Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 147 The Mutant army is defeated!

Magneto's face changed too!

Although the other party looks like a metal creation!

But it is a special material!

Because Magneto found out that his Ability doesn't work on these Sentinels!

Apparently, when these Sentinels were being developed, Magneto's Ability was thoroughly researched.

Overwhelmed by Sentinel and Antidote Bullets, Mutant soon fell behind!

Storm directly set off a huge amount of storm! And with thunder and lightning.

Want to counterbalance Sentinel with this!

But her Ability does almost no harm to Sentinel!

Colossus quickly rushed to the front!

Energy attacks don't work! Then try melee!

But the interior of Sentinel is implanted with the World Fighting Book! Melee is the master of the masters!

But it took dozens of seconds to fight!

Colossus was crushed and beaten by Sentinel! The sound of metal collisions is endless!

Colossus can only be beaten passively! There are a lot of dents and shapeshifting in the incarnation of the metal body!

"Are these guys that strong?"

Many people looked at Sentinel in amazement!

Especially the people from X-Men! After all, they have simulated the scene against Sentinel countless times.

But none of the simulations have shown the true strength of the opponent!

"Shadowcat! You go find that boy first! Here we hold it!"

Wolverine08 is also ready to fight Sentinel!

With Adamantium and a self-healing body! Wolverine believes she can handle it!

But the truth is beyond Wolverine's expectations!

The material from which Sentinel is made is not as good as Adamantium, but it is also a very special new material!

Although there will be damage during the battle with Wolverine, it will soon be repaired on its own!

The other party's Self-healing Ability is no worse than Wolverine!

Wolverine found this too!

Sentinel's power and speed are far more than their own! The only thing that can compare with each other is Self-healing Ability!

So! Wolverine becomes Sentinel's bag!

Hit the ground with a hammer! I can't stand up!!

Energy attacks won't work, and melee combat won't work either!

The army of Mutant didn't know what to do with the ten Sentinels on the battlefield for a while!

And only a few powerful Mutants can hold a few Sentinels.

The rest are slaughtering on the battlefield!

The Mutant side has lost a lot of comrades!

"Is this Sentinel?"

Charles sees everything in the distance!

Such a robot is simply a killing machine for Mutant!

The weak Mutant has no power to fight back in the opponent's hands.

Even some slightly powerful Mutants will fall into a disadvantage under the siege of Sentinel, and finally be rubbed to death by the opponent!

Charles and Magneto seem to have seen the dark future of Mutant!

Especially Magneto, who didn't expect these Sentinels to evolve so quickly.

The battle of the battlefield is not optimistic, but Shadowcat and Juggernaut have brought out the little boy who is the antidote.

Juggernaut smashed through countless walls all the way before he came out!

"Retreat with this little boy! Away from the battlefield!"

Charles notices a loophole in his psychic powers!

That little boy is not only capable of removing all Mutant's abilities, he is even immune to Mind Control!

Hearing Charles' voice, both Scott and Storm deliberately make way for Shadowcat!

Juggernaut even stopped a Sentinel directly!

The two sides fought back and forth, and the battle was extremely fierce!

Juggernaut's body is unique! That's a body that rivals Hulk!

So Sentinel won't be able to take Juggernaut for a while!

The two sides can only stalemate on the battlefield!

"Erik! We've got the boy out! Prepare to arrange a retreat! 99

Charles signaled to Magneto that it was time to start the evacuation plan.

The current Mutant Academy is protected by a barrier set up by Della and is a fairly safe place.

And the professor, knowingly or not, has stored food in the college that will feed hundreds of people for years!

For a short time, Mutant College is a great refuge!

Hearing Charles' words, Magneto also knew not to delay!

Those Sentinels are too strong!

Almost every few minutes, a Mutant is killed!

"The antidote has been brought out, we retreat!

Magneto's voice resounds through the sky!

Ten Sentinels were blocked by some powerful Mutants, and the rest began to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner!

"Damn! Organize them!

The high-level military officers watched this scene! Incomparable anger!

Although a lot of Mutants were killed in this battle, the most crucial people were taken away by the opponent!

"Don't worry, maybe, we don't need an antidote anymore!"

There are also high-level executives who take Sentinel's performance in their eyes!

Such a powerful and mass-produced robot is their ultimate pursuit!

With such a killing weapon, even if there is no antidote, so what?

"Go, it's your turn to play! Unleash your power!"

As the battle draws to a close, Della brings Jyn in!

Phoenix force vs Sentinel!

I don't know if these Sentinels can withstand the destruction of the Phoenix force!

"You all retreat, leave it to me here!

Qin fell from the sky and fell into the battlefield!

Face ten Sentinels alone!

Seeing Jean's appearance, everyone at X-Men knew that the terrifying Dark Phoenix was about to appear.

So back up again and again!

Some of the Mutant Brotherhood didn't know much about the situation, but saw the X-Men backing up, and they backed away with it.

All ten Sentry units were stopped by Qin.

Jean's eyes started to show black!

The flames of the phoenix begin to wrap around Qin's body!

After comprehending the piano of the small universe, I have been able to use Phoenix force initially!

"If you don't want to die, just leave!

Seeing the appearance of Qin, everyone in X-Men seems to have seen the scene of destruction again!

Sentinel doesn't know what fear is!

Although Qin's power is very strong, those Sentinels still rushed up!

The icy rain and snow, the power of fire and thunder are released one after another, and the target is all Qin!

But when these energy attacks were about to touch the piano, they were assimilated by the Phoenix force!


With the roar of Qin! All the sea water flowed back to the sky in an instant!

The whole island is rumbling! The earth is shaking!

Sentinel near Jyn is burned by Phoenix force! Restoration is constantly fighting against Destruction!

Jin's Phoenix force is an undifferentiated full-picture Aoe!

So as long as the Phoenix force shrouded the area, Sentinel was at a standstill!

"What a joke!

Qin's power also stunned the military high-level officers at the command post!

Such power has far surpassed Magneto Erik293 and Professor X Charles!

"Not good! Sentinel can't take it anymore!

Someone's face changed!

Qin looked at Sentinel who was competing with her in front of her, and further released the Phoenix force in her body!

The power to destroy heaven and earth evaporates all entities except Sentinel in an instant!

The mighty Phoenix force has formed a spherical field! Envelop the piano and ten Sentinels together!

Float in mid-air!

The base island under the feet has completely disappeared! Only the ground at the bottom of the sea is left!

The sea water all around is surging into the sky! It is extremely spectacular!

This scene is being watched by countless people through TV!

The power of the piano shocked the world!

With the further release of Qin's Phoenix force, the ten Sentinels were completely vaporized and never seen again!

"Jin's power is terrifying!!

X-Men, who escaped from the island in the distance, watched Qin vaporize ten Sentinels, and couldn't help but be afraid!

Later, I should have been vaporized with those Sentinels!

The members of the Mutant Brotherhood were also stunned!

"She was able to control her powers! 99

Magneto definitely knows Qin!

When I adopted Qin, it was Charles and Magneto who went together!

But Magneto also knew that Jean's power was out of his control, so he was sealed by Charles in disguise.

"This matter is a long story, and when I return to the academy, I will tell you what happened!

After Sentinel's attack, Charles' mood was a little down.

But watching Jean's performance, both Charles and Magneto felt like they saw hope for Mutant.


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