Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 33 Head-To-Head Confrontation

Johnny rode his motorcycle to the outskirts of the small town of Santa Van Gonzalo, even if he didn't transform into a Ghost Rider at the moment

Johnny could also feel the strong demonic aura here. He also felt the wind demon breath that attacked him last time

"Welcome to the town of Santa Van Gonzalo, did you bring the contract?"

As soon as Johnny walked outside, the wind demon and the water demon appeared in front of Johnny.

"Bring it! Where's my girlfriend? I won't give the contract to you without seeing her! If something happens to her, then I'll break the contract!"

Johnny has already fought against the wind demon, and the elemental ability is extremely difficult to deal with. If no special means are used, the physical attack is completely ineffective.

"Do you dare to break the contract? Then your girlfriend won't want to live!"

The water devil looked at Johnny with bad intentions. In his opinion, it is the best to be able to grab the contract directly.

And Johnny's girlfriend is still in the town, and the water devil bet he wouldn't dare to break the contract!

A strong wind blows towards Johnny! It was the power Johnny had felt the last time. The fire of hell instantly covered the whole body, and the long spear enchanted by the flame erupted with unparalleled power

Seeing the wind demon make a move, the water demon also sneaked into the swamp under Johnny's feet.

Johnny Yu Guang, who was attracted by the wind demon, saw the disappearance of the water demon, and his vigilance rose! Crisis keeps coming

Even if Johnny of At the moment has been trained by Della, he can control the power of Ghost Rider freely

But for a few days, it doesn't improve much strength. It is still a bit difficult to fight with one against two

"These two demons can be regarded as high-level demons in hell. They can be elementalized and can be integrated into the environment. The weapons of ordinary human beings are completely no threat to them."

The people of the zodiac watch the battle in the dimensional space

This is an early preparation, as long as Mo Faithto shows up. they can walk the dimension through the mirror space

"Ability is not weak, but its strength is a little worse. For the powerhouse on the mysterious side, they are no threat"

As a fighting madman, Aldiba analyzed the demon in front of him for the first time

"From a purely human perspective, they are already able to match the Saint Seiya with the limit of the five senses in the Sanctuary. This is already the pinnacle of ordinary humans."

From a completely neutral point of view, Mu sees the demons in front of him as a very strong threat to mankind.

Johnny with the flame attribute was suddenly pulled into the swamp by the water demon! The completely exclusive environment makes him extremely uncomfortable, but the fire of hell is worthy of the fire of hell

Even water can be burned by the fire of hell!

The surrounding swamp was already boiling under Johnny's fire

At the moment, the water devil, who has a geographical advantage, is extremely uncomfortable, and actually falls into the disadvantage.

The boiling swamp and the water demons that melted into it felt like they were boiling!

If he doesn't leave, the water devil feels that he will be evaporated, and he has no choice but to change back to his human form.

"look into my eyes!"

The battle in the water, Fengmo, can't get involved! Even the pervasive wind cannot fight in a completely water environment!

Not to mention that the water in this matter has been burned to the boil by the fire of hell. Johnny caught the moment when the water devil turned back to human form.

The burning eyes looked directly at the water demon! The water devil was shocked, but he had lost the ability to resist, so he could only let the fire burn from the depths of his soul

In just a few seconds, the water devil turned to ashes under the eyes of repentance! swallowed by the boiling swamp

Feng Mo looked at the boiling swamp and could only worry. constantly changing position over the swamp

Sudden! A flaming chain shot up from the swamp and! Directly locked the wind demon!

Feng Mo was a little surprised that he was actually trapped by the entity! But the chains enchanted by hellfire are no longer something the wind demon can break free from.

The mighty fire of hell climbed up the body of the wind demon along the chain! Feng Mo kept struggling, but he was powerless and could only be burnt out under this flame.

Johnny emerges from the swamp, having dealt with the two formidable enemies

I used to fight very hard when I faced Fengmo, a demon, but I didn't expect that after being beaten for a few days, I would be able to deal with two such demons.

For the first time, Johnny at the moment has a more accurate positioning of his strength

"This guy's strength is not weak, and the fire of hell is outrageous! Although the amount is not large, the quality is extremely high!"

Shaka's eyes were tightly closed, the fire of hell, even a group of golden saints, were faintly uneasy

"Definitely not weak, that is the power of a devil from hell. Ghost Rider essentially borrowed the power of this devil, but the devil was sealed and turned into Ghost Rider's power extractor"

Hypros knew about Ghost Rider's origin from Della, so he wasn't surprised at all about this power.

When the group of gold heard Hyporos' explanation, they couldn't help but feel relieved.

Being able to be called a Demon King in the hell dimension is at least the level of God Father's combat power. Even if it is not as good as Mo Faith, it will not be much weaker.

Although the high-end combat power of the current Saint Seiya Legion has also broken through the seventh sense, reaching the existence of Level God Father

But it's only in the early stage of the seventh sense, and among the Level God Fathers, it's a relatively weak existence.

Just in terms of the power of the stars given by the microcosm and Della, they are both Level God Fathers, and it is no problem to deal with ordinary Level God Fathers.

But compared to the powerhouses of Odin, the Celestial Group and the Cosmic Elder Council, it is still far from enough.

In other words, both are Level God Father. The Level God Father of the Saint Seiya Legion can only resist the demon king of hell at most. If he wants to fight, he has little hope

"I didn't expect Ghost Rider to have such a history"

Aiolia is a little surprised, the water in Midgard is extremely deep! Even their sanctuary dare not say that they are invincible!

After all, the sanctuary has been established for thousands of years, and it has also encountered extremely difficult battles.

There are even saints who died in such a war! Therefore, their sanctuary never underestimates any strong person

They also understood why Della came to Earth to establish a sanctuary in one battle after another.

"Don't be distracted! Johnny is about to see the witch heart demon! Waiting for the order of His Highness Della!"

Hypolos kept his eyes on Johnny. Seeing that Johnny was about to see Wuxin Demon, he called out everyone who was distracted.

"Witch Heart Demon! I brought the contract you asked for! Where's my girlfriend!"

Johnny's coat is tattered, At the moment looks a little embarrassed

"Very good, you are very trustworthy!"

Wuxinmo is not surprised that the water demon and the wind demon did not win the contract in Johnny's hand. After all, the last Ghost Rider was also a tough guy to deal with.

The witch heart demon has already felt the power of the contract of Saint Van Gonzalo in Johnny's hand!

After that contract came to this town, it became restless! As if there are countless demons trying to get out of trouble...

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