Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 593: Teleport array

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"Master Duhu, in this battle, the Duhu Mansion beheaded thousands and captured tens of thousands. This group of Central Asian cavalry is almost all cavalry from the Seljuk Empire and Khwarazmo. They are estimated to have been killed during the Battle of the Ili Valley. Servants captured by the Chagatai and Wokotai Khanates."

After cleaning up the battlefield, Gao Xianzhi reported the loss and the spoils to Huo An.

Almost all of the 20,000 Central Asian cavalry that Yelu Dashi brought to attack the Western Regions Capital were killed or captured.

Yelu Dashi did not feel distressed about this, because the 20,000 Central Asian cavalrymen were just ordinary servants to the Mongol Empire and Yelu Dashi.

Yelu Dashi is not qualified to be the core figure of the Mongol Empire, so the cavalry assigned to him is not strong. As long as you can save your life, even if you abandon the 20,000 servant army cavalry, it is not a big deal.

The tens of thousands of captive servants can make up for the losses of the Western Regions Protectorate in this national war.

The main force of the Protector of the Western Regions was nearly disabled in successive battles. Tens of thousands of servants joined. With Huo An and the generals of the Protector of the Western Regions' strengthening and control of the servants, it can be used.

"Split the captured Central Asian cavalry into several battalions and distribute them to the generals to make up for the losses."

Huo An dismantled the cavalry to avoid rebellion.

Huo An looked at the entire battlefield, ruined and devastated.

The fierceness of the Luntai City battle was even higher than the main battlefield between Chutian and Temujin.

In order to defend Luntai City, dozens of military commanders and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed. Almost all the fortifications were demolished. The strong city wall collapsed in three places, and 10,000 civilians were killed.

The cattle, sheep, grain, grass, and weapons hoarded in Luntai City are almost exhausted.

The Mongolian army camp outside the city was burned down, billowing black smoke swayed, and large trebuchets and siege towers turned into charcoal in the fire.

The decisive battle on the main battlefield is at sunset. The final battle in Luntai City begins at night. Wokuodai and Yelu Dashi take advantage of the night to set up an ambush and retreat.

Huo An and Xu Fengnian's army has won a lot, but they still failed to catch up with Wo Kuotai and Yelu Dashi.

The next day, Chen Tang, Ban Chao, and Ma Chao, who had pursued Wo Kuotai and Yelu Dashi, returned and captured thousands of cavalry.

Huo An asked the two of them: "Can you catch Wokuodai and Yelu Dashi?"

Chen Tang and Ban Chao shook their heads.

Ma Chao's face was still gloomy, and Wang Yanzhang's hatred could not be let go.

Xu Fengnian didn't look good when he learned that Yelu Dashi had escaped.

Yelu Dashi followed Wokuotai, and most of them fled to the Kingdom of Qiuci and even the Chagatai Khanate.

If you want to hunt down Yelu Dashi again, you may have to chase the Chagatai Khanate.

However, hundreds of thousands of expeditionary troops have been extremely laborious to expedition to Luntai City from Cheshiguo.

All the teleportation formations of the Chagatai Khanate are controlled by the defenders of Chagatai. The Han army needs to make a long march in the main world.

First, the expeditionary force of the Han army must consider the gains and the price paid.

If you pay tens of millions of taels of silver in military expenses to kill Yelu Dashi, then it is obviously not rational.

However, there is one person whose interests are directly linked to the elimination of Yelu Dashi, and that is Huo An, the protector of the Western Regions.

"The Chagatai Khanate appeared within my sphere of influence. The Ili River Valley was originally my site. When the Western Regions Protectorate regains its strength, I will attack the Chagatai Khanate. If you are willing to join, you can Act with me."

Huo An wanted to use Xu Fengnian's power to destroy the Chagatai Khanate.

In the current situation, the forces of the Chagatai Khanate and the Protectorate of the Western Regions were all damaged by the war. The two sides are racing against time to restore their forces.

Xu Fengnian has a group of brave and warrior generals. If he helps, destroying the Chagatai Khanate will be even easier.

The Chagatai Khanate has always been a huge threat.

If the Chagatai Khanate is not eliminated as soon as possible, the Protectorate of the Western Regions will face a crisis again.

Although Temujin was injured, only by relying on the Chagatai Khanate, he could not organize such a large-scale offensive against the Western Regions Protectorate, but it was a threat after all.

"Master, I want to avenge my master!"

Ma Chao asked Xu Fengnian for his order.

"Expedition to the Chagatai Khanate, I will participate. After the Chagatai Khanate is eliminated, I will go to live in Xiacheng."

Xu Fengnian seems to have made a major decision.

Kill Wo Kuotai and Yelu Dashi, and then withdraw from the ranks of princes.

He is no longer qualified and does not want to continue to be a prince of the Han Empire.

"Trust me, we can work together to destroy the Chagatai Khanate. I assure you, I will take the first level of Yelu Dashi."

Huo An ordered the Western Regions Protectorate Legion to clean the battlefield, bury the bodies of the war dead, and rebuild the city.

For the rest of his life after the disaster in Luntai City, people's minds and public order are recovering.

The Mongolian army has fully retreated to the Kingdom of Kucha, which is adjacent to the Chagatai Khanate.

The Kingdom of Qiuci was also a kingdom that surrendered to the Protectorate of the Western Regions, but it was conquered by the way when the Chagatai Khanate marched.

With the national power of Kucha, it is not an opponent of the Chagatai Khanate army.

After the threat of Luntai City was lifted, the people of the Western Regions Protected House cleaned up the old mountains and rivers while waiting for the arrival of the victorious Han Empire Expeditionary Army.

Xu Fengnian led the soldiers of the Xiliang Army to bury the dead Wang Yanzhang under a hill outside Luntai City.

"The general has died in a hundred battles. So far, Wang Tieqiang has no fewer than a hundred battles. From now on, you can hold the wheel."

Xu Fengnian poured wine, and all the soldiers in Xiliang were silent.

Xu Fengnian's legion has only a handful of people who have survived to the present.

The Xiliang Legion may have no successor.

The soldiers recruited by Old Qin in Liangzhou have been incorporated into the Guanlong Army.

In the eyes of Xu Fengnian and others, their Xiliang Army is the real Xiliang Army.

Huo An was also complicated when he saw Xu Fengnian and others send away Wang Tiegun.

There are deep or shallow friendships between the generals and the lords in private, just like their own friends, killed on the battlefield, this feeling is hard to say.

"Prepare food, water, and camps. The expeditionary force is coming soon. I hope there will be enough supplies to be restocked. The teleportation formation in Luntai City is open, and supplies can be transported from within the pass, Cheshi Nation, and Yanqi Nation..."

Huo An is no longer so nervous after the rescue of Luntai City.

As long as the teleportation formation of Luntai City is reopened, then with the powerful blood transfusion capabilities of the Han Empire, the Western Regions Protector House will soon regroup again.

It’s a big deal to ask Chutian for supplies. As for the return, Huo An has a big deal to pay him to Chu Tian. Of course, it refers to Huo An’s Western Region Protector House, not Huo An himself...

"Perhaps Qingqing can be used to repay the debt, no, this is not what a good brother should do..."

Huo An started to sell his sister for glory a little bit, and quickly dismissed it.

Although it would be of great benefit to the development of Huo An's forces to allow the Western Regions Protectorate to marry the largest princes in the Guan and consolidate the two sides, Huo An is a player after all, and his ideas are still very advanced.


In the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ekaterina received a report from the Adjutant Sophia, and the teleportation formation in Luntai City was turned on!

"It seems that the Mongol Empire's siege of Luntai City has ended. Luntai City has stood firm, or is it already captured?"

"According to the news spread by Luntai City in the Han Empire, Temujin was defeated and the Mongolian army's siege of Luntai City has been lifted."

"Say hello to the guards of the Western Regions of the Han Empire in advance. I want to visit Luntai City in person."

"Master Duke, are you doing business or private business?"

"Of course... official business, about the Golden Horde."

Ekaterina looked indifferent.

"Do you want to bring the little duke?"


Ekaterina was silent for a while, "Let's take it."


Luntai City was cleaning the battlefield, and the expeditionary forces of the Han Empire that fought with the Temujin and Chagatai coalition forces were also cleaning the battlefield.

This time, there were only tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry, Khwarazim cavalry, and Seljuk cavalry captured. Among them, there were very few special cavalry such as Yu Xuejun and Tanmachi.


Dian Wei threw a captive military commander on the ground, as if throwing a sandbag, and the guards around Chu Tian immediately tied it up.

Chu Tian can only see the simple information of this person.

[Name]: Monk Wanyan Chen

[Level]: 70

[Evaluation]: A famous general in the last years of the Kingdom of Jin, led by the loyal and filial army.

"Monk Wanyan Chen finally caught this tricky guy."

When Chu Tian saw Dian Wei capture Monk Wanyan Chen, a threat to the Han Empire was lifted.

The loyal and filial army of Monk Wanyanchen was quite tricky. He severely damaged the Invincible Legion and the Xiliang Legion. In this battle, Dianwei’s Tiger Guards were almost wiped out.

And the leader of such a legion fell into Chu Tian's hands.

Monk Wanyan Chen, like Chen Qingzhi, has to be matched with exclusive units to be powerful.

If Monk Wanyanchen was allowed to command the other cavalry, it might not be as terrible as the loyal and filial army.

Monk Wanyan Chen and Zhongxiao Army are indispensable.

However, with the loyal character of Monk Wanyan Chen, unless he is recruited with a recruitment order, he will not be able to take refuge in a new lord.

Temujin recruited Monk Wanyan Chen with a recruiting order, and he could ignore his character.

This is quite tricky.

"There should be a way to make him surrender... Put him in custody with the Zhongxiao Army and Heli Army prisoners ~ www.readwn.com~ strictly guarded, not let him escape."

Even if you can't get it, you can't let Monk Wanyanchen return to Temujin's command, otherwise he will become a powerful enemy in the future.

"Qin Liangyu also has the credit of capturing Monk Wanyanchen."

Although Mu Ke didn't want to care about Chu Tian too much, she still chose to report Qin Liangyu's military exploits for the sake of Qin Liangyu's future.

If Qin Liangyu led the white soldiers to intercept Monk Wanyan Chen, Dian Wei on foot might not be able to catch up.

"To be counted together."

Chu Tian knew that Qin Liangyu was a fierce general, and all those who achieved military exploits should be treated equally.

Old Qin and Wei Qing joined forces. After defeating Subutai, he led his troops to join Chutian.

The water source of the Guanzhong Legion is almost exhausted, and it is impossible to chase the cavalry that is not in speed.

"It's time for us to go to the round table for supplies."

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