Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 645: The Central Army

"Soon, we will arrive at Mobei Dragon City."

   A military commander of Liao State respectfully reported to Xiao Chuo.

   Xiao Chuo personally pulled the bow and shot the deer, his waist strength was amazing, shot a stream of light, and the elk fell down.

   Pishi Army cavalry stepped forward to clean up the shot elk, while Xiao Chuo held the reins.

   "About how long will it take?"

   "Less than ten days."

   "I hope this opponent will not let us down."

   Xiao Chuo retracted his bow and arrow and returned to the Pishi Army.

   As the elite of the Liao Kingdom, the Pishi Army is no less powerful.

   The remnants of Timur Commander Timur's remnant Xue Jun marched, but his eyes were constantly focused on the Liao State Leather Army.

Temujin divided two thousand five hundred Qi Xue Jun to Timur, allowing Timur to play freely, but Timur was a bit complacent, and wanted to use two thousand five hundred Qi Xue Jun to earn more military exploits. , And even earn other heroes.

Just like Chutian’s speculation, this coalition formed by five emperor-level legendary heroes supplies supplies to a city on the way, and then marches towards Mobei Dragon City, intending to encircle the Han army with Subutai and Muhuali. The Central Route Army completely shattered the attempt of the Han army to expedition to the Mongol Empire.

   For the Mongol Empire, this was an ambitious plan. As long as the Han Empire's three-way expeditionary force was defeated in a row, the Han Empire would not dare to act rashly in the next five years and turn to the defensive.

  A total of about two million soldiers and horses fought on the Mobei Plateau.

   "Timur... Khan decided to reuse him because of his talent? But his talent is the same as his ambition."

  Badu, as the real commander, realized that under the meek surface of the young Timur, there was an unwilling ambition.

He has already learned that Timur’s request to marry Xiao Chuo from the Liao Kingdom. Coveting beauty may be on the one hand. On the other hand, it may be that Xiao Chuo has auxiliary characteristics and belongs to the same special "assisted type" as Sun Bin and Cao Ku. hero.

   Auxiliary heroes are even rarer than the generals strengthened by the legion, not to mention the auxiliary heroes of Xiao Chuo's level.

   Timur wants to get Xiao Chuo's purpose, I am afraid it is more than simply coveting beauty.

Batu was vaguely aware of Timur’s ambitions, but at the time of the enemy, he was the same as Temujin, Zhebie and others, even if he knew that Timur was climbing desperately upwards, from Qianhu to Siqi Xue. Position, still open one eye and close one eye.

   If the Mongol Empire is destroyed by the Han Empire, then even if it is to guard against Timur, the Mongol Empire will not do any good.

   "Master Batu, Master Subutai requested to speed up reinforcements. The Central Army of the Han Empire has begun to attack Mobei Dragon City!"

   Tan Ma Chi immediately reported to Ba Du as the coach.

  The Middle Route Army of the Han Empire intends to capture Mobei Dragon City and obtain reinforcements from other places before the arrival of the Five Emperors Alliance!

   "Once the Han army gets a large city, then they open the teleportation array, it will be a disaster in Mobei, their huge national power will play a role, we can not consume it. Speed ​​up the march!"

   Badu urged the coalition forces to quickly approach the direction of Mobei Dragon City.

   The Mongol Empire believed that it relied on the Gobi in Mobei. The Han Empire’s national power was difficult to play a role. The existence of the teleportation array was not good for the Mongol Empire, which had the advantage of mobility!

   "Han army has already begun to attack Mobei Dragon City? They think they can capture Mobei Dragon City within ten days?"

   Xiao Chuo's Liao army learned that the Han army chief decided to forcibly capture Mobei Dragon City before the arrival of reinforcements from the Mongol Empire, and couldn't help being surprised.

  According to intelligence, the person commanding the Central Route Army of the Han Army should be Chutian, the general of the Han Empire.

   "Chu Zimou..."

   Xiao Chuo said the name silently.

   The Liao Kingdom has not had any intersection with the Chutian forces. Chutian even turned a blind eye to the Liao Kingdom’s attack on Liaodong City.

   Chutian's principle is very simple. The Western Regions Protectorate is close to him, so he has to send troops to rescue him, but the situation in Liaodong has nothing to do with him for the time being, so he sits on the sidelines.

  The expedition to Mobei was because the Mongol Empire threatened Chutian places such as Monan, Hetao, and Youzhou, so this threat must be eliminated.

   If the Liao State does not take the initiative to find him, then he will ignore the Liao State.

   On the contrary, if the Liao nation takes the initiative to find trouble, then don't mind cleaning up the remnants of the Liao nation.

   "The great general of the Han Empire, as long as you kill him, then not only can I be made king by the great sweat, but I can also get Xiao Chuo smoothly..."

   Timur was full of eagerness to kill Chutian.

   To solve Temujin's biggest enemy, Temujin will definitely reward him with land and population, even if he becomes a king, it will be easy.

   "How does the army from the Central Plains compare with the army from Liaodong? Is it possible that the army from the Central Plains is more brave and good at fighting?"

   Wanyan A Gu Da won a small victory in the battle with Mingguan because of Murong Ba's ambiguous position, and finally exhaled.

   He put the target in Chutian's Central Plains army.

  The current sphere of influence represented by Chutian is not only the Central Plains, but he is still regarded as the Central Plains lords.

A bird’s-eye view of the war eagles exploring Machi from the air. Below, four soldiers and horses marching towards Mobei, the Yu Xue army, the eldest son army, the kidnapper horse, the Pishi army, and all kinds of servants. Other indescribable elite units include Jin Ge Iron horse, qi swallows thousands of miles like a tiger!

   "Krasu, goodbye to Zhe, keep Hara and Lin."

   "Yes, sweat a lot..."

The Roman hero Krasu couldn't help sweating on his forehead. He had been involved in the vast war between the Han Empire and the Mongol Empire. If Hala and Lin fell, he would be put into a cowhide bag by Temujin and trampled by Wanma. Punishment.

   "Are you scared? A hero from Rome, just such guts?"

   Temujin glared at Krasu, making Krasu sweat.

   Klasu hurriedly replied: "Klasu is willing to follow the sweat of life and death, and will never betray."

   "Zhe Farewell, this city will be handed over to you. I and everyone will go to resist the enemy. This time it is a matter of life and death."

   Temujin didn't care much about Krasu who was getting more and more timid. He gave Zhebye the task of defending Hala and Lin.

   "As long as we stick to August, with my points, we can regain our strength."

   Temujin still had confidence in the face of the aggressive offensive of the Han army.

   World points ranking list, in addition to the traditional empire civilization camp, there is also the barbarian civilization camp, that is to say, each barbarian civilization also has its own point ranking, and the reward is calculated separately from the traditional empire civilization camp.

   Temujin successively launched battles with the Western Regions Protectorate, Central Asian Civilization, and West Asian Civilization, ranking first in the barbarian camp.

   The Mongolian Empire is calculated separately from several khanates. The Golden Horde and the Ili Khanate have divided Temujin a lot of points, but it does not affect Temujin's first position in the barbarian camp.

  The battles of generals such as Subutai, Zhebie, Muhuali, Ali Hague in Yumen Pass, Western Regions, Hetao, Monan and other places have earned Temujin a lot of points.

   Chutian is desperate, and Temujin is the same. Both sides are like red-eyed gamblers, constantly increasing their chips, trying to kill each other.

  Zhe don’t realize that this war is an unprecedented crisis for the Mongol Empire: "Zhe don’t want to use his own life to protect Hara and Lin for the sweat."

   "If you really can't defend, then you will break out and go to take refuge in Wokuotai. At that time, you don't have to come to me because I may have died in battle."

   Temujin glanced at the Mongolian generals in front of him: "The rest are waiting, come out of the city with me, and contain the enemy!"

To the south of Hala and Lincheng, the Left Army of Old Qin, Yue Fei, and Prince Yan appeared. Unlike the targeted Right Army Army, they continued to advance according to the established plan, similar to the progress of the Middle Route Army, and launched simultaneously with the Middle Route Army. The offensive against Hara and Lin!

   Even though Temujin himself was blocking them in front, Lao Qin, Yue Fei, Prince Yan and others were not afraid.

   The threat posed by Temujin alone was not as great as the threat of the East Route Army facing five emperor-level enemies.

   "The Mongolian army was found ahead!"

   "Stop marching! Qin Ruishi, array, wind!"

  Wang Jian was in the army, and he drew his sword and ordered Qin Ruishi to assemble into a strict square formation.

   Tens of thousands of Qin Ruishi veterans and recruits were mobilized to form a dense infantry phalanx.

   phalanx is the best tactic for infantry against cavalry in the cold weapon era.

   "Back to the army, prepare for war!"

   Yue Fei ordered that thirty thousand Yue family troops were assembled.

   One hundred thousand combined state army, and Zhang Liao's mighty army.

   Wenyang and Yu She held guns and confronted the Mongolian army. Their shirts hunted and moved in the strong wind.

  扈Sanniang followed Zhang Liao, with two sabers hung around his waist, heroic.

   As for the Invincible Legion, stay in Bingzhou~www.readwn.com~ to guard against the Tuoba Xianbei tribe.

   Li Mu, Di Qing, Gongsun Zan, Zhao Kuo temporarily accepted the control of Prince Yan, Zhao Bianqi, Song Dianqian, Baima Yicong, and Monan cavalry lined up, and all the cavalry were in order. Zhao Kuo followed Li Mu, and Li Mu can be said to be his teacher.

   The lineup of the Left Army made Temujin on the opposite side silent.

   The combat power of each expeditionary army is strong enough. Even the right-hand army, which has been hit hard, has not been annihilated by the Allied Forces of the Five Emperors, but returned to Yuerhai for supplies.

   "Avoid but not fight."

   Temujin chose to avoid and contain the Left Army. He was waiting for the Central Army to win. Then the East Army and the Middle Route Army came to join him and annihilated the Left Army in one fell swoop.

   "How did the Temuzhen cavalry retreat?"

   The Left Army, who was waiting for the battle, was ready to fight Temujin to the death. As a result, Temujin withdrew from the battlefield, leaving Hara and Lincheng exposed to the attack of the Left Army, which surprised Old Qin.

   He suddenly thought of the Middle Route Army and the Right Route Army: "Could it be Chu Zimou, or something happened at Mingguan, Temujin is waiting for reinforcements..."

   Jia Xu, who was with the army, said: "Maybe it is time to send a support army to the Central Route Army to investigate."

Old Qin thought a little bit: "Chu Zimou has a team of scout cavalry here, let them try to contact Chu Zimou to see if the middle road army needs reinforcements. If you need reinforcements, you can ask Yue Fei or Li Mu to go to the middle road army to support you. I think Temujin's army seems to be... bluffing."

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