Seeing that he acquiesced, and Luo Jie said so, the other students became more and more like lemons.

"Not just Miss Elf, but Miss High Elf, ah! I'm sour!"

"Looking at my sturdy centaur, it suddenly doesn't smell at all."

"Everyone didn't ask about the idea, @江易江哥, what kind of elf is it? I heard that the styles of different elves are also different...Is it a night elves?"

Jiang Yi shook his head. "Is it a forest elf?"

Jiang Yi shook his head.

"Not yet, what kind of elf is that?"

Jiang Yi strategically leaned back and spread his hands.

"Small, the layout is small."

"It's just a moon elf, not worth mentioning."

,, all sit down, sit down. ,,

In the group of classmates, the quiet time this time was a bit long.

It took dozens of seconds for someone to recover.

dry and authentic,

"What are you talking about... that kind of epic troops, Moon Elf?

"Oh my god! Epic troops!"

"Sizzle _!"

"It turns out that the boss is actually by my side!"

"I thought before that, Boss Jiang's life was more dashing than that of Wang Quan. Now, when I look at it, it's more than dashing, it's so dashing!"

"That's right, the side photo of the elf taken by Mr. Jiang Yi before is too immortal, I thought at the time, it can't be a wood elf, it must be a moon elf to make sense!

"I heard that the moon elves are born in the moonlight, just like the white moonlight. Is it true?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Jiang, what do you think of the Moon Elf?"

Jiang Yi pondered for a while,

"You look good, with a graceful figure and jade-like skin... Well, that's all."

Also, just, this, like? !

I have never seen such a brazen person!

If it weren't for a screen, we would, just...

The students are very sour.

Even if it is Luo Jie with a background, even if he gets through the tide of monsters, he can get some support from the family.

But when I think of it, the epic arms are still one of the most beautiful arms in the epic class.

Moon Elf.

His mood, just like everyone else, was extremely sour!

We are all lemon people.Seeing their silence, Jiang Yi scratched his head.

He swears by his Isp heart that what he said is the truth!

Compared to Sister Imia, Moon Elf, isn't that 'that's it'!

With Jiang Yi, the elf lord of the month, the kingship of the next class, there is no love anymore.

The grade group didn't go either.

How can a mere king-level unit compare to my... classmate's moon elf?

My classmate is the moon elf boss, do you have any classmates?


So I'm better than you, that's fine, right? !

Analyzing Emperor Dao, "Our school's highest level of arms is likely to be you, Brother Jiang. Even if there are hidden ones, it is unlikely that there are more than Moon Elf."

"However, I heard that Liu Qingqing of our Baijiang City Xinghe Middle School randomly selected a super-advanced weapon building—a legendary weapon of the [-]th rank - Pure Water Fairy!"

"Hey, Elemental Arms? I heard that Fairy Pure Water can be immune to physical damage at a low level, greatly weakening the damage of the legal system, and when it develops to a full body, it can set off huge waves dozens of meters high."

"A powerful and invincible army!"

"I also found out that Goddess Liu Qingqing has raised the territory to the second level, and has also laid down eight territories."

In terms of destructive power and battlefield value, Pure Water Fairy far surpasses Moon Elf.

They are mages, but they don't have ordinary mages, and they are afraid of being approached.

It can turn into a water flow to escape, and is born with the ability to control the water flow.

In terms of talent, the pure water line is stronger than the elves, but the number is also small.

Jiang Yi had heard of Liu Qingqing.

It is very famous in Baijiang City.

He is a scholar... no, a scholar.

Jiang Yi is a scholar himself.

In several simulated joint examinations organized by Baijiang City, Jiang Yi has been able to win the top ten every time.

And Liu Qingqing, the first time and again, and the overwhelming first.

A great lord once said, "As long as Liu Qingqing doesn't appear randomly, arms like slimes and small skeletons will have a bright future." But now, she has obtained the legendary arms, which is already Baijiang City, and even the surrounding cities. The brightest star.

"However, it's just a legend."

"Eight territories only."

"Not worth mentioning".

018 Silver Pegasus, Goblin Spy! (Third, ask for a flower evaluation!)

Over there, Imia and the others are still in full swing.

The territory has tools.

The tools produced by the second-level workshop are many times stronger than those hand-made by other lords.

And the elves,

Although they are not good at strength, their seemingly weak bodies still contain unimaginable explosive power.

Between the shovels, the earth and rocks flew.

The contours of the earth walls gradually appeared.

This is made of hardwood, plunged into the soil, cooled and solidified, and then arranged with rattan and soil on top.

Rather than an earth wall, it is better to say that this is a protective net.

Jiang Yi has a black iron fortress and does not need an earthen wall where people can stand.

All that is needed is a net that can block the momentum of the monster tide.

As long as the monster tide slows down, the elves can keep sniping and kill them one by one.

"It's almost time."

He glanced at the bracelet, then looked up at the night sky.

The blood moon hangs.But the moonlight is still bright and bright.

Sprinkled on the ground.

Jiang Yi came to the top of the black iron fortress, looked at the bright moon, and took out a glowing card.

Median troop recruitment card.

[5:53, On the branches of the ancient elf tree, 8 commander-level troops 'Guardian Treemen' can be recruited. 】

[7:59, In ​​the barren hills in the east of the territory, you can recruit 5 king-level troops 'Tauren Zealots'. 】

[9:56, 33 meters away from the trunk of the ancient elf tree, look up to the bright moon, you can recruit 10 king-level troops 'Silver Pegasus'. ]

This is the best option for today.

Come out, Silver Pegasus!

Arms recruitment card, blooming bright silver moonlight.

Paved out, a road of moonlight hanging from the sky.


A silver pegasus with a snow-white body and wings on its back landed in front of him on the moonlight.

Snow-white head bowed slightly.

"The law is one~"

【Silver Pegasus】

[Level: Level [-] Beginner]

[upper limit: sixth-order advanced]

[Skills: Chasing the Wind, Silver Moon Slash]

[Loyalty: 65 (arms obtained by using the recruitment card, the initial loyalty is lower than that of the arm building)]

Ten silver pegasus.

Two heads are sixth-order, and eight heads are fifth-order.

This is an army recruitment card, which is recruited across the space and has low loyalty, but relatively, they are not in their infancy and already have good combat power.

At this stage, the fighting power of the silver Pegasus is stronger than that of the moon elves.

Tomorrow's defense can come in handy.

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