Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 679: New world ranking

The city of Sarai, King of the Golden Horde, the 300,000 army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and more than 100,000 servants captured this empty city with almost no defenders.

Batu had fled early, so Ekaterina eliminated the Golden Horde and reintegrated the Volga River basin into the territory of the Grand Duchy of Moscow without any effort.

The Golden Horde descended on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Moscow just like the Wokotai Khanate descended on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, so Ekaterina just reclaimed her own territory and was not relieved.

The War of the Don River greatly damaged the vitality of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. At least the national power was undoubtedly declining compared to before the war began, because the population of the Grand Duchy of Moscow was consumed.

"If there are benefits, then there is no doubt that the cohesion within the Grand Duchy is stronger and one step closer to the empire."

Ekaterina was alone with Chutian. Chutian was changing her dressing. Ekaterina got an arrow wound in her back.

"To establish the Tsarist Empire, you want to become a queen?"

"In the West, except for France, there are other empresses. What's so strange?"

"It's true"

Chu Tian thought that England, Scotland, Tsarist Russia, and Spain had all born queens.

France has always had male heirs and rejected women to succeed to the throne, but I have never heard of the Queen of France.

So Ekaterina established the Tsarist Empire and became the first tsar, and it would not cause much controversy in the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

If there is a female emperor in the Han Empire, there may be an uproar, and all the officials and generals will find excuses to rebel.

This is the surprise between Ming and Ming. It cannot be generalized, nor can it be assumed that the West recognizes the queen in its entirety. France does not recognize it.

In the western continent, France has a relatively high degree of feudalism, so the French Revolution appeared in history.

However, if Catherine becomes a czar, what is her identity?

Seems to be the prince of the Russian Empire

In this way, the relationship between the two Mings becomes more complicated.

Together, their territories extend to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east.

"There is another Gustav. He is still attacking St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg is a city I built with my own hands. All kinds of high-level buildings are in it. Nothing to lose."

Ekaterina allowed Chutian to tie herself a gauze belt. She did not hesitate to have a strong opponent, Gustav, a lion from Northern Europe.

"Gustav, I haven't played against his Firearms Corps yet."

Chutian tied the gauze belt and opened the world rankings again.

First place, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ekaterina, with 700,000 points.

Second place, the Kingdom of Macedonia, Alexander, with 400,000 points.

The third place, the Mughal Empire of India, Brahman, points 380,000.

The fourth place, the Holy Roman Empire, Hohenzollern, points 350,000.

The fifth place, the Han Empire, I just want to farm well and earn 340,000 points.

Sixth place, the Roman Republic, Caesar, 270,000 points.

Seventh place, United States, Marshall, 250,000 points.

Eighth place, the Kingdom of England, Charlie, with 210,000 points.

Ninth place, Amazon Empire, Pedro, 200,000 points.

Tenth place, the Kingdom of France, Louis, 180,000 points.

Eleventh place, Ottoman Turkish Empire, Sultan Xu Leim, points 170,000.

Twelfth place, the Roman Republic, Constantine, 170,000 points.

Thirteenth, the Holy Roman Empire, Ferdinand, 160,000 points.

In the second year of the fourth national war, the ranking list was updated, and the lord currently ranked first is Ekaterina.

After the reset of the rankings in August, Ekaterina and the Golden Horde broke out in two wars. The first war took place before the arrival of Chu Tian, ​​and 200,000 Grand Dukes of Moscow were killed.

More than 100,000 people were killed in the Second Don River War.

In order to eliminate the Golden Horde, Ekaterina paid a price of more than 300,000 people, some of them were militias, and more were fresh troops.

So Ekaterina, who suffered heavy losses, ranked first.

For the first few months of the second year, most of the top ten lords were lords from the Western and American continents. The lord of the Han Empire was only Chu Tian on the list, because the Han Empire’s biggest threat, the Mongol Empire and several khanates, had been beaten, and the various princes were recuperating and did not fight much.

The barbaric leaders of Attila, Eastern Gothic King, Viking King, Knut the Great Viking of the Western Continent were still alive and kicking, so in the second year, the Western Continent was still at war, and the lords won a lot of points.

After all, the cavalry that Chutian brought was too few, and more of them played a role in defeating the opponent, and could not be annihilated. The number of beheadings was not as good as Ekaterina's hundreds of thousands of troops, and the points were not many.

This is related to the rules for obtaining points.

It seemed that the Han Empire had defeated its powerful enemy too early. As a result, in the second year, there was no decent opponent to collect points, and even Chu Tian was forced to go to Eastern Europe to find Temujin in trouble.

And currently Chutian's points are not enough.

Originally, Chutian planned to help Ekaterina to go home, but according to this trend, Alexander and Hohenzollern, who have invested hundreds of thousands of troops in the next year, will always rank ahead of him.

This gave Chu Tian the idea of ​​continuing to intervene in the Western War.

You can't compete for the first place without getting involved in the war.

Chu Tian saw some interesting things from the ranking list.

The Brahmin, the lord of the Mughal Empire in India, seems to be still at war with the Maratha people on the Deccan Plateau. The score in the second year is not low, and the score is still ahead of Chutian.

Chutian invested 40,000 cavalry, while the Brahmin's battle on the Deccan Plateau may have invested hundreds of thousands of troops, causing more than 100,000 casualties.

The Mughal Empire in India has a large population. After the war, the two sides suffered tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, so the points were quickly collected.

Think about it carefully, the area of ​​the Mughal Empire in India is only a fraction of that of the Han Empire, but the population is almost the same. A large number of people accumulate in the Indus and Ganges Plains, and the population is more concentrated than the Han Empire.

Therefore, during the civil war, the Indian Mughal Empire can often mobilize more population and form an army of one million. It is not surprising that in the Indian Mughal Empire, human lives are not worth money anyway.

As for the quality of their millions of troops, different people have different opinions.

For the first time, the Amazon Empire appeared in Chutian's sight. It was mainly established by Western Ming in the Amazon area, that is, in South America. It is a different concept from the Amazon tribe.

The Amazon Empire has two types of arms, the Western Feudal Kingdom and the Amazon Ming. They were hated by the local Amazon tribes, and a great war broke out. As a result, the Amazon Empire began to make the list.

There are no lords in the African Bright Zone.

The last interesting thing is that the Ottoman Empire gave birth to a new Sultan.

Chu Tian clearly remembered that Suleiman the Great of the Ottoman Turk Empire was stabbed to death by Huo Quyi in the chaos during the Third National War.

After the death of King Suleyman, the Ottoman Empire fell into civil strife, and the successor has been uncertain. Now, the Ottoman Empire has begun to make the list, and a new Sultan Hurem Sultan has appeared.

This name looks like a person's name from the Han Empire, but in fact, it's just a matter of translation. She is undoubtedly from the western mainland.

The information Chu Tian can get from this name is that this is a female sultan.

The birth of a female sultan in the Ottoman Empire is unbelievable, at least Chutian can't imagine.

"Who is Xu Leim from the Ottoman Empire? Player, or nc?"

Chu Tian helped Ekaterina change her clothes, and he became curious about the female sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman Turk Empire has a population of more than 20 million among the lord, which is incomparable with empires with huge populations such as the Han Empire and the Mughal Empire in India, but it is also a powerful Ming.

At the same time, the Ottoman Turk Empire and the Tsarist Empire are also deadly enemies.

Yes, the Tsarist Empire is enemies on all sides, and the relationship with its neighbors is incredible.

This is probably also the reason why Ekaterina cherishes Chutian as a reliable ally, and the two sides formed an unbreakable alliance.

Chu Tian believed that Ekaterina should know something about her enemy, the Ottoman Empire. If Ekaterina did not infiltrate the Ottoman Empire, Chu Tian would not believe that she was killed.

"She is nc, a legendary hero, and also the concubine of Emperor Suleiman, one of the real powers of the Ottoman Empire. After Suleiman was killed by you, she competed with the queen and prince for power. She is an excellent A politician and power schemer who is so good at playing politics. Why did you suddenly ask her? Do you covet her beauty and want to possess this married woman?"

Ekaterina was answering Chu Tian's question, but the woman's vigilance made her think that Chu Tian wanted to take Xu Lemu away.

"Who is there to catch heroine heroines all over the world? Look at the lord who ranks 11th in the rankings. Xu Leim is systematically identified as a sultan. Right?"

Chu Tian obtained information about Xu Leim from Ekaterina ~www.readwn.com~ I probably understood the legendary hero Sultan Xu Leim, she was equivalent to Wu Zetian or Xiao Chuo in the Eastern Han Dynasty, with amazing political abilities. .

Not only the Eastern Han District, but many Ming Districts have strong female legendary heroes.

"Xue Leim has become a sultan?!" Ekaterina immediately checked the rankings and said to herself, "Is she already supported by the Yeniceri Army? She is really a woman with a means. She was in charge of the empire as a favored concubine. But the Ottoman Empire generally did not allow a female sultan. She should use her son to take the upper hand, and then kill the queen and prince."

"If this is the case, then it is really a terrible woman"

Chu Tian found out that Sultan Xu Leim was indeed a bit scary.

One such person in charge of the Ottoman Empire does not know where it will take the Ottoman Empire.

"Let's solve Gustav."

Chu Tian saw the rankings, and the Western lords sent hundreds of thousands of troops to gain points, and felt deeply that his points were insufficient.

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