Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 629: Sweep the Xianbei tribe

"Everyone, etc., are all on their horses, and this time I will go to...Helan Mountain."


   Tuoba Xianbei tribe, its leader urged the tribe's tribe to migrate to Helan Mountain.


The original central Xianbei master stepped onto his horse and rode his horse towards the new Xianbei leader: "It is unbelievable that Changan is willing to accept our attachment and assign us the area north of Helan Mountain as a pasture, let us avoid the big The general's front."


Leader Tuoba Xianbei's eyes were gleaming, and said: "Don't think this is charity, Changan just wants to use us to deal with the generals. We can cause a little trouble to the loop, and it has the value of use. If we don't have the value of use, early It was suppressed by the army sent by Chang'an."


   Budugen said, "It's..."


   The population of 300,000 Xianbei tribe was summoned by the leader of Tuoba Xianbei and went to Helan Mountain.


   Among these Xianbei tribes, there are only tens of thousands of professional cavalrymen, who were specially selected by the leader of Tuoba Xianbei to become his personal soldiers.


  The pure nomadic tribe is not the opponent of the Central Plains Dynasty. In addition to the entire population, it also has a professional cavalry that can attack and retreat.


   A Xianbei general overtook their leader: "I heard that the army sent by the Guanzhong army suppressed Li Yuanhao in Yinzhou City, but now he has given us the pasture near Helan Mountain. In the future, maybe we will be besieged by him just like Li Yuanhao."


The leader thought for a while, then shook his head: "What's next, I will worry about it later. The most important thing is to avoid the general's front. I have a bad premonition. If I don't have time to leave, I might be ruined. We need to speed up."




  A military commander waved his horse whip, urging the tribe to speed up the migration.


   This Xianbei tribe fled from Taiyuan, Yanmen and other places to the Ordos Plateau, and then migrated to Helan Mountain.


  Because of the huge number of 200,000 cavalry deployed by Chutian, the Xianbei tribe predicted that they would not be able to withstand the plowing sweep of the five cavalry regiments, so they chose to avoid it.


  赳赳 Lao Qin set aside a pasture to allow hundreds of thousands of people from Tuoba Xianbei to graze.


   Old Qin's territory is quite large, but unfortunately the population is not as large as that of Chutian.


  With a population of hundreds of thousands, there is not much pressure on the pastures around Helan Mountain.


   "Iron Eagle scout, step up investigation."


   The leader of the Tuoba Xianbei tribe became more and more disturbed.


   In Yanmen County to the east, a cavalry soldier crossed the Yellow River and quickly marched towards the Xianbei tribe, planning to severely damage Tuoba Xianbei during the expedition to Mobei!


   Tuoba Xianbei, whether in Yanmen County or in Helan Mountain, is a threat to the Hetao Plain, and it must be eliminated.


   Yue Fei’s battle robes followed the squally wind on the plateau, holding the Liquan spear, leading the Beiwei army and a small group of iron eagle scouts to march quickly!


   The Chutian forces and the Tuoba Xianbei tribe both possess the special troop of Iron Eagle Scouts. Both sides have the same vision. The only difference is that this time Chutian forces sent more scouts to monitor Tuoba Xianbei’s movements.


   Tuoba Xianbei planned to migrate to Helan Mountain, and was immediately detected by the deployed scouts, so Chu Tian ordered Yue Fei to lead the cavalry directly across the Yellow River to hunt down Tuoba Xianbei at the site of Lao Qin, without paying attention to Lao Qin's reaction for the time being.


  赳赳The strongest control of Lao Qin is Guanzhong and Heluo, followed by Liangzhou, and the Xihe area is third.


   Even if Zhou Bo, the commander-in-chief guarding the Xihe area, learned that Yue Fei's army was advancing westward in a large scale, he would not dare to act rashly because of Yue Fei's forces, otherwise the two big forces would clashed.


   At the time when the Han Empire was preparing for an expedition to Mobei, the Chutian forces and the Old Qin forces did not actually dare to break out a battle, otherwise it would only let Temujin profit from it.


   "Our awe-inspiring army is almost all light cavalry, and it is just used to chase enemy cavalry at this time!"


   Zhang Liao and Yue Fei and Yang Ye were advancing side by side. The three-way cavalry was not far away, relying on the war eagles to communicate and sweeping the Ordos Plateau.


   The last time the Xianbei tribe attacked Mayi, the station of the Mighty Army, which caused the Mighty Army to lose a lot of supplies, so there was a lot of criticism on it. This time Zhang Liao seized the opportunity and led the main force of the light cavalry to rush to the front.


   Binzhou wolves ride on the terrain of Binzhou like a fish in the water, even their combat power has been slightly improved.


  The war eagle of the iron eagle scout hovered ahead.


   Hu Sanniang, Wen Yang, Yu She, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and other generals followed Zhang Liao, and everyone was brazen.


   The military commanders who expedition to the Western Regions have gained a lot of military exploits. It is said that Hua Mulan may be named a Marquis because of the great contributions of killing Chagatai.


  The generals who stayed behind in the customs also wanted to gain victory in the war and climb up.


   "The heavy cavalry followed up, and the light cavalry chased after me!"


   Yang Ye's invincible army, half of them were heavy cavalry, which belonged to the assault force in the combined state army. However, at this time, chasing and killing the Xianbei tribe mainly relied on light cavalry. The role of heavy cavalry was not so great.


   Yang Ye simply abandoned the heavy cavalry and led the light cavalry with his son Yang Yanzhao!


   To the north of the Ordos Plateau, Cao Cao’s Tiger and Leopard Army and Xu Rong’s Speedy Army pushed along the Yellow River, starting from Yunzhong County and entering Shuofang County, trying to intercept the Tuoba tribe.


   "The speed army is the fastest, Xia Houyuan is the vanguard!"


   Cao acted as the deputy commander of the Youzhou Army and arranged for the Speedy Army to be the vanguard.


   Speedy Army has the fastest marching speed among all cavalry corps!


   Xia Houyuan led 10,000 light cavalry, working day and night, and soon lead Cao Cao's main force for nearly one day.


   Xia Houyuan's speed is fast.


  Guo Jia, a military instructor of Youzhou Army, came over and said: "The lord again ordered that all soldiers and horses must be careful of the Xianbei and do not underestimate the enemy."


   After Cao Cao set off, Chu Tian had already given orders three times in a row, asking the five army commanders not to be careful with Tuoba Xianbei.


   Tuoba Xianbei was after all a powerful Xianbei tribe that established the Northern Wei regime. It might not be surprising that one or two king-level or even imperial-level heroes appeared.


   Cao Cao rarely saw Chu Tian give three orders in a row, so he put away his contempt for the Xianbei tribe.


   Tuoba Xianbei, the legendary hero born, annexed the 300,000 Xianbei people in Taiyuan and Yanmen. It is no longer a loose nomadic tribe, but a military organization with a certain system.


   The rise of the Khitans, Jurchens, and Mongols, before the establishment of the empire, were all such military forms.


   Guo Jia and Cao Cao were assigned to the Youzhou Army. Because of their fate, the two became partners again, but their relationship became colleagues and directly loyal to Chutian.


  In the past, Guo Jia also called Cao Cao "Cao Thief"...


   "Ahead, I found the iron eagle scout of the Xianbei!"


   Zhang Liao received a notice from Tieying scouts that Tuoba Xianbei had this special unit, as well as Mulan from the Northern Wei Dynasty!


   "Get on the horse, chase!"


   Zhang Liao was in a state of war at all times. When he learned that he was about to catch up with the Xianbei tribe, he immediately jumped with a halberd!


   "Take the head of the thief, go back and die!"


   Wenyang roared, as before, he would go to Zhang Liao for a thousand wolves to join the state and hunt down the Xianbei tribe!


  Sanniang has double knives around her waist. She is good at riding easily, and follows Zhang Liao.


   But she was a little uneasy.


   Among Tuoba Xianbei, there may be royal heroes.


   "The awe-inspiring legion found the whereabouts of the Tuoba tribe, and went to chase, we hurried forward to support."


   Yue Fei commanded the 30,000 Yue Family Army and the Beiwei Army, moving closer to the direction where Zhang Liao was.


   Even if Zhang Liao loses, Yue Fei's arrival will be enough to turn the tide.


   Among the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, almost no one can defeat Yue Fei with the same strength.


   The current Tuoba Xianbei climate is unsuccessful, so Yue Fei thinks that Tuoba Xianbei can be defeated head-on and this hidden danger can be eliminated for the Lord.


   The Ordos Plateau is sparsely populated, and can only rely on Iron Eagle Scouts and Scout Cavalry for reconnaissance.


   Tuoba Xianbei also has Iron Eagle Scouts. As long as they want to escape, it is not easy to catch the Xianbei tribe.


   Xu You, who temporarily served as a military division of the Invincible Legion, also received Zhang Liao’s response: “The Mighty Legion is about to catch up with the Xianbei tribe. We must speed up, otherwise Zhang Liao and others will get the credit.”


   Yang Ye and Yang Yanzhao immediately mounted their horses and led the light cavalry in pursuit.


   In the eyes of the five army commanders, suppressing Tuoba Xianbei, this is a good opportunity to gain military exploits.


   A Tuoba Xianbei general and an adult from central Xianbei Budugen received a report from Xianbei Iron Eagle scouts.


   When Zhang Liao’s Iron Eagle scout found the Xianbei tribe, the Xianbei tribe also discovered the whereabouts of the mighty army!


   Both sides have almost the same vision!


   "Unexpectedly, we were caught up by them. It seems that we have to fight. You continue to lead the tribe and give up the cattle and sheep of the tribe if necessary. When we reach Helan Mountain, we can also plunder the cattle and sheep of other tribes."


   General Xianbei said to Bu Dugen: "In order to save the lives of the tribe, you stay and fight against the Han army."


  Bu Dugen regretted following the new Xianbei Shanyu at this time. It was obvious that the imperial general was very guarded against the originally scattered Xianbei tribe and did not allow a large Shanyu trying to unify Xianbei.


   If Xianbei, like the Southern Huns, chose to submit, perhaps he would not be suppressed.


   However, Bu Du Gen has been forced to avenge the general and there is no turning back.


   About 20,000 Xianbei cavalry remained, and the rest of the Xianbei tribe still migrated to the west of Helan Mountain.


   "Further west is the Yellow River; crossing the Yellow River is Helan Mountain."


   The general Xianbei pulled out his saber, his face was fair, but his face looked a bit fierce.


   This is a fierce battle.


   General Xianbei and Bu Dugen riding their war horses, standing side by side, looking to the east horizon, a black line appeared, squirming quickly, and swept toward the 20,000 Xianbei cavalry.


   Zhang Liao’s mighty army is here!


   "Deal with it!"


   General Xianbei seemed unwilling to fight Zhang Liao head-on. After all, behind Zhang Liao’s cavalry, there were cavalry under the command of other generals, who could support Zhang Liao at any time.


   "Break down the enemy soldiers and take their population, cattle and sheep!"


   Zhang Liao ordered the cavalry to attack quickly!


  Wenyang’s vanguard cavalry was faster, biting the Xianbei cavalry, and the cavalry on both sides galloped almost in parallel, shooting bows and arrows at each other!


   Wenyang, with his horse speed, broke into the Xianbei cavalry, a sudden rush, causing the small group of Xianbei cavalry to fall into chaos.


   "The Mighty Legion has engaged the Xianbei Cavalry!"


   "General Yue Fei went to support the Zhang Liao army. They should be able to defeat this group of Xianbei cavalry. We went around and went to chase the population, cattle and sheep of the Xianbei tribe."


   Xu You knows that the Xianbei cavalry will be attacked by Zhang Liao and Yue Fei and will be defeated, so he suggested Yang Ye and Yang Yanzhao to bypass this Xianbei cavalry and divide the other results.


   "According to the military commander's words, we should detour from the south and avoid the Xianbei cavalry ~www.readwn.com~ Yang Ye acted decisively, commanded the invincible army, and attacked the Xianbei tribe from the other side.


The Xianbei tribe was withdrawing to Helan Mountain. Suddenly, the Iron Eagle scout warned the Xianbei tribe again. A Han army cavalry did not go to support Zhang Liao, but like a hunting dog, directly chasing down the main population of the Xianbei tribe without giving them a chance to survive. Yellow River!


   "All herdsmen, follow me to fight!"


The    Xianbei tribe fell into despair. Faced with the pursuit of the Yang Ye army, they could only stand up and resist!


   When the conflict between the Bingzhou Army and the Xianbei tribe broke out, Cao Cao’s Youzhou Army was still heading south along the Yellow River, targeting the Helan Mountain area.


   Old Qin hoarded heavily in Yinzhou City in Helan Mountain, and a group of Xixia soldiers who surrendered.


   So Cao Cao chose to advance along the east side of the Yellow River to avoid conflicts with Yinzhou City on the west side of the Yellow River.


   "I wonder if we can gain military exploits from it..."


   Cao Cao competed with Yue Fei's Union State Army for military exploits. He had to represent the interests of Youzhou Army. Some generals who temporarily belonged to Youzhou Army also wanted to get a piece of it.


   "The Speed ​​Army Corps found that the Tuoba Xianbei tribe was migrating to the Helan Mountain east of the Helan Mountain. Its vanguard troops, Xu Rong and Xiahouyuan, had already fought!"


   During Cao Cao's march, receiving the battle situation ahead, the Speedy Army intercepted Tuoba Xianbei!


   "The goal is to migrate to Helan Mountain, and it cannot be allowed to cross the Yellow River!"

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