At this moment, Liaodong County, Pingxiang City.

Pingxiang City is the largest city in eastern Liaoning and the strongest city.

The city wall is more than 15 meters long, and there are faintly countless Han guards on it

, most of these soldiers are red armor, belonging to the border army of the Great Han,

and their combat effectiveness is still quite good.

Everyone knows that there are 4 military districts with the strongest combat effectiveness in Dahan.

One is the Military Region directly under the division of the Son of Heaven.

There are the famous Three Rivers Cavalry, the Five Schools of the Northern Army and other top troops.

There are also the three Han border states.

That is, Youzhou, Hezhou, and Liangzhou, they have been fighting with foreign races all year round, so they are strong in battle.

At this moment, on the city wall, countless soldiers appeared on the city wall with shadows, fighting, and countless Han military flags were hunting and fluttering in the air.

There are also crossbows, catapults and other weapons to defend the city.

Under the city, many Zhang Chun rebels, as well as the army of the Wuhuan people, also combined their forces and surrounded the entire Pingxiang City.

Inside the rumbling of war drums.

Countless Zhang Chun rebels, as well as the army of the Wuhuan people, erected the ladder on the towering bluestone wall of Pingxiang City.

Countless soldiers crawled upwards like ants.

There was a constant roar in their mouths.

"Kill all the Han!"

"Kill all the thieves!"

Their slogans are all murderous.

"Hammerwood, smash it for me!"

An officer of a big man roared.

Immediately, the huge wooden block began to roll down, smashing an entire ladder.

Many of the rebel soldiers were smashed to death and fell into the pile

of corpses below, and under the scorching sun,

the corpses of the rebel soldiers looked like they were smelly!

"Gold juice ready, take it out for me!"

The officer of another big man roared.

Many Han soldiers came out carrying a cauldron, which was full of boiling dung, which was constantly boiling, which could be described as a stinky appearance, but they all ignored it!

"Gold juice, pour it down for me!"

The officer of the big man roared angrily.

Immediately, the gold juice poured down like a waterfall.

Some of the rebel soldiers above are okay and can avoid by releasing the ladder.

But the rebel soldiers below were in a more miserable situation, and they were suddenly poured all over their heads, and their flesh and blood were melted, revealing Sensen's white bones!

Rolling stones kept falling, smashing the bodies of the rebel soldiers.

And the ash bottle fell, exploded in the air, and the lime was scattered!

The so-called ash bottle, the situation is filled with lime powder, which is thrown when the enemy approaches, and

quicklime heats up and expands when exposed to water.

The ash bottle will explode, and the hot quicklime will spray out, which will burn the skin and blind the eyes when sprayed.

When encountering the ash bottle, the people under the city dare not open their eyes, and the combat effectiveness naturally decreases,

this trick can not kill the enemy, but it can make the enemy invisible, and even blind the eyes of the rebels


Wood , rolling stones, gold juice, ash bottles, and other equipment for defending the city were constantly used under the hands of the Han soldiers.

Brought huge casualties to the rebel soldiers!

The entire battlefield is like an Asura field, with only continuous death and fierce fighting as if reincarnation!

There are already countless corpses below, this is the incomparable cruelty of war!

Below, above a watchtower.

This is a temporary watchtower set up by the rebel soldiers.

Above stood two male warriors, their hands on the railing, watching the battle situation in the distance.

One is covered in black armor, the bloody aura is monstrous, and he is also wearing a black long sword around his waist, exuding an extremely extraordinary momentum.

This person is Zhang Chun, the leader of the rebels.

The other is also extraordinary, burly, wearing a certain black buckskin hat on his head, and his hair is composed of countless dirty braids.

The whole person is composed of countless knotted muscles, and when you look at it from a distance, it looks like an iron tower!

He is the number one general under Wuhuan Da Dan Yu Qiu Liju, Su Yanyan!

This time, Zhang Chun raised the rebels and joined the Wuhuan people to deal with the soldiers of the Han Empire, the leader of the rebels, Zhang Chun. It was also united with Wuhuan General Su Yanyan.

Attack the county capital of this place together, Pingxiang City.

Although countless rebel soldiers have died under the city wall, the two of them are still expressionless, which is the reason why Mercy is not in charge!

Su Yanyan frowned, looked at the city wall in the distance, and said:

"But I didn't expect that it was so difficult to attack Pingxiang City here, and we paid so many losses, it seems that this Liaodong Taishou Gongsun Du is really not a simple figure!"

Zhang Chun nodded and said, "What you said is, I think it's time to send siege equipment to attack the city wall!"

Su Yanyan said: "That's right, we still have to dispatch catapults, but unfortunately, we have prepared too few siege equipment this time."

After some discussion, the two immediately took out siege equipment and continued to launch a fierce attack on Pingxiang City.

Catapults that looked like beasts began to drive out of the rebel barracks.

Drove in the direction of Pingxiang Castle.

Each of them is more than 5 feet high, and they use torsion to throw huge boulders at the city wall.

Once shot, it can cause a lot of damage to the city wall, and the huge size makes these catapults have a huge sense of oppression when they look at it from afar.

As the walls of Pingxiang City entered the attack range of the huge catapult.

The gears and chains above began to move rapidly, get up, and make a clicking sound.

Countless situation stones frantically smashed towards Pingxiang City.

Boom, boom!

After a loud bang, many soldiers on the city wall were smashed to death!

Gunsmoke raged and the flesh and blood of countless soldiers flew everywhere.

Even the arrow tower was smashed and shattered, and many soldiers on the arrow tower were smashed into rotten meat alive!

The screams began to rise and fall above the walls of the county city.

Feeling the terrifying impact of these siege vehicles, the Han troops on the city wall were subconsciously crouching behind the female wall of the city wall, and all of them subconsciously closed their eyes.

There are also Wuhuan Hercules who show extremely strong muscles, expose their clothes, and expose their naked appearance!

They began to turn the winch above the crossbow

arrows, and countless arrows began to fly out, most of them were not accurate, and they shot on the city wall

, smashing the masonry a lot,

revealing the soil layer in it.

Some arrows hit the city wall, piercing the Han soldiers above like meat skewers.

The use of catapults, ballistae and other weapons brought a large number of casualties to the Han army.

However, the defense of the Han army on the city wall was still quite amazing, and several waves of Wuhuan attacks were repelled.

Captain Xu Rong even stood on the city wall, wielding his long sword repeatedly, killing many rebel soldiers!

At this moment, he had already cut off the heads of many rebels, and the armor was already full of blood.

After nearly a day of continuous fighting, the rebel soldiers still could not conquer the walled area.

In desperation, these rebel soldiers can only choose to collect the troops!

With the sound of gold chirping, countless rebel soldiers began to retreat towards the rear like a tide.

The setting sun in the distance gradually began to set at this moment, and above the city walls, there were countless piles of corpses everywhere, most of them left by rebel soldiers.

The setting sun fell on Xu Rong's body, which was covered in blood, making him feel a little tragic when he looked at it from afar!

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