Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 509 Soul Conjuration, Landing On The Land Of Enlightenment!

Qingshou likes Tina very much,

Because Amu Duo glanced at Tina and took Tina's aircraft,

It made him want to kill.

His love is unquestionable.

He has never seen a cultivator with such a perfect heart,

It has also reached such a high level of cultivation.

The point is, it's still a woman, a beautiful woman.

This made Qingshou not only recall,

When he was just a Nascent Soul,

He was seriously injured, fell to the mortal world, and was rescued by a mortal woman.

It's a pity that mortals don't have spiritual roots of cultivation and are not lords,

There is basically no way to increase life expectancy.

A century of youth is but a moment.

since then,

Qingshou no longer interacts with people from the Hehuan Sect, and no longer wants to vent his desires.

He fantasizes about a woman who can stay with him forever,

Same as that mortal woman.

However, among the cultivators,

He never found a woman of that character again.

Even though he is now in the stage of transformation,

For this love,

He lowered his demands,

I have searched for the Yuanying stage, I have searched for the golden elixir stage,

However, even in the golden core period, there is no suitable one.

Killing him who has lived a cruel life for a long time,

Performing various tasks for Jitian Pavilion,

But no one knows that he longs for a sincere relationship.

Those 100 years in the mortal world made him extremely unforgettable.

more importantly,

With this feeling in mind, he can speed up his cultivation,

It was what happened in the mortal world for a hundred years that made him break through the Nascent Soul in one fell swoop and reach the stage of transforming into a god.

He has thought for a long time that perhaps, his love can only be found when he returns to the mortal world.

Until, he met Tina.

A gentle and easy-going woman who doesn't like killing,

She brought a bit of warmth to the cruel and indifferent Jitian Pavilion.

Treat prisoners with mercy, but with justice,


For those mission targets who are forced to commit crimes and only seek revenge,

Euthanasia was also given.

These, Qingshou saw in the eyes.

He has lived for thousands of years and has never seen the angel race,

Ke Tina, in his eyes, is an angel.

Such Tina, how can she show a charming face?

Such a Tina, how could she cuddle with others?

Such Tina, how could she call someone...Master?

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Qingshou's heart ached a little numbly,

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Master, what should I do, I was seen by him.

Ye Liyana asked Su Yu.

"I told you, don't ask me out, you still don't believe me..."

Su Yu felt a big headache,

How do you feel that everything is not going well with Yeliana's actions this time?

Obviously in the battlefield of ten thousand realms, everything went smoothly before,

Could it be because this is the multidimensional universe of myriad realms?

"Ti, Master Tina, you guys, what's going on..."

Qingshou's voice was hoarse,

The trembling pupils were dimmed.

"What else could be going on?"

Yeliana raised her red lips slightly, full of charm,

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, taking it for granted:

"Of course I am ~ the master's apricot oven."

this word,

Like a shocking thunderbolt, it struck Qingshou's mind,

All his fantasies were shattered.

He was stunned on the spot,

Two lines of clear tears flowed out of the eyes unstoppably.

Su Yu glanced at Yeliyana speechlessly,

He almost didn't realize what those two words meant.

This guy is really...

"What to do, master, do you want to kill him?"

Ye Liyana asked Su Yu.

At this time,

Qingshou burst into tears,

The cry was mournful.


The moment he appeared, the space with a radius of tens of meters was already blocked by Yeliana.


No sound can come out.

Qingshou is very sad,

Even the threat of death did not make him fearful.

Even, want to die.

He used to be on the verge of death for an unknown number of times.

He has long regarded Tina as more important than life.

With weeping eyes, he looked at Su Yu,

Looking at this big man with calm eyes,

Amu's pupils are not as dull as before,

In the past, the simplicity and honesty were all pretended (chaf).

Mahayana cultivators... how could there be foolishness?

Qing Shou remembered what the other party said last night.

The relationship between them, he now knows,


Not only made him cry, but also made him heartbroken and desperate.

Su Yu glanced at Qingshou,

I remembered the other party's admiration for the Holy Master Su Yu.

If the cultivation civilization collapses,

This kind of people,

It will be his help in rebuilding civilization.

Therefore, he didn't care about the ridicule of everyone in Jitian Pavilion.

"No need, suddenly one person is missing, and doubts will arise in vain."

"Aren't there methods to erase memories among cultivators?"

"You should have learned it?"

Su Yu said.


Yeliana nodded.

She turned towards Qingshou, tapped lightly across the air,

""Inspiritualism". "

The heartbroken Qingshou didn't resist at all.

Under Yeliana's control,

His memory began to clear, some brain cells disappeared,

Even the soul has been scrubbed clean.

"Let's go, Enlightenment Lu is about to dock."

Su Yu raised his head, staring at the black shadow occupying the entire sky.

the two left,

The sluggish Qingshou finally came to his senses.

He looked sad and sighed.

in his memory,

His confession was rejected,

Master Tina already has someone she likes, that is the distant cousin, Amu.


How can he...compete with a Mahayana cultivator?

Back to the Jitian Pavilion team,

Qingshou's face became more melancholy.

just strangely,

He looked towards Lady Tina whom he loved in the past,

But in my heart...a little more fear,

Is it because you were rejected?

Qingshou smiled wryly.

"Master Tina is a cultivator at the peak of asking, how could she accept the confession from you people in the stage of transforming gods and nascent souls?"

"I really want to eat peaches."

Facing the distraught crowd, Liao Qian sneered.

Just now

Many people confessed to Lady Tina in front of everyone,

It's just that they were all rejected.

"Okay, let's log in!"

Ye Liyana smiled gently, and led everyone in Jitian Pavilion up the stairs that fell from the sky.

"Wow, is this Enlightenment Lu?"

"I've never been here..."

"Revelation Lu is really flat? Not round like a planet?"

Mitia boarded the Revelation Land, with a look of excitement on his face.

by her side,

Followed by the Taoist priest in black, and Amu who looked dazed.

"Amu, tell me, where are we going to play?"

Mitia asked Su Yu.

For some reason, she actually asked Su Yu for advice on the purpose.

This made Su Yu startled,

He also thought that these two people came to enlighten Lu to do things...

play? what's the situation?

"Well... let's walk around."

Amumu responded blankly.


With Amu by my side, I became happier.

The taciturn Taoist priest in black couldn't help laughing when he saw this. .

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