Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 186 Breakthrough! Omega!

Wanda is haunted by the Primal Supreme, but the other Celestial Team has been following the Sanctuary Latitude.

"Can Wanda hold back the Primal Supreme? 35

Frigga's eyes were full of worry, and what she had experienced recently made Frigga lose her confidence.

Odin, who used to be very powerful in Frigga's eyes, can't even get on the edge of the battlefield now!

As long as you dare to participate in the war, there is only one result, and that is death.

"We must persist until Della's breakthrough is successful!"

Odin looks resolute!

After countless battles, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he has never flinched!

It's the same this time!

At the moment Odin holds the latitude of the sanctuary and travels at high speed in the almighty universe.

But Odin knows that his strength is weaker after all. Although he has the blessing of the sanctuary latitude, he is only a multi-universe existence at most!

With such strength, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the first generation of color gods!

All Odin can do is to delay as long as possible!

"I didn't expect that in addition to an Almighty True God! In the multi-universe, a strong person like you was born!"

Primal Supreme finds himself unable to take down Wanda for a while!

It made him look ugly!

Unexpectedly, 08 has not yet seen the main master, and he has been dragged!

And the strength of the other party is not much weaker than himself!

"There are more things you don't know!"

Wanda's expression didn't change! Although Wanda didn't seem to be at a disadvantage in the battle just now, Wanda had already exerted all her strength.

Wanda knew that if there was no external force involved, and the battle continued, the one who would lose in the end would definitely be himself.

But now, what Della lacks is time!


The high-speed piercing sanctuary latitude was finally stopped by the first-generation color god group!

The latitude dimension wall originally hidden by Wanda was exposed, and the entire sanctuary latitude was directly pulled out by the people of the god group, and it was nakedly exposed to the almighty universe.

"Still caught up!

Odin's face is solemn!

Next, it's a tough fight.

Fortunately, Della's layout of the sanctuary latitude is quite strong, even if it is the god group of the Almighty Universe Level, it will never break the sanctuary latitude for a while!

When tracking the latitude of the Sanctuary, the members of the Celestial Team have been observing the progress of Della and the power of creation integrate in the timeline!

At the moment Della and the power of creation have been integrated almost halfway!

The speed shocked them all!

Shenwei is the creation of the first firmament, and is a high-level god that existed before the birth of the multi-universe. No one understands the power of creation better than them!

Even if their first-generation color god group and the power of creation are incomparably matched, there is absolutely no integration progress of Della!

At the moment when the latitude of the Sanctuary was stopped, the people of the Tianshen group launched an attack!

The power of the gods is rippling in the almighty universe, and dozens of gods of the Almighty Universe Level use the power of gods together.

The entire almighty universe trembled twice!

The enchantment of the latitude of the sanctuary took this blow hard, and there was a violent fluctuation in an instant!

Everyone who maintains the barrier within the latitude spit out blood almost at the same time and was seriously injured!

This immediately abolished the combat power of all high-level sanctuary latitudes!

"Is this the power of the Almighty Universe Level?!

Odin is not feeling well either. As the current controller of the latitude of the sanctuary, Odin is under the greatest pressure!

With the current strength of the Sanctuary latitude enchantment, it can only withstand such attacks twice at most!

More than two times, the enchantment and dimension wall of the sanctuary latitude will be directly broken!

Let everyone in the latitude of the sanctuary be exposed naked under the eyes of the god group!

Just when the Tenjin team wanted to launch a second attack, they were stopped!

The people who come are the Molecular Man Owen, the Transcendence, and the three Almighty Universe Level powerhouses in the Life Court!

"Fake God, what do you want to do?!

Looking at the three blocking in front of him, a member of the Tianshen group who led the team said!

"Although we are all your pawns, we also want to control our own destiny!"

Molecules and Transcendence already know everything about Transcendence Protoss!

Although Molecular and Transcendent are pawns that surpass Protoss, they know that the problem is not in Transcending Protoss.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is the first-generation Color Tenjin group in front of you!

"You have destroyed the balance of the almighty universe, you should not continue to shoot!"

The three faces of the Life Court all looked at the Tianshen group.

It is his responsibility to maintain the balance of the almighty universe. Although he has often neglected his duties recently, it does not mean that he has done nothing!

"You are courting death!"

Being blocked by a group of chess pieces, in the eyes of the first generation of color gods, is a humiliation to them!

In the blink of an eye, three teams of four Tianshen Group and Molecular Humans fought against each other!

Although Molecular Man, Transcendence and Life Tribunal all have the power of Almighty Universe Level, but facing the same Almighty Universe Level, and the number of the gods group exceeds their number, the three can only barely parry, and defeat is only a matter of time. .

And the other universe gods are numb! Three more Almighty Universe Levels jumped out!

At the moment the entire almighty universe has been reduced to the battlefield of these great gods!

Even the gods of the Super Universe Level chose to protect themselves at this moment and retreated to the edge of the almighty universe!

Fear of being affected.

"It appeared again?!

The god of symbiotes, the Naars, is also numb!

In Gnar's perception, Almighty Universe Level gods with more than double digits appeared at war!

The scope of the spread is very huge! The entire almighty universe is shaking!


After all, the three Molecular People were not the opponents of the Tianshen Group. In just a few minutes, they were severely injured.

"The people of the Tianshen group are so strong!"

There was a miserable smile on Molecular Man's face. He didn't expect that he escaped the Transcendence God Race, but he couldn't escape the Heavenly God Group!

Although it was his own choice, they did not expect to lose so quickly.

Soon, the three of them were all knocked out and fell on the edge of the almighty universe!

Seeing the three seriously injured, all the gods watching the battle on the edge of the almighty universe felt chills in their hearts!

These three are the gods of the Almighty Universe Level!

But after only a few minutes of fighting, they were all lost!

One by one was seriously injured!

Within the latitude of the Sanctuary, the severely wounded used the original Time Gem to recover from their injuries, but they knew that they would not last long.

The original Time Gem had no way of affecting the original Chromatic Celestials.


The people of the Tenjin group attacked the barrier of the latitude of the sanctuary again!

This time the attack is stronger than the last!

The cosmic space around the latitude of the Sanctuary was shattered! A huge amount of almighty black hole was formed!

All 310 of the surrounding stars were swallowed up, and only the latitude of the Sanctuary persisted!

"Della Odinson! Hand over the power of creation! Otherwise, none of these people will want to live!

A group of gods headed by them knows that Della now exists at every node in the timeline! The other party can definitely hear your own words!

Seeing that Della did not move, the people of the god group directly smashed the enchantment and dimension wall of the sanctuary latitude.

At the moment the sanctuary latitude has lost all protection.

Everyone has seen the gods of the gods that are comparable to the stars!

Losing the protection of the enchantment, under the divine power of the god group, everyone in the latitude of the sanctuary lost the ability to act.

He was suppressed in the spot, unable to move!


A sigh came from the timeline!

What appeared afterward was a giant palm that covered the sky!


Seeing this giant palm, all the gods' faces changed greatly!

They sense a fatal crisis!

That powerful force made cracks appear in the armor on their bodies!

"What kind of power is this!?"

The Primordial Supreme also felt the fluctuations in Della's power, making him horrified!

"It's the power of Della! 35

Wanda's eyes lit up, this familiar power fluctuation, she would never admit it wrong!


There's a huge amount of storm in the almighty universe!

Della's palm protruding from the timeline collided with the all-out strike of the Tenjin team!

At the moment when the divine powers of the two sides collided, the armor of everyone in the Tianshen group was damaged, and the body of the gods was also torn!

Huge amounts of explosions resounded throughout the almighty universe!.

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