Chapter 61: Taiping Heaven Changes, Ye Chen Builds a City!

Zhang Jiao did not stay for long.

After Ye Chen withdrew from Yuyang County.

The Yellow Turban Army will occupy this county seat.

And at the same time.

Yellow Turbans from all over the world.

It will also rise at the same time!!

A turmoil that swept the entire Han world is just around the corner.

And for Ye Chen.

This turmoil is exactly: It was the shield he was looking forward to.

"Miss Mi, now... There will be turmoil everywhere, in my opinion... You still come back to Qingfeng Mountain with me, where it will be safer." "

Wait for Zhang Jiao's figure to disappear completely.

Ye Chen turned his head to look at Mi Zhen and said.

Mi Zhen looked at Ye Chen slightly, and Shuangxia unconsciously blushed.

Replied in a small voice: "Slave, everything follows the lord..."

Ye Chen was stunned.

He is not a first brother.

This Mi Zhen: It's obviously the beginning of the relationship.


I don't look bad.


Mi Zhen was only a twenty-eighth girl at this time.

Girl Huaichun.

It's time.

It's just that.....

So it seems.

Liu Daer is afraid that he has no chance with Mi Zhen.

I don't know which woman's belly Liu Adou will be born from in the future...


The other side.

Outside the county seat of Yuyang.

One after another, groups of yellow turbans arrived thirty miles outside the county seat.


Waiting for the order to start attacking the county.

In the early days, the Yellow Turban Rebellion was like a raging fire, and it swept the entire Han world in an instant.

In just one month.

The rebel army was in full swing, and seven prefectures and twenty-eight counties of the Great Han Dynasty fought at the same time.

The loss of the prefecture and the flight of the magistrates shook Kyoto.

Even in Youzhou.

The Yellow Turbans also conquered several county towns.

In a short time.

The entire Han Dynasty seemed to be crushed by the Yellow Turban Army in an instant.

Of course.

The story behind is that the Han Emperor used Haoqiang.

Powerful people everywhere have sent troops to contribute.

Soon, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was compressed in the area of Jizhou.

Wait for Zhang Jiao to die.

Yellow Turban Army.

It fell apart.

This is the moment.

Zhang Jiao also came to the place where the Yellow Turban Army gathered.

Zhang Jiao at this time.

It was as if he had really become an ordinary old farmer.

The rest of the yellow turbans did not notice.

It was in an inconspicuous place where a large number of clothed Yellow Turban troops gathered.

The Great Sage of Taiping Dao.

Just watching his army.


Zhang Jiao looked at this army with clothes like refugees.

I couldn't help but sigh slightly.


Stop talking.

Zhang Jiao was so respectful of Ye Chen, let Guan Hai... Slightly tasteful.

Finally, Guan Hai could not hold back, and asked: "Sect Master, left and right are just a bandit leader, worthy of you.." Is it so important? "

Zhang Jiao turned his head and looked at Guan Hai, and after being silent for a while, he asked, "Remember, why are we here?" "

"Come for Ye Chen."

"In this case, didn't you understand some things about Ye Chen."

"Yes: Just .."

Zhang Jiao waved his hand: "If you think about it, how long did it take for Ye Chen to go from an ordinary mountain thief to a strong general who can now kill five martial generals?" "

Guan Hai was silent.

"Less than: One month! "

Zhang Jiao emphasized.

"What's more, he's now: Not a military general yet! "

"What did you say?!"

Guan Hai was completely shocked. 、

"You say, he's not a martial general?! How is this possible! "

"If you are not a martial general, how can you kill five martial generals alone? And still facing the siege of five generals..."

Guan Hai suddenly stopped.


With the power of the Sect Leader.

He said that Ye Chen was not yet a martial general.

Then that's for sure:

Not a military general yet!!


If you are not a military general, you are already so powerful.

One day, Ye Chen will become a martial general?

Guan Hai's face was shocked, and at the same time, his heart began to understand... Why, Zhang Jiao would take out the position of the next sect leader of the Taiping Dao to win over Ye Chen.


Ye Chen is worth it!!

Seeing Guan Hai's face was shocked and shocked.

Zhang Jiao sighed deeply.

Guan Hai is the martial general he values the most.


No scheming.

There is no strategy.

There is only one fierce courage.

By such a martial general.

Can it be done?

Zhang Jiao didn't know.

However, he still wanted to try.


Although Ye Chen pointed out so many drawbacks of Taiping Dao.

But he missed one point.

That is...

He opens his horns!!

With the strength of the world!

One year!

As long as your body can support for a year.

It was enough for him to build a stable force that could compete with the Great Han Court!


Overthrow this long decaying Han court.

Not impossible!!

"Don't pay attention to this Ye Chen first..."

Zhang Jiao took a deep breath.

"Return to Jizhou immediately! The month ahead... It is the key to my career!! "

"As much as possible, occupy as much territory as possible and mobilize more believers!!"

"Days: It should be changing!! "


Zhang Jiao left.

The Yellow Turbans outside the city did not move.

They are waiting.

Waiting for Ye Chen's departure.

And Ye Chen.

is to use this time.

Collate and count the resources obtained in Yuyang County.


3.8 million stone!!

To carry this grain.

Ye Chen hired almost the entire Qingfeng Ridge and the surrounding displaced people.

Build a grain truck and move it like an ant moving.


It is food that can be eaten by hundreds of thousands of people for two consecutive years!!

It is not a day or two to move out.


And a large amount of armament.

Leather armor, swords, guns, halberds, spears, spears, etc.

These are also strategic resources, and Ye Chen will not leave behind.

And other than that.

It's the population!!

A large number of displaced people in Yuyang County were all prepared by Ye Chen to be pulled back to Qingfeng Ridge.

Three days after Zhang Jiao left.

Leaf dust. 、

Finally going.

With a large team.

Return to Breeze Ridge!!

"Miss Mi, this is Qingfeng Mountain!"

Ye Chen stood at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

Pointing to the earth under his feet, he looked at the top of Qingfeng Mountain.

"The future, from here, to the top of the mountain, will be: A new city!! "

Ye Chen pointed to the hillside in front of him and said.

A mountain town!

This time, a lot of resources were obtained in Yuyang County.

Finally can start...

The construction of a third-order town is over!



The future new city keeper Xu Yan and chief architect Xu Fan came together.

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face. 、

"Mr. Xu, you came just in time!"

He pulled out two gems from his arms.

Xu Fan's eyes lit up.

"This... This is a formation gem?! "

"Exactly!" Ye Chen said with a smile, "Tomb General Pavilion, and Hongwen Hall.. It's time to start building! "

Accompanied by two formation gems.

are two construction drawings.

Xu Fan was like a treasure, and his eyes shone.

"Sure enough! Sure enough, it was such a god-level drawing! "

"Sir, you are truly a god man!"

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