Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 615: The fall of Dawan

One hundred and fifty miles east of Alimari City, on the banks of the Ili River, the cavalry of Temuzhen, Zhebei, and Chagatai gathered here, and the Mongolian and Wusun cavalry gathered here, choosing to fight the expeditionary forces of the Han Empire here.


   This is the second large-scale battle between the two sides. Temujin and others are on the defensive, while the Han Empire Expeditionary Force over the Tianshan Mountains is on the offensive side.


   "Great Khan, 80,000 cavalrymen of Wusun Country, follow your instructions."


   King Wusun respectfully saluted Temujin, full of fear for the sweat from Mobei.


   Temujin has the characteristic "Genghis Khan", which has a suppressing effect on the kings of many tribes.


   Wusun Kingdom is one of the most powerful kingdoms among the 36 countries in the Western Regions.


Some small Western Regions may have only one medium-sized city in "Lord", with tens of thousands of thousands of people, but the territory of Wusun State, from the Ili River Valley to the Junggar Basin, has a large number of cities, second only to the Western Regions. Duhufu.


The original Wusun Kingdom was defeated by Huo An, the old Wusun King was executed, Huo An established a new Wusun King, but this Wusun King was defeated by Wo Kuotai and Yelu Dashi and was captured and took refuge in the Mongolian cavalry. .


   "Ben Khan heard that many Wusun nobles chose to support the Han army and sent cavalry to support the Han army, which led to the Han army's momentum in the Ili Valley."


   Temujin looked at King Wusun grimly.


Sweat oozes from King Wusun’s forehead: "Huoan, the protector of the Western Regions, once ruled this place, and has benefited many nobles. Therefore, for their own benefit, they will naturally choose to support the Han army. Please don't worry, more nobles. Will support me, there are already 80,000 cavalry, willing to follow me and help Da Khan win victory."


   "I hope I will not be disappointed. If you repel the Han army, you will be the deputy king of the Chagatai Khanate."




   King Wusun couldn't help but be overjoyed.


   became the Chagatai Khanate in one fell swoop. The role of under one person and over ten thousand people is almost the same as the power of King Wusun.


   The Han Empire Expeditionary Force is advancing quickly, and it is less than two hundred miles away from Ali Mali!


  The Han army broke through the fourth city and captured a group of artisans and servants to expand its scale.


  The surrounding households and Wusun nobles fled to Alimali one after another, and the army of Chutian and others gained less and less spoils.


   All sergeants of the expeditionary army know that the decisive battle with Temujin in the Ili River Valley is approaching.


  According to the captive's account, Temujin and Chagatai Khanate assembled a million cavalry in the front, preparing to annihilate this deep expeditionary army on the banks of the Ili River.


   Although Temujin was known as an army of one million, the princes of the Han Empire knew that in general, this name was only an imaginary number, and the true force was reduced by at least half, perhaps less than half.


   Despite this, Temujin and Chagatai were fighting in their home court, and the Chagatai Khanate was fighting. The overall situation was not good for the Han army.


   One hundred thousand Han army and 40,000 Wusun army, like entering a barrel of explosives, might be crushed to pieces with Temujin and Chahetai at any time.


  Because Huo An once ruled the Ili River Valley, Huo An can obtain a map of the Ili River Valley. He is fairly familiar with this place. Temujin and Chagatai did not occupy absolute geographical advantages.


   The Han Empire Expeditionary Army knew that they were going deep alone and had the determination to fight back and break the boat, so they could barely be regarded as harmonious.


   "If you have a decisive battle with Temujin and Chagatai in the Ili River Valley, what is your chance of winning?"


  赳赳 Lao Qin stared at the map, lost in thought.


   With Lao Qin's caution, before the start of the war, he would consider his own winning percentage.


  The battle between Luntai Kingdom and Temujin and Chagatai was at least in a place under the direct control of the Western Regions Protectorate. The Han army even occupied the sky and defeated Temujin in one fell swoop. This time, there may not be a time.


   The main force of the 110,000 Expeditionary Army, 10,000 came from the hot South and Central region, and the combat effectiveness of the vine armor and white soldiers was greatly reduced due to the cold winter.


   Most of Chutian’s fifty thousand troops came from the Central Plains or Qilu, and the climate here is also unbearable.


   Old Qin’s Guanzhong Army is almost the same as Chutian’s Central Plains Army.


   The remnant of Xu Fengnian can barely accept this climate.


   The time and place are favorable, and the expeditionary forces of the Han Empire seem to be at a disadvantage in terms of time.


   Forty thousand Wusun cavalrymen who came to depend on, because they originally lived in this place, they adapted to fighting here.


   "If you fight according to the normal situation, the three-seven is open, and Temujin has more cavalry, which is seven." Huo An just finished speaking, and said, "But under abnormal circumstances, we are seven."


   Chutian and Lao Qin both moved slightly: "What's the abnormal situation?"


   "Probably like this..."


   "That's it."


   This time Chu Tian and Lao Qin were finally relieved.


   can fight Temujin and Chagatai in the Yili River Valley.


"A part of the cavalry of the Chagatai Khan State went to attack the Seljuk Empire. Before the Seljuk Sultan lost the news, he sent envoys to contact us. In all likelihood, the imperial city was besieged, so the Seljuk Empire may be very Will soon be perished."


   Huo An is still paying attention to other battlefields.


   The five civilizations agreed that when the ice and snow melted, it was when the drums were beating, but Temujin launched an offensive in the cold winter. Among the five civilizations, the Seljuk Empire, the weakest at present, was beaten to the end of the country.


   If it were not for the Han army to go deep into the Chagatai Khanate, perhaps Temujin could unscrupulously occupy Central Asia and strengthen his own power.


  A player captain from the Western Regions Protectorate came over, and he was responsible for contacting Dawan.


   He came to Huo An's ear and whispered to his ears to report the news from Dawan, Huo An's expression changed one after another.


  Because the Han army broke through the city of the Chagatai Khanate, some of the player's systems can be activated in the city, so Huo An can learn about the changes in the Western Regions Protectorate and the vassal state of the Western Regions Protectorate.


   Chutian, Lao Qin, Xu Fengnian, Mu Ke and others saw Huo An’s expressions change, and they knew what might have happened to Huo An’s territory: "What's the matter?"


Huo An said solemnly: "You should know that Dawan was under my control before the start of the fourth national war. Now the nobles of Dawan have killed my appointed king. The Guishuang Empire has invaded Dawan again. , And occupied Dawan. Dawan became a vassal of the Guishuang Empire."


   "The Guishuang Empire really made a fortune in a muffled voice."


   Chutian couldn't help admiring the forbearance of the Guishuang Empire.


When the five major civilizations fought against the Mongol Empire and the three khanates, they did not say anything, seized the vassal state of the Western Regions, and expanded their power to Congling and other places, directly fighting with the Kharazim and the Chagatai Khanate. , Western Regions Duhufu and other civilizations bordered.


   Huo An suffered too much in this national war.


  Originally, Dawan and Wusun were his territories, but now he wants to reoccupy these places, and war will break out with the Guishuang Empire.


   "What famous generals does the Guishuang Empire have?"


   "I don't know. There are too few records of the Guishuang Empire in the history books. Even if the Guishuang Empire has famous generals, they are probably some original military generals."


   Everyone thought about it, the records of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the European area are still quite detailed, and the Guishuang Empire, a civilization that was once a short-lived in history, seems to really lack records.


   "Regardless of the strength of the Guishuang Empire, he took away the vassal country controlled by the Western Regions Protector. This hatred will be reported sooner or later."


   Huo An is annoyed by the Guishuang Empire that sent troops to occupy Dawan.


  Dawan, because it is located in the Fergana Basin, is rich in good horses and grain, and is an important vassal state for the Western Regions.


   In order to ask for a hard-earned BMW from Dawan, Emperor Wu of the Han did not hesitate to send general Li Guangli to lead the Han army to make two expeditions to Dawan, killing its king, and establishing a new Dawan king.


   Huo An’s approach is somewhat similar to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In order to appease the Kingdom of Dawan as soon as possible, he chose to kill the King of Dawan and set up a new king who was close to the Western Regions.


However, Huo An still underestimated the power of the nobles in Dawan. After the influence of the Western Regions Protected Mansion had shrunk, these nobles joined forces to overthrow the king established by Huo An and re-elect a new king to represent the great The interests of the aristocracy in the country, not the interests of the Western Regions.


   Generally speaking, it is very difficult for the Western Regions Protectorate to conquer the Central Asian civilization that is incompatible with its own civilization.


  Compared with Dawan, Cheshi, Yanqi, Luntai, and Qiuci, which were ruled by the Western Regions for longer periods of time, were more able to accept the culture of the Han Empire.


   "In the future, we must use the teleportation array to change the way of ruling the civilization of Central Asia. It is best to force our culture to be sinicized."


   Huo An has been thinking about establishing a new order after the repeated betrayals of these vassals.


   Obviously, during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the strategy of establishing a new king could not achieve long-term control over the subject. The measures of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were based on the prerequisite of the strong protection of the Western Regions. Once the influence of the Western Regions was weakened, or a civilization more powerful than that of the Western Regions appeared, these places would rebel.


   Replace the old culture with a new one, coupled with force suppression, may be the long-term solution.


   "For the time being, I don't need to consider the affairs of Dawan and the Guishuang Empire. Defeating Temujin and Chagatai, regaining the Yili area, and the civilization of Central Asia will sooner or later be cleaned up by us."


   Chutian and others turned their eyes back to the Yili River Valley.


   The Kingdom of Dawan was annexed by the Guishuang Empire. The Guishuang Empire clearly knew that the Protector of the Western Regions was beyond the reach of the Kingdom of Dawan at this time.


   But this Liangzi is closed.


Believing that Huo An’s victory rate was 70%, the expeditionary army of the Han Empire marched along the Ili River, preparing for the second Ili River Valley battle with Temuzhen and Chagatai Khanate in the Ili Valley. The Asian Alliance Army became the expeditionary force of the Han Empire.


   "The Han army actually chose to fight in the Ili River Valley. Their strength is no more than 100,000. Are they really confident that they can defeat our 300,000 troops?"


   Temujin learned the news that the Han army would not retreat but advance, and on the eve of the Second Ili River Valley Battle, he still couldn't believe it.


   Temujin could not produce the so-called one million army, but three hundred thousand cavalry was more than enough.


   The Han army crossed the Tianshan Mountains, with a small number of soldiers and not many servants, but they dared to fight head-on.


   There is a big problem in this.


   "Khan, they only have confidence in themselves, so they dare to fight us decisively. This time, we will use absolute force to destroy it and let their blood stain the Yili River."


   Chagatai stroked the wings of a war eagle. The Ili River was already frozen and frozen for thousands of miles, but the cavalry on both sides had to fight an unprecedented decisive battle in this climate.


   "Zhe, farewell, the war began, you led a cavalry in ambush in the snow forest in the north of the mountain, raid the rear of the Han army, and shot Chu Zimou."


   Temujin believed that Chutian’s cavalry was no less than his cavalry, and was an indispensable opponent, so he ordered Tetsubetsu to ambush in complicated terrain for surprise attacks.


  Zhe's other goal is to shoot Chutian, who is the greatest threat to Temujin.


   "The last general will lead!"


   Zhe, don’t take away eight thousand cavalry. Among these eight thousand cavalry, there are about one thousand Yu Xuejun.


   In order to kill Chutian, Temujin even used the few veterans of Xue Xue.


   Temujin has already recruited a new Xue Xue army in Mobei to make up for his loss. But the newly recruited Kung Xue Xinjun in Mobei was generally low in rank and could not go into battle. Even if he went into battle, his combat power was much different than that of a veteran who had experienced many battles.


   "In this battle, Chu Zimou must be killed, otherwise, he will become a nightmare, a nightmare that has always threatened us."


   Temujin became more and more alert to Chu Tian.


  Chagatai said to a tens of thousands of households beside him: "When will Timur's cavalry return?"


   "Not three days out."


"It’s too late~www.readwn.com~ but Timur has only 30,000 cavalry, which has no effect on the war. There are 8,000 ambush soldiers, plus our army of more than 300,000, enough to defeat the Han army. This time the Han army only had more than one hundred thousand, and they still came over the Tianshan Mountains, and the troops were tired."


Although Chagatai regrets that Timur’s cavalry is still on the way, the war may break out at any time. The advancement of the Han army is unimaginable. Obviously, the goal is directed at Ali Mali, not to Temujin and Chahe. Taiwan has time to gather more soldiers and horses.


   If the Han army encircles Alimari, then Alimari’s teleportation array will fail, and Temujin and Chagatai will have to gather forces in other places to lift the siege of Alimari.


   Generally speaking, the Han army is on the offensive. The forces of Temujin and Chagatai seem to be huge, but they are passive, coping with the fast offensive of the Han army.


  Temur's 30,000 cavalry were still on the way, and he received new orders from Chagatai.


   "The Khan asked me to teleport directly to Ali Mali, and then immediately went to support the battlefield and was responsible for reaping the Han army... If the Khan can defeat the Han army, the best. Everyone, speed up the march!"


   Timur limped to his horse, then turned on his horse.


   Like the injured Sun Guan, Timur was only like a normal person when he was on a war horse.


   It's just that he is born with a disability and is nicknamed "Limp Timur".


  Temur's 30,000 cavalry received its characteristic bonus, and marched faster, trying to catch up with the decisive battle between Temujin, Chagatai Allied Forces and the Han Empire Expeditionary Army.

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