Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 130 Deadpool (5000 word chapter)

After the conflict between Mutant Academy and Brotherhood is gone, the whole world seems to be a lot more peaceful.

But Della goes out once in a while and meets an old friend of Wolverine!

"This is, Deadpool?"

Della walked leisurely on the street, but a very special signal came back from her mental power.

Looking at the location of the psychic feedback, Della quickly recognized each other.

It's the remodeled Deadpool!

To say that this guy is really miserable, Wolverine was transformed into a multi-strengthen person when he was first, and he was brainwashed!

Possesses great power, but still loses to two brothers Wolverine and Sabretooth.

After finally recovering, I found a girlfriend, but I got cancer again!

Participated in an experiment to treat my own cancer and changed beyond recognition!

But I don't know if it's the effect of cancer cells, or if Deadpool is really blessed! Anyway, he got the power of immortality!

It's true immortality!

Kind of like Majin Buu!

With only one finger left, you can also make yourself grow back, yes, it is so outrageous.

And Deadpool, as one of the few people in Marvel to break the fourth wall, is also the focus of Della's attention!

When Della met Deadpool, he was committing suicide!

"Bang! 35

A red Deadpool with his head on the ground fell from above the skyscraper in front of Della.

Blood splattered everywhere, scaring the surrounding people to avoid here.

However, the blood of Deadpool did not splash on Della's body, after all, there is a spiritual Psychokinesis body protection.

"Brother? Are you performance art?"

Della looked at Deadpool, who had fallen into a pile in front of him, and asked amusingly.

"No, I'm looking for the true meaning of life! I want to know the meaning of life!

Deadpool lay on the ground indifferently, waiting for Self-healing.

"Your body is really strange, you can't die like this, let me study it! 35

Della crouched in front of Deadpool and poked Deadpool's muddy body.

"Okay, give me the money!"

Deadpool is very generous! After all, he has gone through countless studies!!

The ghost appearance he is now is also caused by research.

As long as the other party has given enough money, Deadpool can cooperate with the other party in everything.

Moreover, Deadpool was also interested in the man in front of him. He jumped off the building and landed in front of him. The other party didn't panic and didn't say anything. He even talked to him.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was not malicious, Deadpool would suspect that the other party was coming for him.

"Are you a Mutant too?"

Della transformed into a small bench with divine power and sat in front of Deadpool's "corpse".

"Yes, a very special Mutant!"

Deadpool did not expect that he would become like this, thinking how handsome he was back then!

"Your Self-healing Ability is very strong! It's like the infinite proliferation of cancer cells! As long as there is one cell, it can slowly multiply into a complete whole! But this cell can't kill you. ! Is it because of the suppression of the Self-healing gene?"

Della reached for a little Deadpool's blood.

Under Della's powerful spiritual power, Deadpool's Ability quickly became transparent in front of Della.

That is to say, Deadpool's immortality is also limited to some extent.

"Wow, brother, are you a Frankenstein? You can see my Ability directly with your eyes!

The upper half of Deadpool has almost recovered. Hearing Della's words, Deadpool looked at Della in surprise.

"It's just a small ability, mainly because I like research! Your cells are the dream of many people who pursue immortality!

Della is no joke, many scientists have said that cancer cells contain the secret of human immortality!

In Della's view, Deadpool is a person who got eternal life by chance.

The Deadpool of this universe is not immortalized by Thanos' curse!

In Della's view, Thanos, a sub-father, can't make Deadpool immortal!

Unless Deadpool is favored by the goddess of death! Let the death rule bypass Deadpool! It's still possible!

After all, no matter which multidimensional universe, the five creation gods are fixed.

"Really? As long as you give me ten thousand dollars, I can accompany you to a meal, and I can give you myself for research!"

Deadpool slowly sat up from the ground.

In such a short time, Deadpool has completed Self-healing.

Although the speed of Self-healing is far less than that of Wolverine, Deadpool's Self-healing Ability is much stronger than Wolverine!

Perhaps within this multi-universe, only the Phoenix force has the ability to completely erase the existence of Deadpool!

“Are you okay to commit suicide?’35

Seeing Deadpool recover, Della stood up too.

"Life, when it's boring, you have to find some fun for yourself! A dull life lacks stimulation, and people are useless! 39

Deadpool said seriously.

Della was taken aback by this theory.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner.

Della has no money, but Charles has money!

Not to mention that Charles still cooperates with the official!

So when Della went out, she took a huge $50,000 from Charles with peace of mind!

"Cool! Bro! From now on you'll be my gold master dad!"

Fully recovered Deadpool jumped up and gave Della a thumbs up.

"I think you can join X-Men, they will give you a lot of passion!""

Della looked at Deadpool.

Deadpool is really Marvel's own son, not even one!

You can jump in time at will, change the direction of the timeline, and easily find artifacts that many people in the Marvel universe are looking for.

Even more exaggerated, he can also travel to the real universe! Find yourself playing Deadpool!

This is also the point that Della is most concerned about!

Although I don't know if Deadpool really has such an ability!

But without a doubt, this is one of Della's chances to jump out of the Marvel Universe!

Definitely, Della is still not leaving the Marvel Universe at this stage!

After all, there are many abilities in this universe, and it is especially suitable for cultivation!

In case of jumping out, the rules of other universes have changed, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"No, there is no passion in X-Men, only trouble!"

Deadpool definitely knows the famous X-Men from Mutant!

"If you go to Mutant Academy now, you should meet Stryker!

Della uttered a name that Deadpool remembered.

"Stryker? Are you sure he's at Mutant College?"

Hearing the name, Deadpool was instantly refreshed!

It was because he accepted Stryker's employment! He was transformed by the other party!

Although he recovered, he also left behind sequelae, and he got cancer!

It was also because of cancer that I went to receive treatment again, and finally turned into this ghost!

This is the pain in Deadpool's heart.

"That's right, when I came out, I got the perception to him, with his son, Master Illusion! I think I was going to control Charles and destroy all the Mutants?

Della made a thoughtful look!

"Cool! Such an interesting thing!! Quick! Take me to see and see!"

Deadpool took an interest and asked Della to take him to Mutant Academy.

By the time the two of them came to Mutant Academy, the place was empty.

"Looks like we're late!"

Della looked at the empty academy and knew that people had been taken by Stryker.

Della also admires Stryker! An ordinary person who can play Mutant around! It's still rare.

"So are we ready for death next? Armageddon?

Deadpool knew about Charles' Ability.

As long as the other party thinks, it is completely possible to make a city a dead city in an instant!

Spiritual Awakening's Mutant is just so unreasonable.

Except for a few Mutants who are also spiritual Awakenings who can resist the spiritual storm, others will be wiped out in an instant.

"Don't be so pessimistic, let's go and see your old friend first!

Della is going to take Deadpool to find Wolverine.

After all, they were the few people in the academy who escaped.

"Old friend? Who?"

Several figures flashed through Deadpool's mind.

And at the moment Wolverine escaped and hid in Poppy Iceman's house.

"Why am I not here for a while, even your home has been copied!"

Della shows up at Poppy's house with Deadpool!


Happy to see Della, Naughty and Wolverine! That's a real thigh!

"Wow! Old friend! Long time no see!"

Deadpool Wade rushed up and gave Wolverine a big hug!

Wolverine was stunned by the sudden hug!

"do we know each other?"

Wolverine looked at Wade holding her, confused!

"Oh! Have you forgotten your beloved best friend? We used to be teammates!"9

Deadpool wore a mask and cried a few times.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that you died once, and I don't remember.

After that, Deadpool seemed to remember something, and looked at Wolverine seriously.

"So we're really teammates?"

Wolverine looked at Deadpool like a lunatic.

"You are indeed teammates, and you also chopped off other people's heads!

Della looked at this scene and thought it was funny.

"Well, I forgot! If I do chop your head off, I apologize to you!"

Wolverine was a little embarrassed when she heard Della's words, but she didn't expect this old friend to be beheaded by herself.

"I heard you met Stryker!"

Deadpool turns the conversation to their mutual foe.

"Stryker? You mean the officer who attacked the Academy? 35

Wolverine felt as though she had heard the name.

"You were killed by him once, so you lost your memory! Your wife was also killed by him!"

Deadpool said meanly to Wolverine.

But this remark gave Wolverine great excitement!

"What did you say!"

Wolverine didn't expect to learn something about the past here.

Deadpool then told the whole process of Stryker's conspiracy and Wolverine's deception!

Wolverine became furious listening to the complete process!

"I'm going to slaughter that chop!

The steel claws in Wolverine's angry hands are sticking out!

"Don't panic! Charles has been tied up by the other party! You should wait until Jyn and Storm arrive, and let's act together!""

Della slowly ate the bread in her hand.

0...・・For flowers..

"Professor is in trouble!

Hearing Della's words, Bobby and the little naughty both looked worried.

"Do you know where their base is?"

Wolverine looked at Della, I don't know why, Della became a little omnipotent in Wolverine's heart.

"I know, but are you sure you won't wait for Qin and Storm? You guys are not rivals.""

Hearing Della's words, several people fell into silence, their strength is indeed a little weak now.

"I'm here! What are you afraid of! Just go in!"

Deadpool relies on its Regenerative Healing Factor! Dare to go anywhere! Dare to jump in lava!

"They are here!"

Della used divine power to draw a map in mid-air and marked the direction of the Stryker base.

Although Della was talked about by Deadpool for a day today! Let Della see the power of mouth cannons! I also feel that my spirit seems to be weakened!

But Della is still going to meet some fantasy master! After all, this is one of the few fierce people who can control Charles.

It wasn't long before Storm and Jyn took the Blue Devils to find Della and the others!

After hearing that Charles was captured by Stryker, he rushed to the coordinates provided by Della!

But halfway through, Magneto stopped him.

"Erik! What do you want!

Jean looked at Magneto warily!

"Nothing, I just want you to take me with you! I can help you!

Magneto said calmly.

"Wow! You are Magneto! What a handsome old man!""

Deadpool looked at Magneto's appearance and envy! He was so handsome before! Now he has become this bird!

"New partner?"

Magneto looked at Deadpool.

"That's right!"

Wolverine looked at Magneto viciously, and every time he was cleaned up by the other party! This made Wolverine very uncomfortable watching Magneto.

"Let's go, don't waste time! Stryker has got Charles and the brainwave booster! It's late, everyone has to die!

No one knows the power of Charles better than Magneto!

What's more, the brain wave booster was created by Magneto with the help of Charles!

So Magneto knows that if Charles is controlled by the other party! With the power of the brain wave strengthening machine, he can instantly kill all the Mutants on the earth!

"How did Stryker know about the brain wave strengthening machine!"

Storm frowned and looked at Magneto.

"I told him, the other party's persuasion ability is very strong! 35

While everyone was talking, they got on the fighter plane.

"Isn't this Magneto, what, trying to save your old friend?"

Della saw Magneto get on the fighter plane and called Roar with a smile.


Magneto looked at Della fearfully, but he didn't expect the other side to be there.

Everyone knew the seriousness of the problem.

Charles without a brain wave strengthening machine is terrible, if you get the blessing of the brain wave strengthening machine! Charles is the strongest person on earth!

Because he can link the consciousness of all people on earth!

Soon, everyone came to the location marked by Della on the map.

But the power under Stryker's hands is beyond everyone's expectations!

The mental interference of the fantasy master alone made everyone feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Someone's been messing with our brains! Giving us illusions.

Jyn also has the Ability for Telepathy! Barely resistant to the psychic distractions of the Master of Illusions.

"That's probably why the other party was able to control Charles! 99

Magneto with a helmet, undisturbed

He also knew why the other party was able to control Charles.

Combined with drugs and Mutant's mental interference, Charles creates illusions to achieve his goals!

"Don't tell me, these visions are quite interesting!

Della did not resist the mental interference of the fantasy master, but looked at the fantasy picture provided by the other party with great interest.

I have to say that the other party is also a talent. If Stryker doesn't make him look like that, he will definitely be a first-class powerhouse!

The master of fantasy can construct a very real fantasy for you according to the current situation or the shadow in your heart!

If there is no mental resistance, it will be easily pinched by the other party.

To a certain extent, such an ability is not actually a weak ability of Charles!

"Let's go, it's late, you Mutants are gone!"

Della unleashed his mental powers and canceled out all the distractions of the master of fantasy!

This makes people feel better.

Everyone met a lot of resistance along the way! I have to say that the base run by Stryker is still very strong.

Not only has well-trained soldiers, but also a lot of Mutants working for him!

However, under the luxurious lineup of Della and others, these people have little resistance.

Under Della's command, everyone quickly came to Charles' room.

"Come in, Charles is in there!"

Della pointed to the room in front of her.

Qin glanced at the blue devil and let the other party teleport in with him!

Only Jean can resist the mental interference of the master of fantasy! And has the ability to awaken Charles!

"Don't worry, Qin's power is very powerful!"

Seeing everyone's worried expressions, Della said.

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