Chapter 92: Crazy Income! Six million to hand!

Just when Guan Hai left Julu and prepared to go to the northern Pingyu City to ask for help.

Ye Chen had already led the army and returned to Pingyu City.

Under Xu Yan's arrangement.

Return to the army of Pingyu.

Received the most grand reception!

All the lords of Pingyu City watched with enthusiasm the returning army.

At the time when Lord General took them out.


They are all existences that have just been converted into elite soldiers.

And now...

All of them have become high-level elite troops!

Even.. Part of it!

There are about a thousand people.

All of them are qualified to change to military generals!

It's just a lack of martial arts exercises!

Martial General Exercises.

Most of them were in the hands of the imperial court and powerful people everywhere.

Ye Chen wanted to get.

Only through conquest.


In this regard, there is no hurry.

The first thing after returning to Pingyu City.

It was to make arrangements for the 400,000 freed Hannu.

In fact, it is just the same as the original farmer in Pingyu City.

After announcing the policy of paying taxes and clearing land.

These freed Hannu.

All with a look of disbelief.


Everyone was ecstatic.

"Lord General is merciful!"

"Thank you, Lord General, for your life!"

"Lord General, for thousands of generations..."

For a moment.

Almost all refugees are filled with gratitude and reverence.

They were originally the people at the bottom who had nothing,


They will not be sold to the northern steppes and become barbarian slaves!


They were rescued by Ye Chen and brought back to Handi.

However, for them.

Returned to the Han land, just not enslaved by barbarians.

But I didn't know:

Where is your way out.

I don't know:

Where can I go to live.


Many people are also secretly worried.

He has just escaped the slavery of barbarians, and will not fall into the oppression of the bandits again...

Isn't that.

Just out of the tiger's den, and into the wolf's den?


When Ye Chen announced the policy.

After Ye Chen gave them hope of survival.

The apprehension and panic in everyone's hearts disappeared.

They have hearts in their hearts.

There is only gratitude in the heart.

Under the protection of Pingyu City.

They can pioneer and farm.

At extremely low tax rates.


You can guarantee your basic survival.

It can be said.

Ye Chen to them.

Like a reborn parent!

How could they not be grateful and disloyal to Ye Chen?


Under Xu Yan's arrangement.

All refugees are guaranteed according to five families and one family. The organizational structure of Wubao and one village was organized.

In the Breeze Valley.

There is also a large amount of wasteland that has not been explored.

Just right.

This trip to the steppe.

Harvest the most.

It's horses.

With a large number of horses.

The wasteland of Qingfeng Valley can be quickly reclaimed.

At this time, the beginning of spring has passed, and all things are sown.

The addition of these hundreds of thousands of laborers.

In an instant, let the development degree of Qingfeng Valley.

It's like riding a roller coaster.

It takes less than a month.

Millions of acres of fertile land can be reclaimed.

With a population of hundreds of thousands.

Millions of good fields.

Plus the strong city of Pingyu City.

Ye Chen's power also has a foundation and foundation!

After arranging the pioneer thing.

Ye Chen did not immediately return to the room and fight Mi Zhen for hundreds of rounds or something. 、

There is no other reason for this.

The second eldest of the Mi clan, Mi Fang came to Pingyu City.

In fact.

Mi Fang has been here for a while.

After hearing that Ye Chen had destroyed Wuhuan and Xianbei.

He came to Pingyu City non-stop.

If say, before this.

Mi and Ye Chen's cooperation. 、

More, like mutual use.

Mi just wanted to master the business way through Ye Chen and get more profits.

Right now....

Mi already knew.

In the cooperation with Ye Chen.

They have lost their equal status.

Ye Chen's power is no longer an existence that Mi can reach.

And in such cases.

Mi Shi is also willing to strengthen his relationship with Ye Chen.

Because... The merchant's sense of smell is the keenest.

Now in the world of the Han Dynasty, yellow turbans are everywhere, and the pastoral history of various prefectures has begun to have the right to recruit troops and command troops.

And so it goes.

Even if the yellow turban is eliminated in the future.

The princes of this place:

How to deal with it?

This world.

Seeing is the time when it is about to become a chaotic era in the Warring States.

He was able to deepen his relationship with the clans who occupied a strong city and had tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, and had the strength to destroy the existence of tribes such as Xianbei and Wuhuan.


I can't ask for it.

Not to mention:

Now the Mi family's concubines have been taken in by others.

If this relationship does not deepen, there is no way.

"Haidong Mi clan, Mi Fang meets General Pingyu!"

On the first side of seeing Ye Chen.

Mi Fang was surprised by Ye Chen's youth.

But the etiquette that should be there, but dare not slack off in the slightest.


Ye Chen smiled.

"How? Cooperate with me Pingyucheng: Didn't treat you Mi badly, did you? "

Mi Fang hurriedly said: "Where is the Great General, the conditions you gave are already very generous, and now that the Great General is in Mobei, the risk of me and other merchants going to Mobei is lower, so... My eldest brother thinks... A million taxes a year, still a little too little, Lord General: I am willing to raise the price. "

Mi Fang's words are not bad.

With the submission of the Mobei tribes to Ye Chen.

Merchants who come out of the Cyprus only need to hang the banner of Pingyu City.

You don't have to worry about being plundered by tribes everywhere!

And so it goes.

The cost of trade. 、

Reduced again.

And at this time.

Mi offered to increase the annual tax price.

On the one hand, it is a show of favor to Ye Chen.

On the other hand, they are beginning to worry about competitors.

After all..

Mi and Ye Chen have a five-year contract.

But who dares. 、

This agreement Ye Chen will definitely carry out?

If there are other merchants who are willing to pay a larger price, it is difficult to ensure that Ye Chen will not be moved.

In such cases.

Might as well be frank.

One step ahead.

Raise the price to the extent that Ye Chen is satisfied.

After all..

When trade out of Cyprus is no longer much risky.

The profits from trade will drive merchants crazy.

When Ye Chen heard this, he didn't feel strange.

After all..

Mi can achieve the level of wealth and rival countries, and naturally he is not a fool.

His agreement with the Mi clan was signed when he only controlled the trade routes of the Yanbei Mountain Range.


A million a year.

Mi is estimated to have some flesh pain.

But now.

I don't just master business.

Even the market is in your hands.

In this scenario:

If it is still maintained for one million gold coins a year.

That's a loss.

But it's Ye Chen.

If Mi does not offer to exchange the contract.

Ye Chen will probably soon consider kicking Mi out and replacing him!


Business and markets are in his hands.

This time.

Ye Chen is an absolute monopolist.

Any merchant who does not follow his rules.

Can't go to Mobei to trade!

With his deterrent power against the Mobei tribes.

He can do it easily.

Ye Chen smiled slightly on his face and said, "In this case, Mi, how much money are you going to give a year to contract out the qualification of the Cypriot trade?"

Mi Fang was overjoyed when she heard this, and immediately said: "Five million! Five million gold coins a year! "

"Lord General, I think: In the whole big han, there are no merchants, who can afford this price! "

Ye Chen nodded when he heard this, but he was not very satisfied with the price.

"That's right, Dahan doesn't have a merchant who can afford this price, even if it is your Mi clan, I'm afraid you won't be able to get this price for a while, right?"

"But... The monopoly qualification of the trade can not only be: That's five million! "

When Mi Fang heard this, she suddenly became a little nervous.

Ye Chen looked at Mi Fang.

Then he said, "Six million! One year: Six million gold coins, can only be signed for three years!! "

"Three years later... Change the appointment according to the situation! "


It has already exceeded the limit in Mi Fang's heart.


After a moment of reflection.

Mi Fang still gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Good! Lord General: That's six million!! "


Buy the qualification to monopolize the Mobei market!!

Mi this time.

It's also a fight!

【Fourth Change】

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