan of Arc held the Red Dragon Banner, which symbolized the power of Chu Tian, ​​and followed Chu Tian. She can hold the battle flag with one hand, her own strength is not small.

She was forced to transform from the spiritual symbol of France into a symbol of Chutian army, and her feelings were difficult to understand. Even the French don't think she is a hero of France.

Dian Wei became Chutian's guard. Chutian does not have an eighth-level infantry battalion, so it has not recruited Tiger Guards for Dianwei. But the problem was not big. Chu Tian recruited a group of gold-ranked reckless men to act as personal guards, no worse than high-ranking arms.

Or, the Tiger Guards and other imperial guards, their sources themselves are a group of military commanders with higher strength. These generals do not have the ability to command the army, but they are just right to be used as escorts.

"Pang Juan, you and Li Ling commander-in-chief Wei Wuzu and 15,000 low-level soldiers and horses are protecting the heavy corps. Guo Jia, you are a military division."

"Liang Hongyu, you continue to command the Shooting Camp, and also command a low-level crossbowman of 5,000 people."

"Five thousand low-level infantrymen were transferred to Le Yi's army. Xu Rong, Xia Houyuan, and Xiahou Dun provisional commanders of five thousand low-level light cavalry."

Chutian divided the 30,000 low-level arms into various generals.

"Jan of Arc, you command more than two thousand Korean servants, don't care about their life and death."

Chu Tian gave the captured soldiers of the Goryeo Kingdom to Joan of Arc to lead them.

Chu Tian's oppression of the servant army was too ruthless. The servant army captured by the country's prisoners of war last time was squandered by Chu Tian in all previous battles. In this national war, Chu Tian finally replenished the servant army.

Joan of Arc felt cold, and it was estimated that Chu Tian would oppress her again.

"Your status is much higher than them, as long as you provide them with additional achievements. The meaning of their existence is cannon fodder."

Chu Tian's words made Joan feel slightly better.

Chu Tian didn't mean to sacrifice her, but Joan of Arc had the ability similar to the belief bonus of the Arab Empire, allowing the servant army to see death as a life. There is no hero who is more suitable to be the commander of the servant legion than Joan of Arc, because the position of the servant legion is cannon fodder.

The 50,000 army went on the expedition, and Chutian possessed three cities, accounting for one-tenth of the expeditionary force of the Han Empire, and was one of the main forces of the Han Empire.

The strength of the other princes is not bad at all!

Old Qin divided the fifteenth princes into three groups, each of which had five princes and more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and they were divided into forces and cooperated with each other.

After all, the army of 500,000 is too much, it is impossible to march along one road, otherwise the queue can stretch for dozens of miles, or even hundreds of miles.

As long as the enemy cuts off the queue with a cavalry, the army of the Han Empire is likely to fight separately.

Therefore, sometimes the seemingly undesirable division of troops is compelling, and it is impossible for all troops to be crowded together.

However, the three soldiers and horses are not far apart, scouts are widely distributed, and intelligence is transmitted in an endless stream. The enemy wants to defeat each one, and it is extremely difficult. After all, this time is fighting for civilization. Occupying a major city is good for the future of the entire civilization!

The princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, whether for their own interests or the interests of civilization, must perform well, not drag their feet.

The three-way soldiers and horses were led by the most powerful three princes, Chu Tian, ​​Jiu Lao Qin, and Ming Guan.

As for General Yuan Shao, not many foreign princes gave him face. Now is not the time to conquer Dong Zhuo. With the development of the princes and the formation of their own prestige, Yuan Shao's status has greatly declined.

For example, Chutian possesses the characteristics of "fourth generation and three males" and "Hanwu", dominates the three prefectures, has extremely high military service, and has long surpassed Yuan Shao's prestige. The old Qin held the emperor to order and refused, and had his own characteristics, and his prestige was higher than that of Yuan Shao. Otherwise, the Xun family would not send a special Xun Yu to invest in the old Qin.

Three soldiers and horses, Chutian, Lao Qin, and Mingguan, each selected the princes who have a better relationship with them, and formed a road.

Chu Tian was leaving Huo An, Xu Fengnian, Zhang Dao, and a Nanban lord Mu Ke.

Chu Tian saved Huo An's life in the first epic battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and asked the genius doctor Hua Tuo to treat Huo Qubing. He had a good relationship with Huo An. Huo An also sent nine precious Dawan horses to Chutian.

In order to make the two walls of the Han Empire fit together, Huo An was the first Chu Tian to leave.

Followed by Xu Fengnian as a mutual market partner. He and Xu Fengnian only have a financial relationship, and don't care about it.

But Xu Fengnian, who provided a large number of excellent horses to Chutian every year, helped Chutian a lot. Similarly, the salt, iron and grain provided by Chutian to Xu Fengnian were also vital to Xu Fengnian's dominance of Xiliang.

It can be said that two people are inseparable from each other. Chu Tian was going to leave Xu Fengnian next.

The third person to leave is the leader of Hanzhong.

For this choice, even Lao Qin and Mingguan were somewhat surprised. They thought that Chu Tian would choose a Hebei hegemon like Zhao Long or Huma, but they did not expect to choose Zhang Dao.

But soon Lao Qin recovered. Zhang Dao's preaching in the Hanzhong Dojo, the popular sentiment is very high. If Chu Tian and Zhang Dao have a good relationship, Zhang Dao will harass Lao Qin from time to time, and Lao Qin will be uncomfortable. During the Second National War, Zhang Dao was besieged by the three major European lords, and it was Chutian who rescued him. Two people have the emotional foundation to establish a cooperative relationship!

Chu Tian had gradually gotten rid of his youthful and vigorous state, and had the influence of Xia Liang, especially after the birth of his eldest son, he became more sophisticated in dealing with things. He combined with Xu Fengnian in Xiliang and Zhang Dao in Hanzhong to form a circle of Guanzhong.

In order to make Chu Tian uncomfortable, he chose to take Tang and Zhao Long with him.

Two people form an encirclement net each other.

The old Qin and Mingguan divided the princes with each other.

There are not many choices left for Chu Tian. The fourth prince chosen by Chu Tian is Mu Ke, the lord of Nanban.

This is a female prince, yes, 100% female princes, not women's princes.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to cultural soil issues, female vassals were rare. Unlike Europe, women also have the right to inherit the title. Perhaps the Eastern Han Dynasty also had outstanding female lords, but they often stayed behind the scenes and indirectly affected the entire forces, such as Xia Liang. The power of the pillow wind is very powerful.

In Nanban, there is a tradition of female chieftains, so the only female prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty was born.

Neither Lao Qin nor Ming Guan chose her because they both value the strength of their companions. The princes of Nanban seem to be weak, and everyone has not heard of Mu Ke.

If it was not for the princes with a population of more than one million to participate in the national war, no one would pay attention to this female prince.

But Chu Tian believed that the princes who can dominate the Nanban area are not good stubborns, and their strength may not be as weak as imagined.

Mu Ke brought fifty war elephants. Although there are not many war elephants, they can be used well and can have miraculous effects.

"I will not let down your trust. You are the first prince of the Eastern Han Dynasty. I can't compare to you, but I will do my best for the national war."

Mu Ke is not a beautiful woman, she still has a little freckles on her face, but she has a feminine look.

Lao Qin and Ming Guan didn't like her strength, but Chu Tian chose her, so they were very grateful to Chu Tian.

The scholar died for the confidant.

"Do your best."

Chu Tian muttered in his heart, Lao Qin chose to talk about Tang, Zhao Long, Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei. Mingguan selected Huma, Liu An, and Tian Qi, leaving only one Nanban and one Tubo prince. Chu Tian didn't know them, so he chose the princes of Nanban. Since they don't know each other, and choose one of Nanban and Tubo princes, then choosing a girl is more pleasing than a fierce man.

This is Chu Tian's idea, very real.

Mu Ke didn't know Chu Tian's true thoughts, and was full of gratitude to Chu Tian, ​​becoming a follower of the first prince.

Chu Tian didn't consider Mu Ke's feelings, his main force in this line of soldiers was himself, Huo An, and Xu Fengnian. There are many generals hidden in Xu Fengnian's Longxi County. Chu Tian believes that Xu Fengnian's daring to confront Lao Qin is not as simple as the surface. After all, Longxi County was occupied by Longxi lords a long time ago.

Zhang Dao also has his own special ability, which is to explode quickly. In the entire Eastern Han Dynasty, there was no vassal's explosive ability comparable to Zhang Dao. As long as Zhang Dao is willing, the whole city can be transformed into a peasant uprising army.

The combat effectiveness is also said to be able to scare the enemy at least in numbers.

The incense soars through Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor!

Any civilization that sees the peasant rebels all over the mountains will be frightened!

In addition to elephant soldiers, Mu Ke's Southern Barbarian Army also has special units such as vine armor soldiers and chieftain wolf soldiers. In fact, they may not be weak.

If she is really weak, Mu Ke is not qualified to participate in this national war.

"set off!"

Five hundred thousand Han troops set out in batches and marched to the Gobi in the north. It is expected to march for 100 miles, and then march east for 500 miles, to reach the main western city!

The army of half a million is extremely large, with no end in sight, iron armor and banners hunting!

Chu Tian personally commanded the four princes, including himself, a total of five princes, and became the commander of the East Route Army. Lao Qin served as the commander of the Central Route Army. Mingguan served as the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army.

Three-way Han army, take care of each other!

The black war eagle fell on Joan of Arc's shoulder, she seemed to like Hua Mulan's war eagle very much. Warhawk, who usually ignored Chu Tian, ​​also felt the affinity of Joan of Arc.

If these war eagles could not be used for investigation, Chu Tian vowed to roast these war eagles and add a little cumin.

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Xun You served as the masters of Chu Tian, ​​and Lu Su and Cao Ku also followed Chu Tian to practice.


Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, Lu Kuang, and Xing Daorong galloped in the Gobi, and they were full of enthusiasm, wishing to kill all the enemies in front of them.

Chu Tian frowned, not knowing the bad habit Mi Fang learned from the stranger, the wolf howled endlessly, and also broke other generals.

The torrent of the three-way Han army came to the north.

To the north is a large neutral civilization-the sphere of influence of the Persian Empire.

More than one hundred thousand Persian main forces began to gather. After they heard that the Han Empire was the largest in the south, all their faces were pale.

The Persian Empire was considered a powerful civilization, but because it did not have the territory to reach its peak, it appeared weak in the face of the 500,000 Expeditionary Army in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"My words are already very clear~www.readwn.com~ Your Persia is not an opponent of the Eastern Han Dynasty by virtue of your own strength. You must unite with the surrounding civilizations to increase your winning rate in the battle for the main city. Otherwise, you will hit the stone with the pebbles!"

Choi Jae Sun, the lord of Korea, took refuge in Persian civilization.

The Persian Empire at this time was the famous Parthian Empire in history (also known as the Parthian Empire, the Second Persian Empire), and it was also possible to recruit the heroes of the Persian First and Third Empires, with more than two thousand years of accumulation. If it were not for population restrictions, the Persian Empire could also be very strong.

Sitting on the main seat is the first lord of Persia, the current commander of the Imperial Guard of the Parthian Empire, the game ID "Commander of the Immortal Army", whose real name is Aldashir, looks at the lord of the East, Cui Zaishan, who has taken refuge in him: "But we Persia and That civilization is a mortal enemy and out of place."

Choi Jae-sun is aggressive: "Benefits, only benefits are everything. Taking the main city can accumulate advantages for civilization. In the face of benefits, all hatred can be let go."

Aldashir and the other Persian lords whispered, and then said to Choi Jae Sun: "I decided to send you to contact our mortal enemies. If you can persuade them, then act according to your plan."

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