Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 639: Crisis 4 volts

In the desert, a group of Han troops marched slowly towards the direction of Langjuxu Mountain. Hua Mulan looked at the war eagle in the air, but for the time being there was no trace of the Mongolian army.

   is surrounded by Gobi, and the Han army marched along the route of Huo Qubing against the Huns in the Battle of Mobei.

   After the Mobei war broke out with the Xiongnu, Chutian returned from this route to Dingxiang County, so he was familiar with this route.

   "I will rest here for now."

   Chu Tian ordered the entire army to stop and rest, and then confirmed the position of the Han army with Zu Chongzhi. They had entered the desert.

   "There is no village like this."

   Mi Fang dismounted, the heavy iron armor made him sweat.

   "The White Robe Corps has come to the forefront. Tonight, the Five Northern Army and the Women's Corps will take turns patrolling. The Detachment Army and the Heavy Cavalry Guards camp on the left and right, and the Tiger Guards are responsible for their guards."

   Chutian Temporary Resettlement Camp.

   The Middle Route Army was 400,000, and the marching queue was hundreds of miles long. When setting up the camp, Chu Tian could only command a few hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and the remaining legions were either in the front or lagging behind.

   "All the soldiers must cheer up their spirits and protect the lord. It is the duty of our fifth Northern Army Academy!"

   Mi Fang said to the Five Northern Army's motto, all the lieutenants and the five Northern Army soldiers were solemn.

   "The Five Northern Military Academy seems to be unreliable. We need to be careful."

   Hua Mulan caught a glimpse of Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, Xing Daorong and other five tiger generals full of confidence, but worried.

   "The general has stopped marching!"

   "We also rest here."

   Tongque found a river and stationed by the river to ensure that it could supply a hundred thousand troops.

   "You are in charge of patrols."

   Tongque arranged several generals to patrol.

   The Han army raised a bonfire, and everyone was worried. They marched in the Gobi for a period of time and gradually approached the Langjuxu Mountain.

   Mobei Dragon City is located to the west of Langjuxu Mountain and is the holy land of the Huns. It is now occupied by Temujin.

  The closer to Langjuxu Mountain, the more dangerous it is. Temujin may have deployed heavy troops there.

   The cavalry of the Mongol Empire was erratic in the prairie, so it was difficult to judge their fate.

   "Last time it seemed that Mulan and I were on an expedition to Mobei."

   Chutian remembered the third epic battle, and it was also Hua Mulan who went to Mobei with him.

   This time, the same is true.

   Huo Qing sat aside, stirring the firewood with a branch, absent-minded.

  In the darkness, there was a sudden scream of killing, and Chu Tian and the others couldn't help being alarmed.

   It is not just Chutian and other high-level officers, all soldiers are like birds with a frightened bow.

   Hua Mulan even pulled out the Tang Sword, half-blocking in front of Chu Tian.

   "The whole army must not panic! But the Mongolian cavalry raided?!"

   Chutian knew that the war eagle of the iron eagle scout basically lost its effect at night, so there was a possibility that the Mongolian cavalry might assault the Han army.

   Soon, a cavalry from the fifth academy of the Northern Army came back and reported: "General Xing Daorong encountered a group of wild wolves fighting with them while patrolling, so there was such a movement!"


   It turned out to be a false alarm, and everyone sat down again.

   "Tell you soldiers, don't be surprised, you can expel them with a bow and arrow when you encounter a wolf."

   Chutian was scared into a cold sweat by Xing Daorong.

   It's not a good thing to be attacked by Mongolian cavalry at night and fight melee.

   "My brother walked this way in the last battle of Mobei. He fought bravely and won Huo Qubing's appreciation."

   Huo Qing mentioned her brother.

   "Huo An is indeed a bit reckless, but only people with this personality can mix in the Western Regions. After all, the situation in the Western Regions is a bit complicated."

   Fifty miles away from the Han army, a group of wild wolves showed their green eyes in the dark, like the masters of the night, with howling wolves from time to time.

   A big hand stroked the fur of a wild wolf, and Mongolian general Mu Huali appeared from the darkness.

   "The Han army is not far ahead, but they seem to have deployed scouts. Use this pack of wild wolves to attract them, and then attack the Han army camp. It is best to burn their food carts."

   Mu Huali is not afraid of wild wolves, but wild wolves are very docile to them.

   Another Mongolian general, Subutai, also appeared from the darkness: "The grain cart of the Han army has fallen behind, and a partial division can be used to contain the Han army in front, and then attack its rear with the main force and burn its grain cart."

   "The two of us, who will contain and attack the food truck?"

   "My cavalry is faster and good at attacking. It is most suitable for me to attack the grain truck."


   Mu Huali and Subutai act separately.

   A group of wild wolves approached the camp of the Han army again. At the same time, the Mongolian cavalry was approaching, their figures haunted in the darkness...

   "Impossible, how could I lose to you..."

   At the military camp on the right, general Li Dingguo from Jiaozhou fought against General Chang Yuchun from Liaodong. The two only competed for force. As a result, Li Dingguo was defeated by Chang Yuchun's hand, and his gun numb.

   "There are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky. Although you are great in Jiaozhou, there are many heroes in the world!"

   Chang Yuchun took the shot, with a majestic figure, defeated Li Dingguo, but was not complacent.

   The number of times that Li Dingguo followed Jiaozhou Muwangde sent out foreign wars was limited, and he did not participate in several national wars, and Chang Yuchun has seen countless imperial heroes.

   Chang Yuchun has played against Lu Bu, Wanyan Aguda, Tie Muzhen, Jin Wushu and others, and his vision is naturally much higher.

   "I'm convinced in this battle. But you may not lose in the marching battle."

   Li Dingguo also had an arrogance in his chest.

   It's one thing for personal martial arts to fall behind, and it's another thing to command the army to march in battle.

   "Then look at this expedition to Mobei, who can be even better."

   Chang Yuchun is also not afraid, as the top general of Mingguan, he is not afraid.

   "Okay, you have the strength to compete here, it is better to save your energy to prevent the golden soldiers or Mongolian cavalry from attacking. We are located between Mobei and Yuerhai, supply difficulties, it is the time of vulnerability."

   Mingguan stopped two energetic generals, and then set up the camp.

   Li Dingguo returned to the camp of Jiaozhou Army.

   "That person is indeed a dragon and a tiger."

   Fu Youde caught a glimpse of the struggle between Li Dingguo and Chang Yuchun, knowing that Chang Yuchun was a rare fighter and suppressed Li Dingguo.

   "It is Huang Degong and Su Zhang's turn to patrol tonight. Don't be careful."

  Wang Defa was dissatisfied with Li Dingguo's exhaustion of his energy to fight Chang Yuchun, but he didn't say clearly.

   Leaving the fishing sea and entering the desert, the scheduled progress of the right army, the left army and the middle army is almost the same. All generals and soldiers should save as much energy and food as possible to avoid being besieged by the Mongolian cavalry.

  Sometimes, the physical strength of the legion is also very important.

   If the battle is halfway through, and one party's physical strength is exhausted, the other party can quickly gain the upper hand.

   "Li Chengliang and Zu Dashou are responsible for patrols."

   Mingguan also arranged patrol candidates.

   300,000 troops, at least 30,000 cavalry did not rest, but remained vigilant.

   "Wan Yan A Gu Da has been injured, does it dare to come?"

   Zu Dashou brought a team of Guanning cavalry to patrol ten miles away from the camp. This distance was enough to inform the army.

   Moreover, as a player in Mingguan, a group of secret whistles were also arranged.

  Even if the enemy riders avoid the bright post, the dark post will detect their every move.

   "General, there seems to be a pack of wild wolves!"

   A Guan Ning cavalry found his aquamarine eyes in the darkness, and exclaimed at Zu Dashou.

   "Go ahead and kill it with me!"

   Zu Dashou took off the horn bow and led a team of cavalry to chase the wild wolf.

   In the darkness, Wanyan Agu’s cheeks were half exposed, and there was a group of wild wolves around him, but he was indifferent.

   "The Han army camped here, and it must be taught to be annihilated."

   There are dozens of black shadows behind Wanyan Agu, all of them are military commanders in armor, each full of murderous aura.

One of the generals limped towards Wanyan Aguda, almost side by side with Wanyan Aguda: "Master Wanyan, Da Khan risked the loss of Hara and Lin and Mobei Dragon City this time and sent troops to help you, hope After defeating Mingguan, you must not forget your promise."

   Wanyan Aguda's expression hardly changed: "This king knows that requesting Da Khan for reinforcements requires a sufficient price and does not require you to make repeated orders."

   Tamerlane said, "Since Master Wanyan knows it."

   Wanyan Aguda looked at the group of people that Timur had brought with him: "How many ten thousand chiefs have you come?"


"Eight ten thousand captains also want to defeat Mingguan? You are underestimating the Liaodong Army. Their combat power is strong, and it is not inferior to contain the two kingdoms by their own power. Our forces add up to twenty It's not enough."

   Wanyan Aguda learned of Timur's reinforcements, and couldn't help being annoyed.

   Timur skin smiled and said respectfully to an incoming Mongolian general; "Master Batu, Master Wanyan seems to disagree with your strength."

   "Badu, who are you from the Mongol Empire?"

   Wanyan Aguda turned his attention to the Mongolian general headed in the dark because of Timur's change of attitude.

   80,000 Mongolian cavalry, the coach does not seem to be Timur, but someone else.

   A young Mongolian ambassador will appear from the darkness: "In the capital of the Lower Golden Horde, on the order of the Great Khan, come to help Master Wanyan and break the Liaodong Army."

   "The Golden Horde..."

   Wanyan Aguda was slightly moved. This is a civilization no less than the Golden State, which has been in Eastern Europe, West Asia, and Central Asia for hundreds of years.

   "Since I am a member of the Golden Horde, I am relieved."

   Wanyan Aguda felt relieved to think that Timur and Batu each brought a group of military commanders.

   "When will the army of Liao country come to meet?"

   Putting people light a torch, looking around everyone, except for some soldiers and horses of the Golden Kingdom and the Golden Horde, there are no traces of the soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom.

   "There has been news from Costin, that the Liao soldiers will arrive on time tonight."

   "Is the leader Yelu Abaoji or Xiao Chuo?"

   "Yelü Abaoji."

   "Since it is the Yelu Abao machine, then this time our three kings will attack the Liaodong Army together, and we will be pretty sure."

   Wanyan Aguuda thought of Yelu Abaoji, who was sitting on an equal footing with him, and felt relieved immediately.

As the actual creator of the Golden Horde, Batu also belongs to the same level as Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji.

   This time, the real three kings joined forces.

   "Liao soldiers have arrived!"

   A golden scout cavalry came to report to Wanyan Agu.

  In the darkness, a group of cavalry is approaching. The 100,000 cavalry of Liao State set off from the Horqin Grassland, traveling day and night, and smoothly joined forces with Batu and Wanyan Agu.

   Yelu Abaoji appeared under the embrace of a group of generals of the Liao Kingdom. The three kings looked at each other under the firelight, and they all felt each other's extraordinary.

   All three have the characteristics of a monarch.

   Yelu Abaoji's eyes fell on Timur again, and he faintly noticed that this cowardly Xue army general also had the characteristics of a monarch.

   Timur was observing the generals brought by Yelu Abaoji.

   Brother Yelu Xiu, Yelu Xiezhen, Xiao Talin...and Xiao Chuo.

   Xiao Chuo noticed Timur's eyes, and just smiled.

   "Ming Pass severely inflicted us on us, and we must report this grudge. Defeating Ming Pass, we will divide Liaodong.

   Yelu Abaoji took the initiative to join forces with Wanyan Aguda. Although in his bones, the Wanyan Agu fight gave Yelu Abaoji an uncomfortable feeling, but Yelu Abaoji knew that if they did not join forces, they would be annexed by the Liaodong Army.

   There is still a way to survive together. If they lose, they will become servants of the Liaodong Army.

   "We should be able to win."

   "It should be, it must be won."

   "Can you figure out the deployment of the Han army camp?"

   "The Han army has set up low-level guards, unable to conduct exploration, and can only simply encircle and make raids."

   The three kings discussed briefly, and then agreed that the soldiers would be divided into three groups and flanking the Han army camp. In the early morning when the weather could distinguish the enemy from the enemy, the cavalry rushed to end the battle.

   The Liao army, the Jinbing, and the Golden Horde gathered here.

  The Golden Horde and the pressure brought by Yekaterina's army, so Badu could only invest 80,000 cavalry in the Battle of Mobei.

   Even so, Ba thinks it is enough.

   Among these 80,000 cavalry, there is the eldest son of the Mongol Empire.

"Xiao Chuo is also in the army. It seems that this time we must fight hard and make achievements~www.readwn.com~ Timur has a new batch of Qi Xuejun and the Central Asian cavalry. He intends to use this opportunity to experience The newly recruited Qixue Jun, upgrade its rank, and at the same time make military exploits, try to climb to the position of commander or deputy king of the Mongolian Empire.

   "This Timur, his eyes are really uncomfortable..."

   Xiao Chuo noticed Timur's eyes and guessed Timur's thoughts. He was disgusted in his heart, but for the sake of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, he remained calm.

   "Temujin is not necessarily reliable. If Temujin is allowed to defeat the Han Empire, he will probably annex us."

   Yelv Xiu brother actively said to Xiao Chuo, Yelv Xiezhen and others when he was resting.

   "Regardless of Temujin or the Han Empire, once they win, the whale will swallow the tiger. The strong takes all, and the weak can only wait for them to lose. This is also helpless."

   Xiao Chuo discovered that although he has the ability, in the face of the terrifying empire, a person's ability is limited after all. After all, imperial commanders and fierce generals are everywhere, and she is not missing.

   "We will defeat Mingguan first." Yelu Abaoji came to the generals, "If even Mingguan cannot be defeated, how can we build a great empire."

   All the generals of the Liao Kingdom changed their momentum.

   The Liaodong Army is a big mountain in front of them.

   Xiao Tirin asked; "When will the attack?"

   Xiao Chuo said: "At night and dawn, it will be the time for the whole army to attack."

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