Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 172 The Consciousness of the Transcendent

Countless superheroes and villains are wary of each other.

It was inexplicably teleported to a strange world, and both parties thought it was the other's ghost!

And many people have found the exact same self!

Della was in the back, and even saw Thanos who was killed by Wanda. Obviously, the other party came from a parallel universe!

Many familiar people have appeared here.

"I am beyond! From beyond space, this is the world I built, Doujie!"

"Here, you need to fight each other, the winning side, I will grant them a wish.

The voice of the transcender came down from the sky.

The many superheroes and villains I listened to were at a loss.

But they also got the point!

The one who sent them here is a super being capable of creating the world!

As long as this war is won, which existence can satisfy one of his wishes!

This made countless superheroes and villains excited!

After all, everyone has desires and regrets!! Now there is a chance to realize their wishes and make up for their regrets, no one is not crazy!

"Della, is this the transcendent you mentioned?"

Naturally, Wanda heard this voice too. To be honest, after meeting Della again, Wanda felt that she had no regrets in her life 08.

After being with Della, there is no desire anymore.

Otherwise, Wanda will really go to win this secret war!

"That's right, this is when Molecular Man was born, and the transcendence was born at the same time as him. The two of them are two fragments of the universe cube, and they both have the strength of Almighty Universe Level. In terms of combat power, I am also now. Not their opponent."

Della nodded, indicating that the one who just spoke was Transcendence.

Wanda was also shocked by the power of the transcendence.

In an instant, all the superheroes and villains of the multi-universe were pulled into this so-called fighting world!

Even Wanda in the late stage of Super Universe Level does not have this strength.

Just as Della and Wanda were talking, the superheroes and villains in the fighting world had already fought, and there were even casualties.

Della even saw five scenes of Tony beating up Thanos!

This gives Della a novelty.

"You are special!"

Just as Della was watching the excitement, the voice of transcendence rang in Della's ear.

"Eh? Beyonder?

Della reacted immediately.

"I didn't expect that I even pulled a true god into the fighting world. 35

Although the transcendence has just been born not long ago, the transcendence still knows about the true god.

After all, there are not many true gods in the entire almighty universe.

"I've passed the prize. Compared to your strength, I'm still far behind."

Della looked around with some vigilance. The transcendence was just born, and he didn't have a sound world view. He often believed when others fooled him.

So a lot of things happened later.

"Since I have entered the fighting world, then my promise is also valid for you, and I will find you."

The Transcendence is interested in Della.

He can feel that Della's strength is very strong!

Della did not expect that he would be targeted by the Beyonder.

This gave Della some ideas. The Transcendent is the best time to fool now. After the Second Secret War, the Transcendent will not be easy to fool.

Maybe use the transcendence to do something that Della is not sure about!

Della was lost in thought.

The first secret war has already started, indicating that the destruction of the seventh universe is not far away.

At that time, the first sky, the incarnation of the universe, and the god of symbiosis Gnar, beyond the gods, and the court of life, these Almighty Universe Level bosses will appear.

And Della has not forgotten that under all things, the OBA in the deepest part of hell, Hulk who took away the sacred timeline, will definitely come with the help of Hulk's body.

If Della remembers correctly, the eighth universe after the seventh universe was destroyed by the OBA.

Della must find a way to reach the true Almighty Universe Level before the seventh universe is destroyed!

And beyond is the best shortcut!

After all, the divine power beyond the realm is inexhaustible and inexhaustible!

"Della, are we going to help win?"

Wanda also heard the words of the surpasser, and in Wanda's view, the strength of the surpasser Almighty Universe Level is still very convincing.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Della is waiting for the Doctor Doom who steals the power of the transcendent to appear!

It is very likely that the opponent is Doum, the god of fighting who re-established the world of fighting after the destruction of the seventh universe.

If possible, Della wants to cooperate with the other party, after all, the other party has really stolen the power beyond the Protoss!

At the moment, the superheroes and villains below are all tied together.

But there are also calm people who are guessing the purpose of that god.

Pulling so many people into this world for no reason, is it just to watch them fight and kill each other?

Everyone can't understand the idea of ​​the transcender.

Even Della doesn't know what the transcender thinks.

During this time in the fighting world, Della can be said to have seen what intrigue is.

For their own desires, many people have started to unite, and even the same person in a parallel universe will fight over some trivial matters.

At least Della saw a few Tonys, a few Stranges, and quite a few Captain Marvel fights!

It was a brutal hit.

And Della's attention has always been on those Doctors of Destruction.

Under the limitations of the fighting world and the influence of the transcendence, Della's omniscient power has also been affected. In the coverage of the will of all beings, only the past and the present can be seen, but the future cannot be seen.

"Wanda, you go to war, maybe Wanda in the parallel universe will help you improve your strength."

Della didn't ask Wanda to follow him either.

Instead, let Wanda communicate with herself in the parallel universe, maybe it can be inspired by her power development!

"finally found you!"

Della opened her closed eyes!

After staying in the fighting world for several months, I finally saw the Doctor Doom who stole the power of the Beyonder!

The speed of the other party is very fast, and by the time Della arrives, the other party has already begun to steal the power of the transcender.

"You really dare to think!

With one glance, Della shattered Doctor Doom's device!

Doctor Doom also stopped the process of stealing the power of the transcendent.

"Who are you? 35

Doom Doctor Doom looks at Della!

He has been observing for a long time in the past few months, but he has not found such a person in the fighting world.

"You don't care who I am, but how dare you to steal the power of the transcender!

Della looked at Dr. Doom and had to say that the other party is really a talent, dare to think and do it!

And most importantly, the other party actually succeeded!

Although in the end, the transcendence took back the power from 310!

But did the Doctor Destruction in the later period destroy the Transcendence Protoss by himself!

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous person!

"Humph! No one is born high! He treats us as playthings, can't I covet his power?

Doctor Doom sneered.

"Very good! I think we can work together!"

Della's words made Doctor Doom stunned, he thought Della was the kind of person who claimed to be righteous and came to stop him.

"Then why did you stop me?

Doctor Doom doesn't understand.

"Because you don't know Transcendence! His power is extremely powerful, even if you succeed in stealing now, as long as he wants to, these powers will still return to him! That is to say, you can steal success because the other party wants to You steal success, you understand?"

Della explains to Doctor Doom why he stopped him.

Doctor Doom understood Della's words as soon as he heard it.

This made his face a little ugly. He didn't expect that in the eyes of others, his plan was just Joker acting!

"So what can we do together!"

Doctor Doom looked at Della.

"This is not the place to talk, in the fighting world, every move will be observed by the transcendence! When this war is over, ask me to find you!

Della definitely can't talk about this with Doctor Doom in the fight world!

After all, the transcendent is watching!

Della has left a mark on Doctor Doom!

Be prepared to wait until the end of the secret war to find each other!

"But don't die!"

Della glanced at Doctor Doom, get out of here!.

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