Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 184 The first generation of color gods appeared

Countless starlights fill the entire almighty universe!

All generations of eternity were all hit by Della's punch!

Cracks appeared in the body of the abstract entity.

But it is not blood that flows from the corners of the eternal mouths of the ages, but all things that make up their bodies ~ the stars!

"It's so strong!"

The third eternity looked at the shattered traces on his body, and did not speak for a long time.

They all know that Della is the Almighty God now, but one punch has severely injured all of them for eternity!

Such strength has already stood at the pinnacle of the almighty universe!

At this moment, they have doubts about whether the first generation of the color gods can defeat Della!


Watching Della smash all the eternal gods with one punch, the face of the first sky shows a look of hatred.

Although Della also came for his own power of creation, the first sky would rather give his power of creation to Della than to give it to the first generation of color gods!

For nothing else, just because the other party once betrayed the first firmament!

Therefore, the first firmament is unwilling!

"Are you still going to fight?"

Della didn't kill.

For these eternities, Della's senses are neither good nor bad, and the other party has saved the lives of the multi-universe.

It can be regarded as a god of neutrality and conservation.

"We are not your opponents now."

The strongest Second Eternal spoke up.

Della can defeat them all with one punch, which has shown that the strength of the two sides is not on the same level.

"But with your current strength, you can only protect yourself in the hands of those who exist, what about your friends and people?

Although he admitted that he could not beat Della, the second sky still wanted to use the offensive of words to make Della give up the first sky!

"This is not something you are worried about, go back and tell those colored gods, I am waiting for them. 35

Della left this cosmic space with the abstract entity of the first firmament in his hand!

The eternity of the two dynasties can only be watched!

Because they don't want to die!

So didn't catch up and stop Della.

Della also quickly brought the first firmament to its own sanctuary latitude.

"You should know that even if I don't take away your power of creation, you can't escape.

Della wants the first firmament to voluntarily give up the power of creation!

Because that was the power given to him by OAA, if the First Firmament was unwilling to hand it over, it would take a lot of energy to grab it hard.

Hearing Della's words, the first firmament did not refute, he knew that the betrayers he created had been pursuing his whereabouts!

This time, his appearance was destined to be doomed.

"I can give you the power of creation, but you have to promise me one thing. 35

After thinking for a moment, the first firmament agreed to surrender its power of creation.

"What's up?"

Della has vaguely guessed the request of the first firmament in her heart.

"Destroy those colorful traitors! 33

The face of the abstract entity of the first firmament shows unforgettable hatred!

As the creation of the first firmament, in the end, it shattered the god body of the first firmament, pulled the first firmament from the position of the creator god, and let the first firmament hide in the place where all things return to the ruins for several epochs of the universe.

Even so, the first firmament could not escape the calculations of the first generation of color gods!

How could the first firmament not be angry?

A dignified god of creation, he was forced into a corner by his own creation!

This is something that the First Firmament cannot possibly forget!

"Okay, I promise you!"

As expected by Della, the request of the First Firmament is indeed this!

But Della can understand the mood of First Firmament.

"Humph! With my power of creation, even if you don't try your best, it's impossible, those betrayers will never let you go!"

The First Firmament seems to have seen the battle between Della and those colorful betrayer!

Destroyed his own body in laughter!

A colorful force of creation floated where the first firmament was just now!

"Is this the creative power of the OAA?"

Feel the strong vitality in it! Della's eyes show a touch of happiness!

"Maybe, this power will allow me to break through the omega of the small universe! 99

That's right, the reason why Della robbed the power of creation is to break through the Omega of the small universe!

As the pinnacle of the small universe, Omega not only has the ability to destroy the world, open up, and restart the universe.

There is also the ability to create all things and give life to the dead!

The reason why Della has been stuck in the ninth sense is that Della's creative power is not strong enough!

As long as he integrates the creative power of the first firmament, Della has the hope of breaking through the Omega universe!

"Wanda, I will retreat and break through during this time, and the sanctuary is handed over to you!"

Della first transmitted the voice to Wanda, and then prepared to break through with peace of mind!

"Are you going to break through again?"

Wanda is also now a powerhouse at the Almighty Universe Level!

No one knows better than her how strong Della is now!

"Perhaps Della can achieve real invincibility by breaking through this time!

Wanda has some fun!

As Della once said, the more you know, the more insignificant you feel.

So does Wanda.

Even if they have reached the Almighty Universe Level now, there are still some strong people who are pressing them!

Especially one or two people are not clear about their attitude, and one is determined to destroy the world!

All of this puts Della and Wanda under a lot of pressure!

"The Sanctuary Latitude is now all closed, and no one is allowed to leave the Sanctuary Latitude without an order!"

Wanda directly ordered the recall of all Sanctuary members outside.

"Understood, princess!"

The members of the sanctuary who received the order began to close the sanctuary!

0.....For flowers.....

In less than an hour, all the personnel of the Sanctuary returned to their places!

And the sanctuary is completely closed!

Just in case, Wanda also used Chaos force to erase the existence of the sanctuary.

Della on the other side has also begun to integrate the power of creation!

Unlike all the powers that Della has integrated in the past, the integration of the power of creation is not easy!

But the benefits are obvious.

Just the initial integration, Della feels that his body of the true god has been baptized!

At the moment Della's body can already be said to be immortal!

Just a drop of blood can crush a universe!

Then the benefits are more than that, Della's mental power is also rapidly increasing!

Finally, there is the small universe!

The previous battle with Beyond the Protoss made Della's small universe take a half step forward!

Now that the power of creation has been integrated, Della's stagnant microcosm has begun to grow again!

And Della's figure also appeared in all the timelines of the eighth universe!


Only someone who can see the timeline can see Della sitting cross-legged!

What is even more exaggerated is that Della can be seen sitting cross-legged in the center of all the universes of the multi-universe!

"How could it be so fast! He has already begun to integrate the power of creation!

Although the first generation of color gods got the second eternal report, they were not particularly worried.

Because as long as the first firmament does not hand over the power of creation, it will take a lot of time for anyone who wants to get it!

But now, not a day has passed.

Della has already started to integrate the power of creation!

This caught the first generation of color gods by surprise!

"Don't panic, the integration of the power of creation is not so simple! The other party has just started! Go out and find them all!"

The Original Supreme has appeared!

He is the strongest person in the first-generation Color Tenjin group.

It is also the supreme of the first generation of color gods!

The power of the owner Almighty Universe Level pinnacle!

The strength is so strong that it can even fight against Almighty God!

Although the ultimate loser is definitely the original supreme, but it also shows the power of the original supreme!

Seeing that the power of creation that has been planned so well is about to fall into Della's hands, even the Primordial Supreme can't sit still!

And the first sky has already appeared, which means that the ban of the first generation of color gods has been contacted!

This group of gods who hold the peak power of the almighty universe is about to leave their clan!

"They came out!"

The first generation of color gods, the weakest one also has the strength of the late Super Universe Level!

Although there are not many, most of them are powerhouses in the early and middle stages of the Almighty Universe Level!

The strength can be said to be the best in the entire Marvel universe!

In their eyes, gods like the Court of Life are just weak gods that can be wiped out!

There are only four gods that can make the first generation of color gods care about! Next.

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