Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 116 Mutant Timeline


The fifth dimension that originally stopped collapsing under the power of the red god group.

It was shattered again by the power of Della and the Blue Celestials.

"Della Odinsen, let's go! I caused the matter, I'll take care of it, you remember to help me take care of my daughter~! 359

Galactus saw Della and the second-generation Tian-God group fighting.

Worrying in my heart, I sent a message to Della with spiritual power.

"Easy to say, two multi-universe-level powerhouses are staring at me, how can I run!

Della wants to run too! But can't!

"I'll help you!"

Galactus exhausted his last divine power, and a strong light flashed from Galactus' body!

"Planet Devourer! You!

The two of the second-generation Tenjin group were caught off guard by Galactus' self-destruction!

Although the two will not die, they will be injured!! And this wave of Galactus' self-destruction directly accelerated the collapse of the multi-universe dimension!

Want to fix this multi-universe dimension! Not hundreds of thousands of years! Don't think about it!

Della also seized this opportunity, directly caught the power of Galactus' self-destruction, and penetrated the multi-universe dimension wall!

It jumped out of the ten dimensions of the entire multi-universe and went to another multi-universe.

"Your Highness is missing!

At the moment when Della jumped out of the multi-universe, all the Saint Seiyas felt their hearts! The faith link between myself and the God of the Stars! Broken!

"Impossible! Your Highness will be fine!

Asporos angrily slammed the ground!

Mai Zhuo and Weiss also had tears in their eyes.

"What's the matter? Did something happen to my brother?"

Thor looked at the expressions of the three, and there was a bad premonition in his heart!

"The faith link between us and His Highness is broken!"

Tears fell down Mai Zhuo's cheeks.

Thor was struck by lightning when he heard McDrow's words.

The whole person froze in place!

As a member of the Aesir race, Thor definitely knows what it's like to be a master god, disconnected from his own spiritual beliefs!

In most cases, this means that the main god has fallen.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Thor doesn't believe McDrow's words!

Della has always been an omnipotent, yet gentle elder brother in Thor's mind.

This made Thor unable to accept the news.

"Is something wrong, Your Highness?"

The Avengers on the side also reacted.

For Della, they are still very fond of! After all, the other party established a sanctuary and guarded the earth for thousands of years.

And among the Avengers, there are not a few people who have been favored by Della!

"No! Your Highness will not have an accident! 35

Wanda holds the necklace around her neck tightly!

"Lord Ganata!

Galactus' messenger group is also depressed, and their connection with Galactus is also broken!

"Looks like they're dead together!"

Ganata doesn't feel the power of Della and Galactus anymore.

This result was unacceptable to everyone present.

If it wasn't for Ganata's presence, I'm afraid the people of the Sanctuary would have fought with the messengers of Galactus!

"Go back to the Sanctuary! His Highness's faith link is broken, this incident will definitely cause an uproar in the Sanctuary!"

After calming down, Asporos decided to return to the Sanctuary first!

"I'll go as well!"

Wanda raised her head and stared at Asporos.

"it is good!"

Asporos did not reject Wanda, after all, Della's life and death is unknown at this time!

For Wanda with unlimited potential in Della's mouth, Asporos will naturally not refuse!

Because the other party is likely to become a sanctuary with huge amounts of help.

"I want to ask a question! How are you sure something happened to His Highness Della!"

Wanda looked at the three in front of her.

"We were brought up by His Highness Della, and we are also His Royal Highness's bodyguard. Naturally, we can be regarded as His Highness's gods! But just now, the faith link between us and His Highness was broken!"5

"Among the gods, the link of faith is very important. If the link of faith is broken! Then it is very likely that the main god has fallen!"

Wanda is not a god, so I don't know that.

But after hearing Mai Zhuo's explanation, Wanda felt suffocated.

"But not absolutely! Is it?

With a glimmer of hope, Wanda looked at the three of them.

Looking at Wanda's gaze, the three fell silent.

"I don't believe His Highness will die like this!

Wanda's eyes were firm!! She believed Della wouldn't just die.

At the moment, the sanctuary no longer had the usual hot scene, and everyone sat on the ground with sad faces.

Della's belief link was broken, not only the three of Asporos felt it, almost everyone who cultivated in the small universe felt Della's disappearance.


"No! No!"

Wanda suddenly remembered a message she had read in the Sanctuary Library!


Everyone looked at Wanda.

"If the dimension lord falls, then this dimension will return to the unmanned dimension again! Right!"

Wanda felt looking at everyone.

"Yes, then what?

Hyporos affirmed Wanda's words.

"But the sanctuary dimension has not become the unmanned dimension! And this necklace given to me by His Royal Highness Della! As long as I activate it, I can link the sanctuary and the outside world!!

As Wanda spoke, she activated the necklace Della gave her with her own mental power.

A portal appeared in front of everyone.

At the moment's sanctuary everyone also reacted!

The Sanctuary dimension still responds to the pass command given by Della! This means that Della is still alive!

"Your Highness is still alive!"

High cheers echoed throughout the sanctuary! There is no better news than this!

"That's right! His Highness is still alive! Just don't know where he is now!""

Wanda said with certainty!

"Did I go to that multi-universe?"

Della also found a disconnect in the power of faith.

After all, it still crosses the multi-dimensional universe! Not within the original ten dimensions, the disconnection of the power of belief is also expected by Della.

Della closed her eyes and scanned the entire universe with her mental power.

"Well? Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!

Della opened her eyes!

I actually came to the multi-universe dimension of X-Men!

It can also be called the Mutant cosmic dimension!

Here's the Mutant! Powerful even as Phoenix force! Play with the timeline with ease!

Isn't that what Della needs most right now?

And Della looked at the time!

The current timeline is still the old timeline, that is to say! X-Men has not yet faced the encirclement and suppression of Sentinel!

Reversing the future hasn't happened yet!

As long as Della is safe in this universe! Wait until X-Men changes the timeline!

The torrent of time will overwrite the original timeline! Della may have a chance to comprehend the ninth sense! Next.

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