Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 608: Expedition to Central Asia

"Hey, I think we might be able to..."


   Ekaterina packed up the luggage returned to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and before leaving, took the initiative to negotiate with Xia Liang.


   She also gradually understood that Xia Liang had attracted Hua Mulan and Joan of Arc, and she might have to compromise with Xia Liang in exchange for the opportunity to be alone with Chutian.


   "Call me my elder sister."


   Summer Ryo found that he seemed to be one or two months older than Ekaterina.


   "I don't want this..."


   Ekaterina could not speak.


   "Then everything is forbidden to talk about, you can stop using it in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the future."


   Xia Liang wanted to take this opportunity to make it clear that the position of the palace was unshakable, and forced Ekaterina to compromise.


   "I am the Duke of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. My prestige extends from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Siberian Plain in the east..."


   "Then do you want to see Chu Tian in the future?"




   Ekaterina murmured in a low voice. At first, it was unbearable to call it summer cool, but I don’t know why, there was a feeling of being ordered by Chu Tian, ​​and she was not so disgusted.


   "Really a strange guy..."


   In summer, he is cool and sensitive, and he perceives Ekaterina's excitement.


   But since Ekaterina is already willing to be soft, Xia Liang did not force her to do anything shameful.


   "Then I can come anytime from now on."


   Ekaterina seemed to let go of her burden.


   There are some things, as long as there is the first time, there will be a second time and a third time.


   "I didn't promise you. I just allow you to come here a limited number of times!"


   Summer Ryo is still hostile to Ekaterina.


   Hua Mulan and Joan of Arc saw the two fighting over and under, they could hardly intervene, but just watched from the sidelines. At least in summer, restricting the number of times Ekaterina came to the Eastern Han Dynasty was beneficial to both of them...


   Chutian ignored the fight between several people, because he found that both his son and daughter in Xiacheng had come to Luntai City.


   Young Ma Yunlu also arrived at the same time.


   Ma Yunlu has become the eldest sister among several people.


   Chu Wu relied on being older than the little duke and tried to pick up the little duke, but he was still not strong enough.


   Ma Teng was overjoyed when he heard that his daughter came to Luntai City, but when he saw that her daughter was like the head of a big sister, he was giving orders and his face suddenly became unsightly.


   Fortunately, Chu Tian didn't have any opinion. Otherwise, he would just bully the general's son. This charge, Chu Tian might try to find Ma Teng trouble in the future.


   "You will return Wuer, Xuaner, and Ma Yunlu to Xiacheng."


   Chutian just saw a pair of children living in Xiacheng, and shook his head again.


  Luntai City is still insecure at present, and the flames of war may burn to Luntai again.


   I didn’t expect it to be so fast in the summer, and the Western Regions would reignite the flames. Moreover, the scale of this war swept through many civilizations, and many people would be killed: "I will let people send them back."


   "Daddy, and brother, won't you go back?"


   Ma Yunlu hugged Ma Teng's trousers.


   Ma Teng hugged Ma Yunlu: "Father will go to crusade the enemy with your brother. After the enemy is repelled, he will go to Xiacheng to find you. During this time, you should not cause trouble to the general."


   "Lu Er got it."


   Ma Yunlu nodded seriously.


   Ma Teng put Ma Yunlu down, and Ma Yunlu went to hug Xia Liang: "Sister Xia."


   "Really good."


   Cool summer is obviously in a good mood.


   Then Ma Yunlu waved his hand to Chu Tian: "Uncle General, come back alive."




   Ma Teng was frantic, and he could already see Chu Tian's face pale.


   In summer, cool and strong to hold back a smile.


   Chutian found out that Ma Yunlu has always called himself uncle, is it really old?


   Chutian touched the stubble, and has been fighting in the Western Regions, but forgot to shave the stubble.


   Although Chutian was a little sad, he still focused on the next battle.


   First of all, Ekaterina led Sofia, Harald and others, as well as the Boye cavalry and Varangi guards, and left Luntai with the little duke.


   After Ekaterina put down a little bit of arrogance, she could come to Xiacheng from time to time.


   She also has her own enemy to deal with-the mighty Golden Horde.


   "Expedition to the Chagatai Khanate, see if there is a chance, take Alimari."


   Chutian temporarily check the current ranking list.


   First place, Han Empire, Chutian, 620,000 points.


   Second place, Han Empire, Huo An, points 570,000.


   Third place, United States, Marshall, 510,000 points.


   Fourth place, the Kingdom of Macedonia, Alexander, with 490,000 points.


   Fifth place, Persian Empire, Aldashir, 480,000 points.


   Sixth place, Roman Republic, Constantine, 450,000 points.


   Seventh place, Han Empire, Mingguan, 450,000 points.


   Eighth, Han Empire, Lao Qin, 430,000 points.


   Ninth place, Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ekaterina, 370,000 points.


   Tenth place, Holy Roman Empire, Hohenzollern, 350,000 points.




   The ranking of the lords of the United States began to rise sharply, indicating that the American battlefield is very tragic.


   On the European battlefield, the points of Macedonia, Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire have increased rapidly, indicating that they are dealing with Western barbarians.


   Because Ekaterina was dealing with the Golden Horde, there was no war, so the points did not increase much and the overall ranking dropped.


   "There is something in the United States..."


   Chutian suspects that the characteristic of the United States is to suppress the indigenous people, otherwise the Marshall's points will rise a little faster.


  Huo arranged for the second place to have a point for destroying the country. At the same time, Huo An’s Western Regions Protectorate desperately killed many soldiers, and Huo Qubing helped Huo An collect points.


   Thinking of maintaining the first place, Chutian believes that it is not enough insurance. The United States and Macedonia may become competitors.


   Therefore, it is necessary to expedition to the Chagatai Khanate.


"This expedition, because of the freezing weather, only cavalry, infantry equipped with horses, and crossbowmen, with some craftsmen, captured towns and tribes along the way, and obtained supplies. In the Chagatai Khanate, you need to attack. When in the city, the servant army was forced to participate in the siege of the city from the Chagatai Khanate."


   The expedition plan predicted by Chutian and others is extraordinary.


  Under bad weather and terrain, the number of expeditionary forces is not as large as possible, but as few as possible, otherwise the logistics will be quite difficult.


   Therefore, the Expeditionary Army is only composed of elite troops, with Chutian offering 50,000, Lao Qin offering 30,000, Huo An offering 30,000, and Mu Ke offering 10,000, a total of 120,000.


   This time, all expeditionary soldiers must be equipped with war horses. Heavy infantry and heavy cavalry even need two to four war horses or pack horses to quickly attack and retreat, saving time.


   Otherwise, the long march will be a kind of torture and give the Chagatai Khanate enough time to cope.


   "Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Lu Bu swept north of Tianshan with 110,000 cavalry, and we swept west of Tianshan with 120,000 troops."


   The troops used by Chutian and the Western Regions Duhufu and others reached a staggering 230,000.


  It is hard to imagine using such forces in the cold winter. Most of them will rely on the cattle and sheep passing by the Chagatai Khanate to successfully complete the supply. When necessary, it will also capture a large city with a teleportation array, and use the teleportation array to carry out a complete supply.


   This is the simple tactics of Chutian and others.


   Chutian deliberately brought two people-Liu Ye and Li Jie.


   Liu Ye can increase the power of siege equipment, especially the trebuchet, while Li Jie can quickly build various buildings or fortifications, shortening the construction time.


   The abilities of these two individuals are essential to the expeditionary army.


   In addition to this, Chu Tian also brought Zu Chongzhi, the guide car, and the magical doctor Hua Tuo.


   These special talents have their own special roles.


   "White Robe Army, Xuanjia Army, Knight Army, Shenji Camp, Tiger Army, Yanjia..."


   Chu Tian cleared up the elite troops of the Chagatai Khanate.


   The supplies of the expeditionary force are limited, so only the most elite troops are eligible to participate in the expedition. They cannot go out according to the size of the legion. They can only extract the elite of each legion individually and then reorganize them into a 50,000-thousand legion.


   Chutian personally served as the commander of the army.


   The signs of Saint Joan of Arc's pregnancy were already obvious. Chu Tian asked her to return to Xiacheng to rest, and refused to let her join the army.


   In addition to Joan of Arc, there are morale-inspiring heroes such as Li Xiuning and Liang Hongyu, so Chu Tian didn't panic at all.


  赳赳 Lao Qin selected 30,000 people from the elite of the Guanzhong Army, mainly Qin Ruishi and Sanhe cavalry.


   Huo An’s 30,000 people are mainly servants, with Ban Chao, Gao Xianzhi, and Li Siye as lieutenants.


Huo Qing also requested to follow the expedition ~www.readwn.com~ probably to learn this lesson. Out of the desire to cultivate a candidate who can help him manage the Western Regions Protectorate at a critical moment, Huo An promised to let his sister together. Set off.


   Wang Xuance was left by Huo An in the Protectorate of the Western Regions, responsible for suppressing the 36 countries in the Western Regions and providing logistical supplies.


  With Wang Xuance in Luntai, after the aristocracy of the 36 countries of the Western Regions was gradually evacuated, it was difficult to rebel.


   Mu Ke's South China Army Corps, the main generals are still Qin Liangyu and Wu Tu Gu, with white pole soldiers and cane soldiers as the main force, only 10,000.


   The elephant troops she brought were almost all killed in the battle of Luntai, so they were not in the ranks of this expedition.


   The expeditionary force seems to have shrunk in size, but because of the reduction in its number, its operations are not so clumsy.


   The Chagatai Khanate wants to conscript hundreds of thousands of troops to block the expeditionary army, and it depends on whether it can raise enough food and grass for the hundreds of thousands of troops.


In addition, Chutian’s "Tian Khan" feature and Huo An's "Western Region Guard" feature can both recruit and disband servants in enemy countries, reducing the consumption of supplies and troops, so theoretically there is no need to carry too many low-level Arms, you can carry elite.


   At the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, there are also the 110,000 Expeditionary Army of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.


  According to the imagination of the princes of the Han Empire, if Wei Qing and Huo Qubing successfully defeated Subutai at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, then Wei Qing and Huo Qubing would go to the Chagatai Khanate to join forces with the Han Empire Expeditionary Forces and drink the Mayili River.

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